Viking and Medieval Scandinavian History
This course covers the history of Scandinavia from the Viking Age (c.700 CE) until the Reformation. It broadly focuses on the region’s political, social, and cultural developments alongside its concurrent integration into Europe. We study Viking plundering raids and territorial expansion, state building, magic and pagan beliefs, and Christianization. Moreover, the course explores archeological and textual sources as well as images of Vikings and Scandinavian Middle Ages in popular culture.
This course offers a broad survey of the political, social, and
cultural history of Viking Age and medieval Scandinavia. It explores the
Vikings—who they were, how they lived and made a living, what they
believed in, how they sought to organize their society, what regions
they explored, whom they loved, fought with, and befriended. We study
macro developments such as religious change, Christianization, and the
expansion of state or royal power as well as everyday life, including
beliefs and rituals, relations between women and men, violence, and
emotions. Developments in Viking society is examined and analyzed
against the backdrop of Scandinavia successively becoming integrated
into Europe. In the course of the semester, students gain a hands-on
experience with material objects such as archeological finds and runic
stones as well as Old Norse sagas, miracle stories, and chivalric
literature that make it possible to reconstruct this critical and
fascinating period in Scandinavian history. Moreover, we explore
contemporary images and the legacy of Vikings in popular culture.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
General entrance requirements
Selection is based upon average grade from upper secondary school (34 %), the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits (33 %) and Högskoleprovet - Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (33 %).