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- Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Professor emeritus
Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogikOm Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Forskningsintressen Ett av mina forskningsintressen avser individuella förutsättningar för utbildning, där jag bland annat arbetat med olika modeller över de kognitiva förmågornas struktur, liksom med Högskoleprovet och andra instrument för urval till högre utbildning. Ett annat intresse avser effekter av utbildning på kunskaper och färdigheter, som jag bland annat studerat genom internationella komparativa undersökningar. Frågor kring utbildningsorganisation, och betydelsen av olika slags resurser, som exempelvis lärarkompetens, har också alltmer kommit i fokus. En annan forskningsaktivitet som löpt parallellt med den innehållsligt inriktade forskningen har avsett utveckling av kvantitativa metoder med fokus på mätning och statistisk analys.
Undervisningsintressen Mina utbildningsintressen har framförallt tagit sig uttryck i undervisning i kvantitativa metoder och i handledning av forskarstuderande.
Nyckelord individuella differenser, resurser, resultat, komparativ pedagogik, pedagogisk mätning, strukturell ekvationsmodellering, utvärdering
Forskningsmiljöer och projekt UGU - Kohortsekventiella longitudinella databaser Utvärdering genom uppföljning VALUTA - Validering av den högre utbildningens antagningssystem GRAM - Betyg och betygssättning: Funktioner och effekter
Big-Fish–Little-Pond Effects on Ninth-Grade Students’ Mathematics and Language Self-Concepts: The Moderating Role of Cognitive
Thea Klapp, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Stefan Johansson
Journal of Educational Psychology - 2024 -
Are There Sustained Effects of a Preschool Shared-Reading Intervention Addressing Dual Language
Vibeke Grover, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Veslemoy Rydland, Catherine E. Snow
Changes in Teacher Practices Related to Changes in Student
Trude Nilsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
IEA Research for Education - 2024 -
Estimating effects of teacher characteristics on student achievement in reading and mathematics: evidence from Swedish census
Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Åse Hansson, Tarja Alatalo
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2024 -
Relations between students’ well‑being and academic achievement: evidence from Swedish compulsory
Thea Klapp, Alli Klapp, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2024 -
Relations between students' well-being and academic achievement: evidence from Swedish compulsory
Thea Klapp, Alli Klapp, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 2024 -
Self-Concept and Tracking in Compulsory School: Consequences for Income in
Thea Klapp, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) - 2024 -
Tracking in English and Mathematics: Consequences for Compulsory School Students’
Thea Klapp, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2023 -
How effective is the professional development in which teachers typically participate? Quasi-experimental analyses of effects on student achievement based on TIMSS
N. Kirsten, J. Lindvall, A. Ryve, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Teaching and Teacher Education - 2023 -
Does socioeconomic sorting of teacher qualifications exacerbate mathematics achievement inequity? Panel data estimates from 20 years of
Leah Natasha Glassow, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2023 -
Challenging the stability of RAN development: Acknowledging PA and Gf in relation to
Ulrika Wolff, Malena Åvall, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Dyslexia - 2023 -
Developing a standardized eligibility test for tertiary education in
Gudrun Erickson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Frank Bach, Jörgen Tholin
Paper presented at The 2023 ECER conference, Glasgow, UK. - 2023 -
App-Based Morphological Training Produces Lasting Effects on Word Knowledge in Primary School Children: A Randomized Controlled
J. V. Torkildsen, S. S. Bratlie, J. K. Kristensen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, S. A. H. Lyster, C. Snow, C. Hulme, R. M. Mononen, K. A. B. Naess, A. Lopez-Pedersen, O. B. Wie, B. Hagtvet
Journal of Educational Psychology - 2022 -
Effectiveness of a Classroom-Implemented, App-Based Morphology Program for Language-Minority Students: Examining Latent Language-Literacy Profiles and Contextual Factors as
S. S. Bratlie, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, J. V. Torkildsen
Reading Research Quarterly - 2022 -
Do teacher talk features mediate the effects of shared reading on preschool children's second-language
Vibeke Grøver, Veslemøy Rydland, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Catherine E. Snow
Early Childhood Research Quarterly - 2022 -
Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effects on Language and Math Self-Concept: Moderating Effects of Cognitive
Thea Klapp, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2022 -
Methods of Causal Analysis with ILSA
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Trude Nilsen
International handbook of comparative large-scale studies in education: Perspectives, Methods and Findings - 2022 -
Background, Aims, and Theories of the Comparative Large-Scale Studies in
Trude Nilsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Agnes Stancel-Piatak
