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- Staffan Nilsson
Staffan Nilsson
Avdelningen för LaboratoriemedicinOm Staffan Nilsson
Staffan Nilssons forskningsområde är genetisk epidemiologi och medicinsk statistik.
Using digital technology for text comprehension: a single-subject design study on students with mild intellectual
Linda Falth, Staffan Nilsson, Tobias Bjorklund, Idor Svensson, Heidi Selenius
Unraveling the role of early coeliac disease diagnosis in the risk of developing immune-mediated renal
Francesco De Luca, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Truvé, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Katarina Ejeskar, Börje Haraldsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
Interpreting IGF-1 in children treated with recombinant growth hormone: challenges during early
Helena-Jamin Ly, Carina Ankarberg-Lindgren, Hans Fors, Staffan Nilsson, Jovanna Dahlgren
Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Hepatitis B-Histological Score and Viral Genotype Are Important Predictors of Hepatocellular
Anders Eilard, Johan Ringlander, Maria E Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, Magnus Lindh
Asymptomatic Cerebrospinal Fluid HIV-1 Escape: Incidence and
Gustaf Ulfhammer, Aylin Yilmaz, Åsa Mellgren, Erika Tyrberg, Erik Sörstedt, Lars Hagberg, Johanna Gostner, Dietmar Fuchs, Henrik Zetterberg, Staffan Nilsson, Kristina Nyström, Arvid Edén, Magnus Gisslén
Loss of Chromosome Y in Neuroblastoma Is Associated With High-Risk Disease, 11q-Deletion, and Telomere
Anna Djos, Johanna Svensson, Jennie Gaarder, Ganesh Umapathy, Staffan Nilsson, Torben Ek, Hartmut Vogt, Kleopatra Georgantzi, Ingrid Ora, Catarina Trager, Per Kogner, Tommy Martinsson, Susanne Fransson
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer - 2024 -
Intensive care unit-acquired infections more common in patients with COVID-19 than with
Josefine Beck-Friis, Magnus Gisslén, Staffan Nilsson, Anna Lindblom, Jonatan Oras, Aylin Yilmaz
Scientific Reports - 2024 -
Speech-to-text intervention to support text production among students with writing difficulties: a single-case study in nordic
Gunilla Almgren Bäck, Margunn Mossige, Helle Bundgaard Svendsen, Vibeke Rønneberg, Heidi Selenius, Nina Berg Gøttsche, Grete Dolmer, Linda Fälth, Staffan Nilsson, Idor Svensson
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology - 2024 -
Speech-to-text intervention to support text production for students with intellectual
Christina Sand, Idor Svensson, Staffan Nilsson, Heidi Selenius, Linda Fälth
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology - 2024 -
Rubella virus seropositivity after infection or vaccination as a risk factor for multiple
Jens Ingvarsson, Viktor Grut, Martin Biström, Linn Persson Berg, Pernilla Stridh, Jesse Huang, Jan Hillert, Lars Alfredsson, Ingrid Kockum, Tomas Olsson, Tim Waterboer, Staffan Nilsson, Peter Sundström
European Journal of Neurology - 2024 -
Hepatitis B virus particles in serum contain minus strand DNA and degraded pregenomic RNA of variable and inverse
Johan Ringlander, Sebastian Malmström, Anders Eilard, Lucia Gonzales Strömberg, Joakim B. Stenback, Maria E Andersson, Simon B. Larsson, Michael Kann, Staffan Nilsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Gustaf E Rydell, Magnus Lindh
Reading acquisition among students in Grades 1-3 with intellectual disabilities in
Linda Falth, Heidi Selenius, Staffan Nilsson, Idor Svensson
DYSLEXIA - 2024 -
COVID-19 Recovery: Consistent Absence of Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Abnormalities in Patients With Neurocognitive Post-COVID
Nelly Kanberg, Anna Grahn, Erika Stentoft, Daniel Bremell, Aylin Yilmaz, Marie Studahl, Staffan Nilsson, Michael Schöll, Johanna M Gostner, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Rachel Cohen, Salvia Misaghian, Daniel Romero, Christopher Campbell, Anu Mathew, Mingyue Wang, George Sigal, Martin Stengelin, Arvid Edén, Magnus Gisslén
The Journal of infectious diseases - 2024 -
Seroreactivity against lytic, latent and possible cross-reactive EBV antigens appears on average 10 years before MS induced preclinical neuroaxonal
Daniel Jons, Viktor Grut, Tomas Bergström, Henrik Zetterberg, Martin Biström, Martin Gunnarsson, Magnus Vrethem, Nicole Brenner, Julia Butt, Kaj Blennow, Staffan Nilsson, Ingrid Kockum, Tomas Olsson, Tim Waterboer, Peter Sundström, Oluf Andersen
Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry - 2024 -
[Survival and prematurity-related neonatal diagnoses among children born before 24 gestational weeks in Sweden
Eva Morsing, Pia Lundgren, Anna-Lena Hård, Alexander Rakow, Lena Hellström-Westas, Lena Jacobson, Mats Johnson, Staffan Nilsson, David Ley, Karin Sävman, Ann Hellström
Lakartidningen - 2023 -
Exploring the association of parity and its interaction with history of preterm delivery on gestational
Karin Ytterberg, Bo Jacobsson, Christopher Flatley, Julius Juodakis, Staffan Nilsson, Pol Solé Navais
Annals of epidemiology - 2023 -
Reading interventions among patients at a forensic clinic: a one-year
I. Svensson, L. Falth, H. Selenius, Staffan Nilsson
Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice - 2023 -
Prognostic Value of Parenteral Nutrition Duration on Risk of Retinopathy of Prematurity Development and Validation of the Revised DIGIROP Clinical Decision Support
Aldina Pivodic, Gerd Holmstrom, Lois E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, Abbas Al-Hawasi, Eva Larsson, Pia Lundgren, Lotta Granse, Kristina Tornqvist, Agneta Wallin, Helena Johansson, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
Induction and subsequent decline of S1-specific T cell reactivity after COVID-19
Andreas Törnell, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Johan Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner
Clinical Immunology - 2023 -
Maternal human papillomavirus infection during pregnancy and preterm delivery, a mother-child cohort study in Norway and
Johanna Wiik, Magdalena R Vaernesbranden, Christine M Jonassen, Anne Cathrine Staff, Karin C L Carlsen, Berit Granum, Guttorm Haugen, Gunilla Hedlin, Katarina Hilde, Bo Jacobsson, Staffan Nilsson, Björn Nordlund, Anbjørg Rangberg, Eva Maria Rehbinder, Verena Sengpiel, Håvard Skjerven, Birgitte K Sundet, Cilla Söderhäll, Riyas Vettukattil, Katrine Sjøborg
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica - 2023 -
Impact of pre-antiretroviral treatment HIV-RNA on time to successful virological suppression and subsequent virological failure - two nationwide, population-based cohort
Erik Sörstedt, Malte Mose Tetens, Staffan Nilsson, Piotr Nowak, Carl Johan Treutiger, Fredrik Månsson, Lena Änghagen, Magnus Gisslén, Niels Obel, Aylin Yilmaz
AIDS (London, England) - 2023 -
Longitudinal decline of plasma neurofilament light levels after antiretroviral initiation in people living with
Enrico Ripamonti, Arvid Edén, Staffan Nilsson, Anders Sönnerborg, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
Journal of internal medicine - 2023 -
Absolute Quantification of Donor-Derived Cell-Free DNA in Pediatric and Adult Patients After Heart Transplantation: A Prospective
Jens Böhmer, Carina Wasslavik, Daniel Andersson, Anders Ståhlberg, Marianne Jonsson, Håkan Wåhlander, Kristjan Karason, Jan Sunnegårdh, Staffan Nilsson, Julia Asp, Göran Dellgren, Anne Ricksten
Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation - 2023 -
Normal neonatal TREC and KREC levels in early onset juvenile idiopathic
J. A. Gudmundsdottir, Sigurdur Thorleifsson, V. Lundback, C. Gongrich, Jenny Lingman Framme, E. Kindgren, Karin Rydenman, B. R. Ludviksson, H. Bjarnadottir, S. Runarsdottir, Staffan Nilsson, R. H. Zetterstrom, Olov Ekwall, Susanne Lindgren
Clinical Immunology - 2023 -
Significance and Interrelationship of the Symptoms Listed in the DSM Criteria for Premenstrual Dysphoric
Erik Studer, Staffan Nilsson, Anna Westman, Nancy L Pedersen, Elias Eriksson
Psychiatric research and clinical practice - 2023 -
Rotavirus infections and their genotype distribution in Rwanda before and after the introduction of rotavirus
J. C. Kabayiza, Staffan Nilsson, Maria Andersson
Plos One - 2023 -
Residual Central Nervous System Immune Activation Is Not Prevented by Antiretroviral Therapy Initiated During Early Chronic HIV
Arvid Edén, Frida Rydberg, Aylin Yilmaz, Lars Hagberg, J. Gostner, Staffan Nilsson, D. Fuchs, Magnus Gisslén
Open Forum Infectious Diseases - 2023 -
Sex difference in circulating soluble form of ACE2 protein in moderate and severe COVID-19 and healthy
Josefina Robertson, Bengt Nellgård, Lillemor Mattsson Hultén, Staffan Nilsson, Keti Dalla, Mats Börjesson, Henrik Zetterberg, Joar Svanvik, Magnus Gisslén
Frontiers in medicine - 2022 -
Transient and durable T cell reactivity after
Anna Martner, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Andreas Törnell, J. Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, M. Lindh, Martin Lagging, Staffan Nilsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2022 -
The effect of vitamin B supplementation on neuronal injury in people living with HIV: a randomized controlled
Erika Tyrberg, Lars Hagberg, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Aylin Yilmaz, Åsa Mellgren, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
Brain Communications - 2022 -
Pre- and peripubertal sex steroids are inversely associated with birth weight in preterm
Kjersti Kvernebo-Sunnergren, Jovanna Dahlgren, Ann-Katrine Karlsson, Staffan Nilsson, Kerstin Allvin, Carina Ankarberg-Lindgren
Clinical Endocrinology - 2022 -
Self-reported symptom severity, general health, and impairment in post-acute phases of COVID-19: retrospective cohort study of Swedish public
Simon B. Larsson, Gustaf Stukát von Feilitzen, Maria E Andersson, Per Sikora, Magnus Lindh, Rickard Nordén, Staffan Nilsson, Robert Sigström
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
National cohort of infants born before 24 gestational weeks showed increased survival rates but no improvement in neonatal
Pia Lundgren, E. Morsing, Anna-Lena Hård, A. Rakow, L. Hellstrom-Westas, Lena Jacobson, Mats Johnson, G. Holmstrom, Staffan Nilsson, L. E. Smith, Karin Sävman, Ann Hellström
Acta Paediatrica - 2022 -
Maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes in the NICE birth cohort: an assessment of self-selection
Linda Englund-Ögge, Fiona Murray, Dominika Modzelewska, Robert Lundqvist, Staffan Nilsson, Helena Carré, Maria Kippler, Agnes E Wold, Ann-Sofie Sandberg, Anna Sandin, Bo Jacobsson, Malin Barman
The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians - 2022 -
Evaluation of the Retinopathy of Prematurity Activity Scale (ROP-ActS) in a randomised controlled trial aiming for prevention of severe ROP: a substudy of the Mega Donna Mega
Aldina Pivodic, H. Johansson, L. E. H. Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
Bmj Open Ophthalmology - 2022 -
Dynamics of the normal gut microbiota: A longitudinal one-year population study in
Lisa M. Olsson, F. Boulund, Staffan Nilsson, Muhammad Tanweer Khan, Anders Gummesson, L. Fagerberg, L. Engstrand, Rosie Perkins, M. Uhlén, Göran Bergström, Valentina Tremaroli, Fredrik Bäckhed
Cell Host and Microbe - 2022 -
