University of Gothenburg

Ocean Sciences

The sea affects everyone on this planet. This Thematical area addresses the ocean's immediate sustainability challenges through a high-quality, multidisciplinary scientific basis for transformative management and governance, which is critical for protection and restoration and for future use to occur sustainably in harmony with nature's constraints.

Marine research is often interdisciplinary in nature, and we need to strengthen the links between all the research that is carried out

Between 300 and 400 researchers at the University of Gothenburg work on something to do with the sea. Marine research is often multidisciplinary. Within the natural sciences, chemistry, physics, biology and geosciences can all contribute towards the same research project, but marine research is also conducted at all other faculties.


Within the Faculty of Science:

  • Department of Marine Sciences
  • Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
  • Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Department of Earth Sciences

With other faculties and departments:

  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • HDK-Valand
  • IT-faculty
  • Sahlgrenska Academy
  • School of Business, Economics and Law
Professor Martin Hassellöv
Professor Martin Hassellöv coordinates UGOT Ocean, which aims to achieve better visibility and increased collaboration within the University’s marine research.
Photo: Malin Arnesson
SDG 14 Illustration