
Håkan Thörn


Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
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41122 Göteborg
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40530 Göteborg

About Håkan Thörn

Presentation Håkan Thörn is Full Professor of Sociology. He is also coordinator for Forum for Research on Civil Society and Social Movements (CSM-RESIST).

Research Interests: His research is mainly concerned with globalization and social movements and he has written several books on these topics. His books include Post-Apocalyptic Environmentalism: The Green Movement in Times of Catastrophe (w. Carl Cassegård, Palgrave Macmillan 2022), Anti-Apartheid and the Emergence of a Global Civil Society (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006); Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North (co-edited); Urban Uprisings: Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe (co-edited); Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State: From Social Engineering to Governance? (co-edited).

Teaching and tutoring: Thörn supervises doctoral students and teaches master- and doctoral courses related to his main areas of interest: social change, social movements and globalization; political and cultural sociology; historical sociology and social theory, as well as in interdisciplinary fields such as modernity, postcolonial theory and cultural studies.

List of Håkan Thörn's publications (articles, books, chapters)

Articles with peer review

Thörn, H. & Dominika V. Polanska, D.V. (2023) Responsibilizing renovation: governing strategies and resistance in the context of the transformation of Swedish housing policy, City, (27):1-2, 209-231.

Thörn, H., Sernhede, O. & Lindgren, H. (2023) ”Ansvarets politik: kommunledd gentrifiering och hyresgästorganisering”, Sociologisk Forskning (60)1.

Sunnemark, L. & Thörn, H. (2022): Decolonizing higher educationin a global post-colonial era: #RhodesMustFall from Cape Town to Oxford, Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2021.2009749

Bertilsson, J. & Thörn, H. (2021): ”Discourses on transformationalchange and paradigm shift in the Green Climate Fund: the divide over financialization and country ownership”, Environmental Politics, (30), 3.

Siegrist, N. & Thörn, H. (2020) Metelkova as autonomous heterotopia, in Antipode, 52 (6), 1837-1856.

Scheller, D. and Thörn, H. (2018) ”Governing ‘sustainable urban development’ through self-build groups and cohousing: the cases of Hamburg and Gothenburg”, International Journal for Urban and Regional Research (42 (5): 914-933.

Thörn, H. (2018) "1968: Eros och revolution", i Fronesis, nr. 60-1.

Thörn, C. & Thörn, H. (2017) "Swedish cities now belong to the most segregated in Europe", Sociologisk forskning, 54 (4).

Thörn, H.& Svenberg, S. (2016) “We Feel the Responsibility That You Shirk: The Politics of Responsibility and the Case of the Swedish Environmental Movement, Social Movement Studies (15) 6.

Thörn, H. (2016) "Politics of Responsibility: Governing Distant Populations throug Civil Society in Mozambique, Rwanda and South Africa", Third World Quarterly (37) 8.

Thörn, H. (2012) “In Between Social engineering and Gentrification: Urban Restructuring, Social Movements, and the Place Politics of Open Space”, Journal of Urban Affairs, 34 (2).

Thörn, H. (2011) “AID(S) Politics and Power: A Critique of Global Governance”, Politikon 38 (3)

Thörn, H. (2010). A 'political turn' in Sociology?. Acta Sociologica. 53 (1)

Thörn, H. (2009) ”The Meanings of Solidarity: Narratives of Anti-Apartheid Activism”, Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 35, no. 2.

Thörn, H. (2008) “Över gränsen: anti-aparhteid som transnationell social rörelse”, Arbetarhistoria, nr. 127-28 2008.

Thörn, H. (2007) “Social Movements, the Media and the Emergence of a Global Public Sphere: From Anti-Apartheid to Global Justice”, Current Sociology, vol. 56. no 3 2007

Thörn, H. (2007) ” AIDS Politics, Anti-Apartheid and the World Social Forum” i Löfgren, M. & Thörn, H. (eds.) (2007) Global Civil Society: More or Less Democracy? Uppsala: Special issue of Develompent Dialogue, no 49

Löfgren, M. & Thörn, H. (2007) “Introduction”, i Löfgren, M. & Thörn, H. (eds.) (2007) Global Civil Society: More or Less Democracy?. Uppsala: Special issue of Develompent Dialogue, no 49

Thörn, H. (2006) "The Emergence of a Global Civil Society: The Case of Anti-Apartheid", i Journal of Civil Society, vol. 2, no. 3.

