
Åsa Wettergren


Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Åsa Wettergren

ÅSA WETTERGREN is Professor at the Department of sociology and work science, University of Gothenburg, where she has been working since Jan. 2010. She has been a visiting fellow at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and at Karl-Franzens Universität in Graz, Austria.

She got her phd at the University of Karlstad, Sweden in 2005 and was subsequently employed there as a research fellow 2005-2009.

Her research interest is in the sociology of emotions, investigating the role of emotions in bureaucratic organisations, politics and social movements, and in migration. She has published several articles and books on these topics, among them the coedited volume Emotionalizing Organizations and Organizing Emotions (Palgrave 2010), Emotionssociologi (Sociology of Emotions) (Gleerups 2013), Climate Action in a Globalizing World (Palgrave 2017), Emotions in Court – A Sociological Perspective (Routledge 2019). She is editor-in-chief of the new academic journal Emotions and Society launched by Bristol University Press (volume 1 in 2019).

In 2004 she was one of the founders of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network in the Sociology of Emotions, RN 11, which she coordinated 2005-2007, and today still being an active member. In 2012 Wettergren launched the Emotion Sociological Seminar at the University of Gothenburg (Emogu).

Wettergren participates frequently with talks and seminars in both Swedish and international research forums and Academia, and she is also a lecture at public events, on topics such as trust, emotions in organizations and workplaces, emotions and objectivity.

Listen to an interview with Åsa in connection with the conference Drama Borelae 18. Click here.