Associations between cervical intraepithelial neoplasia during pregnancy, previous excisional treatment, cone-length and preterm delivery: a register-based study from western
Johanna Wiik, Cecilia Kärrberg, Staffan Nilsson, Björn Strander, Bo Jacobsson, Verena Sengpiel
BMC medicine - 2022 -
Development and validation of a new clinical decision support tool to optimize screening for retinopathy of
Aldina Pivodic, Helena Johansson, L. E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, B. A. Yoder, M. E. Hartnett, C. Wu, M. C. Bründer, W. A. Lagrèze, A. Stahl, A. Al-Hawasi, E. Larsson, Pia Lundgren, L. Gränse, B. Sunnqvist, K. Tornqvist, A. Wallin, G. Holmström, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
British Journal of Ophthalmology - 2022 -
No effect of remdesivir or betamethasone on upper respiratory tract SARS-CoV-2 RNA kinetics in hospitalised COVID-19 patients: a retrospective observational
Birger Sourander, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Magnus Brink, Aylin Yilmaz, Nicklas Sundell, Emelie Marklund, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Lindh, Josefina Robertson, Magnus Gisslén
Infectious Diseases - 2022 -
Rapid cytokine release assays for analysis of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in whole
Andreas Törnell, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Johan Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, Malin Nilsson, Staffan Nilsson, Roberta Kiffin, Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner
The Journal of infectious diseases - 2022 -
Deficiency of SARS-CoV-2 T-cell responses after vaccination in long-term allo-HSCT survivors translates into abated humoral
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Anna Martner, Jesper Waldenström, Malin Nicklasson, Johan Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, Andreas Törnell, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Staffan Nilsson, Rudy Bittar, Malin Nilsson, Mikael Lisak, Malin Veje, Vanda Friman, Samer Al-Dury, Tomas Bergström, Per Ljungman, Mats Brune, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging
Blood advances - 2022 -
Investigation of 91 proteins implicated in neurobiological processes identifies multiple candidate plasma biomarkers of stroke
Cecilia Lagging, Sofia Klasson, Annie Pedersen, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Jood, Tara M Stanne, Christina Jern
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
The amount of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater relates to the development of the pandemic and its burden on the health
Hao Wang, Marianela Patzi Churqui, Timur Tunovic, L. Enache, A. Johansson, Ambjörn Kärmander, Staffan Nilsson, Martin Lagging, Maria Andersson, L. Dotevall, T. Brezicka, Kristina Nyström, Helene Norder
iScience - 2022 -
Impact of chosen cutoff on response rate differences between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and
Alexander Lisinski, Fredrik Hieronymus, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Translational Psychiatry - 2022 -
Axonal injury in asymptomatic individuals preceding onset of multiple
Daniel Jons, Henrik Zetterberg, Martin Biström, Lucia Alonso-Magdalena, Martin Gunnarsson, Magnus Vrethem, Kaj Blennow, Staffan Nilsson, Peter Sundström, Oluf Andersen
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology - 2022 -
Sex difference in circulating sACE2 protein in moderate and severe COVID-19 and healthy
Josefina Robertson, Bengt Nellgård, Lillemor Mattsson Hultén, Staffan Nilsson, Keti Dalla, Mats Börjesson, Henrik Zetterberg, Joar Svanvik, Magnus Gisslén
Frontiers in medicine - 2022 -
A prediction model could foresee adequate height response in children eligible for growth hormone
Helena-Jamin Ly, Hans Fors, Staffan Nilsson, Jovanna Dahlgren
Acta Paediatrica - 2022 -
Higher plasma drug levels in elderly people living with HIV treated with
Erika Tyrberg, Arvid Edén, J. Eriksen, Staffan Nilsson, C. J. Treutiger, A. Thalme, Åsa Mellgren, Magnus Gisslén, Lars-Magnus Andersson
PLoS ONE - 2021 -
Bacterial Carriage of Genes Encoding Fibronectin-Binding Proteins Is Associated with Long-Term Persistence of Staphylococcus aureus in the Nasal and Gut Microbiota of
Forough Nowrouzian, Annika Ljung, Bill Hesselmar, Staffan Nilsson, Ingegerd Adlerberth, Agnes E Wold
Applied and Environmental Microbiology - 2021 -
Presence of interferon-lambda, 4, male vender, absent/mild steatosis and low viral load augment antibody levels to hepatitis C
Jesper Waldenström, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Johan Westin, Staffan Nilsson, P. Christensen, M. Farkkila, K. Morch, N. Langeland, Gunnar Norkrans, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2021 -
Effect of antiretroviral treatment on blood-brain barrier integrity in HIV-1
Birgitta Anesten, Henrik Zetterberg, Staffan Nilsson, Bruce J Brew, Dietmar Fuchs, Richard W Price, Magnus Gisslén, Aylin Yilmaz
BMC neurology - 2021 -
Low incidence of reinfection with endemic coronaviruses diagnosed by
Johan Ringlander, Staffan Nilsson, Johan Westin, Magnus Lindh, Anna Martner, Kristoffer Hellstrand
The Journal of infectious diseases - 2021 -
Associations of treated and untreated human papillomavirus infection with preterm delivery and neonatal mortality: A Swedish population-based
Johanna Wiik, Staffan Nilsson, Cecilia Kärrberg, Björn Strander, Bo Jacobsson, Verena Sengpiel
PLoS medicine - 2021 -
Upper respiratory tract levels of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and duration of viral RNA shedding do not differ between patients with mild and severe/critical
Aylin Yilmaz, Emelie Marklund, Maria Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Magnus Lindh, Magnus Gisslén
The Journal of infectious diseases - 2021 -
Increased immune activation and signs of neuronal injury in HIV-negative people on preexposure
Josefina Robertson, Arvid Edén, Kristina Nyström, Lars Hagberg, Aylin Yilmaz, Johanna M Gostner, Dietmar Fuchs, Staffan Nilsson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
AIDS (London, England) - 2021 -
Comparable endemic coronavirus nucleoprotein-specific antibodies in mild and severe Covid-19
Susannah Leach, Ali M Harandi, Tomas Bergström, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, L. van der Hoek, Magnus Gisslén
Journal of Medical Virology - 2021 -
Developmental trajectory of the healthy human gut microbiota during the first 5 years of
Josefine Roswall, Lisa M. Olsson, Petia Kovatcheva-Datchary, Staffan Nilsson, Valentina Tremaroli, Marie-Christine Simon, P. Kiilerich, Rozita Akrami, Manuela Krämer, M. Uhlen, Anders Gummesson, K. Kristiansen, Jovanna Dahlgren, Fredrik Bäckhed
Cell Host & Microbe - 2021 -
Comparison of DNA Methylation Profiles of Hemostatic Genes between Liver Tissue and Peripheral Blood within
Martina Olsson Lindvall, Annelie Angerfors, Björn Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Marcela Davila Lopez, L. Hansson, Tara M Stanne, Christina Jern
Thrombosis and Haemostasis - 2021 -
Validation of the Retinopathy of Prematurity Activity Scale (ROP-ActS) using retrospective clinical
Aldina Pivodic, Staffan Nilsson, A. Stahl, L. E. H. Smith, Ann Hellström
Acta Ophthalmologica - 2021 -
Viral interference cannot be concluded from datasets containing only symptomatic
Rickard Nordén, Magnus Lindh, Staffan Nilsson, Johan Westin
The Lancet Microbe - 2021 -
Effects of assistive technology for students with reading and writing
Idor Svensson, Thomas Nordström, Emma Lindeblad, Stefan Gustafson, Marianne Björn, Christina Sand, Gunilla Almgren/Bäck, Staffan Nilsson
Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology - 2021 -
Longitudinal Follow Up of Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2 in Health Care Workers in Sweden With Several Different Commercial IgG-Assays, Measurement of Neutralizing Antibodies and CD4+ T-Cell
Emelie Marklund, Susannah Leach, Kristina Nyström, Anna Lundgren, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Staffan Nilsson, Aylin Yilmaz, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Mats Bemark, Magnus Gisslén
Frontiers in immunology - 2021 -
Adrenal androgen trajectories are established during childhood in preterm
Kjersti Kvernebo-Sunnergren, Ann-Katrine Karlsson, Kerstin Allvin, Staffan Nilsson, Carina Ankarberg-Lindgren, Jovanna Dahlgren
Acta Paediatrica - 2021 -
Absence of interferon-lambda 4 enhances spontaneous clearance of acute hepatitis C virus genotypes 1-3
Jesper Waldenström, M. Kaberg, M. A. Blome, A. Widell, P. Bjorkman, Staffan Nilsson, A. Hammarberg, O. Weiland, Kristina Nyström, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2021 -
MYO5B mutations in pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma promote cancer
Tajana Tesan Tomic, Josefin Olausson, Anna Rehammar, Lily Deland, Andreas Muth, K. Ejeskar, Staffan Nilsson, Erik Kristiansson, Olof Nilsson Wassén, Frida Abel
Plos Genetics - 2020 -
Changes in data management contribute to temporal variation in gestational duration distribution in the Swedish Medical Birth
Dominika Modzelewska, Pol Solé Navais, Anna Sandstrom, Ge Zhang, Louis J Muglia, Christopher Flatley, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Jacobsson
PloS one - 2020 -
Importance of the environment for gestational duration variability and correlation between relatives - results from the Medical Swedish Birth Registry,
Dominika Modzelewska, Pol Solé Navais, Ge Zhang, Louis J Muglia, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Jacobsson
PloS one - 2020 -
Cognitive impairment without altered levels of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in patients with encephalitis caused by varicella-zoster virus: a pilot
Marie Eckerström, Staffan Nilsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Anna Grahn
Scientific reports - 2020 -
Serum neopterin levels in relation to mild and severe
Josefina Robertson, Johanna M Gostner, Staffan Nilsson, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Dietmar Fuchs, Magnus Gisslén
BMC infectious diseases - 2020 -
Individual variability in treatment response to antidepressants in major depression: comparing trial-level and patient-level
Fredrik Hieronymus, M Hieronymus, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson, S D Østergaard
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2020 -
Inflammatory Mediator Profiles in Secretory Otitis Media in Relationship to Viable Bacterial Pathogens and Bacterial and Viral Nucleic
Susann Skovbjerg, K. Roos, Maria Andersson, Hardis Rabe, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Lindh, Agnes E Wold
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research - 2020 -
Expression of 22 serotonin-related genes in rat brain after subacute serotonin depletion or reuptake
Jakob Näslund, Erik Studer, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Acta Neuropsychiatrica - 2020 -
Protein Concentrations of Thrombospondin-1, MIP-1β, and S100A8 Suggest the Reflection of a Pregnancy Clock in Mid-Trimester Amniotic
Felicia Viklund, Maria Hallingström, Marian Kacerovsky, Teresa Cobo, Kristin Skogstrand, David M Hougaard, Karin Sävman, Ylva Carlsson, Panos Tsiartas, Julius Juodakis, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Jacobsson
Reproductive sciences - 2020 -