International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education: Perspectives, Methods and Findings - 2022 -
Conceptual and Methodological Accomplishments of ILSAs, Remaining Criticism and
Sigrid Blömeke, Trude Nilsen, Rolf V Olsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education: Perspectives, Methods and Findings - 2022 -
60-Years of ILSA: Where It Stands and How It
Agnes Stancel-Piatak, Trude Nilsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education: Perspectives, Methods and Findings - 2022 -
International handbook of comparative large-scale studies in education. Perspectives, methods and findings. Volume 1 and Volume
Trude Nilsen, Agnes Stancel-Piatak, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2022 -
Early phonological training preceding kindergarten training: effects on reading and
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Reading and Writing - 2022 -
Trends in mathematics motivation and achievement between 1980 and 2015: Exploring gender
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting - 2022 -
Perceived Academic Demands, Peer and Teacher Relationships, Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health: Changes from Grade 6 to 9 as a Function of Gender and Cognitive
Joanna Giota, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2021 -
Exploring the gender gap in mathematics achievement and motivation: The route from 1980 to
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2021 -
Measures of long-term trends in mathematics: linking large-scale assessments over 50
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability - 2021 -
Examining Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effects on Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement: Moderating Effects of Students' Cognitive Ability
Thea Klapp, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Stefan Johansson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) European Educational Research Association (EERA) - 2021 -
The impact of assessment system on students’ psychological, cognitive, and social
Thea Klapp, Alli Klapp, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Annual Meeting 2021 - 2021 -
Four decades of measuring attitude towards
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting, September 9-11, 2020, digital event - 2020 -
Four decades of measuring attitude towards
Erika Majoros, Andrés Christiansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) European Educational Research Association (EERA), canceled - 2020 -
Shared Book Reading in Preschool Supports Bilingual Children's Second-Language Learning: A Cluster-Randomized
V. Grover, V. Rydland, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, C. E. Snow
Child Development - 2020 -
Bedömningens dubbla funktion - för lärande och
Gudrun Erickson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Lärande Skola Bildning - Grundbok för lärare. Lundgren, U.P., Säljö, R., Liberg C. (red.) 5:e utg. - 2020 -
School Mobility and Achievement for Children Placed and Not Placed in Out-of-home
Åse Hansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2020 -
Contributions of the Home Literacy Environment and Underlying Language Skills to Preschool Invented
Hilde Hofslundsengen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Bente Eriksen Hagtvet
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2019 -
Intelligence and knowledge: the relationship between preschool teachers' cognitive dispositions in the field of
L. Jenssen, S. Dunekacke, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, S. Bl?meke
Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft - 2019 -
Rapid automatized naming in a developmental perspective between ages 4 and
Malena Åvall, Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Dyslexia - 2019 -
Academic performance, externalizing disorders and depression: 26,000 adolescents followed into
A. S. Wallin, I. Koupil, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, S. Zammit, P. Allebeck, D. Falkstedt
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology - 2019 -
Identifying the key source of deteriorating educational equity in Sweden between 1998 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
International Journal of Educational Research - 2019 -
Aiming for measures of long-term trends in Grade 8 mathematics: Bridges from SIMS to TIMSS
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 2–6 September 2019, Hamburg, Germany - 2019 -
Aiming for measures of long-term trends in Grade 8 mathematics: Bridges from SIMS to TIMSS
Erika Majoros, Monica Rosén, Stefan Johansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
8th IEA International Research Conference, 26–28 June 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2019 -
Begrepps referensgeneralitet och datas inferensnivå som determinanter för möjligheter till
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Upprepbarhet och generaliserbarhet i forskningen. Bo Lindberg (Red.) - 2019 -
The Impact of Education Policies on Socioeconomic Inequality in Student Achievement: A Review of Comparative
Rolf Strietholt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Nina Hogrebe, Victoria Rolfe, Monica Rosén, Isa Steinmann, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Education Policy & Social Inequality, vol 4. - 2019 -
The specificity versus generality of ball-handling skills – Empirical evidence for a general ball-handling
