Reading list

Research methods in teaching and learning in higher education

Vetenskapliga metoder för högskolepedagogik

Second cycle
15 credits (ECTS)

About the Reading list

Valid from
Spring semester 2025 (2025-01-20)
Decision date

Bacchi, C. (2012). Why Study Problematizations? Making Politics Visible. Open Journal of Political Science, 2(1), 1–8. (8 pages)

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. David. (2023). Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (Sixth edition). SAGE[MO1] . (320 pages)

Dafouz, E., & Smit, U. (2022). Towards multilingualism in English-medium higher education. Journal of English-Medium Instruction, 1(1), 29–47. (18 pages) https://www-jbe-platform- 68&id=id&accname=goteborgsswe%2F6&checksum=946BC60D72A874A717922 BBADD38FB70

Daniel, B. K., & Harland, T. (2017). Higher education research methodology: A step-by-step guide to the research process. Routledge. (154 pages). https://www-taylorfrancis- research-methodology-ben-kei-daniel-tony-harland

Esterhazy, R., & Damşa, C. (2019). Unpacking the feedback process: an analysis of undergraduate students’ interactional meaning-making of feedback comments. Studies in Higher Education, 44(2), 260–274. (14 pages)

Filippou, K., Kallo, J., & Mikkilä-Erdmann, M. (2017). Students’ views on thesis supervision in International master’s degree programmes in Finnish Universities. Intercultural Education, 28(3), 334–352. (19 pages)

Hessler, M., Pöpping, D., Hollstein, H., Ohlenburg, H., Arnemann, P., Massoth, C., Seidel, L.M., Zarbock, A. & Wenk, M. (2018). Availability of cookies during an academic course session affects the evaluation of teaching. Medical Education, 52(10), 1064-1072. (9 pages)

Huisman, B., Saab, N., Van Driel, J., & Van Den Broek, P. (2018). Peer feedback on academic writing: undergraduate students’ peer feedback role, peer feedback perceptions and essay performance. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(6), 955-968. (14 pages)

Linderoth, C., Hultén, M., & Stenliden, L. (2024). Competing visions of artificial intelligence in education - A heuristic analysis on sociotechnical imaginaries and problematizations in policy guidelines. Policy Futures in Education, 22(8), 1662–1678. (17 pages)

Little, T., Dawson, P., Boud, D., & Tai, J. (2023). Can students' feedback literacy be improved? A scoping review of interventions. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 1-14. Online, ahead-of-print, 1–14. (14 pages) https://www-

Mihut, G. (2024). Learning from each other: Comparing the experiences of first-generation migrant, international, and domestic students at Irish universities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 28(1), 15-32. (18 pages)

Nieminen, J.H., & Carless, D. (2023) Feedback literacy: a critical review of an emerging concept. Higher Education, 85, 1381–1400. (20 pages)

Ou, A., & Malmström, H. (2023). 'It becomes increasingly complex to deal with multiple channels': Materialised communicative competence and digital inequality in Engh-medium higher education in the digital era. Journal of Multilingual a Multicultural Development, 1–19. (19 pages).