Thörn, H. (2006) “Solidarity Across Borders: The Transnational Anti-Apartheid Movement”, Voluntas, vol. 17. no. 4/2006.

Thörn, H. 2003. "Nya sociala rörelser, globalisering och den sociologiska eurocentrismen", Sociologisk Forskning, No. 2.

Peterson, A. & Thörn, H. 1999. "Movimientos sociales y modernidad de los medios de communicación. Industria de los medios de communicación: amigos o enemigos?" (translated from English: "Social Movements and Media Modernity: Media Industries - Friend or Foe", Comunicación y Sociedad No. 35.

Thörn, H. 1999. "Vad är globalisering? Sociologin utmanad", Sociologisk Forskning No. 3.

Thörn, H. 1999. "Hitlers kamp mod ambivalens: Nationalsocialisme og modernitet", Social Kritik No. 61.

Thörn, H. 1997. "Ett sätt att se på kultur och politik", Zenit No. 1-2.

Thörn, H. 1996. "Från medvetande till diskurs. Ideologi, utopi och identitet efter den språkliga vändningen", Häften för kritiska studier No. 3.

Thörn, H. 1994. "Modernitet och främlingskap. Georg Simmel som flanörsociolog", Tvärsnitt No. 1.

Thörn, H. 1996. "Sociala rörelser och globalisering: Folkrörelsesverige i Sydafrika", Sociologisk forskning No. 2.

Peterson, A. & Thörn, H. 1994. "Social Movements as Communicative Praxis - a Case Study of the Plowshares movement", YOUNG. Nordic Journal for Youth Research No. 2.

Thörn, H. 1994. "Modernitet och revolution. Den franska revolutionens symboliska innebörder", Historisk tidskrift No. 1.

Thörn, H. 1992. "Vad är det moderna? Bidrag till en avmystifierad moderniseringsteori", Häften för kritiska studier No. 4.


Cassegård, C. & Thörn, H. (2022) Post-Apocalyptic Environmentalism: The Green Movement in Times of Catastrophe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cassegård, C. & Thörn, H. (2023) I apokalypsens skugga: miljörörelser och industrikapitalism 1870-2020. Göteborg: Daidalos.

Hagbert, P., Larsen, H. G., Thörn, H. and Wasshede, C. (eds.) (2019) Contemporary Co-housing in Europe: Towards Sustainable Cities? London: Routledge.

Cassegård, C. Soneryd, L., Thörn, H. and Wettergren, Å. (eds) (2017) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North. New York: Routledge.

Thörn, H. (2006) Anti-Apartheid and the Emergence of a Global Civil Society. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Second Edition 2009.

Mayer, M., Thörn, C. and Thörn, H. (eds) (2016) Urban Uprisings: Challenging neoliberal urbanism in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Follér, M.L, Haug, C., Knutsson, B. & Thörn, H. (2013) Who is responsible? Donor-civil society partnerships and the case of hiv/aids work. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute.

Thörn, H. (2018) 1968: Revolutionens rytmer - en berättelse om hur musik och uppror skakade världsordningen. Göteborg: Daidalos.

Thörn, Håkan (2013) Stad i rörelse: stadsomvandlingen och striderna om Haga och Christiania. Stockholm: Atlas akademi.

