
Agneta Sjöberg

Senior Researcher

Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 5
41120 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Agneta Sjöberg

Agneta Sjöberg is professor of nutrition. Her research deals with aspects of child and adolescent nutrition, meal pattern and food choices, health and growth, and has particularly focused on obesity epidemiology and iron nutrition. She defended har PhD at the department of clinical nutrition at Sahlgrenska Academy in 2004 and has a medical doctorate in clinical nutrition. Her thesis is entitled Food habits in Swedish adolescents. Meal pattern, food choice and bioavailability of iron 1994 and 2000. During the years 2005-2012, Agneta Sjöberg worked at the unit for public health epidemiology, Sahlgrenska Academy. During these years, she held a four-year research assistant position funded by the Swedish Research Council, Project: GROW UP - Overweight, obesity and underweight among children and young people related to growing up environment and lifestyle during childhood.

Agneta Sjöberg initially trained as a home economics teacher at the University of Gothenburg and later as a nutritionist at the Nutrition Department at the University in Oslo. During the years 1979-2002, she was employed as a household teacher/vocational teacher in kitchen within the upper secondary school.

Teaching: IKA309 Sustainable food consumption

Research projects: Sustainable meals, the Gothenburg Adolescence study, the WHO COSI study and the GrowUp Gothenburg 1990 study.

Publications - selection of scientific peer-reviewed articles

Wollmar M, Post A, Sjöberg A. Food choice, activity level, and carbon footprint - exploring potential for sustainable food consumption practices in young adults. Frontiers in Nutrition 2024, Sec. Nutrition and Sustainable Diets. Volume 11 - 2024 |

Pettersson J, Post A, Wollmar M, Elf M, Sjöberg A. Meat Substitutes in Swedish School Meals: Nutritional Composition, Ingredients, and Insights from Meal Planners. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 2024, 75; 7: 637-649.

Gårdstedt-Berghog J, Niklasson A, Sjöberg A, Aronson AS, Pivodic A, Nierop AFM, Albertsson-Wikland K, Holmgren A. Timing of menarche and pubertal growth patterns using the QEPS growth model. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2024. Frontiers in Pediatrics. Sec. Pediatric Endocrinology. Volume 12 – 2024.

Domellöf M, Sjöberg A. Iron – a background article for the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023. Food & Nutrition Research 2024, 68, 10451. DOI:

Wollmar M, Sjöberg A, Post A. Swedish recreational athletes as subjects for sustainable food consumption: focus on performance and sustainability. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 2022 73:8, 1132-1144, DOI:10.1080/09637486.2022.2141208.

Hjelmesaeth J, Sjöberg A. Body weight, Nutrients and Foods: a scoping review. Food & Nutrition Research 2022, 66, 8814.

Mårild S, Sjöberg A, Albertsson-Wikland K, Chaplin J, Lissner L, Dahlgren J. Features of childhood growth, lifestyle and environment associated with a cardiometabolic risk score in young adults. Obesity Facts 2022, 15 (2) pp. 170-179.

Albertsson-Wikland K, Niklasson A, Gelander L, Holmgren A, Sjöberg A, Aronson AS, Nierop A. Swedish references for weight, weight for height and body mass index – the GrowUp Gothenburg Study.. Acta Paediatrica 2021 Feb (110); 537-548.

Spinelli A, Buoncristiano M, Kovacs V, Yngve A, Spiroski I, Obreja G, Starc G, Pérez N, Rito A, Kunešová M, Farrugia Sant’Angelo V1, Meisfjord J, Holden Bergh I, Kelleher C, Yardim N, Pudule I, Petrauskiene A, Duleva V, Sjöberg A, Gualtieri A, Hassapidou M, Hyska J, Burazeri G, Huidumac Petrescu C, Heinen M, Takacs H, Zamrazilová H, Bagci Bosi T, Sacchini E, Pagkalos J, Cucu A, Nardone P, Gately P, Williams J, Breda J. Prevalence of severe obesity among primary school children in 21 European countries. Obes Facts. 2019 Apr 26;12(2):244-258.

Holmgren A, Niklasson A, Aronson S, Sjöberg A, Lissner L, Albertsson-Wikland K. Secular trends in height over 4 decades: Nordic populations are still getting taller. Acta Paediatrica 2019 Jul 108 (7); 1311-1320. . doi: 10.1111/apa.1468.

Holmgren A, Niklasson A, Nierop AFM, Gelander L, Aronson S, Sjöberg A, Lissner L, Albertsson-Wikland K. Estimating secular changes in longitudinal growth patterns underlying adult height with the QEPS model: the Grow Up Gothenburg cohorts. Pediatric Research 2018; 84 (1); 41-49.

Brann E, Leu M, Sjöberg A, Niklasson A, Albertsson-Wikland K, Chaplin J, Lissner L. Declining well-being in young Swedes born in 1990 versus 1974. J Adolesc Health. 2017; Mar;60(3):306-312. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.10.009.

Holmgren A, Niklasson A, Nierop AFM, Gelander L, Aronson S, Sjöberg A, Lissner L, Albertsson-Wikland K. Pubertal height gain is inversely related to peak BMI in childhood. Pediatric Research 2017; Mar;81(3):448-454. doi: 10.1038/pr.2016.253.

Lissner L, Wijnhoven TMA, Mehlig K, Sjöberg A, Kunesova M, Yngve A, Petrauskiene A, Duleva V, Rito A, Breda J. Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood overweight: heterogeneity across five countries in the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI-2008). International Journal of Obesity 2016; 40(5):796-802.doi:10.1038/ijo.2016.12.

Publicationer Professor, Nutrition Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science Room: C1 30 Cell phone: +46 (0) 766184204 E-mail:
