A man watching an aircraft take off

Master's Programme in Political Science: Environmental Governance and Behavior

Master’s programme
2 years
120 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 184 000 SEK
First payment: 46 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed

Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 184 000 SEK
First payment: 46 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed


This state-of-the-art education prepares for a career in the expansive field of environmental governance. The programme combines cutting-edge research on the sustainable use of natural resources from two academic disciplines: political science and psychology. Along with a thorough emphasis on scientific methods, this education establishes a solid preparatory platform for the new generation of ‘green professionals’, in politics, public administration, private sector or civil society.


Do you want to explore the psychological and political obstacles and opportunities to our sustainable future? This programme combines the focus on people’s environmental attitudes and beliefs within psychology with the focus on institutions and policy instruments within political science to explore environmentally friendly possibilities. Courses address real environmental problems, such as water management, the oceans, land use, biodiversity, and various airborne problems, including climate change, with emphasis on their possible solutions. 

The programme’s take-off is a core-course in political science, it proceeds with scientific method, and advances through in-depth courses on social scientific conceptualizations of the environment, environmental politics and institutions, environmental psychology and political psychology. The master’s thesis is the completing educational step.

Specialize in your choice of research methods

We offer highly qualified studies in research methods, including the opportunity to specialize through a selection of four courses:

  • Applied Statistical Analysis
  • Applied Qualitative Research Methods
  • Applied Qualitative Research Methods, problems and design
  • Introduction to Applied Research Design and Quantitative Research Methods for Social Scientists

Taking one methods course is mandatory, but you can choose to take two. This opportunity provides additional preparation for the job market, where exceptional skills in research methods are as relevant for careers within public policy as the monitoring of political power.

Programme structure and content

The first semester provides advanced knowledge of main research areas within contemporary political science and gives you the opportunity to choose between four research methods courses.

The second semester has in-depth research-oriented courses in political science.

The third semester has courses in psychology for a full semester, or half a semester of additional research methods.

The final semester concerns your master’s thesis project. You will independently develop and apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills gained throughout the programme. Researchers with an international reputation in their field and with solid experience of guiding research projects are available as advisors.

Who should apply?

Do you aim for a career in environmental governance? Would you like to come well prepared? This programme has an ambitious group of students from many different countries. You will meet teachers dedicated to an academically solid and career-preparatory education. We value ambition and expect the highest level of academic integrity. You also benefit from our expectations for your capacity to obtain knowledge and to develop your analytic skills. The degree also qualifies you to apply for doctoral studies in political science.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

Eligible for the programme is the one who has a Bachelor's degree of 180 credits in political science, psychology, public administration, economics, business administration, human ecology, human geography, global studies, international relations, environmental social science, or equivalent.

Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.

Any other entry requirements are documented in the respective course syllabus.

Special instructions for application

For more information about the entrance requirements and selection
criteria, follow the link below. Please note that your application
should include a Statement of Intent. For requirements on these
documents, see the link.

More information about Special instructions for application


The selection is based on the submitted Statement of Intent. Use the assigned form. Statement of intent shall be uploaded on no later than February 1 (if you apply in the first admission round) and May 2 (if you apply in the second admission round).

After graduation

Graduates of the programme receive the degree Master of Science in Political Science. As a political scientist with green expertise, you are ready for a professional career with advanced analysis of sustainability issues and processes as a central element.  We see our future alumni working as, for example, political advisor, public official, project manager, and analyst. You will also be qualified to apply for doctoral studies in political science.


The Department is located in Campus Haga, which lies right in the centre of the city of Gothenburg.

More information about facilities

Exchange opportunities

Exchange studies are possible during the second or third semester. This is a chance to strengthen your education by taking part in especially intriguing courses at other universities, simultaneously cultivating your language skills.

More information about exchange opportunities