Larsson, B., Letell, M. and Thörn, H. (eds.) (2012) Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State: From Social Engineering to Governance? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thörn, H., Wasshede, C. and Nilson, T. (eds) (2011) Space for urban alternatives? Christiania 1971-2011. Stockholm: Gidlunds. Free download:

Thörn, H. (2010). Solidaritetens betydelse: Kampen mot apartheid i Sydafrika och framväxten av ett globalt civilsamhälle. Stockholm: Atlas bokförlag

Follér, M-L & Thörn, H. (2008) The Politics of AIDS: Globalization, the State and Civil Society. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Löfgren, M. & Thörn, H. (eds.) (2007) Global Civil Society: More or Less Democracy?. Uppsala: Special issue of Develompent Dialogue, no 49 (ISBN 978-91-85214-49-5, ISSN 0345-2328). Free download:–-more-or-less-democracy/

Thörn, H. (2002). Globaliseringens dimensioner: Nationalstat, världssamhälle, demokrati och sociala rörelser. Stockholm: Atlas.

Thörn, H. (1997). Rörelser i det moderna. Politik, modernitet och kollektiv identitet i Europa 1789-1989. Stockholm: Rabénförlagen.

Thörn, H. (1997). Modernitet, sociologi och sociala rörelser. Göteborg: Sociologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet.

Holgersson, H. ; Thörn, C. ; Thörn, H. Wahlström. M. eds.(2010). (Re)searching Gothenburg: essays on a changing city. Göteborg: Glänta produktion.

Holgersson, H. ; Thörn, C. ; Thörn, H. Wahlström, M. (red.) (2010). Göteborg utforskat: studier av en stad i förändring. Göteborg: Glänta Produktion.

Follér, M-L & Thörn, H. (eds.) (2005). No Name Fever: AIDS in the Age of Globalization. Lund/Göteborg: Studentlitteratur/Museum of World Culture/Göteborg University.

Abiri, E. & Thörn, H. (eds.) (2005). Horizons: Perspectives on a Global Africa. Lund/Göteborg: Studentlitteratur/Museum of World Culture/Göteborg University.

Eriksson, C., Eriksson Baaz, M. & Thörn, H. (eds. with an introduction) 1999. Globaliseringens kulturer: Den postkoloniala paradoxen, rasism och det mångkulturella samhället. Stockholm: Nya Doxa.

Ewald. J. & Thörn, H. (1994). Peace Monitoring in South Africa. An Evalutation of a Cooperation Between Swedish and South African organisations. Stockholm: Swedish UN Association.

Ewald. J. & Thörn, H. (1994). Fredsövervakning i Sydafrika. En utvärdering av ett samarbete mellan svenska och sydafrikanska organisationer. Stockholm: Svenska FN-förbundet.


Thörn, H. (2022) ”New forms of environmental movement institutionalization: marketization and the politics of responsibility”, in Grasso, M. and Giugni, M., The Routledge Handbook of Environmental movements. London: Routledge.

Thörn, H. (2019) ”Revolution as a politics of time-space: From Enlightenment Modernity to Advanced Globality”, in Namli, E. (ed) Future(s) of the Revolution and the Reformation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Scheller, D. and Thörn, H. (2019) "Autonomy vs. Government: Consequences for sustainability in co-housing", in Hagbert, P., Larsen, H. G., Thörn, H. and Wasshede, C. (eds.) (2019) Contemporary Co-housing in Europe Towards Sustainable Cities? London: Routledge.

Thörn, H., Hagbert, P., Larsen, H. G., and Wasshede, C. (2019) "Co-housing, sustainable urban development and governance: An Introduction", in Hagbert, P., Larsen, H. G., Thörn, H. and Wasshede, C. (eds.) (2019) Contemporary Co-housing in Europe Towards Sustainable Cities? London: Routledge.

Thörn, H., Hagbert, P., Larsen, H. G., and Wasshede, C. (2019) "Constraints and possibilities forco-housing to address contemporary urban and ecological crises: A conclusion", in Hagbert, P., Larsen, H. G., Thörn, H. and Wasshede, C. (eds.) (2019) Contemporary Co-housing in Europe Towards Sustainable Cities? London: Routledge.

Thörn H. (2019) ”Husockupationer och folkhemmets förvandlingar”, Polanska, D. & Wåg, M. Ockuperat! Svenska husockupationer 1968-2018.

Thörn, H. (2018) Health and Global Governance: The Case of Development Cooperation on HIV/AIDS, in Parker, R. and García, J. (eds) Routledge Handbook on the Politics of Global Health. London: Routledge.

Peterson, A., Thörn, H. & Wahlström, M. (2017) “Sweden 1950–2015: Contentious Politics and Social Movements between Confrontation and Conditioned Cooperation”, i Mikkelsen, F., Kjeldstadli, K. & Nyzell, S. (eds) Popular Struggle and Democracy in Scandinavia: 1700-Present. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan

Thörn, H. Carl Cassegård, C. Soneryd, L. and Wettergren, Å (2017) “Climate action in a globalizing world: An introduction”, in H. Thörn, C. Cassegård, L. Soneryd and Å. Wettergren (eds) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North. New York: Routledge.

Thörn, H. Carl Cassegård, C. Soneryd, L. and Wettergren, Å (2017) “Hegemony and environmentalist strategy: Global governance, movement mobilization and climate justice”, in H. Thörn, C. Cassegård, L. Soneryd and Å. Wettergren (eds) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North. New York: Routledge.

Thörn, H. and Svenberg, S. (2017) “The Swedish environmental movement: Politics of responsibility between climate justice and local transition”, in H. Thörn, C. Cassegård, L. Soneryd and Å. Wettergren (eds) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North. New York: Routledge.

Cassegård, C. and Thörn, H. (2017) “Climate justice, equity and movement mobilization”, in H. Thörn, C. Cassegård, L. Soneryd and Å. Wettergren (eds) Climate Action in a Globalizing World: Comparative Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the Global North. New York: Routledge.

Thörn, H., Mayer, M. and Thörn, C. (2016) "Rethinking Urban Social Movements, 'Riots' and Uprisings: An Introduction", in in M. Mayer, C. Thörn and H. Thörn (eds) Urban Uprisings: Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sernhede, O., Thörn, C. and Thörn, H. (2016) "The Stockholm Uprising in Context: Urban Social Movements and the Rise and Demise of the Swedish Welfare State City",in M. Mayer, C. Thörn and H. Thörn (eds) Urban Uprisings: Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mayer, M., Thörn, H. and Thörn, C. (2016) "Afterword: Spatialized Social Inequalities and Urban Collective Action, in M. Mayer, C. Thörn and H. Thörn (eds) Urban Uprisings: Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thörn, H. (2016) “Erosrevolt och utopi: från Herbert Marcuse till Ove Sernhede”, in T. Johansson & J. Söderman (eds.) Låt alla stenar rulla: Lärande, estetik, samhälle. Göteborg: Daidalos. Thörn, Håkan (2015) “How to Study Power and Collective Agency: Social Movements and the Politics of International Development Aid”, in S. Hansson, S. Hellberg, and M. Stern (eds.) Studying the Agency of Being Governed: Methodological Reflections. London: Routledge.

Thörn, H. (2014) ”Nordic Support to the Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa: Between Global Solidarity and National Self-Interest”, in Temu, A.J. & Tembe, J. N., Southern African Liberation Struggles: Contemporaneous Documents 1960-1994”. Dar-es-Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers.

Follér, M.-L. & Thörn, H. (2013) “Governing AIDS through Democracy? Globalization, the state, and civil society”, in A. Pallotti & M. Zamponi (eds.) HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: Challenges, policies, actors.

Thörn, H. (2012) “Governing Movements in Urban Space”, in Larsson, B., Letell, M. and Thörn, H. (eds.) Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State: From Social Engineering to Governance? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thörn, H. and Larsson, B. (2012) “Conclusions:Re-Engineering the Swedish Welfare State, in Larsson, B., Letell, M. and Thörn, H. (eds.) Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State: From Social Engineering to Governance? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Larsson, B., Letell, M. and Thörn, H. (2012) “Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State: Social Engineering, Governance, and Governmentality”, in Larsson, B., Letell, M. and Thörn, H. (eds.) Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State: From Social Engineering to Governance? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thörn, H. and Moksnes, H. (2012) “Global Civil Society: Beyond the ‘Good’ and the ‘Bad’, in Moksnes, H. and Melin, M. (eds.) Global Civil Society: Shifting Powers in a Shifting World, Uppsala: Uppsala Center for Sustainable Development.

