
Levent Akyürek


Avdelningen för Laboratoriemedicin
Gula stråket 8
41345 Göteborg
Box 100
40530 Göteborg

Om Levent Akyürek

Levent Akyürek is serving as clinical consultant pathologist and cytologist with expertise in pulmonary/thorax and molecular pathology at the Sahlgrenska Academy Hospital in Gothenburg. Dr. Akyürek graduated from the Medical School, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey in 1989, and then completed his PhD program at Uppsala University in 1996. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Elizabeth G. Nabel at the University of Michigan and the National Institutes of Health, USA between 1997 and 2002. Dr. Akyürek became an Associate Professor of Cell Biology in 2004 and Professor in Pathology in 2014 at the University of Gothenburg. He currently acts as a reviewer on the editorial boards of several scientific journals in the field of vascular biology, transplantation immunology and molecular biology.

He is also a vascular biologist in the field of angiogenesis during cardiovascular remodeling and tumor growth. Akyürek's early work defined the cellular interactions that stimulate the vasculoproliferative responses during transplant vasculopathy. These studies have indicated the important cellular determinants of neointima formation. Later, he examined neointimal smooth muscle and endothelial cell biology, both by inhibiting cellular proliferation using adenoviral gene therapy and by studying genes linked to cell cycle control.

His research activity has recently become focused on the involvement of filamins, a group of cytoskeleton proteins, in vascular cell signaling and transcription during the progression of cardiovascular and tumor diseases. Generation of filamin-deficient mouse models as well as mouse models to study the biological role of filamins during the progression of tumor growth and cardiovascular remodeling have been produced for the first time in his laboratory.