
Stefan Pettersson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 5
41120 Göteborg
Room number
Pedagogen C Insikten C2 07a
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Stefan Pettersson

Stefan Pettersson, lecturer/PhD student. Is Lic. dietitian with a master's degree in the subject of medicine clinical nutrition.

Has taught at the Department of food, health and the environment since 2003, mainly in topics related to nutrition and sports nutrition.

Included in the Swedish Olympic Committee resource team for dietary advice to those active in the Swedish national team. Sean is a member of the Board of the Swedish Association for nutrition (West) and the Swedish Medical Association of nutrition, as well as some part of Dietisternas LRF (DRF) reference group for sports nutrition.

Is PhD student at MHM since autumn 2007 with research oriented towards nutrition and sport.