Thörn, H. (2012) “Anti-Apartheid”, in Anheier, H. K. and Juergensmeyer, M. Encyclopeida of Global Studies, London: Sage.

Thörn, H. (2011) “AID(S) Politics and Power: A Critique of Global Governance, i Olesen, T. (ed) Power and Transnational Activism, London: Routledge.

Thörn, H. (2011) “Introduction: From ‘Social Experiment’ to ‘Urban Alternative’ — 40 Years of Research on the Freetown”, in Thörn, H., Wasshede, C. and Nilson, T. (eds) (2011) Space for urban alternatives? Christiania 1971-2011. Stockholm: Gidlunds. Free download:

Thörn, H. (2011) “Governing Freedom — Debating Christiania in the Danish Parliament”, in Thörn, H., Wasshede, C. and Nilson, T. (eds) (2011) Space for urban alternatives? Christiania 1971-2011. Stockholm: Gidlunds. Free download:

Thörn, H. (2010). Solidarity Across Borders: The Anti-Apartheid Movement and the Emergence of a Global Civil Society, in Sinharot, D. (ed.) Dissenting Voices and Transformative Actions: Social Movements in a Globalizing World. s. 183-209. New Delhi: Manohar Publication.

Thörn, H. & Follér, M-L (2008) ‘Governing AIDS: Globalization, the State and Civil Society’, in Follér, M-L & Thörn, H. (eds.) The Politics of AIDS: Globalization, the State and Civil Society. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Follér, M-L & Thörn, H. (2008) ‘Introduction: The Politics of AIDS’, in Follér, M-L & Thörn, H. (eds) The Politics of AIDS: Globalization, the State and Civil Society. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Holgersson, H. ; Thörn, C. ; Thörn, H. et al. (2010). “A critical view of Gothenburg. Helena Holgersson, Catharina Thörn, Håkan Thörn, Mattias Wahlström (eds) (Re)Searching Gothenburg: Essays on a Changing City. Göteborg: Glänta Produktion.

Thörn, H. (2010). Proletarians, proggers and punks:Haga and a Hundred Years of Social Movements. Helena Holgersson, Catharina Thörn, Håkan Thörn, Mattias Wahlström (eds) (Re)Searching Gothenburg: Essays on a Changing City. Göteborg: Glänta Produktion.

Thörn, H. (2010). ”Proletärer, proggare och punkare: Folkhemmet, Haga och de sociala rörelserna”. Helena Holgersson, Catharina Thörn, Håkan Thörn, Mattias Wahlström (red) Göteborg utforskat: studier av en stad i förändring. . Göteborg: Glänta Produktion.

Holgersson, H. ; Thörn, C. ; Thörn, H. et al. (2010). ”Trettiosju studier av en stad i förändring”. Helena Holgersson, Catharina Thörn, Håkan Thörn, Mattias Wahlström (eds) (Re)Searching Gothenburg: Essays on a Changing City. Göteborg: Glänta Produktion.

Thörn, H. (2007) ”Antiapartheidrörelsen i Sverige och Storbritannien” i Palmberg, M. (red) När södra Afrikas frihet var vår. Stockholm: Nielsen och Norén förlag.

Thörn, H. 2006. "Transnationella sociala rörelser och politikens globalisering: fallet anti-apartheid", i Wettergren, Å & Jamison, A. (red) Sociala rörelser: Politik och kultur. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Thörn, H. 2006. "Movements of Modernity: Some Reflections on Marshall Berman's Contribution to the Discourse on 'the Modern', i Hammarlund, K.G. & Nilson, T. (eds) A Case of Identities: Festschrift in Honour of Martin Peterson. Göteborg: Gothenburg Studies in Modern History, Department of History.

