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- Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr
Statsvetenskapliga institutionenOm Monika Bauhr
Monika Bauhr is a Professor at department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, and a research fellow at the Quality of Government Institute. She has previously been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, Stanford University and the University of Florida in the US and the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. She has also served as a consultant and participated in public events relating to climate change, corruption and development policies. Between 2014 and 2017 she has been the Scientific Coordinator and Principal Investigator of the ANTICORRP (Anticorruption Policies Revisited: Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption), a large-scale multidisciplinary research program involving 20 institutions in 15 European countries, funded by the European Commission. Her most recent work appears in journals such as the International Studies Quarterly, Global Environmental Politics, Governance, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Public Administration, Journal of Common Market Studies and Journal of European Public Policy. She is also a co- editor of the recently published Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government.
Bauhr investigates the causes and consequences of corruption and quality of government. She studies the link between democracy and corruption, the role of transparency and access to information, women representation and the nature of different forms of corruption and clientelism. She also investigates how corruption influences public support for foreign aid, international redistribution and the provision of public goods more broadly.
Pågående forskning
She is currently involved in two research projects:
•“Why are some democracies less corrupt than others? Understanding the link between women representation and corruption". (Principal Investigator), funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR).
•."Measuring the Quality of Government at the subnational level and comparing results with previous studies", funded by the European Commission.
Bauhr teaches or has taught courses at both graduate and undergraduate level, including Research Design for doctoral students, International Environmental Politics and experimental design and regression analysis. She also supervises theses at all levels and is member of the department thesis examiner board.
She has also taught courses and been a member of the program board for the Program in Environmental Social Science and worked with the Minor Field Studies Committee (MFS), a SIDA funded student scholarship program for theses in developing countries.
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What candidate will fight corruption? Gender and anti-corruption stereotypes across European
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron, Lena Wängnerud
European Political Science Review - 2025 -
Women’s representation and varieties of corruption: why distinguishing between different forms of corruption
Monika Bauhr
Handbook on Gender and Corruption in Democracies - 2024 -
Will Women’s Representation Reduce Bribery? Trends in Corruption and Public Service Delivery Across European
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron, Lena Wängnerud
Political Behavior - 2024 -
Gender, women's representation and
Monika Bauhr, Leslie Schwindt-Bayer
Elgar Encyclopedia of Corruption and Society - 2024 -
Beyond Buildings: Social Bargaining and Effective Access to Public
Monika Bauhr, Ruth D Carlitz, Lucia Kovacikova
Public Organization Review - 2024 -
Europe around the corner? How border proximity and quality of government explains European
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
European Union Politics - 2023 -
‘It's the quality of government stupid’ explaining patterns in support for far right in the 2022 French presidential
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
Electoral Studies - 2023 -
All hands on deck’ or separate lifeboats? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
Journal of European Public Policy - 2023 -
Change and Continuity in Quality of Government:
Trends in subnational quality of government in EU member
Nicholas Charron, Victor Lapuente, Monika Bauhr, Paola Annoni
Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research - 2022 -
Oxford Handbook of the Quality of
Andreas Bågenholm, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes, Bo Rothstein
2021 -
When does transparency improve public services? Street-level discretion, information, and
Monika Bauhr, Ruth Carlitz
Public Administration - 2021 -
Stand together or alone? Public support for European economic solidarity during the Covid-19
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
European Societies - 2021 -
Introduction: Quality of Government:
Andreas Bågenholm, Bo Rothstein, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes
The Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government (eds. Andreas Bågenholm, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes and Bo Rothstein). Oxford: Oxford University Press. - 2021 -
Democracy and the Quality of
Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes
Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government - 2021 -
Does Corruption Lead to Lower Subnational Credit Ratings? Fiscal Dependence, Market Reputation, and the Cost of
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron, Maciej Sychowiec
Business and Politics - 2021 -
Sub-national Quality of Government in EU Member States: Presenting the 2021 European Quality of Government Index and its relationship with Covid-19
Nicholas Charron, Victor Lapuente, Monika Bauhr
Quality of Government working paper series - 2021 -
Will Women Executives Reduce Corruption? Marginalization and Network
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
Comparative Political Studies - 2021 -
Do Citizens Support EU Cohesion Policy? Measuring European support for redistribution within the EU and its
Nicholas Charron, Monika Bauhr
Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research - 2020 -
In God we Trust? Identity, Institutions and International Solidarity in
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
Journal of Common Market Studies - 2020 -
Do Men and Women Perceive Corruption Differently? Gender Differences in Perception of Need and Greed
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
Politics and Governance - 2020 -
The EU as a savior and a saint? Corruption and public support for
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
Journal of European Public Policy - 2020 -
Lights on the shadows of public procurement. Transparency as an antidote to
Monika Bauhr, Agnes Czibik, Jenny De Fine Licht, Mihaly Fazekas
Governance - 2020 -
Exclusion or interests? Why females in elected office reduce petty and grand
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron, Lena Wängnerud
European Journal of Political Research - 2019 -
Why support International redistribution? Corruption and public support for aid in the
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
European Union Politics - 2018 -
Insider or Outsider? Grand Corruption and Electoral
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
Comparative Political Studies - 2018 -
What do Citizens think about Redistribution and Aid within the EU?
