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- Sukanya Raghavan
Sukanya Raghavan
Comprehensive genetic variant analysis reveals combination of KRAS and LRP1B as a predictive biomarker of response to immunotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung
Ella A Eklund, Johanna Svensson, Louise Stauber Näslund, Maria Yhr, Sama I Sayin, Clotilde Wiel, Levent Akyürek, Per Torstensson, Volkan I. Sayin, Andreas Hallqvist, Sukanya Raghavan, Anna Rohlin
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research - 2025 -
Immune checkpoint blockade improves the activation and function of circulating mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells in patients with non-small cell lung
Patrik Sundström, Nikita Dutta, William Rodin, Andreas Hallqvist, Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
OncoImmunology - 2024 -
Combinatory analysis of immune cell subsets and tumor-specific genetic variants predict clinical response to PD-1 blockade in patients with non-small cell lung
Nikita Dutta, Anna Rohlin, Ella A Eklund, Maria K Magnusson, Frida Nilsson, Levent Akyürek, Per Torstensson, Volkan I. Sayin, Anna Lundgren, Andreas Hallqvist, Sukanya Raghavan
Frontiers in Oncology - 2023 -
KRAS mutations impact clinical outcome in metastatic non-small cell lung
Ella A Eklund, Clotilde Wiel, Henrik Fagman, Levent Akyürek, Sukanya Raghavan, Jan Nyman, Andreas Hallqvist, Volkan I. Sayin
Cancers - 2022 -
Conditional Deletion of Pdcd1 Identifies the Cell-Intrinsic Action of PD-1 on Functional CD8 T Cell Subsets for Antitumor
Sukanya Raghavan, N. Tovbis-Shifrin, C. Kochel, A. Sawant, M. Mello, M. Sathe, W. Blumenschein, E. S. Muise, A. Chackerian, E. M. Pinheiro, T. W. Rosahl, H. Luche, R. D. Malefyt
Frontiers in Immunology - 2021 -
Regulatory T cells specifically suppress conventional CD8 alpha beta T cells in intestinal tumors of APC(Min/+)
Louis Szeponik, Paulina Akeus, William Rodin, Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy - 2020 -
Immune checkpoint blockade and biomarkers of clinical response in non–small cell lung
Andreas Hallqvist, Anna Rohlin, Sukanya Raghavan
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2020 -
The frequency of circulating integrin alpha 4 beta 7(+) cells correlates with protection against Helicobacter pylori infection in immunized
S. Akter, Frida Jeverstam, Anna Lundgren, Maria K Magnusson, A. Walduck, F. Qadri, T. R. Bhuiyan, Sukanya Raghavan
Helicobacter - 2019 -
Immunity and Vaccine Development Against Helicobacter
A. K. Walduck, Sukanya Raghavan
Advances in experimental medicine and biology - 2019 -
An oral alpha-galactosylceramide adjuvanted Helicobacter pylori vaccine induces protective IL-1R-and IL-17R-dependent Th1
S. Longet, A. Abautret-Daly, C. J. H. Davitt, C. P. McEntee, V. Aversa, M. Rosa, I. S. Coulter, Jan Holmgren, Sukanya Raghavan, E. C. Lavelle
Npj Vaccines - 2019 -
Regulatory T cells control endothelial chemokine production and migration of T cells into intestinal tumors of APC(min/+)
Paulina Akeus, Louis Szeponik, Filip Ahlmanner, Patrik Sundström, Samuel Alsén, Bengt Gustavsson, T. Sparwasser, Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy - 2018 -
Preclinical immunogenicity and protective efficacy of an oral Helicobacter pylori inactivated whole cell vaccine and multiple mutant cholera toxin: A novel and non-toxic mucosal
Jan Holmgren, Stefan Nordqvist, Margareta Blomquist, Frida Jeverstam, Michael Lebens, Sukanya Raghavan
Vaccine - 2018 -
CD39+ regulatory T cells accumulate in colon adenocarcinomas and display markers of increased suppressive
Filip Ahlmanner, Patrik Sundström, Paulina Akeus, Jenny Eklöf, Lars Börjesson, Bengt Gustavsson, Elinor Bexe-Lindskog, Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
