A person leaning into a piano

Master of Fine Arts in Music with Specialisation in Composition

Master’s programme
2 years
120 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 506 000 SEK
First payment: 126 500 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed


The field of contemporary experimental music and sound art is continuously growing. Targeting this state of the arts, our international Master Programme — Experimental Composition and Creation — is looking for creators and composers who are curious about interdisciplinary engagement and situation specific contexts. The programme addresses a broad variety of expanded activities relating to instrumental and vocal music, sound art, performance and sound installation, electronic and free improvised music.


This programme accepts new students every two years. 

Experimental Composition and Creation

We offer the opportunity to follow an explorative project through the entire programme, beginning already with your application where you submit a description of your idea. Throughout the programme, you will examine new perspectives and challenge your practices through encounters with your fellow students, your supervisor, and our guest teachers who are experts from the music field and other art forms. You will receive support from professors at our department as well as other departments at the Academy of Music and Drama, such as Contemporary Performative Arts, Improvisation, World Music, Opera, and Music and Sound Production, to suit your specific ongoing music exploration. 

Exclusive admission every two years

We admit students every second year. The next group will then start in autumn 2024. Accepting a group of only eight to ten students, you will be able to closely interact with each other during the two years of studies, following the same time plan for the development of your independent projects. An essential part of the programme consists of project-based work, where you meet active composers, musicians, and artists in workshops and lab situations.

Diverse collaborations

The programme is characterized by an interdisciplinary environment through interaction with fellow students and visiting lecturers, and we have close links to the research environment at the institution, faculty, and university. Our main teachers are Malin Bång, Staffan Mossenmark and Palle Dahlstedt. Our visiting lecturers during recent years include Juliana Hodkinson, Stefan Prins, Anna Kubelik and Chaya Czernowin among others. You will have the opportunity to be a part of ongoing collaborations with established musicians and ensembles such as Mimitabu, Gageego, Curious Chamber Players, Musica Vitae string orchestra, and Norrköping Symphony Orchestra. We collaborate with venues and institutions such as Atalante, 3:e våningen and Cinnober.

Programme structure and content

The scheduled activities include individual sessions with professors and supervisors, collective classes with your fellow students, project weeks with invited guests within different artistic fields, lab and workshop sessions where you interact within the class and with other master’s programmes, and collaborations with professional ensembles. 
The Independent Project course accounts for one fourth of the programme, and you have a great deal of freedom to experiment and explore new ideas and reflect on your choices. You proceed with your investigative work independently in consultation with your supervisor.

Who should apply?

If you are active as a composer or performer within instrumental music, sound art, performance art, sound installation, electronic music, free improvised music, or areas neighbouring these fields, and have a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts or the equivalent, you are welcome to apply for the programme with a draft of an explorative project. The programme is open to both international and Swedish students. Instruction is primarily in English, but individual teaching in Swedish is also possible.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

Bachelor's degree of fine arts or equivalent, and musical knowledge and skills that are assessed at the admission test and are the basis for selection. Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.

Special instructions for application

Here you will find detailed information about the entrance exams for Master of Fine Arts in Music with Specialisation in Composition. 

More information about Special instructions for application


Selection of eligible applicants is based upon entrance tests. More information about applications and entrance tests can be found at the home page of the Academy of Music and Drama:

After graduation

Graduates of the programme receive the degree Master of Fine Arts in Music with a specialization in composition.

Our programme has close links to the research environment at the institution, faculty, and University and offers unique conditions to qualify for postgraduate education. You will also be well prepared for a career in the contemporary music and sound art field, as composers, performers, sound artists, initiators of artistic and musical projects, and curators.


The Academy of Music and Drama operates from four locations in Gothenburg: Eklandagatan 86, Åvägen 24 (Brewhouse), Vasagatan 50 (HDK-Valand) and Triörgatan 1 (Andra stället). This programme is primarily located at Eklandagatan 86.

More information about facilities