Description and Highlights of a Pan European Citizen Survey on Public Support for Cohesion
Transparency to curb corruption? Concepts, measures and empirical
Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes
Crime, Law and Social Change - 2017 -
Gender Differences in Mobilization Against Greed
Lena Wängnerud, Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron
American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting. San Francisco: Aug 31-Sep 3 - 2017 -
Need or Greed? Conditions for Collective Action against
Monika Bauhr
Governance - 2017 -
Does Corruption reduce Public Support for Foreign Aid? Aid Effectiveness, Accountability and Foreign Aid
Monika Bauhr
International Political Science Association - 2016 -
Does female representation reduce all forms of
Monika Bauhr, Lena Wängnerud
European Consortium of Political Research - 2016 -
Åsikter om korruption bortom landets
Monika Bauhr, Niklas Harring
Mittfåra & marginal, Annika Bergström & Henrik Oscarsson (Ed.) - 2014 -
Indignation or Resignation: The Implications of Transparency for Societal
Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes
Governance-an International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions - 2014 -
Does Corruption Cause Aid Fatigue? Public Opinion and the Aid-Corruption
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
International Studies Quarterly - 2013 -
Korruption i Sverige 2011. Förekomst och
Monika Bauhr, Mathias A. Färdigh
I framtidens skugga : fyrtiotvå kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle : SOM-undersökningen 2011 - 2012 -
What is Government Transparency? - New Measures and Relevance for Quality of
Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes
QOG Working Paper Series - 2012 -
Need or Greed
Monika Bauhr
Good government : the relevance of political science / edited by Sören Holmberg and Bo Rothstein - 2012 -
Do International Organizations Promote Quality of
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
Good government : the relevance of political science / edited by Sören Holmberg and Bo Rothstein - 2012 -
How Do International Organizations Promote Quality of Government? Contestation, Integration, and the Limits of IO
Monika Bauhr, N. Nasiritousi
International Studies Review - 2012 -
Resisting Transparency: Corruption, Legitimacy, and the Quality of Global Environmental
Monika Bauhr, N. Nasiritousi
Global Environmental Politics - 2012 -
Svenska folkets syn på
Monika Bauhr, Henrik Oscarsson
Sören Holmberg, Lennart Weibull & Henrik Oscarsson (red) Lycksalighetens ö. Göteborg: SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet. - 2011 -
Does Corruption Cause Aid
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
QoG working paper series - 2011 -
Public Perceptions of Corruption: The Prevalence and Moral Rejection of Corruption in
Monika Bauhr, Henrik Oscarsson
QoG working paper series - 2011 -
Does Corruption Cause Aid Fatigue? Public Opinion and the Aid-Corruption
Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
International Studies Quarterly - 2011 -
The Dimensions and Correlates of
Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes
Quality of Government Conference, Dec - 2011 -
Resisting Transparency. Corruption, Legitimacy and the Quality of Global Environmental
Monika Bauhr
Global Environmental Politics - 2011 -
Does Corruption Cause Aid
Monika Bauhr
QoG Working Paper Series 2011:17 - 2011 -
Why Pay Bribes. Collective Action and Anticorruption
Monika Bauhr
QoG Working Paper Series 2011:18 - 2011 -
“Does Corruption Cause Aid Fatigue? Public Opinion and the Paradox of
Monika Bauhr
International Studies Association, March - 2011 -
Public Perception of Corruption: The Prevalence and Moral Rejection of Corruption in
Carbon Market
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
ISA - 2010 -
Perceptions of Corruption in
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi, Henrik Oscarsson
QoG Working Paer Series - 2010 -
Transparency and its Discontents. How IO Transparency Influences Domestic Resistance to Government
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
QoG Working Paper Series - 2010 -
Seeing the State: The Implications of Transparency for Societal
Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes, Niklas Harring
QoG Working paper series - 2010 -
Does Corruption Cause Aid Fatigue? Public Opinion and the Paradox of
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
d - 2010 -
Resisting Transparency. The Transformative Power of International
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
Quality of Government Conference, Berlin - 2009 -
Stat eller marknad? Tre modeller för en renare
Monika Bauhr
Rätt Grönt - 2009 -
Corruption in the Carbon Market? International Organisations, Transparency and the Clash of
Monika Bauhr
QoG Working Papers Series - 2009 -
Towards Better Governments? A Theoretical Framework for the Influence of International
Monika Bauhr, Nagmeh Nasiritousi
QoG Working Papers Series - 2009 -
klimatförändringarna riskerar att glömmas trots alla
Monika Bauhr
Göteborgsposten - 2007 -
Understanding Private Environmental Governance. How Government Performance Explain Where International Emission Reduction Projects are
Monika Bauhr
Presented at the Quality of Government Institute Working Conference in Nice, October 2007. - 2007 -
Explaining Public Trust in Institutions. The Role of Consensual Expert
Monika Bauhr
Lennart J. Lundqvist & Anders Biel (editors). From Kyoto to the Town Hall: Making International and National Climate Policy Work at the Local Level. London: Earthscan - 2007 -
A Model of Global Public Opinion
Monika Bauhr
Paper presented at Workshop 8, A New Generation of Environmental Knowledge-Politics Relations, 7th NESS Conference, Göteborg 15-17 juni - 2006 -
Our Common Climate. How Consensual Expert Ideas Shapes Global Public
Monika Bauhr
2005 -
Att påverka den internationella
Monika Bauhr
Hållbar utveckling som politik. Om miljöpolitikens grundproblem/SverkerJagers(ed.) - 2005 -
"Trust me!" On the Nature of Ethos
Monika Bauhr, Peter Esaiasson
Instead of the Ideal Debate. Doing Politics and Doing Gender in Nordic Political Campaign Discourse - 2001