Neurochemical evidence of astrocytic and neuronal injury commonly found in
Nelly Kanberg, Nicholas J. Ashton, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Aylin Yilmaz, Magnus Lindh, Staffan Nilsson, Richard W Price, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
Neurology - 2020 -
The association between selected mid-trimester amniotic fluid candidate proteins and spontaneous preterm
Maria Hallingström, Teresa Cobo, Marian Kacerovsky, David M. Hougaard, Rose-Marie Holst, Panos Tsiartas, Maria Bullarbo, Ylva Carlsson, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Jacobsson
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine - 2020 -
Complete remission after the first cycle of induction chemotherapy determines the clinical efficacy of relapse-preventive immunotherapy in acute myeloid
Malin S. Nilsson, Alexander Hallner, Mats Brune, Staffan Nilsson, Fredrik Bergh Thorén, Anna Martner, Kristoffer Hellstrand
British journal of haematology - 2020 -
Item-based analysis of the effects of duloxetine in depression: a patient-level post hoc
Alexander Lisinski, Fredrik Hieronymus, Jakob Näslund, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology - 2020 -
A Comprehensive Sequencing-Based Analysis of Allelic Methylation Patterns in Hemostatic Genes in Human
Martina Olsson Lindvall, Marcela Davila Lopez, Sofia Klasson, L. Hansson, Staffan Nilsson, Tara M Stanne, Christina Jern
Thrombosis and Haemostasis - 2020 -
Serum-IgG responses to SARS-CoV-2 after mild and severe COVID-19 infection and analysis of IgG
Emelie Marklund, Susannah Leach, Hannes Axelsson, Kristina Nyström, Helene Norder, Mats Bemark, Davide Angeletti, Anna Lundgren, Staffan Nilsson, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Aylin Yilmaz, Magnus Lindh, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Magnus Gisslén
PloS one - 2020 -
The relation of 25-hydroxy vitamin D concentrations to liver histopathology, seasonality and baseline characteristics in chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3
Jesper Waldenström, Kristina Nyström, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, Magdalena Ydreborg, N. Langeland, K. Morch, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging
Plos One - 2020 -
Immunotherapy with HDC/IL-2 may be clinically efficacious in acute myeloid leukemia of normal
Malin S. Nilsson, Alexander Hallner, Mats Brune, Staffan Nilsson, Fredrik Bergh Thorén, Anna Martner, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics - 2020 -
Serum and cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain in patients with central nervous system infections caused by varicella-zoster
Tobias Tyrberg, Staffan Nilsson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Anna Grahn
Journal of neurovirology - 2020 -
Mid-trimester amniotic fluid proteome's association with spontaneous preterm delivery and gestational
Maria Hallingström, Petra Zedníková, Vojtěch Tambor, Malin Barman, Marie Vajrychová, Juraj Lenčo, Felicia Viklund, Linda Tancred, Hardis Rabe, Daniel Jonsson, Alisa Kachikis, Staffan Nilsson, Marian Kacerovský, Kristina M. Adams Waldorf, Bo Jacobsson
PloS one - 2020 -
Maternal dietary selenium intake is associated with increased gestational length and decreased risk for preterm
Malin Barman, A. L. Brantsæter, Staffan Nilsson, M. Haugen, T. Lundh, G. F. Combs, G. Zhang, L. J. Muglia, H. M. Meltzer, Bo Jacobsson, Verena Sengpiel
British Journal of Nutrition - 2020 -
Individual Risk Prediction for Sight-Threatening Retinopathy of Prematurity Using Birth
Aldina Pivodic, Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, Lois E.H. Smith, Carolyn Wu, Marie Christine Bründer, Wolf A. Lagrèze, Andreas Stahl, Gerd Holmström, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Helena Johansson, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
JAMA Ophthalmology - 2020 -
IFNL4 Genotypes Predict Clearance of RNA Viruses in Rwandan Children With Upper Respiratory Tract
Belson Rugwizangoga, Maria Andersson, Jean-Claude Kabayiza, Malin S. Nilsson, Brynja Armannsdóttir, Johan Aurelius, Staffan Nilsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Magnus Lindh, Anna Martner
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology - 2019 -
Circulating neurofilament light in ischemic stroke: temporal profile and outcome
Annie Pedersen, Tara M Stanne, Staffan Nilsson, Sofia Klasson, Lars Rosengren, Lukas Holmegaard, Katarina Jood, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Christina Jern
Journal of Neurology - 2019 -
Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Promote Neutrophil Accumulation in the Spleen by Altering Chemotaxis and Delaying Cell
Sara L Svahn, Saray Gutiérrez, Marcus A Ulleryd, I. Nookaew, Veronica Osla, Fredrik Beckman, Staffan Nilsson, Anna Karlsson, John-Olov Jansson, Maria E Johansson
Infection and Immunity - 2019 -
Cervical microbiota in women with cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia, prior to and after local excisional treatment, a Norwegian cohort
Johanna Wiik, V. Sengpiel, M. Kyrgiou, Staffan Nilsson, A. Mitra, T. Tanbo, C. M. Jonassen, T. M. Tannaes, K. Sjoborg
Bmc Womens Health - 2019 -
Low Frequency ALK Hotspots Mutations In Neuroblastoma Tumours Detected By Ultra-deep Sequencing: Implications For ALK Inhibitor
Niloufar Javanmardi, Susanne Fransson, Anna Djos, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Truvé, P. Kogner, Tommy Martinsson
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Interleukin 4 induces rapid mucin transport, increases mucus thickness and quality and decreases colitis and Citrobacter rodentium in contact with epithelial
Sinan Sharba, Nazanin Navabi, Médea Padra, Macarena P Quintana-Hayashi, Jenny K Gustafsson, Louis Szeponik, Vignesh Venkatakrishnan, A. Sjoling, Staffan Nilsson, Marianne Quiding-Järbrink, Malin E V Johansson, Sara K. Lindén
Virulence - 2019 -
Neonatal gut colonization by Staphylococcus aureus strains with certain adhesins and superantigens is negatively associated with subsequent development of atopic
Forough Nowrouzian, Annika Ljung, Staffan Nilsson, Bill Hesselmar, Ingegerd Adlerberth, Agnes E Wold
British Journal of Dermatology - 2019 -
Influence of baseline severity on the effects of SSRIs in depression: an item-based, patient-level post-hoc
Fredrik Hieronymus, Alexander Lisinski, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Lancet Psychiatry - 2019 -
How do we determine whether antidepressants are useful or not? - Authors'
Fredrik Hieronymus, Alexander Lisinski, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
The Lancet Psychiatry - 2019 -
Familial intestinal degenerative neuropathy with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction linked to a gene locus with duplication in chromosome
Hasse Abrahamsson, Frida Ahlfors, Susanne Fransson, Staffan Nilsson, H. Linander, Tommy Martinsson
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2019 -
Switching from a regimen containing abacavir/lamivudine or emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide fumarate does not affect central nervous system HIV-1
Aylin Yilmaz, Mellgren, Mellgren,, D. Fuchs, Staffan Nilsson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
Infectious Diseases - 2019 -
Anthracycline-based consolidation may determine outcome of post-consolidation immunotherapy in
Johan Aurelius, Lars Möllgård, Roberta Kiffin, Frida Ewald Sander, Staffan Nilsson, Fredrik Bergh Thorén, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner
Leukemia & Lymphoma - 2019 -
Plasma concentration of neurofilament light chain protein decreases after switching from tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to tenofovir alafenamide
Linn Hermansson, Aylin Yilmaz, Richard W Price, Staffan Nilsson, Scott McCallister, Tariro Makadzange, Moupali Das, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Magnus Gisslén
PloS one - 2019 -
Inosine Triphosphate Pyrophosphatase Dephosphorylates Ribavirin Triphosphate and Reduced Enzymatic Activity Potentiates Mutagenesis in Hepatitis C
Kristina Nyström, P. H. Wanrooij, Jesper Waldenström, Ludmila Adamek, Sofia Brunet, Joanna Said, Staffan Nilsson, M. Wind-Rotolo, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Helene Norder, Ka-Wei Tang, Martin Lagging
Journal of Virology - 2018 -
Quantification of torque teno virus and Epstein-Barr virus is of limited value for predicting the net state of immunosuppression after lung
Rickard Nordén, Jesper Magnusson, Anna Lundin, Ka-Wei Tang, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Lindh, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Gerdt C. Riise, Johan Westin
Open Forum Infectious Diseases - 2018 -
Fibrinogen concentrations predict long-term cognitive outcome in young ischemic stroke
Annie Pedersen, Tara M Stanne, Petra Redfors, Jo Inge Viken, Hans Samuelsson, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Jood, Christina Jern
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis - 2018 -
Persistent CNS immune activation following > 10 years of effective HIV antiretroviral
Gustaf Ulfhammer, Arvid Edén, Åsa Mellgren, Dietmar Fuchs, Henrik Zetterberg, Lars Hagberg, Staffan Nilsson, Aylin Yilmaz, Magnus Gisslén
AIDS (London, England) - 2018 -
Efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the absence of side effects: a mega-analysis of citalopram and paroxetine in adult
Fredrik Hieronymus, Alexander Lisinski, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Molecular Psychiatry - 2018 -
Timing of probiotic milk consumption during pregnancy and effects on the incidence of preeclampsia and preterm delivery: a prospective observational cohort study in
M Nordqvist, Bo Jacobsson, Anne-Lise Brantsæter, Ronny Myhre, Staffan Nilsson, Verena Sengpiel
BMJ open - 2018 -
Effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on rating-scale-assessed suicidality in adults with
Jakob Näslund, Fredrik Hieronymus, Alexander Lisinski, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
British Journal of Psychiatry - 2018 -
Effects of 17β-Estradiol on Activity, Gene, and Protein Expression of Superoxide Dismutases in Primary Cultured Human Lens Epithelial
Dragana Skiljic, Anne Petersen, Jan-Olof Karlsson, Anders Behndig, Staffan Nilsson, Madeleine Zetterberg
Current eye research - 2018 -
Altered peripheral amino acid profile indicate a systemic impact of active celiac disease and a possible role of amino acids in disease
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Ladan Saadat Vafa, Audur Gudjonsdottir, H. Arnell, L. Browaldh, Staffan Nilsson, D. Agardh
Plos One - 2018 -
Visceral Fat and Novel Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Addison's Disease: A Case-Control
Ragnhildur Bergthorsdottir, Oskar Ragnarsson, Stanko Skrtic, Camilla A M Glad, Staffan Nilsson, I. L. Ross, M. Leonsson-Zachrisson, Gudmundur Johannsson
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism - 2017 -
No support for premature central nervous system aging in HIV-1 when measured by cerebrospinal fluid phosphorylated tau
Jan Jessen Krut, Richard W Price, Henrik Zetterberg, Dietmar Fuchs, Lars Hagberg, Aylin Yilmaz, Paola Cinque, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Gisslén
Virulence - 2017 -
Antecedents and neuroimaging patterns in cerebral palsy with epilepsy and cognitive impairment: a population-based study in children born at
Kristina Ahlin, Bo Jacobsson, Staffan Nilsson, Kate Himmelmann
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica - 2017 -
The Effect of Reading Interventions among Poor Readers at a Forensic Psychiatric
I. Svensson, L. Falth, B. Persson, Staffan Nilsson
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law - 2017 -
Assistive technology as reading interventions for children with reading impairments with a one-year
Emma Lindeblad, Staffan Nilsson, Stefan Gustafson, Idor Svensson
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology - 2017 -
Rapid Clearance and Frequent Reinfection With Enteric Pathogens Among Children With Acute Diarrhea in
Maria Andersson, Kristina Elfving, D. Shakely, Staffan Nilsson, M. Msellem, Birger Trollfors, A. Martensson, A. Bjorkman, Magnus Lindh
Clinical Infectious Diseases - 2017 -
Incidence of early anxiety aggravation in trials of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in
Jakob Näslund, Fredrik Hieronymus, Johan Fredrik Emilsson, Alexander Lisinski, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2017 -
Neurofilament light chain protein as a marker of neuronal injury: review of its use in HIV-1 infection and reference values for HIV-negative
Aylin Yilmaz, Kaj Blennow, Lars Hagberg, Staffan Nilsson, Richard W Price, Judith Schouten, Serena Spudich, Jonathan Underwood, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
Expert review of molecular diagnostics - 2017 -
The association between autonomic dysfunction, inflammation and atherosclerosis in men under investigation for carotid
Marcus A Ulleryd, Ulrica Prahl, Johannes Börsbo, Caroline Schmidt, Staffan Nilsson, Göran Bergström, Maria Johansson
PloS one - 2017 -
Lowered Expression of Tumor Suppressor Candidate MYO1C Stimulates Cell Proliferation, Suppresses Cell Adhesion and Activates
Kittichate Visuttijai, Jennifer Pettersson, Y. M. Azar, I. van den Bout, C. Orndal, Janusz Marcickiewicz, Staffan Nilsson, M. Hornquist, B. Olsson, K. Ejeskar, A. Behboudi
Plos One - 2016 -
Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acids Increase Survival and Decrease Bacterial Load in Mice Subjected to Staphylococcus aureus-Induced
Sara L Svahn, Marcus A Ulleryd, Louise Grahnemo, Marcus Ståhlman, Jan Borén, Staffan Nilsson, John-Olov Jansson, Maria E Johansson
Infection and Immunity - 2016 -
Haemostatic biomarkers are associated with long-term recurrent vascular events after ischaemic
Annie Pedersen, Petra Redfors, Linnea Lundberg, Ann Gils, Paul J. Declerck, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Jood, Christina Jern
Thrombosis and Haemostasis - 2016 -
Blood-brain barrier integrity, intrathecal immunoactivation, and neuronal injury in
Birgitta Anesten, Aylin Yilmaz, Henrik Zetterberg, Lars Hagberg, Staffan Nilsson, Bruce J Brew, Dietmar Fuchs, Richard W Price, Magnus Gisslén
Neurology, Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation - 2016 -
Association between Plasma Homocysteine Levels and Neuronal Injury in HIV
Erika Ahlgren, Lars Hagberg, Dietmar Fuchs, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Antecedents of cerebral palsy according to severity of motor
Kristina Ahlin, Kate Himmelmann, Staffan Nilsson, Verena Sengpiel, Bo Jacobsson
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica - 2016 -
Low Circulating Acute Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels Are Associated With Poor Long-Term Functional Outcome After Ischemic
Tara M Stanne, N David Åberg, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Jood, Christian Blomstrand, Ulf Andreasson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Jörgen Isgaard, Johan Svensson, Christina Jern
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation - 2016 -
Literature-Informed Analysis of a Genome-Wide Association Study of Gestational Age in Norwegian Women and Children Suggests Involvement of Inflammatory
Jonas Bacelis, Julius Juodakis, Verena Sengpiel, G. Zhang, R. Myhre, L. J. Muglia, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Jacobsson
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Plasma Concentration of the Neurofilament Light Protein (NFL) is a Biomarker of CNS Injury in HIV Infection: A Cross-Sectional
Magnus Gisslén, Richard W. Price, Ulf Andreasson, Niklas Norgren, Staffan Nilsson, Lars Hagberg, Dietmar Fuchs, Serena Spudich, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg
EBioMedicine - 2016 -
Asymptomatic Cerebrospinal Fluid HIV-1 Viral Blips and Viral Escape During Antiretroviral Therapy: A Longitudinal
Arvid Edén, Staffan Nilsson, Lars Hagberg, Dietmar Fuchs, Henrik Zetterberg, Bo Svennerholm, Magnus Gisslén
The Journal of infectious diseases - 2016 -
Consistent superiority of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors over placebo in reducing depressed mood in patients with major
Fredrik Hieronymus, Johan Fredrik Emilsson, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Molecular psychiatry - 2016 -
Oestradiol levels and superoxide dismutase activity in age-related cataract: a case-control
Dragana Skiljic, Staffan Nilsson, Anne Petersen, Jan-Olof Karlsson, Anders Behndig, Lada Kalaboukhova, Madeleine Zetterberg
BMC ophthalmology - 2016 -
Shared Genetic Factors Involved in Celiac Disease, Type 2 Diabetes and Anorexia Nervosa Suggest Common Molecular Pathways for Chronic
Johanna Mostowy, C. Monten, Audur Gudjonsdottir, H. Arnell, L. Browaldh, Staffan Nilsson, D. Agardh, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
A mega-analysis of fixed-dose trials reveals dose-dependency and a rapid onset of action for the antidepressant effect of three selective serotonin reuptake
Fredrik Hieronymus, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
Translational Psychiatry - 2016 -
GREM1 and POLE variants in hereditary colorectal cancer
Anna Rohlin, Frida Eiengård, Ulf Lundstam, Theofanis Zagoras, Staffan Nilsson, Anders Edsjö, Jan Pedersen, Janhenry Svensson, Stefan Skullman, B Göran Karlsson, Jan Björk, Margareta Nordling
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer - 2016 -
Corrigendum to: "Plasma concentration of the neurofilament light protein (NFL) is a biomarker of CNS injury in HIV infection: A cross-sectional study" [EBioMedicine 3 (216)
Magnus Gisslén, Richard W Price, Ulf Andreasson, Niklas Norgren, Staffan Nilsson, Lars Hagberg, Dietmar Fuchs, Serena Spudich, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg
EBioMedicine - 2016 -
A Genetic Variant of the Sortilin 1 Gene is Associated with Reduced Risk of Alzheimer's
Carl-Henrik Andersson, Oskar Hansson, Lennart Minthon, Niels Andreasen, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Ingmar Skoog, Anders Wallin, Staffan Nilsson, Petronella Kettunen
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease - 2016 -
Viral blips during suppressive antiretroviral treatment are associated with high baseline HIV-1 RNA
Erik Sörstedt, Staffan Nilsson, A. Blaxhult, Magnus Gisslén, L. Flamholc, A. Sonnerborg, Aylin Yilmaz
BMC Infectious Diseases - 2016 -
Increased Intrathecal Immune Activation in Virally Suppressed HIV-1 Infected Patients with Neurocognitive
Arvid Edén, T. D. Marcotte, R. K. Heaton, Staffan Nilsson, Henrik Zetterberg, D. Fuchs, D. Franklin, R. W. Price, I. Grant, S. L. Letendre, Magnus Gisslén
Plos One - 2016 -
Genetic variation of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor gene is associated with alcohol use disorders identification test scores and
Petra Suchankova, Staffan Nilsson, Bettina von der Pahlen, Pekka Santtila, Kenneth Sandnabba, Ada Johansson, Patrick Jern, Jörgen Engel, Elisabeth Jerlhag
Addiction Biology - 2016 -
Proteomic Analysis of Early Mid-Trimester Amniotic Fluid Does Not Predict Spontaneous Preterm
Maria Hallingström, J. Lenco, M. Vajrychova, M. Link, V. Tambor, V. Liman, Maria Bullarbo, Staffan Nilsson, Panos Tsiartas, T. Cobo, M. Kacerovsky, Bo Jacobsson
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Randomized Trial Evaluating the Impact of Ribavirin Mono-Therapy and Double Dosing on Viral Kinetics, Ribavirin Pharmacokinetics and Anemia in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1
Jesper Waldenström, Johan Westin, Kristina Nyström, P. Christensen, O. Dalgard, M. Farkkila, K. Lindahl, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, H. Krarup, H. Norrgren, M. R. Buhl, S. Stenmark, Martin Lagging
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Immunological and Inflammatory Response After Antenatal Supplementation with Lactobacillus Rhamnosus in Low-Risk Pregnant
Bo Jacobsson, Verena Sengpiel, Staffan Nilsson, Maria Hallingström, Anders Elfvin, A. L. Brantsaeter, Masha Nordquist, R. Myhre, Teresa Cobo
63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society-for-Reproductive-Investigation. 16-19 mars, 2016, Location: Montreal, Canada. Reproductive Sciences - 2016 -
Gastric fluid cytokines are associated with chorioamnionitis and white blood cell counts in preterm
Kristina Bry, Bo Jacobsson, Staffan Nilsson
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2015 -
The GH receptor exon 3 deleted/full-length polymorphism is associated with central adiposity in the general
Camilla A M Glad, Lena M S Carlsson, Olle Melander, Peter Almgren, Lars Sjöström, Staffan Nilsson, Ingrid Larsson, Per-Arne Svensson, Gudmundur Johannsson
European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies - 2015 -
Acute escitalopram but not contextual conditioning exerts a stronger "anxiogenic" effect in rats with high baseline "anxiety" in the acoustic startle
Robert Pettersson, Jakob Näslund, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson, S Melker Hagsäter
Psychopharmacology - 2015 -
Defining the Roles of IFN-gamma and IL-17A in Inflammation and Protection against Helicobacter pylori
Louise Sjökvist Ottsjö, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Staffan Nilsson, R. D. Malefyt, A. K. Walduck, Sukanya Raghavan
PLoS ONE - 2015 -
Genes involved in muscle contractility and nutrient signaling pathways within celiac disease risk loci show differential mRNA
C. Monten, Audur Gudjonsdottir, L. Browaldh, H. Arnell, Staffan Nilsson, D. Agardh, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
BMC Medical Genetics - 2015 -
Genetic Variants of GSK3B are Associated with Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive
Petronella Kettunen, Susanna Larsson, Sandra Holmgren, Sandra Olsson, Lennart Minthon, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Staffan Nilsson, Annica Sjölander
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease - 2015 -
Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids increase survival and decrease bacterial load during septic S. aureus infection, and improve neutrophil function in
Sara L Svahn, Louise Grahnemo, Vilborg Palsdottir, Intawat Nookaew, Karl Wendt, Britt G. Gabrielsson, Erik Scheele, Anna Benrick, Niklas Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Maria E Johansson, John-Olov Jansson
Infection and Immunity - 2015 -
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in fatty acid desaturases is associated with cord blood long chain PUFA proportions and development of
Malin Barman, Staffan Nilsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, A. Sandin, Agnes E Wold, Ann-Sofie Sandberg
Allergy - 2015 -
Analysis of an independent tumor suppressor locus telomeric to Tp53 suggested Inpp5k and Myo1c as novel tumor suppressor gene candidates in this
Carola Oldfors Hedberg, Diego Garcia Dios, Anna Linder, Kittichate Visuttijai, Emma Samuelson, S. Karlsson, Staffan Nilsson, A. Behboudi
BMC Genetics - 2015 -
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the FADS Gene Cluster but not the ELOVL2 Gene are Associated with Serum Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Composition and Development of Allergy (in a Swedish Birth
Malin Barman, Staffan Nilsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Anna Sandin, Agnes E Wold, Ann-Sofie Sandberg
Nutrients - 2015 -
Expression of inflammatory markers in a genetic rodent model of
Nina Strenn, Petra Suchankova, Staffan Nilsson, Christina Fischer, Gregers Wegener, Aleksander A Mathé, Agneta Ekman
Behavioural Brain Research - 2015 -
Estrogen-related polymorphisms in Estonian patients with age-related
Dragana Skiljic, Staffan Nilsson, Mona Seibt Palmér, G Tasa, E Juronen, A Behndig, Jan-Olof Karlsson, Anne Petersen, Henrik Zetterberg, Madeleine Zetterberg
Ophthalmic Genetics - 2015 -
Differences in anxiety-like behavior within a batch of wistar rats are associated with differences in serotonergic transmission, enhanced by acute sri administration, and abolished by serotonin
Jakob Näslund, Erik Studer, Robert Pettersson, S Melker Hagsäter, Staffan Nilsson, Hans Nissbrandt, Elias Eriksson
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology - 2015 -
Serotonin Depletion-Induced Maladaptive Aggression Requires the Presence of
Erik Studer, Jakob Näslund, Erik Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Lars Westberg, Elias Eriksson
Plos One - 2015 -
Association analysis of GWAS and candidate gene loci in a Pakistani population with
Saeeda Munir, Simeen Ber Rahman, Sadia Rehman, Nusrat Saba, Wasim Ahmad, Staffan Nilsson, Kehkashan Mazhar, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
Molecular immunology - 2015 -
Retraction: "Folic acid supplementation, dietary folate intake during pregnancy and risk for spontaneous preterm delivery: a prospective observational cohort
Verena Sengpiel, Jonas Bacelis, Ronny Myhre, Solveig Myking, Aase Devold Pay, Margaretha Haugen, Anne-Lise Brantsæter, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Roy M Nilsen, Per Magnus, Stein Emil Vollset, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Jacobsson
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - 2014 -
The alleged ineffectiveness of SSRIs in depression is an artefact caused by the use of an inappropriate measure of
Fredrik Hieronymus, Johan Fredrik Emilsson, Staffan Nilsson, Elias Eriksson
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology vol. 17 Supplement 1. 29th CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, Vancouver, Canada, 22–26 June 2014 - 2014 -
Biomarker Evidence of Axonal Injury in Neuroasymptomatic HIV-1
Jan Jessen Krut, Tomas Mellberg, R.W. Price, Lars Hagberg, D. Fuchs, Lars Rosengren, Staffan Nilsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Magnus Gisslén
PLoS ONE - 2014 -
Extracellular water and blood pressure in adults with growth hormone (GH) deficiency: a genotype-phenotype association
Edna J L Barbosa, Camilla A M Glad, Anna G Nilsson, Niklas Bosaeus, Helena Filipsson Nyström, Per-Arne Svensson, Bengt-Åke Bengtsson, Staffan Nilsson, Ingvar Bosaeus, Cesar Luiz Boguszewski, Gudmundur Johannsson
PloS one - 2014 -
Variants of the inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase gene are associated with reduced relapse risk following treatment for HCV genotype
Karolina Rembeck, Jesper Waldenström, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Staffan Nilsson, Kristina Nyström, Anna Martner, Magnus Lindh, Gunnar Norkrans, Johan Westin, Court Pedersen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Kristine Mörch, Peer Brehm Christensen, Martin Lagging
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - 2014 -
Association of NFE2L2 and KEAP1 haplotypes with amyotrophic lateral
Petra Bergström, Malin von Otter, Staffan Nilsson, Ann-Charloth Nilsson, Michael Nilsson, Peter M Andersen, Ola Hammarsten, Henrik Zetterberg
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration - 2014 -
Folic acid supplementation, dietary folate intake during pregnancy and risk for spontaneous preterm delivery: a prospective observational cohort
Verena Sengpiel, Jonas Bacelis, Ronny Myhre, Solveig Myking, Aase Devold Pay, Margaretha Haugen, Anne-Lise Brantsæter, Helle Meltzer, Roy Miodini Nilsen, Per Magnus, Stein Vollset, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Jacobsson
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2014 -
Elevated antibody reactivity to measles virus Ncore protein among patients with multiple sclerosis and their healthy siblings with intrathecal oligoclonal immunoglobulin G
Linn Persson, Sonia Longhi, Johanna Enarsson, Oluf Andersen, Sara Haghighi, Staffan Nilsson, Martin Lagging, Maria Johansson, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Clinical Virology - 2014 -
Genetic associations of Nrf2-encoding NFE2L2 variants with Parkinson's disease: a multicenter
Malin von Otter, Petra Bergström, Aldo Quattrone, Elvira De Marco, Grazia Annesi, Peter Söderkvist, Stephanie Wettinger, Marek Drozdzik, Monika Bialecka, Hans Nissbrandt, Christine Klein, Michael Nilsson, Ola Hammarsten, Staffan Nilsson, Henrik Zetterberg
BMC medical genetics - 2014 -
A mutation in POLE predisposing to a multi-tumour
Anna Rohlin, Theofanis Zagoras, Staffan Nilsson, Ulf Lundstam, Jan Wahlström, Leif Hultén, Tommy Martinsson, B Göran Karlsson, Margareta Nordling
International Journal of Oncology - 2014 -
Martin Lagging, Karolina Rembeck, Jesper Waldenström, Staffan Nilsson, Kristina Nyström, Anna Martner, Magnus Lindh, Gunnar Norkrans, Johan Westin, Court Pedersen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Kristine Mørch, Peer B Christensen, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - 2014 -
Diarrhoeagenic microbes by real-time PCR in Rwandan children under 5 years of age with acute
Jean-Claude Kabayiza, E. M. Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, C Baribwira, G Muhirwa, Tomas Bergström, Magnus Lindh
Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - 2014 -
Genetic Variation of Superoxide Dismutases in Patients with Primary Open-angle
Dragana Celojevic, Staffan Nilsson, Lada Kalaboukhova, Gunnar Tasa, Erkki Juronen, Annica Sjölander, Henrik Zetterberg, Madeleine Zetterberg
Ophthalmic Genetics - 2014 -
SNPs within the GH-signaling pathway are associated with the early IGF1 response to GH replacement therapy in GHD
Camilla A M Glad, Edna J L Barbosa, Helena Filipsson Nyström, Lena M S Carlsson, Staffan Nilsson, Anna G Nilsson, Per-Arne Svensson, Gudmundur Johannsson
European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies - 2014 -
The role of IL-17A and IFN gamma in vaccine-induced protection against Helicobacter pylori
Louise Sjökvist Ottsjö, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Staffan Nilsson, R. D. Malefyt, A. Walduck, Sukanya Raghavan
Cytokine - 2014 -
Persisting hypoxaemia is an insufficient measure of adverse lung function in very immature
Ola Hjalmarson, Hrolfur Brynjarsson, Staffan Nilsson, Kenneth Sandberg
Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition - 2014 -
Real-time PCR Identification of Agents Causing Diarrhea in Rwandan Children Less Than 5 Years of
Jean-Claude Kabayiza, Maria Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Tomas Bergström, Gregoire Muhirwa, Magnus Lindh
Kinetics of Microbial Translocation Markers in Patients on Efavirenz or Lopinavir/r Based Antiretroviral
J. Vesterbacka, P. Nowak, B. Barqasho, S. Abdurahman, J. Nystrom, Staffan Nilsson, H. Funaoka, T. Kanda, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Magnus Gisslén, A. Sonnerborg
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Genetic variation of superoxide dismutases in patients with primary open-angle
Dragana Celojevic, Staffan Nilsson, Anne Petersen, Gunnar Tasa, Erkki Juronen, Madeleine Zetterberg
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:6207. Presented at The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting 2013, 5-9 May, Seattle, USA. - 2013 -
A possible association between panic disorder and a polymorphism in the preproghrelin
Caroline Hansson, Kristina Annerbrink, Staffan Nilsson, Jessica Bah, Marie Olsson, C. Allgulander, Sven Andersch, I. Sjodin, Elias Eriksson, Suzanne L. Dickson
Psychiatry Research - 2013 -
Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in patients with varicella-zoster virus CNS
Anna Grahn, Lars Hagberg, Staffan Nilsson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Marie Studahl
Journal of neurology - 2013 -
Lopinavir/ritonavir, atazanavir/ritonavir, and efavirenz in antiretroviral-naïve HIV-1-infected individuals over 144 weeks: An open-label randomized controlled
Lars-Magnus Andersson, Jan Vesterbacka, Anders Blaxhult, Leo Flamholc, Staffan Nilsson, Vidar Ormaasen, Anders Sönnerborg, Magnus Gisslén
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases - 2013 -
Complement Gene Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Biomarker Endophenotypes of Alzheimer's
Jonny Daborg, Sandra Holmgren, Alexandra Abramsson, Ulf Andreasson, Madeleine Zetterberg, Staffan Nilsson, L Minthon, Ingmar Skoog, Kaj Blennow, Marcela Pekna, Eric Hanse, Henrik Zetterberg
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease - 2013 -
A Possible Mechanism behind Autoimmune Disorders Discovered By Genome-Wide Linkage and Association Analysis in Celiac
Malin Östensson, Caroline Montén, Jonas Bacelis, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Svetlana Adamovic, Johan Ek, Henry Ascher, Elisabet Pollak, Henrik Arnell, Lars Browaldh, Daniel Agardh, Jan Wahlström, Staffan Nilsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
A maternal diet of fatty fish reduces body fat of offspring compared with a maternal diet of beef and a post-weaning diet of fish improves insulin sensitivity and lipid profile in adult C57BL/6 male
A. Hussain, Intawat Nookaew, Sakda Khoomrung, L. Andersson, Ingrid Larsson, Lena Hulthén, Nina Jansson, Robert Jakubowicz, Staffan Nilsson, Ann-Sofie Sandberg, Jens B. Nielsen, Agneta Holmäng
Acta Physiologica - 2013 -
Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy is associated with birth weight but not with gestational length: results from a large prospective observational cohort
Verena Sengpiel, Elisabeth Elind, Jonas Bacelis, Staffan Nilsson, Jakob Grove, Ronny Myhre, Margaretha Haugen, Helle M Meltzer, Jan Alexander, Bo Jacobsson, Anne-Lise Brantsaeter
BMC Medicine - 2013 -
Increased CSF sulfatide levels and serum glycosphingolipid antibody levels in healthy siblings of multiple sclerosis
Sara Haghighi, Annika Lekman, Staffan Nilsson, Maria K. Blomqvist, Oluf Andersen
Journal of the Neurological Sciences - 2013 -
Superoxide dismutase gene polymorphisms in patients with age-related
Dragana Celojevic, Staffan Nilsson, Anders Behndig, Gunnar Tasa, Erkki Juronen, Jan-Olof Karlsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Anne Petersen, Madeleine Zetterberg
