Reading list

Learning, instruction and digitalisation in Higher Education

Lärande, undervisning och digitalisering i högskolan

Second cycle
7.5 credits (ECTS)

About the Reading list

Valid from
Autumn semester 2024 (2024-09-02)
Decision date

Aagaard, T. & Lund, A. (2020) Digital agency in higher education: transforming teaching and learning. Routledge. (132 pages)

Bennett, S., Agostinho, S., & Lockyer, L. (2017). The process of designing for learning: understanding university teachers' design work. Educational Technology Research and Development65(1), 125–145. (20 pages)

From, J. (2017). Pedagogical digital competence - between values, knowledge and skills. Higher Education Studies7(2), 43. (7 pages)

Long, D. & Magerko, B. (2020). What is AI literacy? Competencies and design considerations. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, pp. 1-16. (17 pages)

Pinheiro, R. Edelhard Tømte, C., Barman, L., Degn, L., & Geschwind, L. (2023). Digital transformations in Nordic higher education (1st ed.). Springer Nature. (274 pages)

Singh, Steele, K., & Singh, L. (2021). Combining the Best of Online and Face-to-Face Learning: Hybrid and blended learning approach for COVID-19, post vaccine, & post-pandemic world. Journal of Educational Technology Systems50(2), 140–171. (31 pages)

Spante, M., Sofkova Hashemi, S., Lundin, M. & Algers, A. (2018) Digital competence and digital literacy in higher education research: systematic review of concept use. Cogent Education 5(1), 1-21. (22 pages)

Additional literature with relevance for the specific seminars will be added during the course.