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- Chatarina Löfqvist
Chatarina Löfqvist
Senior Lecturer
Learning and Leadership for Health Care Professionals-
Ethical Biobanking in Extremely Preterm Infants: Lessons From the EPITOP
Ulrika Sjöbom, Jenny Isaksson, Ruth Wickelgren, Liv Vallin, Anders K. Nilsson, Ann Hellström, Karin Sävman, Chatarina Löfqvist
Living in a bubble with profound difficulties-parents' experiences of extremely preterm
Malin Hansson, Aldina Pivodic, Chatarina Löfqvist, Karin Sävman, Boubou Hallberg, David Ley, Eva Morsing, Pia Lundgren, Jenny Gyllén, Carola Pfeiffer Mosesson, Ann Hellström
Postnatal Dysregulation of Androgens in Extremely Preterm Male
Anders K. Nilsson, Ulrika Sjöbom, Andreas Landin, Mats X. Andersson, Henrik Ryberg, Aldina Pivodic, Chatarina Löfqvist, Karin Sävman, Matti Poutanen, Claes Ohlsson, Ann Hellström
Journal of the Endocrine Society (JES) - 2024 -
Neurofilament light chain associates with IVH and ROP in extremely preterm
Ulrika Sjöbom, Annika Öhrfelt, Aldina Pivodic, Anders K. Nilsson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, William Hellström, Hanna Danielsson, Lotta Granse, Karin Sävman, Dirk Wackernagel, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, David Ley, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
Challenges of parenting children born before 24 weeks of
Aldina Pivodic, Malin Hansson, Chatarina Löfqvist, Karin Sävman, Anders Elfvin, Lena Jacobson, Lisa Dinkler, Boubou Hallberg, David Ley, Eva Morsing, Pia Lundgren, Jenny Gyllén, Carola Pfeiffer Mosesson, Ann Hellström
Acta Paediatrica - 2024 -
Circulating VEGF-A Levels in Relation to Retinopathy of Prematurity and Treatment Effects: A Systematic Review and
Ulrika Sjöbom, Tove Hellqvist, Jhangir Humayun, Anders K. Nilsson, Hanna Gyllensten, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
Prognostic Value of Parenteral Nutrition Duration on Risk of Retinopathy of Prematurity Development and Validation of the Revised DIGIROP Clinical Decision Support
Aldina Pivodic, Gerd Holmstrom, Lois E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, Abbas Al-Hawasi, Eva Larsson, Pia Lundgren, Lotta Granse, Kristina Tornqvist, Agneta Wallin, Helena Johansson, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
Modification of serum fatty acids in preterm infants by parenteral lipids and enteral docosahexaenoic acid/arachidonic acid: A secondary analysis of the Mega Donna Mega
Ulrika Sjöbom, Mats X. Andersson, Aldina Pivodic, A. M. Lund, M. Vanpee, I. Hansen-Pupp, D. Ley, D. Wackernagel, Karin Sävman, L. E. H. Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström, Anders K. Nilsson
Clinical Nutrition - 2023 -
Validation of DIGIROP models and decision support tool for prediction of treatment for retinopathy of prematurity on a contemporary Swedish
Aldina Pivodic, L. E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, A. C. Almeida, A. Al-Hawasi, E. Larsson, Pia Lundgren, B. Sunnqvist, K. Tornqvist, A. Wallin, G. Holmstrom, L. Granse
British Journal of Ophthalmology - 2023 -
Postnatal serum IGF-1 levels associate with brain volumes at term in extremely preterm
William Hellström, L. M. Hortensius, Chatarina Löfqvist, Gunnel Hellgren, M. L. Tataranno, D. Ley, Mjnl Benders, Ann Hellström, Isabella Björkman-Burtscher, Rolf A. Heckemann, Karin Sävman
Pediatric Research - 2023 -
Evaluation of the Retinopathy of Prematurity Activity Scale (ROP-ActS) in a randomised controlled trial aiming for prevention of severe ROP: a substudy of the Mega Donna Mega
Aldina Pivodic, H. Johansson, L. E. H. Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
Bmj Open Ophthalmology - 2022 -
Costs associated with retinopathy of prematurity: a systematic review and