Oncotarget - 2018 -
Induction of mucosal immune responses against Helicobacter pylori infection after sublingual and intragastric route of
Louise Sjökvist Ottsjö, Frida Jeverstam, Linda Yrlid, Ulf Alexander Wenzel, A. K. Walduck, Sukanya Raghavan
Immunology - 2017 -
Gastric expression of IL-17A and IFNγ in Helicobacter pylori infected individuals is related to
Jenni Adamsson, Louise Sjökvist Ottsjö, Samuel B Lundin, Ann-Mari Svennerholm, Sukanya Raghavan
Cytokine - 2017 -
Effects of conventional immunosuppressive treatment on CD244+(CD28null) and FOXP3+T cells in the inflamed muscle of patients with polymyositis and
Jayesh M. Pandya, I. Loell, M. S. Hossain, M. Zong, H. Alexanderson, Sukanya Raghavan, I. E. Lundberg, V. Malmstrom
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2016 -
Vaccination against Helicobacter pylori
Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
Helicobacter pylori Research: From Bench to Bedside - 2016 -
Defining the Roles of IFN-gamma and IL-17A in Inflammation and Protection against Helicobacter pylori
Louise Sjökvist Ottsjö, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Staffan Nilsson, R. D. Malefyt, A. K. Walduck, Sukanya Raghavan
PLoS ONE - 2015 -
Treg-cell depletion promotes chemokine production and accumulation of CXCR3(+) conventional T cells in intestinal
Paulina Akeus, Veronica Langenes, Jonas Kristensen, Astrid von Mentzer, Tim Sparwasser, Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
European journal of immunology - 2015 -
Inflammation, Immunity, and Vaccines for Helicobacter pylori
A. Walduck, L. P. Andersen, Sukanya Raghavan
Helicobacter - 2015 -
Helicobacter pylori Infection of the Gastric
Sukanya Raghavan, Jan Holmgren, Ann-Mari Svennerholm
Mucosal Immunology: Fourth Edition - 2015 -
The role of IL-17A and IFN gamma in vaccine-induced protection against Helicobacter pylori
Louise Sjökvist Ottsjö, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Staffan Nilsson, R. D. Malefyt, A. Walduck, Sukanya Raghavan
Cytokine - 2014 -
Altered chemokine production and accumulation of regulatory T cells in intestinal adenomas of APC(Min/+)
Paulina Akeus, Veronica Langenes, Astrid von Mentzer, Ulf Yrlid, Åsa Sjöling, Pushpa Saksena, Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII - 2014 -
Infliximab Inhibits Activation and Effector Functions of Peripheral Blood T Cells in vitro from Patients with Clinically Active Ulcerative
Rahil Dahlén, Hans Strid, Anna Lundgren, Stefan Isaksson, Sukanya Raghavan, Maria K Magnusson, Magnus Simrén, Henrik Sjövall, Lena Öhman
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2013 -
A double mutant heat-labile toxin from Escherichia coli, LT(R192G/L211A), is an effective mucosal adjuvant for vaccination against Helicobacter pylori
Louise Sjökvist Ottsjö, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Jan Holmgren, John Clements, Sukanya Raghavan
Infection and immunity - 2013 -
Helicobacter pylori Infection Impairs the Mucin Production Rate and Turnover in the Murine Gastric
Nazanin Navabi, Malin E V Johansson, Sukanya Raghavan, Sara K. Lindén
Infection and Immunity - 2013 -
Immune modulation by regulatory T cells in Helicobacter pylori-associated
Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets - 2012 -
Mucosal vaccination increases local chemokine production attracting immune cells to the stomach mucosa of Helicobacter pylori infected
Carl-Fredrik Flach, Michael Mozer, Malin Sundquist, Jan Holmgren, Sukanya Raghavan
Vaccine - 2012 -
Regulatory T cells in gastrointestinal
Sukanya Raghavan, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology - 2011 -
