
Aleksandrs Berdicevskis


Department of Swedish, multilingualism, language technology
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Aleksandrs Berdicevskis

I am a researcher (associate professor) at Språkbanken Text (part of the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology).

I want to know how and why languages change (or do not change). In order to address this big question, I work with various smaller questions about language variation, change and evolution, usually relying on computational methods.

I also work with the development of language resources with a focus on reference data: high-quality resources that can be used to train and test natural language processing tools, including AI-like tools.

Since August 2024 I am a deputy director of Språkbanken Text.

Recent projects that I have been part of include Cassandra, SuperLim, Xhosa corpus.

I am co-supervising PhD students Felix Morger and Emilie Francis.

Prior to starting my work at the University of Gothenburg I was employed at the Uppsala University and UiT The Arctic University of Norway. I defended my PhD in 2013 at the University of Bergen.

See more at my page at the Språkbanken's website or at my personal webpage.