Data Analytics for Economics and Finance
Dataanalys för nationalekonomi och finans
About the Syllabus
Grading scale
Course modules
The course is a 7.5 credits bachelor course within the first cycle.
Entry requirements
Admission to the course requires a minimum of 30 credits of Statistics, of which at least 15 credits have obtained a passing grade, or 60 credits of Economics, of which at least 45 credits have obtained a passing grade, or 60 credits of Finance, of which at least 45 credits have obtained a passing grade.
This course covers methods for generating data sets for further analysis by merging and processing data from several "big data" data sources, analysis of data quality, data visualization and machine learning methods.
These methods are implemented using an appropriate software package. The course is to a large extent based on computer-based project work.
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
- Use methods for generating data sets
- Analyze data quality
- Visualize data sets
- Train and evaluate basic machine learning
Sustainability labelling
Form of teaching
The course content is primarily presented during lectures.
A significant part of knowledge acquisition in the course is achieved through individual work.
Language of instruction: English
Examination formats
The learning outcomes are assessed through written assignments and written exams. To pass the course, a passing grade is required for both of these components.
For a passing grade on the assignments, all tasks must be approved within the same or a maximum of two consecutive course sessions.
If a student who has twice received a failing grade for the same examination component wishes to change examiner ahead of the next examination session, such a request should be made to the department in writing and should be approved by the department unless there are special reasons to the contrary (Chapter 6 Section 22 of the Higher Education Ordinance).
If a student has received a recommendation from the University of Gothenburg for study support for students with disabilities, the examiner may, where it is compatible with the learning outcomes of the course and provided that no unreasonable resources are required, decide to allow the student to sit an adjusted exam or alternative form of assessment.
In the event that a course has ceased or undergone major changes, students are to be guaranteed at least three examination sessions (including the ordinary examination session) over a period of at least one year, but no more than two years after the course has ceased/been changed. The same applies to internships and professional placements (VFU), although this is restricted to just one additional examination session.
The grading scale comprises: Excellent (A), Very good (B), Good (C), Satisfactory (D), Sufficient (E) and Fail (F).
Course evaluation
The course will be evaluated upon completion. The course evaluation is done digitally and anonymously via a survey. The survey material is compiled and processed by the course committee, where the results of the course evaluation and suggestions for any improvement measures are discussed.
The results of and possible changes to the course will be shared with students who participated in the evaluation and students who are starting the course.