Hanna Gyllensten, Jhangir Humayun, Ulrika Sjöbom, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
BMJ open - 2022 -
Longitudinal Serum Metabolomics in Extremely Premature Infants: Relationships With Gestational Age, Nutrition, and
Anders K. Nilsson, A. Tebani, Daniel Malmodin, Anders Pedersen, Gunnel Hellgren, Chatarina Löfqvist, I. Hansen-Pupp, M. Uhlen, Ann Hellström
Frontiers in Neuroscience - 2022 -
Development and validation of a new clinical decision support tool to optimize screening for retinopathy of
Aldina Pivodic, Helena Johansson, L. E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, B. A. Yoder, M. E. Hartnett, C. Wu, M. C. Bründer, W. A. Lagrèze, A. Stahl, A. Al-Hawasi, E. Larsson, Pia Lundgren, L. Gränse, B. Sunnqvist, K. Tornqvist, A. Wallin, G. Holmström, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
British Journal of Ophthalmology - 2022 -
A systematic review and meta-analysis of preanalytical factors and methodological differences influencing the measurement of circulating vascular endothelial growth
Ulrika Sjöbom, Anders K. Nilsson, Hanna Gyllensten, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
Plos One - 2022 -
Serum choline in extremely preterm infants declines with increasing parenteral
Anders K. Nilsson, Anders Pedersen, Daniel Malmodin, A. M. Lund, Gunnel Hellgren, Chatarina Löfqvist, I. H. Pupp, Ann Hellström
European Journal of Nutrition - 2021 -
Systematic review of the healthcare cost of bronchopulmonary
Jhangir Humayun, Chatarina Löfqvist, David Ley, Ann Hellström, Hanna Gyllensten
BMJ open - 2021 -
Association of Docosahexaenoic Acid and Arachidonic Acid Serum Levels With Retinopathy of Prematurity in Preterm
Ann Hellström, Aldina Pivodic, L. Granse, Pia Lundgren, Ulrika Sjöbom, Anders K. Nilsson, Helena Söderling, Anna-Lena Hård, L. E. H. Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist
Jama Network Open - 2021 -
Analysis of Brain Injury Biomarker Neurofilament Light and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes and Retinopathy of Prematurity Among Preterm
Ulrika Sjöbom, William Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist, Anders K. Nilsson, Gerd Holmström, Ingrid Hansen Pupp, David Ley, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Karin Sävman, Ann Hellström
JAMA network open - 2021 -
Decreased Platelet Counts and Serum Levels of VEGF-A, PDGF-BB, and BDNF in Extremely Preterm Infants Developing Severe
Gunnel Hellgren, Pia Lundgren, Aldina Pivodic, Chatarina Löfqvist, Anders K. Nilsson, D. Ley, Karin Sävman, L. E. Smith, Ann Hellström
Neonatology - 2021 -
Effect of Enteral Lipid Supplement on Severe Retinopathy of Prematurity A Randomized Clinical
Ann Hellström, Anders K. Nilsson, D. Wackernagel, Aldina Pivodic, M. Vanpee, Ulrika Sjöbom, Gunnel Hellgren, B. Hallberg, M. Domellof, Susanna Klevebro, William Hellström, Mats Andersson, A. M. Lund, Chatarina Löfqvist, Anders Elfvin, Karin Sävman, I. Hansen-Pupp, Anna-Lena Hård, L. E. H. Smith, D. Ley
JAMA Pediatrics - 2021 -
Unpasteurised maternal breast milk is positively associated with growth outcomes in extremely preterm
A. M. Lund, Chatarina Löfqvist, Aldina Pivodic, Pia Lundgren, Anna-Lena Hård, Ann Hellström, I. Hansen-Pupp
Acta Paediatrica - 2020 -
IGF1, serum glucose, and retinopathy of prematurity in extremely preterm
B. Cakir, William Hellström, Y. Tomita, Z. J. Fu, R. Liegl, Ann Winberg, I. Hansen-Pupp, D. Ley, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist, L. E. H. Smith
Jci Insight - 2020 -
The IGF system and longitudinal growth in preterm infants in relation to gestational age, birth weight and
Ann Hellström, J. Sigurdsson, Chatarina Löfqvist, Gunnel Hellgren, A. Kistner
Growth Hormone & Igf Research - 2020 -
Individual Risk Prediction for Sight-Threatening Retinopathy of Prematurity Using Birth