Pär Rylander, Magnus Karlsteen, Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Human Movement Science - 2019 -
Special needs education and school mobility: School outcomes for children placed and not placed in out-of-home
Åse Hansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Bo Nielsen
Children and Youth Services Review - 2018 -
Changes in the Impact of Family Education on Student Educational Achievement in Sweden
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2018 -
School characteristics moderating the relation between student socio-economic status and mathematics achievement in grade 8. Evidence from 50 countries in TIMSS
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Nielsen Trude, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2018 -
Characteristics of teacher competence: Trends over time and between student groups in Swedish compulsory
Åse Hansson, Stefan Johansson, Tarja Alatalo, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at ECER 2018, September 4-7, Bolzano - 2018 -
Nationella prov i Sverige – tradition, utmaning,
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Gudrun Erickson
Acta Didactica Norge - 2018 -
Is there a generic ball ability? An empirical study of measuring and modeling performance on 12 ball
Konstantin Kougioumtzis, Pär Rylander, Magnus Karlsteen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Cubamotricidad 2018. For a Physical Culture of Piece. 22-26/10. Palacio del Conventiones, La Habana, Cuba - 2018 -
International Large Scale Assessments: Current Status and Ways
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2018 -
Childhood IQ and mortality during 53 years' follow-up of Swedish men and
Alma Sörberg Wallin, Peter Alleback, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Tomas Hemmingsson
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health - 2018 -
Recognition of education and schooling in case files for children and young people placed in out-of-home
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Lindberg, Bo Nielsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Helena Johansson
Children and youth services review - 2018 -
Development of School Achievement in the Nordic Countries During Half a
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Sigrid Blömeke
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2018 -
Perceived Demands of Schooling, Stress and Mental Health: Changes from Grade 6 to Grade 9 as a Function of Gender and Cognitive
Joanna Giota, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Stress and Health - 2017 -
Comparing effects of school inspections in Sweden and
David Kemethofer, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Herbert Altrichter
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - 2017 -
Early phonological intervention: A longitudinal
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25 - 2017 -
Bedömningens dubbla funktion - för lärande och
Gudrun Erickson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Lärande Skola Bildning - Grundbok för lärare. Lundgren, U.P., Säljö, R., Liberg C. (red.) 4:e utg., 551-581 - 2017 -
Standard Setting in Education. The Nordic Countries in an International
Sigrid Blömeke, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2017 -
Causes of educational segregation in Sweden – school choice or residential
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2016 -
Determinants of country differences in effects of parental education on children’s academic
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Large-scale Assessments in Education - 2016 -
The effect of being graded on later achievement: evidence from 13-year olds in Swedish compulsory
Alli Klapp Lekholm, Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Psychology - 2016 -
Immediate and delayed effects of invented writing intervention in
Hilde Hofslundsengen, Bente Eriksen Hagtvet, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Reading and writing - 2016 -
Matchning mellan lärares utbildning och befattning i grundskolan: Utveckling och tillämpning av en modell för differentierad klassifikation av lärarkompetens i
Åse Hansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2016 -
The impact of school climate and teacher quality on mathematics achievement: A difference-in-differences
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Trude Nilsen
Nilsen, T., & Gustafsson, J.E, (Eds.) Teacher quality, instructional quality and student outcomes. Relationships across countries, cohorts and time. - 2016 -
Teacher Quality, Instructional Quality and Student Outcomes. Relationships Across Cohorts, Countries and
Trude Nilsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2016 -
Screening for language delay: Growth trajectories of language ability in low- and high-performing
M. Klem, B. Hagtvet, C. Hulme, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research - 2016 -
Lasting effects of quality of schooling: Evidence from PISA and
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Intelligence - 2016 -
Future Prospects and Challenges in Language
Sauli Takala, Gudrun Erickson, Neus Figueras, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Contemporary Second Language Assessment, Contemporary Applied Linguistics - 2016 -
Policyidéer för svensk
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Sverker Sörlin, Jonas Vlachos
2016 -
Pedagogisk segregation: Lärarkompetens i den svenska grundskolan ur ett
Åse Hansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2016 -
