
Anna Post

Senior Lecturer

Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 5
41120 Göteborg
Room number
Pedagogen C Insikten C2 41b
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Anna Post

Anna Post has a PhD in human ecology and is senior lecturer in food and nutrition at the department of food and nutrition, and sport science.

Research interest: Sustainable food consumption, Sustainable and healthy meals, Private and public meals, meal development, sustainable meal development, online grocery shopping, domestic life and every day practices, meal and food habits, longitudinal research methodology, ethnography, sociology of food and meals, qualitative research methods, theory of practice, human ecology

Anna is connected to following research projects:

Innovative solution strategies for grocery shopping (Sv. Innovativa inköpsstrategier för hushållen - livsmedelshandel via internet). Financed by Centre for Retailing. 2015-2017.

The Paths to Rio Study. (Schubring, A., Barker-Ruchti, N., Pettersson, S. & Post, A.) 2015-2019

The new Food scape: Older consumers’ entrance to the digital food market. (sv. Det nya matlandskapet: Äldre konsumenters inträde på den digitaliserade matmarknaden). (Holmberg, U., Hansson, L. & Post, A.). Financed by Handelsrådet. 2018-2020. This project is led by the Centre for consumer research at School of business, economics and law.

New solutions for meal development – combining climate, health and equality perspectives in public and private meals. (Post, A. & Sjöberg, A.).