Aldina Pivodic, Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, Lois E.H. Smith, Carolyn Wu, Marie Christine Bründer, Wolf A. Lagrèze, Andreas Stahl, Gerd Holmström, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Helena Johansson, Staffan Nilsson, Ann Hellström
JAMA Ophthalmology - 2020 -
C-Peptide Suppression During Insulin Infusion in the Extremely Preterm Infant Is Associated With Insulin
William Hellström, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Gunnel Hellgren, Eva Engström, Lennart Stigson, Karin Sävman, David Ley, Chatarina Löfqvist
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism - 2019 -
Influence of Human Milk and Parenteral Lipid Emulsions on Serum Fatty Acid Profiles in Extremely Preterm
Anders K. Nilsson, Chatarina Löfqvist, Svetlana Najm, Gunnel Hellgren, Karin Sävman, Mats X. Andersson, Lois E H Smith, Ann Hellström
JPEN - Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition - 2019 -
Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe retinopathy of
B. Cakir, R. Liegl, Gunnel Hellgren, Pia Lundgren, Y. Sun, S. Klevebro, Chatarina Löfqvist, Clara Mannheimer, S. Cho, A. Poblete, R. Duran, B. Hallberg, J. Canas, V. Lorenz, Z. J. Liu, M. C. Sola-Visner, L. E. H. Smith, Ann Hellström
Jci Insight - 2018 -
Association of Retinopathy of Prematurity With Low Levels of Arachidonic Acid A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical
Chatarina Löfqvist, Svetlana Najm, Gunnel Hellgren, Eva Engström, Karin Sävman, Anders K. Nilsson, Mats X. Andersson, Anna-Lena Hård, L. E. H. Smith, Ann Hellström
Jama Ophthalmology - 2018 -
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids decline rapidly in milk from mothers delivering extremely preterm indicating the need for
Anders K. Nilsson, Chatarina Löfqvist, Svetlana Najm, Gunnel Hellgren, Karin Sävman, Mats X. Andersson, Lois E H Smith, Ann Hellström
Acta paediatrica - 2018 -
Increased postnatal concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines are associated with reduced IGF-I levels and retinopathy of
Gunnel Hellgren, Chatarina Löfqvist, I. Hansen-Pupp, M. Gram, L. E. Smith, D. Ley, Ann Hellström
Growth Hormone & Igf Research - 2018 -
Implementing higher oxygen saturation targets reduced the impact of poor weight gain as a predictor for retinopathy of
Pia Lundgren, Anna-Lena Hård, Åsa Wilde, Chatarina Löfqvist, Lois E.H. Smith, Ann Hellström
Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics - 2018 -
Adiponectin Mediates Dietary Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Protection Against Choroidal Neovascularization in
Z. J. Fu, R. Lieg, Z. X. Wang, Y. Gong, C. H. Liu, Y. Sun, B. Cakir, S. B. Burnim, S. S. Meng, Chatarina Löfqvist, J. P. SanGiovanni, Ann Hellström, L. E. H. Smith
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science - 2017 -
IGF-1 as a drug for preterm infants: A step-wise clinical
Ann Hellström, David Ley, Boubou Hallberg, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Luca A. Ramenghi, Jan Borg, Lois E.H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård
Current Pharmaceutical Design - 2017 -
Photoreceptor glucose metabolism determines normal retinal vascular
Zhongjie Fu, Chatarina Löfqvist, Raffael Liegl, Zhongxiao Wang, Ye Sun, Yan Gong, Chi Hsiu Liu, Steven S. Meng, Samuel B. Burnim, Ivana Arellano, My T. Chouinard, Rubi Duran, Alexander Poblete, Steve S. Cho, James D. Akula, Michael Kinter, David Ley, Ingrid Hansen Pupp, Saswata Talukdar, Ann Hellström, Lois Eh Smith
EMBO Molecular Medicine - 2017 -
Effects of a lipid emulsion containing fish oil on polyunsaturated fatty acid profiles, growth and morbidities in extremely premature infants: A randomized controlled
