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- Åsa Fyrberg
Åsa Fyrberg
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Department of Health and Rehabilitation-
Postoperative word-finding difficulties in children with posterior fossa tumours: a crosslinguistic European cohort
K. Persson, J. Gronbaek, I. Tiberg, Åsa Fyrberg, C. Castor, B. Andreozzi, R. Fric, P. Hauser, R. Kiudeliene, C. Mallucci, R. Mathiasen, P. Nyman, B. Pizer, A. Sehested, D. Boeg Thomsen
Preoperative word-finding difficulties in children with posterior fossa tumours: a European cross-sectional
K Persson, D Boeg Thomsen, Åsa Fyrberg, C Castor, M Aasved Hjort, B Andreozzi, P Grillner, J Kjær Grønbæk, J Jakus, M Juhler, C Mallucci, R Mathiasen, E Molinari, B Pizer, A Sehested, A Troks-Berzinskiene, K van Baarsen, I Tiberg
Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery - 2024 -
Utredning och rehabilitering av förvärvad hjärnskada hos barn och ungdomar. Presentation av en klinisk
Åsa Fyrberg, L. Falk, Susanne Hansson Torgeby, Camilla Törngren, Hanna Ohlsson, Kate Himmelmann
Nationell konferens "Habilitering 2018", Göteborg, Sverige, september 2018. - 2018 -
Att förstå kommunikationsstörningar efter förvärvad hjärnskada,
en utredningsmodell med stöd i
Åsa Fyrberg
20e Svenska Biennalen om Förvärvade hjärnskador hos barn och ungdomar, Örebro, Sverige, november 2018 - 2018 -
Language Abilities After Childhood Acquired Brain Injury: Data From 30 Participants with Moderate to Severe
Åsa Fyrberg
International Conference on Paediatric Acquired Brain Injury, IPBIS, Belfast, Irland, september 2018 - 2018 -
Communication in children and adolescents after acquired brain injury: An exploratory
Åsa Fyrberg, Göran Horneman, Jakob Åsberg Johnels, Gunilla Thunberg, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2017 -
Hur påverkas den kommunikativa förmågan av en förvärvad
Åsa Fyrberg
Neurologi i Sverige - 2017 -
Everyday communication in adolescents after acquired brain injuries – a comparative study of self-ratings
and parent evaluations using the
Åsa Fyrberg, Karin Strid, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Gunilla Thunberg
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders/Equinox - 2017 -
Acquired brain injury in adolescents and the challenge to
Åsa Fyrberg
Nordic Network on Disability Research, NNDR, Örebro, Sverige, maj 2017 - 2017 -
Viktigt jobba med delaktighet vid förvärvad
Åsa Fyrberg
Forskning om funktionshinder pågår, nr 2, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, Sverige maj 2017 - 2017 -
Acquired brain injury in children and adolescents: Investigating assessment of communicative participation in daily life
Åsa Fyrberg
2017 -
Longitudinal Change in Communication Functions after Acquired Brain Injuries in Children and Adolescents: Evidence from Parent
Åsa Fyrberg, Karin Strid, Elisabeth Ahlsén
International conference on acquired brain injury, IBIA, Haag, Nederländerna, mars 2016 - 2016 -
Cognitive-communication disorders after acquired brain injury in school-aged children and adolescents: Relating assessments of everyday functioning to clinical
Åsa Fyrberg, Göran Horneman, Elisabeth Ahlsén
1st International conference on paediatric acquired brain injury, IPBIS, Liverpool, England, 16-18 september 2015 - 2015 -
Strategies of multimodality in communication following traumatic brain injury in
Åsa Fyrberg, Göran Horneman, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings of The Ninth World Congress on Brain Injury, San Francisco, USA - 2014 -
The effect of cognitive sequelae on communication skills in adolescents with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)– consequences for everyday
Åsa Fyrberg, Göran Horneman
Proceedings of The Ninth World Congress on Brain Injury, San Francisco, USA - 2014 -
Communication after traumatic brain injury in adolescence: A single subject comparative study of two methods for
Åsa Fyrberg
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders - 2013 -
Strategies of multimodality in communication following traumatic brain injury in
Åsa Fyrberg, Elisabeth Ahlsén
Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication. Editors: Patrizia Paggio, Elisabeth Ahlsén, Jens Allwood, Kristiina Jokinen, Costanza Navarretta. NEALT Proceedings Series - 2011 -
Severe acquired brain injury: Rehabilitation of communicative skills in children and
Åsa Fyrberg, Magda Marchioni, Ingrid Emanuelson
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research - 2007