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- Johan Andreas Nilsson Hed
Johan Andreas Nilsson Hed
Department of PsychologyAbout Johan Andreas Nilsson Hed
Research area
Applied social psychology. The research primarily focuses on behavior change and public attitudes toward policy measures. Much of the research involves applying psychological theories to societal phenomena and problems. Some of these concern environmental problems, health behaviors, or decisions on the stock market.
Born in Ph.D.1974 in Båstad, Sweden. Undergraduate studies at Lund University. M.Sc. in psychology at the University of Gothenburg 2001. Ph.D. candidate University of Gothenburg 2002-2007. Ph.D. 2007. Associate Professor (Docent) 2014. Professor 2019.
I primarily teach social and environmental psychology. I’m currently responsible for two environmental psychology courses and one social psychology course at the master's level. I also teach methods on the Ph.D.to level.
Current research
Recent projects include studies on energy conservation, behavioral dimensions of climate change, donating behaviors, attitudes towards congestion charges, food choices, and behavioral dimensions of antibiotic resistance.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=sv&user=zQTLCQMAAAAJ
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andreas-Nilsson-12
Acceptability of plastic policies: Cross-cultural insights on social norms and
Lina Hertzberg, Magnus Bergquist, Olorondu Winner Obianuju, Andreas Nilsson
Nudging green food: The effects of a hedonic cue, menu position, a warm-glow cue, and a descriptive
Tommy Reinholdsson, Martin Hedesström, E. Ejelov, André Hansla, Magnus Bergquist, A. Svenfelt, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Consumer Behaviour - 2023 -
Can Unexpected Support Promote Environmental Policy Acceptability? An Experimental Investigation of Norm Source and
Emma Ejelöv, André Hansla, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Social and Political Psychology - 2022 -
Meta-analyses of fifteen determinants of public opinion about climate change taxes and
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, Niklas Harring, Sverker C. Jagers
Nature Climate Change - 2022 -
Push, Pull, or Inform - An Empirical Taxonomy of Environmental Policy Support in
Emma Ejelöv, Niklas Harring, André Hansla, Sverker C. Jagers, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Public Policy - 2022 -
A Research Agenda to Better Understand the Human Dimensions of Energy
L. Steg, G. Perlaviciute, B. K. Sovacool, M. Bonaiuto, A. Diekmann, M. Filippini, F. Hindriks, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, E. Matthies, S. Matti, M. Mulder, Andreas Nilsson, S. Pahl, M. Roggenkamp, G. Schuitema, P. C. Stern, M. Tavoni, J. Thøgersen, E. Woerdman
Frontiers in Psychology - 2021 -
Individual factors influencing acceptability for environmental policies: A review and research
Emma Ejelöv, Andreas Nilsson
Sustainability (Switzerland) - 2020 -
On the preconditions for large-scale collective
Sverker C. Jagers, Niklas Harring, Åsa Löfgren, Martin Sjöstedt, F. Alpizar, Bengt Brülde, David Langlet, Andreas Nilsson, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Samuel Dupont, W. Steffen
Ambio - 2020 -
Klimat och
Andreas Nilsson
2020 -
Feeling or following? A field-experiment comparing social norms-based and emotions-based motives encouraging pro-environmental
Magnus Bergquist, Lina Nyström, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Consumer Behaviour - 2020 -
The DOs and DON'Ts in Social Norms: A descriptive Don't-norm increases
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology - 2019 -
Experiencing a severe weather event increases concern about climate
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, P. Wesley Schultz
Frontiers in Psychology - 2019 -
Contest-based and norm-based interventions: (How) do they differ in attitudes, norms, and
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, Emma Ejelöv
Sustainability - 2019 -
On the Preconditions for Large-Scale Collective
Sverker C. Jagers, Niklas Harring, Åsa Löfgren, Martin Sjöstedt, Francisco Alpizar, Bengt Brülde, David Langlet, Andreas Nilsson, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Samuel Dupont, Will Steffen
2019 -
Using social norms in smart meters: the norm distance
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
Energy Efficiency - 2018 -
Regulating Emotional Responses to Climate Change – A Construal Level
Emma Ejelöv, André Hansla, Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2018 -
Influencing behavioral spillover from nudges through
Patrik Michaelsen, Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, Lars-Olof Johansson, P. Wesley Schultz, Martin Hedesström
39th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. New Orleans: 16-19 November 2018. - 2018 -
Use Of Norm Group Affects Environmental Policy Acceptability Differently For Conservatives And
Emma Ejelöv, André Hansla, Andreas Nilsson
29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, June 26-30, 2018, Montreal, Canada - 2018 -
Association of accessibility of personal norms with intent to practice prosocial and pro-environmental
L Arpan, W. Yijie , N. Rhodes, Andreas Nilsson
The 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 25-29 May 2017, San Diego - 2017 -
Using contest-based or norm-based
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, André Hansla
International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP)At: A Coruna, Spain - 2017 -
Contests versus norms: Implications of contest-based and norm-based intervention