Are s chool characteristics related to equity? The answer may depend on a country’s developmental
T. Nielsen, S. Blömeke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
IEA Policy Brief - 2016 -
Effects of an early phonological training study: a latent growth curve
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the BDA conference 2016 in Oxford, UK, March 10-12 - 2016 -
Is computer availability at home causally related to reading achievement in grade 4? A longitudinal difference in differences approach to IEA data from 1991 to
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Large-scale Assessments in Education - 2016 -
The Dimensionality of Language Ability in Four-Year-Olds: Construct Validation of a Language Screening
Marianne Klem, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Bente Hagtvet
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2015 -
The relations among openness, perseverance, and performance in creative problem solving: A substantive-methodological
Ronny Scherer, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Thinking Skills and Creativity - 2015 -
Casual Effects of Computer Availability at Home on Grade 4 Reading Achievement Estimated from Country-Level Longitudinal
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
6 th IEA International Research Conference - 2015 -
Structure of phonological ability at age
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Intelligence - 2015 -
Student Assessment of Teaching as a Source of Information about Aspects of Teaching Quality in Multiple Subject Domains: An Application of Multilevel Bifactor Structural Equation
Ronny Scherer, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2015 -
Determinants of Country Differences in Effects of Parental Education on Children’s Academic
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
the 6th IEA International Research Conference 24–26 June 2015, Cape Town, South Africa - 2015 -
Comparing effects and side effects of different school inspection systems across
M. C. M. Ehren, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, H. Altrichter, G. Skedsmo, D. Kemethofer, S. G. Huber
Comparative Education - 2015 -
IQ and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality among Swedish men and women: the importance of socioeconomic
Sara Sjölund, Tomas Hemmingsson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Peter Allebeck
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health - 2015 -
Structure of phonological ability at age
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
The ECER Conference 2015 in Budapest, Hungary, September 8-11 - 2015 -
From inspection to quality: Ways in which school inspection influences change in
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, M. C. M. Ehren, G. Conyngham, G. McNamara, H. Altrichter, J. O’Hara
Studies in Educational Evaluation - 2015 -
Beyond Dichotomies. Competence Viewed as a
Sigrid Blömeke, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Richard J. Shavelson
Zeitschrift für Psychologie - 2015 -
Dimensions of test performance in English as a foreign language in different European settings: a two-level confirmatory factor analytical
Gudrun Erickson, Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2015 -
Measuring fluid intelligence at age
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Ulrika Wolff
Intelligence - 2015 -
Sentence repetition is a measure of children’s language skills rather than working memory
Marianne Klem, Monica Melby-Lervåg, Bente Hagtvet, Solveig-Alma Halaas Lyster, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Charles Hulme
Developmental Science - 2015 -
Dags att införa nationell utvärdering av
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Gudrun Erickson, Christina Cliffordson
Göteborgs Posten - 2014 -
The influence of fluid and crystallized intelligence on the development of knowledge and
Cecilia Thorsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Christina Cliffordson
British Journal of Educational Psychology - 2014 -
Lära för livet? Om skolans och arbetslivets avtryck i vuxnas
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Patrik Lind, Erik Mellander, Mats Myrberg
2014 -
Changes in Grade 8 mathematics achievement in Norway and Sweden between 2007 and 2011 as a function of changes in exposure to math
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2014 Annual Meeting Program of The Annual Meeting of AERA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 3-7 2014 - 2014 -
Inspections of Swedish schools: A critical reflection on intended effects, causal mechanisms and
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Rolf Lander, Eva Myrberg
Education Inquiry - 2014 -
Differential effects of early phonological training as a function of the child’s socio-economic
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2014 in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5 - 2014 -
Estimating Peer Effects on Achievement Inequality in
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2014 in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5. - 2014 -
Bedömningens dubbla funktion - för lärande och
Gudrun Erickson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Lärande, skola, bildning. Lundgren, U.P; Säljö, R. & Liberg, C. (red.) 3:utg. - 2014 -
School emphasis on academic success exploring changes in science performance in Norway between 2007 and 2011 employing two-level