Ophthalmic genetics - 2013 -
Genetic Variants of Coagulation Factor XI Show Association with Ischemic Stroke Up to 70 Years of
Ellen Hanson, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Jood, Bo Norrving, Gunnar Engström, Christian Blomstrand, Arne Lindgren, Olle Melander, Christina Jern
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Genetic Variation of the Ghrelin Signalling System in Individuals with Amphetamine
Petra Suchankova, Elisabeth Jerlhag, N. Jayaram-Lindström, Staffan Nilsson, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Jörgen Engel, J. Franck
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Dynamic tailoring of treatment durations improves efficiency of hepatitis C treatment with pegylated interferon and
Magnus Lindh, B. Arnholm, P. Bjorkman, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging, Staffan Nilsson, T. Wahlberg, E. Wallmark, O. Weiland, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, A. Widell, Gunnar Norkrans
Journal of Viral Hepatitis - 2013 -
ERBB3 is a marker of a ganglioneuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma-like expression profile in neuroblastic
Annica Wilzén, Cecilia Krona, Baldur Sveinbjörnsson, Erik Kristiansson, Daniel Dalevi, Ingrid Ora, Katleen De Preter, Raymond L Stallings, John Maris, Rogier Versteeg, Staffan Nilsson, Per Kogner, Frida Abel
Molecular cancer - 2013 -
Functional Mannose-Binding Lectin Haplotype Variants are Associated with Alzheimer's
Annica Sjölander, L. Minthon, L. Nuytinck, E. Vanmechelen, Kaj Blennow, Staffan Nilsson
Journal of Alzheimers Disease - 2013 -
Maternal beef and postweaning herring diets increase bone mineral density and strength in mouse
Ays Hussain, Hanna Olausson, Staffan Nilsson, Intawat Nookaew, Sakda Khoomrung, Louise Andersson, Antti Koskela, Juha Tuukkanen, Claes Ohlsson, Agneta Holmäng
Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) - 2013 -
Cognitive impairment 3 years after neurological Varicella-zoster virus infection: a long-term case control
Anna Grahn, Staffan Nilsson, Arto Nordlund, Thomas Lindén, Marie Studahl
Journal of Neurology - 2013 -
A novel ARC gene polymorphism is associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer's
Sara Landgren, Malin von Otter, Mona Seibt Palmér, Caroline Zetterström, Staffan Nilsson, Ingmar Skoog, Deborah Gustafson, Lennart Minthon, Anders Wallin, Niels Andreasen, Nenad Bogdanovic, Jan Marcusson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Petronella Kettunen
Journal of Neural Transmission - 2012 -
BAC CGH-array identified specific small-scale genomic imbalances in diploid DMBA-induced rat mammary
Emma Samuelson, Sara Karlsson, Karolina Partheen, Staffan Nilsson, Claude Szpirer, Afrouz Behboudi
BMC Cancer - 2012 -
Is the Gly82Ser polymorphism in the RAGE gene relevant to schizophrenia and the personality trait
Petra Suchankova, Jonas Klang, Carin Cavanna, Göran Holm, Staffan Nilsson, Erik G Jönsson, Agneta Ekman
Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN - 2012 -
Genotypes associated with lipid metabolism contribute to differences in serum lipid profile of GH-deficient adults before and after GH replacement
Edna J L Barbosa, Camilla A M Glad, Anna G Nilsson, Helena Filipsson Nyström, Galina Götherström, Per-Arne Svensson, Isabela Vinotti, Bengt-Åke Bengtsson, Staffan Nilsson, Cesar Luiz Boguszewski, Gudmundur Johannsson
European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies - 2012 -
No evidence for an association between ABO blood group and overall ischemic stroke or any of the major etiologic
Ellen Hanson, Sara Karlsson, Katarina Jood, Staffan Nilsson, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
Thrombosis Research - 2012 -
Hormonal response during physical exercise of different intensities in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and healthy
Peter Adolfsson, Staffan Nilsson, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Bengt Lindblad
Pediatric diabetes - 2012 -
Myelin glycosphingolipid immunoreactivity and CSF levels in multiple
Sara Haghighi, Annika Lekman, Staffan Nilsson, Maria K. Blomqvist, Oluf Andersen
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica - 2012 -
Spectrum of chronic lung disease in a population of newborns with extremely low gestational
Ola Hjalmarson, Hrolfur Brynjarsson, Staffan Nilsson, Kenneth Sandberg
Acta paediatrica - 2012 -
Plasma factor VII-activating protease antigen levels and activity are increased in ischemic
Ellen Hanson, S M Kanse, A Joshi, Katarina Jood, Staffan Nilsson, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH - 2012 -
Smoking is associated with impaired bone mass development in young adult men: A five year longitudinal
Robert Rudäng, Anna Darelid, Martin Nilsson, Staffan Nilsson, Dan Mellström, Claes Ohlsson, Mattias Lorentzon
Journal of bone and mineral research - 2012 -
The recurrent Guillain-Barre syndrome: a long-term population-based
Natalia Mossberg, Magnus Nordin, Charlotta Movitz, Staffan Nilsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Tomas Bergström, B. Andersson, Oluf Andersen
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica - 2012 -
Tumor Development, Growth Characteristics and Spectrum of Genetic Aberrations in the TH-MYCN Mouse Model of
Agnes Rasmuson, Lova Segerström, Maria Nethander, Jennie Finnman, Lotta H M Elfman, Niloufar Javanmardi, Staffan Nilsson, John Inge Johnsen, Tommy Martinsson, Per Kogner
PLoS ONE - 2012 -
Self-reported health, self-management, and the impact of living with inflammatory bowel disease during
Helene Lindfred, Robert Saalman, Staffan Nilsson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Margret Lepp
Journal of pediatric nursing - 2012 -
Identification of epigenetically regulated genes that predict patient outcome in
Helena Carén, Anna Djos, Maria Nethander, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Per Kogner, Camilla Enström, Staffan Nilsson, Tommy Martinsson
BMC Cancer - 2011 -
A 6-gene signature identifies four molecular subgroups of
Frida Abel, Daniel Dalevi, Maria Nethander, Rebecka Jörnsten, Katleen De Preter, Joëlle Vermuelen, Raymond Stallings, Per Kogner, John Maris, Staffan Nilsson
Cancer Cell International - 2011 -
The definition of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders: are we overestimating the real
Magnus Gisslén, Richard W Price, Staffan Nilsson
BMC Infectious Diseases - 2011 -
Hepatitis C treatment response kinetics and impact of baseline
Magnus Lindh, B Arnholm, Anders Eilard, M Färkkilä, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging, N Langeland, K Mørch, Staffan Nilsson, C Pedersen, M R Buhl, T Wahlberg, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, Gunnar Norkrans
Journal of viral hepatitis - 2011 -
Core mutations, IL28B polymorphisms and response to peginterferon/ribavirin treatment in Swedish patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1
Erik Alestig, B. Arnholm, Anders Eilard, Martin Lagging, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, T. Wahlberg, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, Magnus Lindh
BMC Infectious Diseases - 2011 -
Interleukin 28B Gene Variation at rs12979860 Determines Early Viral Kinetics During Treatment in Patients Carrying Genotypes 2 or 3 of Hepatitis C
Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, M. Färkkilä, N. Langeland, K. Mörch, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, C. Pedersen, M. R. Buhl, Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2011 -
Continuous glucose monitoring system during physical exercise in adolescents with type 1
Peter Adolfsson, Staffan Nilsson, Bengt Lindblad
Acta Paediatrica - 2011 -
Reply to
Arvid Edén, Magnus Gisslén, Lars Hagberg, Bo Svennerholm, Serena Spudich, Richard price, Dietmar Fuchs, Staffan Nilsson
J Infect Dis - 2011 -
Plasma levels of von Willebrand factor in the etiologic subtypes of ischemic
Ellen Hanson, Katarina Jood, S. Karlsson, Staffan Nilsson, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis - 2011 -
IL28B polymorphisms determine early viral kinetics and treatment outcome in patients receiving peginterferon/ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C genotype
Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, B Arnholm, Anders Eilard, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, Jonas Söderholm, T Wahlberg, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Journal of Viral Hepatitis - 2011 -
Possibility of HIV-1 Resistance Mutations in Cerebrospinal Fluid From Persons Receiving Suppressive Therapy
A. Edén, D. Fuchs, L. Hagberg, Staffan Nilsson, S. Spudich, B. Svennerholm, R.W. Price, M. Gisslén
Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2011 -
Familial Dyslexia in a Large Swedish Family: A Whole Genome Linkage
I. Svensson, Staffan Nilsson, J. Wahlstrom, M. Jernas, L. M. Carlsson, E. Hjelmquist
Behavior Genetics - 2011 -
Inflammatory cytokines in gastric fluid at birth and the development of bronchopulmonary
H Stichel, Erica Bäckström, Ola Hafström, Staffan Nilsson, Urpo Lappalainen, Kristina Bry
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2011 -
Perinatal lack of maternal IL-6 promotes increased adiposity during adulthood in
Susanne Lager, Ingrid Wernstedt Asterholm, Erik Schéle, Nina Jansson, Staffan Nilsson, John-Olov Jansson, Malin Lönn, Agneta Holmäng
Endocrinology - 2011 -
Glial fibrillary acidic protein: a potential biomarker for progression in multiple
M Axelsson, Clas Malmeström, Staffan Nilsson, Sara Haghighi, Lars Rosengren, Jan Lycke
Journal of neurology - 2011 -
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Glycoprotein E Is a Serological Antigen for Detection of Intrathecal Antibodies to VZV in Central Nervous System Infections, without Cross-Reaction to Herpes Simplex Virus
Anna Grahn, Marie Studahl, Staffan Nilsson, Elisabeth Thomsson, Malin Bäckström, Tomas Bergström
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology - 2011 -
Opportunistic virus DNA levels after pediatric stem cell transplantation: serostatus matching, anti-thymocyte globulin, and total body irradiation are additive risk
Carola Kullberg-Lindh, Karin Mellgren, Vanda Friman, Anders Fasth, Henry Ascher, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Lindh
Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society - 2011 -
A single early postnatal estradiol injection affects morphology and gene expression of the ovary and parametrial adipose tissue in adult female
Camilla Alexanderson, Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Joel Kullberg, Staffan Nilsson, Max Levin, Stefan Cajander, Lars Lönn, Malin Lönn, Agneta Holmäng
The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology - 2010 -
A variant near the interleukin-6 gene is associated with fat mass in Caucasian
Niklas Andersson, Louise Strandberg, Staffan Nilsson, Svetlana Adamovic, M. K. Karlsson, O. Ljunggren, Dan Mellström, N. E. Lane, J. M. Zmuda, C. Nielsen, E. Orwoll, Mattias Lorentzon, Claes Ohlsson, John-Olov Jansson
International Journal of Obesity - 2010 -
Leukocyte oxygen radical production determines disease severity in the recurrent