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, André Hansla
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
Explaining voting behavior in the Gothenburg congestion tax
André Hansla, Erik Hysing, Andreas Nilsson, Johan Martinsson
Transport Policy - 2017 -
Spillover effects in environmental behaviors, across time and context: a review and research
Andreas Nilsson, Magnus Bergquist, P. Wesley Schultz
Environmental Education Research - 2017 -
How Exposure to Policy Tools Transforms the Mechanisms Behind Public Acceptability and Acceptance—The Case of the Gothenburg Congestion
Sverker C. Jagers, Simon Matti, Andreas Nilsson
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - 2017 -
I saw the sign: Promoting energy conservation via normative
M. Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Environmental Psychology - 2016 -
Public acceptability towards environmental policy measures: Value-matching
Andreas Nilsson, André Hansla, J.M. Heiling, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Johan Martinsson
Environmental Science and Policy - 2016 -
The Road to Acceptance: Attitude Change Before and After the Implementation of a Congestion
Andreas Nilsson, Geertje Schuitema, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Johan Martinsson, Maria Thorson
Journal of Environmental Psychology - 2016 -
The Gothenburg Congestion Tax: Attitude Changes Before and After the
Andreas Nilsson, Johan Martinsson, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Geertje Schuitema, Maria Thorson
11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Groningen 2015 - 2015 -
Minding the gap: Influence of distance between own behavior and social norms on energy conservation
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Groningen 2015 - 2015 -
Minding the Gap: Normative Influence on Energy Conservation
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
European Congress of Psychology 2015, Milan - 2015 -
Energy behaviors at the office: An intervention study on the use of
Andreas Nilsson, Kristin Andersson, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad
Applied Energy - 2015 -
Effects of continuous feedback on households’ electricity consumption: Potentials and
Andreas Nilsson, Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Liane Thuvander, David Andersson, Kristin Andersson, Pär Meiling
Applied Energy - 2014 -
Feeling the green? Value orientation as a moderator of emotional response to green
Andreas Nilsson, André Hansla, Anders Biel
Journal of Applied Social Psychology - 2014 -
Personal and social factors that influence pro-environmental concern and behaviour: A
R. Gifford, Andreas Nilsson
International Journal of Psychology - 2014 -
Exploring the Relationship Between Values and Pro-Environmental Behaviour: The Influence of Locus of
Anna-Karin Engqvist Jonsson, Andreas Nilsson
Environmental Values - 2014 -
Social dilemmas: Motivational, individual and structural aspects influencing
Chris von Borgstede, Lars-Olof Johansson, Andreas Nilsson
Steg, L., Van den Berg, A., De Groot, J. I. M. (Eds.), Environmental psychology: An introduction - 2012 -
Energivisualisering via display: Förändras beteendet när hyresgästerna har möjlighet att följa sin
Liane Thuvander, Pär Meiling, Kristin Andersson, Andreas Nilsson
2012 -
An experimental study on policy makers’ communication about a congestion charge, individual value preferences, perceptions of arguments and
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Andreas Nilsson, Johan Martinsson, Malin Reimers
The 5th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 29-31 - 2012 -
Attityder till
Andreas Nilsson, Johan Martinsson
2012 -
The willingness to pay–willingness to accept gap revisited: The role of emotions and moral
Anders Biel, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Economic Psychology - 2011 -
Hur kan tydligare information om förbrukning påverka konsumtionen av
Cecilia Jakobsson Bergstad, Andreas Nilsson
Konsumtionsmakt. Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap 10 år - 2011 -
On the future development of theories in Environmental Psychology: The role of the environmental psychologist as a researcher and as a
Andreas Nilsson
Valentín, J and Gamez, L., (Eds.), Enviromental Psychology: New Developments - 2010 -
Kan Vi påverka folks miljöattityder genom information? En analys av radiosatsningen
Sverker C. Jagers, Johan Martinsson, Andreas Nilsson
2009 -
Acceptance of climate change policy measures: role framing and value
Andreas Nilsson, Anders Biel
European Environment - 2008 -
Psychological perspectives on environmetal policy measures: The role of values, norms, and
Andreas Nilsson
2007 -
The Role of Values and Value Activation in
Andreas Nilsson, Anders Biel, Niklas Karlsson
2007 -
Emotions, Morality and Public Goods: The WTA-WTP Disparity
Anders Biel, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Andreas Nilsson
2006 -
IT Governance in the light of Paradox - A Social System Theory
Urban Ask, Hans Björnsson, Johan Magnusson, Mattias Johansson, Andreas Nilsson
The 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2007 - 2006 -
Sport Informatics. Exploring IT Support for Spectators at Sporting
Andreas Nilsson
2005 -
Religious values and environmental concern: Harmony and
Anders Biel, Andreas Nilsson
Social Science Quarterly - 2005 -
Attitudes towards environmental policy measures: The role of value systems and
Andreas Nilsson
2005 -
Willingness to accept climate change strategies: The effect of values and
Andreas Nilsson, Chris von Borgstede, Anders Biel
Journal of Environmental Psychology - 2004