European and Comparative Constitutional Law Research Cluster
The cluster consists of researchers interested in the law and theory of EU law, ECHR law, comparative constitutional law, comparative law, and cross-legal matters more broadly.
The cluster has strong ties to the Law school’s teaching area groups (ämnesgrupper) and has as its specific task advancing research related to EU law, ECHR, and comparative law matters. The cluster organizes discussion groups (e.g. an EU law discussion group) as well as regular conferences and workshops.
The cluster has also close links to international research projects at the GU. For example, the EU Horizon-funded consortium HRJust project (HRjust) is coordinated in the Law Department and with one of the work packages (WP 3) hosted in the Law Department as well. In addition, the cluster has close ties with the interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (CERGU) as well as to the European study program at GU. In addition, the cluster has collaboration with the Swedish Network of European Legal Studies.
There are several advanced LLM courses that are related to the cluster and taught by our members. For example, the following courses:
- EU Constitutional Law, HRS 312
- Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law, HRS 193
- EU procedural law HRS085
The cluster organizes seminars and conferences. All faculty members are welcome to participate in our cluster. The events are, in general, open to the public.
Upcoming events
Upcoming and past events related to EU or/and comparative constitutional law:
31 January -1 February 2025 - Animal law and Jurisprudence: EU Law and beyond, in Gothenburg
Past events
18-19 October 2024 - Conference on Human Rights Justifications and the EU, in Gothenburg.
More information and registration
November 6th: Criminal law seminar jointly organized with the International Politics Seminar
November 22nd: EU Law Discussion Group
December 8th: Criminal Law Symposium
Date tbc - Sweden and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, criminal law group
CERGU and EU law discussion group (venue and time tbc), Prof Grahn-Farley & Prof Herlin-Karnell , HR Just. October 17th.
Rome, HR Just meeting WP3, October 27th.
Workshop: dimensions of autonomy in national and EU criminal law, 29th November 2022, criminal law group
Conference: (Eutopia) International Law in Context (co-organized with partner universities), Gothenburg 8 Nov 2022
15-16 September 2022, Privatization and Coercion: On Legitimate Authority, Markets and Criminal Law in the EU and Transnational Contexts
23 March 2022 The Russian war in Ukraine and the role of the EU
EU Law Discussion Group
24-05-10 - EU Law Discussion Group, Dr Meng Zhang , Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Buisness Law, Lund University”Decoupling vs Decarbonizing? EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its Implications to the EU-China Climate Game in a Polarized World”
2024-05-14 -EU Law Discussion GroupDr Alezini Loxa, Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Law, Lund University“Sustainability and EU Migration Law: What Place for Migrants' Rights”
2021-09-29 - EU Law Discussion Group - Cecilia Malmström
2021-10-13 - EU Law Discussion Group - Martin Sunnqvist & Xavier Groussot
2021-11-04 - EU Law Discussion Group - Violeta Moreno-Lax
2021-11-10 - EU Law Discussion Group - Carl-Fredrik Bergström & Magnus Strand
2021-11-29 - EU Law Discussion Group - Leandro Mancano
2021-12-17 - EU law discussion group - Mar Jimeno Bulnes
2022-09-28 - EU Law Discussion Group
2022-10-19 - EU Law Discussion Group
2022-11-03 - EU Law Discussion Group