Natalia Mossberg, Oluf Andersen, Magnus Nordin, Staffan Nilsson, Åke Svedhem, Tomas Bergström, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Charlotta Movitz
Journal of Inflammation - 2010 -
Association of the RAGE G82S polymorphism with Alzheimer's
Jonny Daborg, Malin von Otter, Annica Sjölander, Staffan Nilsson, Lennart Minthon, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg
Journal of Neural Transmission - 2010 -
Associations between the angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism and monoamine metabolite concentrations in cerebrospinal
Kristina Annerbrink, Erik G Jönsson, Marie Olsson, Staffan Nilsson, Göran C Sedvall, Henrik Anckarsäter, Elias Eriksson
Psychiatry research - 2010 -
Kinesin Light Chain 1 Gene Haplotypes in Three Conformational
Malin von Otter, Sara Landgren, Staffan Nilsson, Caroline Lundvall, Lennart Minthon, Nenad Bogdanovic, Niels Andreasen, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog, Anders Wallin, Anna Håkansson, Hans Nissbrandt, Madeleine Zetterberg, Gunnar Tasa, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg
Neuromolecular medicine - 2010 -
Parents' views of their child's health and family function in paediatric inflammatory bowel
Helene Lindfred, Robert Saalman, Staffan Nilsson, Margret Lepp
Acta paediatrica - 2010 -
Four novel coeliac disease regions replicated in an association study of a Swedish-Norwegian family
Silja Svanström Amundsen, Julia Rundberg, Svetlana Adamovic, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Staffan Nilsson, Benedicte Alexandra Lie, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Ludvig M Sollid
Genes and immunity - 2010 -
Nrf2-encoding NFE2L2 haplotypes influence disease progression but not risk in Alzheimer's disease and age-related
Malin von Otter, Sara Landgren, Staffan Nilsson, Madeleine Zetterberg, Dragana Celojevic, Petra Bergström, Lennart Minthon, Nenad Bogdanovic, Niels Andreasen, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog, Anders Wallin, Gunnar Tasa, Kaj Blennow, Michael Nilsson, Ola Hammarsten, Henrik Zetterberg
Mechanisms of ageing and development - 2010 -
Association of Nrf2-encoding NFE2L2 haplotypes with Parkinson's
Malin von Otter, Sara Landgren, Staffan Nilsson, Dragana Celojevic, Petra Bergström, Anna Håkansson, Hans Nissbrandt, Marek Drozdzik, Monika Bialecka, Mateusz Kurzawski, Kaj Blennow, Michael Nilsson, Ola Hammarsten, Henrik Zetterberg
BMC medical genetics - 2010 -
High-risk neuroblastoma tumors with 11q-deletion display a poor prognostic, chromosome instability phenotype with later
Helena Carén, Hanna Kryh, Maria Nethander, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Catarina Träger, Staffan Nilsson, Jonas Abrahamsson, Per Kogner, Tommy Martinsson
PNAS - 2010 -
HIV-1 viral escape in cerebrospinal fluid of subjects on suppressive antiretroviral
Arvid Edén, Dietmar Fuchs, Lars Hagberg, Staffan Nilsson, Serena Spudich, Bo Svennerholm, Richard W Price, Magnus Gisslén
The Journal of infectious diseases - 2010 -
Stretching Treatment for Infants With Congenital Muscular Torticollis: Physiotherapist or Parents? A Randomized Pilot
Anna Öhman, Staffan Nilsson, Eva Beckung
PM&R : The journal of injury, function and rehabilitation - 2010 -
Differential effects of efavirenz, lopinavir/r, and atazanavir/r on the initial viral decay rate in treatment naïve HIV-1-infected
Arvid Edén, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Orjan Andersson, Leo Flamholc, Filip Josephson, Staffan Nilsson, Vidar Ormaasen, Veronica Svedhem, Christer Säll, Anders Sönnerborg, Petra Tunbäck, Magnus Gisslén
AIDS research and human retroviruses - 2010 -
Verification of genes differentially expressed in neuroblastoma tumours: a study of potential tumour suppressor
Kaisa Thorell, Annika Bergman, Helena Carén, Staffan Nilsson, Per Kogner, Tommy Martinsson, Frida Abel
BMC medical genomics - 2009 -
Influence of androgen receptor repeat polymorphisms on personality traits in
Lars Westberg, Susanne Henningsson, Mikael Landén, Kristina Annerbrink, Jonas Melke, Staffan Nilsson, Roland Rosmond, Göran Holm, Henrik Anckarsäter, Elias Eriksson
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience - 2009 -
Are infants with torticollis at risk of a delay in early motor milestones compared with a control group of healthy
Anna Öhman, Staffan Nilsson, Anna-Lena Lagerkvist, Eva Beckung
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology - 2009 -
Association between genetic variation at the ADAMTS13 locus and ischemic
Ellen Hanson, Katarina Jood, Staffan Nilsson, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH - 2009 -
Association Between Genotypes and Phenotypes in Coeliac
Audur Gudjonsdottir, Staffan Nilsson, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Johan Ek, Silja Amundsen, Jan Wahlström, Henry Ascher
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2009 -
Validity and reliability of the Muscle Function Scale, aimed to assess the lateral flexors of the neck in
Anna Öhman, Staffan Nilsson, Eva Beckung
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2009 -
Oxygen radical production in leukocytes and disease severity in multiple
Natalia Mossberg, Charlotta Movitz, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Tomas Bergström, Staffan Nilsson, Oluf Andersen
Journal of neuroimmunology - 2009 -
Association between genetic variation at the ADAMTS13 locus and ischemic
Ellen Hanson, Katarina Jood, Staffan Nilsson, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
11th lnternational Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis, Tallinn, Estland 2009 - 2009 -
Ovarian epithelial neoplasia after hormonal infertility treatment: long-term follow-up of a historical cohort in
Karin Sanner, Peter Conner, Kjell Bergfeldt, Paul Dickman, Karin Sundfeldt, Torbjörn Bergh, Kerstin Hagenfeldt, Per-Olof Janson, Staffan Nilsson, Ingemar Persson
Fertil Steril - 2009 -
BMI Changes during Childhood and Adolescence as Predictors of Amount Adult Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue in Men - the GOOD
Jenny Kindblom, Mattias Lorentzon, Åsa Hellqvist, Lars Lönn, John Brandberg, Staffan Nilsson, Ensio Norjavaara, Claes Ohlsson
Diabetes - 2009 -
Breast cancer incidence after hormonal infertility treatment in Sweden: a cohort
C Orgeas, Karin Sanner, Per Hall, Peter Conner, Jan Holte, Staffan Nilsson, Karin Sundfeldt, Ingemar Persson, Kee Seng Chia, Sara Wedren, Paul Dickman, Kamilla Czene
Am J Obstet Gynecol - 2009 -
The Phox2 pathway is differentially expressed in neuroblastoma tumors, but no mutations were found in the candidate tumor suppressor gene
Annica Wilzén, Staffan Nilsson, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Per Kogner, Tommy Martinsson, Frida Abel
International journal of oncology - 2009 -
Sequence analysis of human rhinovirus aspirated from the nasopharynx of patients with relapsing-remitting
Maria Kneider, Tomas Bergström, C Gustafsson, Nancy P Nenonen, Cecilia Ahlgren, Staffan Nilsson, Oluf Andersen
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) - 2009 -
Variants of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene are associated with fat mass in
Niklas Andersson, Louise Strandberg, Staffan Nilsson, Ö Ljungren, Magnus K Karlsson, Dan Mellström, Mattias Lorentzon, Claes Ohlsson, John-Olov Jansson
International journal of obesity (2005) - 2009 -
Association of genetic variants in ADAMTS13 with ischemic
Ellen Hanson, Katarina Jood, Staffan Nilsson, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
European Stroke Conference, Stockholm 2009 - 2009 -
Molecular classification of spontaneous endometrial adenocarcinomas in BDII
Emma Samuelson, Carola Hedberg, Staffan Nilsson, Afrouz Behboudi
Endocrine-related cancer - 2009 -
Association of nAChR gene haplotypes with heavy alcohol use and body
Sara Landgren, Jörgen Engel, Malin E Andersson, Arturo Gonzalez-Quintela, Joaquin Campos, Staffan Nilsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Elisabeth Jerlhag
Brain research - 2009 -
Mice chronically fed high-fat diet have increased mortality and disturbed immune response in
Louise Strandberg, Margareta Verdrengh, Maria Enge, Niklas Andersson, Sylvie Amu, Karin Önnheim, Anna Benrick, Mikael Brisslert, Johan Bylund, Maria Bokarewa, Staffan Nilsson, John-Olov Jansson
PloS one - 2009 -
Reduction of the HIV-1 reservoir in resting CD4+ T-lymphocytes by high dosage intravenous immunoglobulin treatment: a proof-of-concept
Annica Lindkvist, Arvid Edén, Melissa M Norström, Veronica D Gonzalez, Staffan Nilsson, Bo Svennerholm, Annika C Karlsson, Johan K Sandberg, Anders Sönnerborg, Magnus Gisslén
AIDS research and therapy - 2009 -
Searching for genes influencing a complex disease: the case of coeliac
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Henry Ascher, Staffan Nilsson, Jan Wahlström
European journal of human genetics : EJHG - 2008 -
Association of Pro-Ghrelin and GHS-R1A Gene Polymorphisms and Haplotypes With Heavy Alcohol Use and Body
Sara Landgren, Elisabeth Jerlhag, Henrik Zetterberg, Arturo Gonzalez-Quintela, Joauquin Campos, Ulrica Olofsson, Staffan Nilsson, Kaj Blennow, Jörgen Engel
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research - 2008 -
Association study of IL2/IL21 and FcgRIIa: significant association with the IL2/IL21 region in Scandinavian coeliac disease
Svetlana Adamovic, Silja Amundsen, Benedicte A Lie, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, David A van Heel, Staffan Nilsson, Ludvig M Sollid, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
Genes and immunity - 2008 -
Detecting two-locus gene-gene effects using monotonisation of the penetrance
Susanne Henningsson, Staffan Nilsson
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology - 2008 -
Inflammatory bowel disease and self-esteem in
Helene Lindfred, Robert Saalman, Staffan Nilsson, Kjell Reichenberg
Acta paediatrica - 2008 -
Fine mapping study in Scandinavian families suggests association between coeliac disease and haplotypes in chromosome region
Svetlana Adamovic, S. S. Amundsen, Benedicte Alexandra Lie, Åsa Hellqvist, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Johan Ek, Staffan Nilsson, Jan Wahlström, Henry Ascher, Ludvig M Sollid, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
Tissue Antigens - 2008 -
Plasma fibrinogen level, bleeding and transfusion after on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: a prospective observational
Martin Karlsson, Lisa Ternström, Monica Hyllner, Fariba Baghaei, Staffan Nilsson, Anders Jeppsson
Transfusion - 2008 -
p16(INK4a) Gene Promoter Hypermethylation in Mucosa as a Prognostic Factor for Patients with Colorectal
Yvonne Wettergren, Elisabeth Odin, Staffan Nilsson, Göran Carlsson, Bengt Gustavsson
Molecular medicine - 2008 -
Catechol O-methyltransferase val158-met polymorphism is associated with abdominal obesity and blood pressure in
Kristina Annerbrink, Lars Westberg, Staffan Nilsson, Roland Rosmond, Göran Holm, Elias Eriksson
Metabolism - 2008 -
Association between Gm allotypes and asthma severity from childhood to young middle
Per M. Gustafsson, Vivi-Anne Oxelius, Staffan Nilsson, Bengt Kjellman
Respiratory medicine - 2008 -
Colorectal carcinomas with microsatellite instability display increased thymidylate synthase gene expression