Trude Nilsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2014 -
Quality and Credibility of International
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
Educational Policy Evaluation through International Comparative Assessments - 2014 -
Has the Increased Access to Computers at Home Caused Reading Achievement to Decrease in
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Policy Evaluation through International Comparative Assessments - 2014 -
Outcomes and Causal Inference in International Comparative
Rolf Strietholt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén, Wilfried Bos
Educational Policy Evaluation through International Comparative Assessments - 2014 -
Educational Policy Evaluation through International Comparative
Rolf Strietholt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
2014 -
School Performance Differences and Policy Variations in Finland, Norway and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
Northern Lights on TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 - 2014 -
Likvärdig kunskapsbedömning i och av den svenska skolan – problem och
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Christina Cliffordson, Gudrun Erickson
2014 -
Measurement Invariance of Socioeconomic Status Across Migrational
Åse Hansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2013 -
Förändringar i kunskapsbedömningar på individ- och systemnivå i den svenska skolan under 25
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
I. Wernersson & I. Gerrbo (red.). Differentieringens janusansikte. En antologi från Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik vid Göteborgs universitet - 2013 -
Changes in Educational Inequality in Sweden and Norway: Evidence from IEA PIRLS studies between 2001 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Yang Hansen, K., & Gustafsson, J-E. (2013). Changes in Educational Inequality in Sweden andthe European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2013. - 2013 -
Path analyses is early influences from home on grade 4 achievement in PIRLS and TIMSS 2011: A Nordic
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
The European Conference on Educational Research - 2013 -
Effects of Home Background on Student Achievement in Reading, Mathematics, and Science at the Fourth
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén
M. O. Martin and I. V. S. Mullis (Eds) TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships Among Reading, Mathematics, and Science Achievement at the Fourth Grade—Implications for Early Learning - 2013 -
Mechanisms behind emergent phonological skills: Effects of fluid intelligence and interrelationships between phonological subskills over
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
The International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia, Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain and Language - 2013 -
Long term effects of a phonological training study on early reading
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference, European Association for Research and Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Munich - 2013 -
Causal inference in educational effectiveness research: a comparison of three methods to investigate effects of homework on student
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
School Effectiveness and School Improvement - 2013 -
Influences of early home factors on later achievement in reading, math and science: An analysis of the Swedish data from PIRLS and TIMSS
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
5th IEA International Research Conference - 2013 -
Decline in Cognitive Performance Between Ages 13 and 18 Years and the Risk for Psychosis in Adulthood A Swedish Longitudinal Cohort Study in
J. H. MacCabe, S. Wicks, S. Lofving, A. S. David, Åsa Berndtsson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, P. Allebeck, C. Dalman
Jama Psychiatry - 2013 -
To trust or not to trust?—teacher marking versus external marking of national
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Gudrun Erickson
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - 2013 -
Urval till högskolan i kunskapssamhällets
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Presentation vid konferensen Kunskapssamhället - en illusion? arrangerad av HSV och GU. Göteborg 30 maj - 1 juni, 2012 - 2012 -
Lärarkompetens och lärarutbildningens möte med framtiden ur ett internationellt
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Inbjuden key-note vid Nordiska Lärarutbildningskonferensen, Kalmar, 7-9 maj, 2012 - 2012 -
Using international surveys of educational achievement as a source of information for improving
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Invited keynote address at the EU Conference Improving skills. Evidence from secondary analysis of international surveys, Limassol, Cyprus, 15-16 November 2012 - 2012 -
Urval till högskolan i kunskapssamhällets
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
En högskolevärld i ständig förändring. Högskoleverket 1995 - 2012 - 2012 -
Något om utvecklingen av de internationella studierna av kunskaper och
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Hopfenbeck, T. N., Kjærnsli, M., & Olsen, R. V. (Red.) Kvalitet i norsk skole; internasjonale og nasjonale undersøkelser av læringsutbytte og undervisning - 2012 -
Causes of Educational Segregation in Sweden – School Choice or Residential
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Cadiz, Spain, September, 2012 - 2012 -
