
Joanna Giota


Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
A2 433
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

Om Joanna Giota


Joanna Giota holds a PhD in education since 2001. Since 2002 she has a permanent position as a senior lecturer at the department of education and special education, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She became an associate professor in 2006 and a professor in 2014. She has been working with different research and evaluation projects at the same university since 1989. Her main research interest concerns children's and adolescents' motivation to learn in school, self-beliefs, well-being and mental health in relation to achievement. She is also interested in factors at different levels such as special education support and teaching quality, curricula and school reforms, which are expected to enhance or restrain children's and adolescents' opportunities for growth in and out of school and over time. Most of her studies are based on data collected within The Gothenburg Educational Longitudinal Database and the Evaluation Through Follow Up Project (UGU). Since its start in the 1960s' UGU has collected data from 11 nationally representative student cohorts, their parents and teachers. Her research studies are of importance for school development, teacher education and policy making. Giota has been the leader of several research projects, among others the current one on "Mental health, school achievement and Covid-19: long-term consequences and protective factors" (VR 2023-2026). Her teaching interests as with regard to student supervision are within the mentioned areas. In June 2022, Giota was appointed by the Swedish government as special investigator to conduct the investigation "More paths to the labor market" which will be presented to the government in June 2024.