Svetlana Najm, Chatarina Löfqvist, Gunnel Hellgren, Eva Engström, Pia Lundgren, Anna-Lena Hård, Alexandre Lapillonne, Karin Sävman, Anders K. Nilsson, Mats X. Andersson, Lois E.H. Smith, Ann Hellström
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN - 2017 -
IGF-I in the clinics: Use in retinopathy of
Ann Hellström, D. Ley, I. Hansen-Pupp, B. Hallberg, L. A. Ramenghi, Chatarina Löfqvist, L. E. H. Smith, A. L. Hard
Growth Hormone & Igf Research - 2016 -
Review: adiponectin in
Z. F. Fu, Y. Gong, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström, Lois E H Smith
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease - 2016 -
Role of Insulinlike Growth Factor 1 in Fetal Development and in the Early Postnatal Life of Premature
Ann Hellström, D. Ley, I. Hansen-Pupp, B. Hallberg, L. A. Ramenghi, Chatarina Löfqvist, L. E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård
American Journal of Perinatology - 2016 -
Serum concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor in relation to retinopathy of
Gunnel Hellgren, Chatarina Löfqvist, Anna-Lena Hård, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Magnus Gram, David Ley, Lois E Smith, Ann Hellström
Pediatric research - 2016 -
Validating impact of temporal changes of adiponectin in relation to ROP
Chatarina Löfqvist, Gunnel Hellgren, Svetlana Najm, Eva Engström, Lennart Stigson, L. E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Karin Sävman, Ann Hellström
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science - 2016 -
Cohort study of growth patterns by gestational age in preterm infants developing
S Klevebro, Pia Lundgren, U Hammar, L E Smith, M Bottai, M Domellöf, Chatarina Löfqvist, B Hallberg, Ann Hellström
BMJ Open - 2016 -
IGF-1 in retinopathy of prematurity, a CNS neurovascular
R. Liegl, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström, L. E. H. Smith
Early Human Development - 2016 -
Oxygen Monitoring Reduces the Risk for Retinopathy of Prematurity in a Mexican
L. C. Zepeda-Romero, Pia Lundgren, J. A. Gutierrez-Padilla, L. M. Gomez-Ruiz, M. Q. Corona, J. V. Orozco-Monroy, A. Barragan-Sanchez, J. C. Razo-Cervantes, Chatarina Löfqvist, Anna-Lena Hård, Ann Hellström
Neonatology - 2016 -
Insulin-like growth factor 1 has multisystem effects on foetal and preterm infant
Ann Hellström, David Ley, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Boubou Hallberg, Chatarina Löfqvist, Linda van Marter, Mirjam van Weissenbruch, Luca A Ramenghi, Kathryn Beardsall, David Dunger, Anna-Lena Hård, Lois E H Smith
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2016 -
Effect of Preterm Birth on Postnatal Apolipoprotein and Adipocytokine
Gunnel Hellgren, Eva Engström, L. E. Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström
Neonatology - 2015 -
Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease retinal neovascularization by adipose-endoplasmic reticulum stress reduction to increase
Z. J. Fu, Chatarina Löfqvist, Z. Shao, Y. Sun, J. S. Joyal, C. G. Hurst, R. Z. Cui, L. P. Evans, K. Tian, J. P. Sangiovanni, J. Chen, D. Ley, I. H. Pupp, Ann Hellström, L. E. H. Smith
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - 2015 -
Early Surge in Circulatory Adiponectin Is Associated With Improved Growth at Near Term in Very Preterm
Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Gunnel Hellgren, Anna-Lena Hård, Lois Smith, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism - 2015 -
Low birth weight is a risk factor for severe retinopathy of prematurity depending on gestational
Pia Lundgren, Anna Kistner, Eva M. Andersson, Ingrid Hansen Pupp, Gerd Holmström, David Ley, Aimon Niklasson, Lois E H Smith, Carolyn Wu, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
PloS one - 2014 -
Weight at first detection of retinopathy of prematurity predicts disease