CD4+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells from Gαi2-/- mice are functionally active in vitro, but do not prevent
Yu-Yuan Chiu Götlind, Sukanya Raghavan, Paul William Bland, Elisabeth Hultgren Hörnquist
PloS one - 2011 -
A truncated form of HpaA is a promising antigen for use in a vaccine against Helicobacter
Carl-Fredrik Flach, Natascha Svensson, Margareta Blomquist, Annelie Ekman, Sukanya Raghavan, Jan Holmgren
Vaccine - 2011 -
Pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression in the stomach correlates with vaccine-induced protection against Helicobacter pylori infection in mice: an important role for interleukin-17 during the effector
Carl-Fredrik Flach, Anna Karin Ostberg, Anne-Therese Nilsson, Rene De Waal Malefyt, Sukanya Raghavan
Infection and immunity - 2011 -
'Help' from an unexpected source: polyclonal Tregs enhance antibody response to mucosal
Sukanya Raghavan, Ali M Harandi
Immunology and cell biology - 2010 -
Enhanced M1 macrophage polarization in human Helicobacter pylori-associated atrophic gastritis and in vaccinated
Marianne Quiding-Järbrink, Sukanya Raghavan, Malin Sundquist
PLOS one - 2010 -
Sublingual immunization protects against Helicobacter pylori infection and induces T and B cell responses in the
Sukanya Raghavan, Anna Karin Ostberg, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Annelie Ekman, Margareta Blomquist, Cecil Czerkinsky, Jan Holmgren
Infection and immunity - 2010 -
Gastric gelatinase B/matrix metalloproteinase-9 is rapidly increased in Helicobacter felis-induced
Philip Bergin, Sukanya Raghavan, Helena Svensson, Sofie Starckx, Ilse Van Aelst, Inger Gjertsson, Ghislain Opdenakker, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink
FEMS immunology and medical microbiology - 2008 -
Mucosal immune responses are related to reduction of bacterial colonization in the stomach after therapeutic Helicobacter pylori immunization in
Johanna Nyström, Sukanya Raghavan, Ann-Mari Svennerholm
Microbes Infect - 2006 -
Oral tolerance induction with antigen conjugated to cholera toxin B subunit generates both Foxp3+CD25+ and Foxp3-CD25- CD4+ regulatory T
Jia-Bin Sun, Sukanya Raghavan, Åsa Sjöling, Samuel B Lundin, Jan Holmgren
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) - 2006 -
Oral tolerance induction by mucosal administration of cholera toxin B-coupled antigen involves T-cell proliferation in vivo and is not affected by depletion of CD25+ T
Annie George-Chandy, Susanne Hultkrantz, Sukanya Raghavan, Cecil Czerkinsky, Michael Lebens, Esbjörn Telemo, Jan Holmgren
Immunology - 2006 -
Mucosal adjuvants and anti-infection and anti-immunopathology vaccines based on cholera toxin, cholera toxin B subunit and CpG
Jan Holmgren, Jenni Adamsson, F. Anjuere, J. Clemens, C. Czerkinsky, Kristina Eriksson, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Annie George-Chandy, Ali M Harandi, Michael Lebens, T. Lehner, Marianne Lindblad, Erik Nygren, Sukanya Raghavan, Joaquin Sanchez, M. Stanford, Jia-Bin Sun, Ann-Mari Svennerholm, Sara Tengvall
Immunol Lett - 2005 -
Antigen-specific in vitro suppression of murine Helicobacter pylori-reactive immunopathological T cells by CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T
Sukanya Raghavan, E. Suri-Payer, Jan Holmgren
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2004 -
Orally administered CpG oligodeoxynucleotide induces production of CXC and CC chemokines in the gastric mucosa and suppresses bacterial colonization in a mouse model of Helicobacter pylori
Sukanya Raghavan, J Nyström, M Fredriksson, Jan Holmgren, Ali M Harandi
Infection and immunity - 2003 -
Helicobacter pylori infection and immunity. Protection after vaccination and regulation of inflammation in a mouse
Sukanya Raghavan