Abiri, E. & Thörn, H. “Global Africa: An Introduction”, i Abiri, E. & Thörn, H. (eds.) Horizons: Perspectives on a Global Africa. Lund/Göteborg: Studentlitteratur/Museum of World Culture/Göteborg University.

Follér, M-L & Thörn, H. 2005. “AIDS in the Age of Globalization: An Introduction”, Follér, M-L & Thörn, H. (eds.) No Name Fever: AIDS in the Age of Globalization. Lund/Göteborg: Studentlitteratur/Museum of World Culture/Göteborg University.

Thörn, H. 2005.”Anti-Apartheid och framväxten av ett globalt civilsamhälle”, i Amnå (red) (2005) Civilsamhället: några forskningsfrågor. Stockholm: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond /Gidlunds.

Thörn, H. (2005): ”Introduktion”, i Eyerman, R. & Jamison, A. (2005): Sociala rörelser i en ny tid . Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Thörn, H. 2002. "EU-toppmötet och rättviserörelsen", i Löfgren, M. & Vatakhah, M. (red) Vad hände med Sverige i Göteborg? Stockholm: Ordfront.

Thörn, H. 2002. "(De-)Constructing the Modern Nation. Between Past as Origin and Future as Progress", i Johansson, T. & Sernhede, O. (eds.) Lifestyle, Desire and Politics. Göteborg: Daidalos.

Thörn, H. 2001. "Modernitet och nation", i Bankier, UJ. (red.) Nyhetens obehag. Essäer om modersmål, kultur och nationell identitet. Nora: Nya Doxa.

Thörn, H. 2000. "Miljörörelsen och den nya politikens former: Mot en glokal politik?", in Nergaard, A. & Stubbegaard, Y. (eds.) Förändrade former för politiskt inflytande. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Thörn, H. 1999. "Nya sociala rörelser och politikens globalisering: demokrati utanför parlamentet?", in Amnå, E (ed.) Civilsamhället. Stockholm: Demokratiutredningen (SOU 1999:84), även publicerad i Amnå, E & Ilshammar, L. (red) (2002) Den gränslösa medborgaren: en antologi om en möjlig dialog. Stockholm:Agora.

Eriksson, C., Eriksson Baaz, M. & Thörn, H. 1999. ”Den postkoloniala paradoxen, rasism och det mångkulturella samhället” i Eriksson, C., Eriksson Baaz, M. & Thörn, H. ”(eds.) Globaliseringens kulturer: Den postkoloniala paradoxen, rasism och det mångkulturella samhället. Stockholm: Nya Doxa.

Thörn, H. 1997. "Den indiska nationen i ett historiskt perspektiv - från anti-imperialism till postkolonialism", in Larsson, R. (ed.) Nationalism i förskingring. Europaprogrammet 8, Göteborgs universitet.

Peterson, A. & Thörn, H. 1992. "Introduktion", i Alberto Melucci, Nomader i nuet: Sociala rörelser och individuella behov i dagens samhälle. Göteborg: Daidalos förlag.

Thörn, H. 1991. "Rörelser i det senmoderna", in Carle, J. & Hermansson, H-E. (red.) Ungdom i rörelse. Göteborg: Daidalos förlag.


Camp, J., Mayer, M., Mitchell, J. and Thörn, H. (2018) “The long historical struggles over the geographies of our lives: A conversation about protest in the US, 1968-2018”, Eurozine 9 May 2018…

Thörn, H., Follér, M-L, Haug, C. och Knutsson, B. (2013) "Absurdities in results-based aid: New forms of donor Control", Development today, 17 December.

Thörn, H. (et. al.) (2013) Pourquoi les banlieus de Stockholm se sant-elles enflammées, Mediapart,

Thörn, H. (et. al.) (2013) Husby and territorial stigma in Sweden, OpenDemocray 10 June.