Elisabeth Odin, Yvonne Wettergren, Staffan Nilsson, Göran Carlsson, Bengt Gustavsson
Clinical Colorectal Cancer - 2007 -
Dag Thelle, Staffan Nilsson, Thore Egeland
Epidemiologiske og kliniske forskningsmetoder - 2007 -
A comprehensive screen for SNP associations on chromosome region 5q31-33 in Swedish/Norwegian celiac disease
Silja Amundsen, Svetlana Adamovic, Åsa Hellqvist, Staffan Nilsson, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Kristina Larsson, Jan Wahlström, Benedicte Lie, Ludvig M Sollid, Åsa Torinsson Naluai
European Journal of Human genetics - 2007 -
Association between physical activity and BMD in young men is modulated by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) genotype: the GOOD
Mattias Lorentzon, Anna L Eriksson, Staffan Nilsson, Dan Mellström, Claes Ohlsson
J Bone Miner Res - 2007 -
Oxygen radical production and severity of the Guillain--Barré
Natalia Mossberg, Oluf Andersen, Staffan Nilsson, Claes Dahlgren, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Magnus Lindh, Åke Svedhem, Tomas Bergström, Charlotta Movitz
Journal of neuroimmunology - 2007 -
Multiple sclerosis immunopathic trait and HLA-DR(2)15 as independent risk factors in multiple
Margarita Callander, Sara Haghighi, Ann-Marie Landtblom, Cecilia Ahlgren, Staffan Nilsson, Lennart Rydberg, Hussam Al Khoury, Lars Rosengren, Oluf Andersen
Multiple Sclerosis - 2007 -
Association Between Physical Activity and BMD in Young Men is Modulated By Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Genotype - The GOOD
Mattias Lorentzon, Anna-Lena Eriksson, Staffan Nilsson, Dan Mellström, Claes Ohlsson
Journal of Bone Mineral Research - 2007 -
Genome-wide linkage scan for breast cancer susceptibility loci in Swedish hereditary non-BRCA1/2 families: suggestive linkage to
Annika Bergman, Per Karlsson, Jonna Berggren, Tommy Martinsson, Karin Björck, Staffan Nilsson, Jan Wahlström, Arne Wallgren, Margareta Nordling
Genes, chromosomes & cancer - 2007 -
Serum C-reactive protein concentration and genotype in relation to ischemic stroke
Claes Ladenvall, Katarina Jood, Christian Blomstrand, Staffan Nilsson, Christina Jern, Per Ladenvall
Stroke - 2006 -
Pubertal timing is an independent predictor of central adiposity in young adult males: the Gothenburg osteoporosis and obesity determinants
Jenny Kindblom, Mattias Lorentzon, Ensio Norjavaara, Lars Lönn, John Brandberg, Jan-Erik Angelhed, Åsa Hellqvist, Staffan Nilsson, Claes Ohlsson
Diabetes - 2006 -
Pubertal timing predicts previous fractures and BMD in young adult men: the GOOD
Jenny Kindblom, Mattias Lorentzon, Ensio Norjavaara, Åsa Hellqvist, Staffan Nilsson, Dan Mellström, Claes Ohlsson
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research - 2006 -
Analysis of chromosome 5q31-32 and psoriasis: confirmation of a susceptibility locus but no association with SNPs within SLC22A4 and
Camilla Friberg, Karin Björck, Staffan Nilsson, Annica Inerot, Jan Wahlström, Lena Samuelsson
Journal of investigative dermatology - 2006 -
Interleukin-1 system gene polymorphisms are associated with fat mass in young
Louise Strandberg, Mattias Lorentzon, Åsa Hellqvist, Staffan Nilsson, Ville Wallenius, Claes Ohlsson, John-Olov Jansson
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism - 2006 -
A linkage study in two families with multiple sclerosis and healthy members with oligoclonal CSF
Sara Haghighi, Oluf Andersen, Staffan Nilsson, Lennart Rydberg, Jan Wahlström
Multiple Sclerosis - 2006 -
Sex steroid-related genes and male-to-female
Susanne Henningsson, Lars Westberg, Staffan Nilsson, Bengt Lundström, Lisa Ekselius, Owe Bodlund, Eva Lindström, Monika Hellstrand, Roland Rosmond, Elias Eriksson, Mikael Landén
Psychoneuroendocrinology - 2005 -
Imbalance of the mitochondrial pro- and anti-apoptotic mediators in neuroblastoma tumours with unfavourable
Frida Abel, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Staffan Nilsson, Per Kogner, Tommy Martinsson
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) - 2005 -
Low expression of reduced folate carrier-1 and folylpolyglutamate synthase correlates with lack of a deleted in colorectal carcinoma mRNA splice variant in normal-appearing mucosa of colorectal carcinoma
Yvonne Wettergren, Elisabeth Odin, Staffan Nilsson, Roger Willen, Göran Carlsson, Bengt Gustavsson
Cancer Detect Prev - 2005 -
Interaction of polymorphisms in the genes encoding interleukin-6 and estrogen receptor beta on the susceptibility to Parkinson's
Anna Håkansson, Lars Westberg, Staffan Nilsson, Silvia Buervenich, Andrea Carmine, Björn Holmberg, Olof Sydow, Lars Olson, Bo Johnels, Elias Eriksson, Hans Nissbrandt
American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics - 2005 -
Fibrinolytic gene polymorphism and ischemic
Katarina Jood, Per Ladenvall, Anna Tjärnlund-Wolf, Claes Ladenvall, Maria Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
Stroke - 2005 -
Investigation of genes coding for inflammatory components in Parkinson's
Anna Håkansson, Lars Westberg, Staffan Nilsson, Silvia Buervenich, Andrea Carmine, Björn Holmberg, Olof Sydow, Lars Olson, Bo Johnels, Elias Eriksson, Hans Nissbrandt
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society - 2005 -
Mutations in the N-terminal domain of DFF45 in a primary germ cell tumor and in neuroblastoma
Frida Abel, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Cecilia Krona, Staffan Nilsson, Tommy Martinsson
International journal of oncology - 2004 -
The risk of celiac disease in 107 families with at least two affected
Audur Gudjonsdottir, Staffan Nilsson, Johan Ek, Bengt Kristiansson, Henry Ascher
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2004 -
Analysis of 6 genetic loci for disease susceptibility in psoriatic
Gerd-Marie Alenius, Camilla Friberg, Staffan Nilsson, Jan Wahlström, Solbritt Dahlqvist Rantapää, Lena Samuelsson
The Journal of rheumatology - 2004 -
Association between the estrogen receptor beta gene and age of onset of Parkinson's
Lars Westberg, Anna Håkansson, Jonas Melke, Haydeh Niazi Shahabi, Staffan Nilsson, S Buervenich, A Carmine, Jarl Ahlberg, M B Grundell, B Schulhof, K Klingborg, Björn Holmberg, O Sydow, L Olson, Bo Johnels, Elias Eriksson, Hans Nissbrandt
Psychoneuroendocrinology - 2004 -
Polymorphisms in oestrogen and progesterone receptor genes: possible influence on prolactin levels in
Lars Westberg, Hoi-Por Ho, Fariba Baghaei, Staffan Nilsson, Jonas Melke, Roland Rosmond, Göran Holm, Per Björntorp, Elias Eriksson
Clinical endocrinology - 2004 -
Genetiska tester och personförsäkringar. En analys. (Bilaga
Gunnar Falkemark, Göran Flood, Sture Gustafson, Niklas Juth, Annika Lindblom, Christian Munthe, Staffan Nilsson, Anders Olauson, Jan Wahlström, Barbro Westerholm, Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll
Genetik, integritet och etik (SOU 2004:20) - 2004 -
Association between a functional polymorphism in the progesterone receptor gene and panic disorder in
Hoi-Por Ho, Lars Westberg, Kristina Annerbrink, Marie Olsson, Jonas Melke, Staffan Nilsson, Fariba Baghaei, Roland Rosmond, Göran Holm, Per Björntorp, Sven Andersch, Christer Allgulander, Elias Eriksson
Psychoneuroendocrinology - 2004 -
A polymorphism in the serotonin receptor 3A (HTR3A) gene and its association with harm avoidance in
Jonas Melke, Lars Westberg, Staffan Nilsson, Mikael Landén, Henrik Söderström, Fariba Baghaei, Roland Rosmond, Göran Holm, Per Björntorp, Lars-Göran Nilsson, Rolf Adolfsson, Elias Eriksson
Archives of general psychiatry - 2003 -
Meta and pooled analysis of European coeliac disease
Marie-Claude Barbron, Staffan Nilsson, Svetlana Adamovic, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Jan Wahlström, Henry Ascher, Paul Ciclitera, Ludvig M Sollid, Jukka Partanen, Luigi Greco, Francoise Clerget-Darpoux
European Journal of Human Genetics - 2003 -
Genetic variation at the human tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) locus: haplotypes and analysis of association to plasma levels of
Per Ladenvall, Staffan Nilsson, Katarina Jood, Annika Rosengren, Christian Blomstrand, Christina Jern
European journal of human genetics : EJHG - 2003 -
Altered gene expression of folate enzymes in adjacent mucosa is associated with outcome of colorectal cancer
Elisabeth Odin, Yvonne Wettergren, Staffan Nilsson, Roger Willén, Göran Carlsson, C Paul Spears, Lars Larsson, Bengt Gustavsson
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research - 2003 -
Association between a dinucleotide repeat polymorphism of the estrogen receptor alpha gene and personality traits in
Lars Westberg, Jonas Melke, Mikael Landén, Staffan Nilsson, Fariba Baghaei, Roland Rosmond, M Jansson, Göran Holm, Per Björntorp, Elias Eriksson
Molecular psychiatry - 2003 -
HLA in coeliac disease families: a novel test of risk modification by the 'other' haplotype when at least one DQA1*05-DQB1*02 haplotype is
A S Louka, Staffan Nilsson, Marita Olsson, B Talseth, B A Lie, J Ek, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, L M Sollid
Tissue antigens - 2002 -
Genome-wide Linkage Analysis of Scandinavian Affected Sib-pairs Supports Presence of Susceptibility Loci for Celiac Disease on Chromosomes 5 and
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Staffan Nilsson, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Andrew Louka, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Birgitta Hallberg, Lena Samuelsson, Bengt Kristiansson, Tommy Martinsson, Olle Nerman, Ludvig M Sollid, Jan Wahlström
European Journal of Human Genetics - 2001 -
Which Genes are Involved? - Statistical Planning and Analysis of Human Genetic
Staffan Nilsson
2001 -
The HCR gene on 6p21 is unlikely to be a psoriasis susceptibility
Kevin O'Brien, Sofia Holm, Staffan Nilsson, Lina Carlén, Tomas Rosenmüller, Charlotta Enerbäck, Annica Inerot, Mona Ståhle-Bäckdahl
The Journal of investigative dermatology - 2001 -
Incidence of CSF abnormalities in siblings of multiple sclerosis patients and unrelated
Sara Haghighi, Oluf Andersen, Lars Rosengren, Tomas Bergström, Jan Wahlström, Staffan Nilsson
Journal of neurology - 2000 -
The CTLA4/CD28 gene region on chromosome 2q33 confers susceptibility to celiac disease in a way possibly distinct from type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune
Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Staffan Nilsson, Lena Samuelsson, Audur Gudjonsdottir, Henry Ascher, Johan Ek, Bengt Kristiansson, Tommy Martinsson, Olle Nerman, Ludvig M Sollid, Jan Wahlström
Tissue Antigen - 2000 -
Stronger association with HLA-Cw6 than with corneodesmosin (S-gene) polymorphisms in Swedish psoriasis
Charlotta Enerbäck, Staffan Nilsson, Fredrik Enlund, Annica Inerot, Lena Samuelsson, Jan Wahlström, Gunnar Swanbeck, Tommy Martinsson
Archives of dermatological research - 2000 -
PMM2 mutation spectrum, including 10 novel mutations, in a large CDG type 1A family material with a focus on Scandinavian
Cecilia Bjursell, Anna Erlandson, Margareta Nordling, Staffan Nilsson, Jan Wahlström, Helena Stibler, Bengt Kristiansson, Tommy Martinsson
Human mutation - 2000 -
Two contributions to genetic linkage
Staffan Nilsson
1999 -
Serum concentrations of VEGF and b-FGF in renal cell, prostate and urinary bladder
M Edgren, Bo Lennernäs, A Larsson, Staffan Nilsson
Anticancer research - 1999