Pia Lundgren, Åse Wilde, Chatarina Löfqvist, L. E. H. Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Ann Hellström
British Journal of Ophthalmology - 2014 -
Neonatal IGF-1/IGFBP-1 axis and retinopathy of prematurity are associated with increased blood pressure in preterm
Anna Kistner, Jon Sigurdsson, Aimon Niklasson, Chatarina Löfqvist, Kerstin Hall, Ann Hellström
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2014 -
WINROP can modify ROP screening praxis: a validation of WINROP in populations in Sormland and
L. Eriksson, U. Liden, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström
British Journal of Ophthalmology - 2014 -
Prediction of severe retinopathy of prematurity using the WINROP algorithm in a birth cohort in South East
C. Piyasena, C. Dhaliwal, H. Russell, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist, B. J. Stenson, B. W. Fleck
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition - 2014 -
WINROP identifies severe retinopathy of prematurity at an early stage in a nation-based cohort of extremely preterm
Pia Lundgren, E. Stoltz Sjostrom, M. Domellof, K. Kallen, G. Holmstrom, Anna-Lena Hård, L. E. Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Circulatory insulin-like growth factor-I and brain volumes in relation to neurodevelopmental outcome in very preterm
Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Holger Hovel, Chatarina Löfqvist, Lena Hellstrom-Westas, Vineta Fellman, Petra S. Huppi, Ann Hellström, David Ley
Pediatric Research - 2013 -
The Use of the WINROP Screening Algorithm for the Prediction of Retinopathy of Prematurity in a Chinese
H. Q. Sun, W. Q. Kang, X. Y. Cheng, C. Chen, H. Xiong, J. Guo, C. C. Zhou, Y. H. Zhang, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist, Changlian Zhu
Neonatology - 2013 -
Efficacy of the Screening Algorithm WINROP in a Korean Population of Preterm
J. H. Choi, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström, H. Heo
Jama Ophthalmology - 2013 -
Longitudinal infusion of insulin-like growth factor-I and IGF-binding protein-3 complex to five preterm infants: pharmacokinetics and short term
David Ley, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Aimon Niklasson, Magnus Domellöf, Lena E Friberg, Jan Borg, Chatarina Löfqvist, Gunnel Hellgren, Lois E H Smith, Anna-Lena Hård, Ann Hellström
Pediatric Research - 2013 -
Low postnatal serum IGF-I levels are associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Chatarina Löfqvist, Gunnel Hellgren, Aimon Niklasson, Eva Engström, David Ley, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2012 -
Importance of Early Postnatal Weight Gain for Normal Retinal Angiogenesis in Very Preterm Infants: A Multicenter Study Analyzing Weight Velocity Deviations for the Prediction of Retinopathy of
Carolyn Wu, Chatarina Löfqvist, Lois E H Smith, Deborah K Vanderveen, Ann Hellström
Archives of ophthalmology - 2012 -
Prediction of Retinopathy of Prematurity Using the Screening Algorithm WINROP in a Mexican Population of Preterm
L. C. Zepeda-Romero, Anna-Lena Hård, L. M. Gomez-Ruiz, J. A. Gutierrez-Padilla, E. Angulo-Castellanos, J. Barrera-de-Leon, J. M. Ramirez-Valdivia, C. Gonzalez-Bernal, C. I. Valtierra-Santiago, E. Garnica-Garcia, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström
Archives of Ophthalmology - 2012 -
[The early postnatal weight gain as a predictor of retinopathy of
S. Fluckiger, H. U. Bucher, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist, V. Sturm, S. J. Arri
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde - 2011 -
Influence of insulin-like growth factor I and nutrition during phases of postnatal growth in very preterm
I. Hansen-Pupp, Chatarina Löfqvist, S. Polberger, Aimon Niklasson, V. Fellman, Ann Hellström, D. Ley
Pediatric Research - 2011 -