Elevers lässvårigheter i internationell
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Inbjuden key-note presentation vid Sjätte Nordiska Kongressen om Dyslexipedagogik, Stockholm, 11-13 augusti, 2011 - 2011 -
A Longitudinal Analysis Of The Relationship Between Changes In Socio-Economic Status And Changes In
Björn Halleröd, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Social Science and Medicine - 2011 -
Changes in the Multi-Level Effects of Socio-Economic Status on Reading Achievement in Sweden in 1991 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2011 -
Förändringar i kommunskillnader i grundskoleresultat mellan 1998 och
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige - 2011 -
Programming skill, knowledge and working memory among professional software developers from an investment theory
Gunnar Bergersen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Journal of Individual Differences - 2011 -
School performance and risk of suicide in early adulthood: follow-up of two national cohorts of Swedish
David Gunnell, S Löfving, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Peter Allebeck
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2011 -
Development of Municipal Differences of Academic Result Heterogeneity in Swedish Compulsory
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
ECER 2011, Berlin - 2011 -
Changes in the variances of school marks and SES and ethnic background effect between schools and individuals – a multi-level multi-group
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (25-27, August, 2010), Helsinki, Finland - 2010 -
How to measure socioeconomic status for students with foreign background: A multiple group
Åse Hansson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
The 4th IEA International Research Conference, IRC-2010 - 2010 -
School, learning and mental health. A systematic
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Mara Allodi Westling, Britta Alin Åkerman, Charli Eriksson, Lilly Eriksson, Siv Fischbein, Mats Granlund, Per Gustafsson, Sofia Ljungdahl, Terje Ogden, Roland S Persson
2010 -
Unidimensionality and Interpretability of Psychological
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson
Measuring Psychological Constructs: Advances in Model-Based Approaches, Embretson, S. E. (Ed.) - 2010 -
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
B. P. M. Creemers, L. Kyriakides, & P. Sammons (Eds.) Methodological Advances in School Effectiveness Research - 2010 -
Den svenska utbildningspolitikens arbetsmarknadseffekter: vad säger
Anders Björklund, Peter Fredriksson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Björn Öckert
2010 -
Individuals, Schools, and Neighborhood. A Multilevel Longitudinal Study of Variation in Incidence of Psychotic
Stanley Zammit, Glyn Lewis, Jon Rasbash, Christina Dalman, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Peter Allebeck
Archives of General Psychiatry - 2010 -
Changes in the structure and variances in grades at individual and school levels over
Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vienna, Austria, September, 2009 - 2009 -
Computer availability at home and reading
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction - 2009 -
Resultatförändringar i svensk
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Vad påverkar resultaten i svensk grundskola? Kunskapsöversikt om betydelsen av olika faktorer - 2009 -
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Djurfeldt, G., Barmark, M. (Red). Statistisk verktygslåda 2. Multivariat analys - 2009 -
Resursers betydelse för elevers
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Eva Myrberg
Vad påverkar resultaten i svensk grundskola? Kunskapsöversikt om betydelsen av olika faktorer - 2009 -
Effects of teachers´ subject matter and pedagogical education on student
Eva Myrberg, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction - 2009 -
Trends in Recruitment to Teacher
Eva Myrberg, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the EARLI 13th Biennal Confernce, Amsterdam,Netherlands, August 2009 - 2009 -
Similarities and differences in EFL proficiency – a multifaceted analytic
Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson, Gudrun Erickson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Sölve Ohlander, Dorte Velling Pedersen
Presentation at The 5th Annual Conference of EALTA (European Association of Language Testing and Assessment) Athens, Greece, 9-11 May 2008 - 2008 -
Influence of Previous Experiences on Consumers' Reading and Use of Nutritional Information on Food Packages. A Questionnaire Study Involving Structural Equation
Eva Svederberg, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Anita Laser Reuterswärd, Lennart Svensson
Journal of Culinary Science & Technology - 2008 -
Effects of age and schooling on intellectual performance: Estimates obtained from analysis of continuous variation in age and length of
Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Intelligence - 2008 -
The relation between fluid intelligence and the general factor as a function of cultural background: A test of Cattell's Investment
Ann Valentin, Kvist, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Intelligence - 2008 -
Betyg och Betygsättning: Funktioner och effekter. I Resultat dialog 2008 (Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie
Christina Cliffordson, Joanna Giota, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Alli Klapp Lekholm
