Reading list

Commercial law


First cycle
12 credits (ECTS)

About the Reading list

Valid from
Autumn semester 2024 (2024-09-02)
Decision date

Emblad, Patrik, Skatt och samhälle. Norstedts juridik (latest edition).

Giertz, Magdalena; Åsa Hellstadius, m.fl., Svensk juridik. Studentlitteratur (latest edition).

Hiort af Ornäs Leijon, Lena och Eleonor Kristoffersson, Skattesystemet. Lärobok. Iustus förlag (latest edition).

A collection of legal texts in civil law:

  • Munck, JohanSveriges Rikes Lag. Norstedts juridik (latest edition) or
  • Persson, Mats, Författningssamling för Svensk juridik. Norstedts juridik (latest edition) or
  • Warberg, Anna, Libers lagtextsamling för juridiska grundkurser. Liber (latest edition).

A collection of legal texts in tax law:

  • Rabe, Gunnar, Skattelagstiftning 24:1. Norstedts juridik, or
  • Rabe, Gunnar, Skattelagstiftning 24:2. Norstedts juridik.

Please note that the book Svensk juridik is the same that was used in EKR101 Introduction to Commercial Law.

Other course material such as supporting material for learning activities and articles that can be included in the examination are published on the course’s website the University of Gothenburg's learning platform.