Associated researchers
CHEGU is a meeting-place for researchers and PhD students from different fields, institutions and faculties but also for everybody interested in health-economics and not active at Gothenburg University. It is an aim that we are trying to fulfill, for example, by arranging multidisciplinary seminars and conferences in the field of health-economics.
The persons that are involved in CHEGU in this, or any other way, are presented here:
Andrén, Daniela
Senior lecturer, Örebro University
Bidarian-Moniri, Armin
Västra Götalandsregion
Barbieri, Paolo Nicola
Bergenheim, Klas
Senior Health Economist, Astra Zeneca
Berggren, Andrea
PhD student, University of Gothenburg
Bolin, Kristian
Professor, University of Gothenburg
Bondjer, Göran
Sahlgrenska, University of Gothenburg
Brannman, Lance
Astra Zeneca
Brilli, Ylenia
Post-doctor, University of Verona
Davidsson, Thomas
PhD, Linköping University and Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment
Durevall, Dick
Professor, University of Gothenburg
Elsner, Dominik
PhD student, University of Gothenburg
Eriksson, Thomas
Consultant, Insitute of Applied Economics and Health Research
Galama, Titus
Professor, University of Southern California
Gyllensten, Hanna
Post-doctor, University of Gothenburg
Hansson Olofsson, Elisabeth
Senior lecturer, University of Gothenburg
Karlberg, Ingvar
University of Gothenburg
Kaestner, Robert
Professor, University of Illinois
Kjellson, Gustav
Senior lecturer, University of Gothenburg
Lampi, Elina
Associate professor, University of Gothenburg
Liljas, Bengt
Astra Zeneca
Lindskog, Annika
Senior lecturer, University of Gothenburg
Martinsson, Peter
Professor, University of Gothenburg
Mitrut, Andreea
Associate professor, University of Gothenburg
Norrgren, Lisa
PhD student, University of Gothenburg
Ralsmark, Hilda