2008 -
Methodology for Conducting Country-Level Longitudinal Analyses: A Review and Comparison of Procedures. Paper presented at the 3rd International Research Conference of IEA, Taipei,
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the 3rd International Research Conference of IEA, Taipei, Taiwan. - 2008 -
Association of IQ scores and school achievement with suicide in a 40-year follow-up of a Swedish
Lena Andersson, Peter Allebeck, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, D Gunnell
Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2008 -
Effects of International Comparative Studies on Educational Quality on the Quality of Educational
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
European Educational Research Journal - 2008 -
Change in Recruitment to Teacher education during Thirty Years. Paper presented at the ECER 2008 Conference, Gothenburg,
Eva Myrberg, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the ECER 2008 Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2008 -
The Association of IQ Scores and School Achievement With Suicide in a 40-year Follow-Up of a Swedish
Lena Andersson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Peter Allebeck, D Gunnell
10th International Congress of Behavioural Medicine, Drawing from traditional sources and basic research to improve health of individuals, communities and populations, August 27-30, 2008 Tokyo, Japan - 2008 -
Lesekompetanse på 3. og 4.
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Det er språket som bestemmer! Læring og språkutvikling i grunnskolen. - 2008 -
A Multivariate Reanalysis of the IEA 10-Year Trend Study of Reading Literacy in 9
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
The European Conference on Educational Research, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 September - 2008 -
The Multidimensionality of Verbal Analogy
Eva Ullstadius, Berit Carlstedt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
International Journal of Testing - 2008 -
Läsförståelse under luppen. Observera Bedöma
Monica Rosén, Eva Längsjö, Ingegärd Nilsson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2008 -
Schooling and intelligence: Effects of track of study on level and profile of cognitive
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
P. Kyllonen, R. Roberts, & L. Stankov (Eds), Extending Intelligence: Enhancement and New Constructs - 2007 -
Effekter av den grundläggande högskoleutbildningens expansion på studerandegruppens sammansättning. I Askling, B., Foss Lindblad, R. & Wärvik, G-B. (red.) Expansion och kontraktion. Utmaningar för högskolesystemet och utbildningsforskare. (Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie, 9:2007), s.
Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2007 -
Understanding causal influences on educational achievement through analysis of differences over time within
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
In T. Loveless (Ed.), Lessons Learned: What International Assessments Tell Us about Math Achievement - 2007 -
Meritpoäng skapar
Christina Cliffordson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Allan Svensson
Dagens Nyheter, DN-debatt, 3/3 2007 - 2007 -
The impact of PIRLS 2001 in
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
In K. Schwippert (Ed.), Progress in Reading Literacy - the Impact of PIRLS 2001 in 13 countries (Studies in International Comparative and Multicultural Education, Vol 7) - 2007 -
Effects of international comparative studies on educational quality on educational research. Invited keynote address presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Gent, Belgium, September 19-21,
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Invited keynote address presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Gent, Belgium, September 19-21 - 2007 -
Kommentar till valfrihetens effekter på skolans
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Friskolor och framtiden - segregation, kostnader och effektivitet - 2007 -
Measures of self-reported reading resources, attitudes and activities based on latent variable
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
International Journal of Research and Method in Education - 2006 -
Abilities and grades as predictors of achievement: The Encapsulation
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Berit Carlstedt
Paper presented at the symposium "The investment theory of intelligence: New evidence, new challenges" given at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, August 10-13, 2006 - 2006 -
Barns utbildningssituation. Bidrag till ett kommunalt
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2006 -
Unidimensionality and interpretability of psychological
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson
Invited paper presenterat vid konferensen New Directions in Psychological Measurement with Model-Based Approaches, 17-18 februari. Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, USA - 2006 -
Understanding casual influences on educational achievement through analysis of differences over time within countries. Invited keynote address presented at the 2nd IEA International Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 8-11,
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Invited keynote address presented at the 2nd IEA International Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 8-11, 2006 - 2006 -
