
Monika Bauhr


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Om Monika Bauhr


Monika Bauhr is a Professor at department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, and a research fellow at the Quality of Government Institute. She has previously been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, Stanford University and the University of Florida in the US and the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. She has also served as a consultant and participated in public events relating to climate change, corruption and development policies. Between 2014 and 2017 she has been the Scientific Coordinator and Principal Investigator of the ANTICORRP (Anticorruption Policies Revisited: Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption), a large-scale multidisciplinary research program involving 20 institutions in 15 European countries, funded by the European Commission. Her most recent work appears in journals such as the International Studies Quarterly, Global Environmental Politics, Governance, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Public Administration, Journal of Common Market Studies and Journal of European Public Policy. She is also a co- editor of the recently published Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government.


Bauhr investigates the causes and consequences of corruption and quality of government. She studies the link between democracy and corruption, the role of transparency and access to information, women representation and the nature of different forms of corruption and clientelism. She also investigates how corruption influences public support for foreign aid, international redistribution and the provision of public goods more broadly.

Pågående forskning

She is currently involved in two research projects:

•“Why are some democracies less corrupt than others? Understanding the link between women representation and corruption". (Principal Investigator), funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR).

•."Measuring the Quality of Government at the subnational level and comparing results with previous studies", funded by the European Commission.


Bauhr teaches or has taught courses at both graduate and undergraduate level, including Research Design for doctoral students, International Environmental Politics and experimental design and regression analysis. She also supervises theses at all levels and is member of the department thesis examiner board.

She has also taught courses and been a member of the program board for the Program in Environmental Social Science and worked with the Minor Field Studies Committee (MFS), a SIDA funded student scholarship program for theses in developing countries.

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