Does Money Matter? A Theory-Driven Growth Mixture Model to Explain Travel-Mode Choice with Experimental
Eldad Davidov, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Peter Schmidt, Sebastian Bamberg
Methodology - 2006 -
Läskompetens i skolår 3 och skolår
Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Det hänger på språket. Lärande och utveckling i grundskolan - 2006 -
The dimensional structure of reading assessment tasks in the IEA reading literacy study 1991 and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2006 -
Drivers of organizational creativity: a path model of creative climate in pharmaceutical
Mats Sundgren, Elof Dimenäs, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Marcus Selart
R &D Management - 2005 -
Some European Students' and Teachers' Views on Language Testing and Assessment. A report on a questionnaire
Construct validation of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test by means of the Swedish Enlistment
Berit Carlstedt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2005 -
Läskompetens i skolår 3 och 4: nationell rapport från PIRLS 2001 i Sverige: The IEA Program in International Reading Literacy
Monica Rosén, Eva Myrberg, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2005 -
School, classroom and individual factor influencing reading performance in grade 3 and 4 in
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
the EARLI 11th biennal conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, August 22-27 - 2005 -
Attitudes towards school, teacher and classmates at classroom and individual levels: an application of two-level confirmatory factor
Mary-Anne Holfve-Sabel, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2005 -
Förändringar i läskompetens 1991-2001. En jämförelse över tid och
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
2005 -
Modelling individual differences in change though latent variable growth and mixture of growth modelling: Basic principles and empirical
Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Emergence and transformations in the mind - 2004 -
Läskompetens i skolår 3 och 4 - en jämförelse mellan 35
Monica Rosén, Eva Myrberg, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
2004 -
The 10-Year Trend Study of Reading Literacy: A Multivariate
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
IRC, the International Research Conference. The IRC 2004 Conference. Nicosia, Cyprus - 2004 -
Measuring Socioeconomic Status at Individual and Collective
Yang Yang, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Educational Research and Evaluation - 2004 -
Kommentar till Skolverkets svar på artikeln "Makt och etik i Skolverkets utvärdering av den svenska skolan. Erfarenheter från
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige - 2004 -
Age related differentiation of cognative abilities in ages
E Tideman, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Personality and individual differences - 2004 -
Measures of self-reported reading resources, attitudes and activities based on latent variable
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
IEA, The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. The 1 st IEA International Research Conference. Lefkosia, Cyprus - 2004 -
Förändringar i läskompetens 1991-2001. En jämförelse över tid och länder. (Forskning i fokus, nr
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
2004 -
Effects of Socio-economic Status on Reading Achievement at Collective and Individual levels in 1991 and
Kajsa Yang Hansen, Monica Rosén, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
IEA, The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. The 1 st IEA International Research Conference. Lefkosia, Cyprus - 2004 -
Multidimensional item analysis of ability factors in spatial test
Eva Ullstadius, Berit Carlstedt, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Personality and Individual differences - 2004 -
Makt och etik i Skolverkets utvärdering av den svenska skolan. Erfarenheter från PIRLS-projektet. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 9 (1),
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Monica Rosén
2004 -
Assessment of what? Dimensions of language skills at individual and school
Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson, Gudrun Erickson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC), March 24-28, 2004, Temecula Creek, California, USA. - 2004 -
Ekonomiska resursers betydelse för predagogiska resultat. [The impact of economic resources on pedagogical
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Eva Myrberg
2002 -
Review of "Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications and
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Rita Mårtenson
Contemporary Psychology - 2002 -
Högskoleprovets prognosvärde. Samband mellan provresultat och framgång första studieåret vid civilingenjörs-, jurist och
Allan Svensson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, S-E Reuterberg
2001 -
Repeated measurements of mood during psychologic treatment of dental
Magnus Hakeberg, Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 1997 -
Multivariate analysis of fears in dental phobic patients according to a reduced FSS-II
Magnus Hakeberg, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson
European journal of oral sciences - 1995 -
Factor analysis and reduction of a Fear Survey Schedule among dental phobic
Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Magnus Hakeberg
European journal of oral sciences - 1995