Postnatal decrease in circulating insulin-like growth factor-I and low brain volumes in very preterm
I. Hansen-Pupp, H. Hövel, Ann Hellström, Lena Hellström-Westas, Chatarina Löfqvist, E. M. Larsson, F. Lazeyras, V. Fellman, P. S. Huppi, D. Ley
Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism - 2011 -
Maternal and neonatal factors associated with poor early weight gain and later retinopathy of
Margareta Hök Wikstrand, Anna-Lena Hård, Aimon Niklasson, Lois Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2011 -
Safety aspects of longitudinal administration of IGF-I/IGFBP-3 complex in neonatal
Gunnel Hellgren, Wei Han, Xiaoyang Wang, Chatarina Löfqvist, Henrik Hagberg, Carina Mallard, Ann Hellström
Growth hormone & IGF research : official journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society - 2011 -
Postnatal weight gain modifies severity and functional outcome of oxygen-induced proliferative
Andreas Stahl, Jing Chen, Przemyslaw Sapieha, Molly R Seaward, Nathan M Krah, Roberta J Dennison, Tara Favazza, Felicitas Bucher, Chatarina Löfqvist, Huy Ong, Ann Hellström, Sylvain Chemtob, James D Akula, Lois E H Smith
The American journal of pathology - 2010 -
New insights into the development of retinopathy of prematurity - importance of early weight
Ann Hellström, David Ley, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Aimon Niklasson, Lois E H Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist, Anna-Lena Hård
Acta Paediatrica - 2010 -
Predicting proliferative retinopathy in a Brazilian population of preterm infants with the screening algorithm
Anna-Lena Hård, Chatarina Löfqvist, J. B. Fortes Filho, R. S. Procianoy, L. Smith, Ann Hellström
Archives of Ophthalmology - 2010 -
Longitudinal postnatal weight measurements for the prediction of retinopathy of
C. Wu, D. K. Vanderveen, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist, L. E. Smith
Archives of Ophthalmology - 2010 -
Proliferative Retinopathy Is Associated with Impaired Increase in BDNF and RANTES Expression Levels after Preterm
Gunnel Hellgren, Keirnan L Willett, Eva Engström, Poul Thorsen, David M Hougaard, Bo Jacobsson, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
Neonatology - 2010 -
The mouse retina as an angiogenesis
Andreas Stahl, Kip M Connor, Przemyslaw Sapieha, Jing Chen, Roberta J Dennison, Nathan M Krah, Molly R Seaward, Keirnan L Willett, Christopher M Aderman, Karen I Guerin, Jing Hua, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström, Lois E H Smith
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science - 2010 -
Validation of a new retinopathy of prematurity screening method monitoring longitudinal postnatal weight and insulinlike growth factor
Chatarina Löfqvist, Ingrid Hansen-Pupp, Eva M. Andersson, Kristina Holm, Lois E H Smith, David Ley, Ann Hellström
Archives of ophthalmology - 2009 -
Retinopathy of prematurity: Clinical insights from molecular
Gena Heidary, Chatarina Löfqvist, Iason S Mantagos, Deborah K Vanderveen, Ann Hellström, Lois E H Smith
NeoReviews - 2009 -
A pharmacokinetic and dosing study of intravenous insulin-like growth factor-I and IGF-binding protein-3 complex to preterm
Chatarina Löfqvist, Aimon Niklasson, Eva Engström, L. E. Friberg, C. Camacho-Hubner, D. Ley, J. Borg, L. E. Smith, Ann Hellström
Pediatric Research - 2009 -
Quantification and localization of the IGF/insulin system expression in retinal blood vessels and neurons during oxygen-induced retinopathy in
Chatarina Löfqvist, K. L. Willett, Oskar Aspegren, A. C. Smith, C. M. Aderman, K. M. Connor, J. Chen, Ann Hellström, L. E. Smith
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci - 2009 -
Early weight gain predicts retinopathy in preterm infants: new, simple, efficient approach to
Ann Hellström, Anna-Lena Hård, Eva Engström, Aimon Niklasson, Eva M. Andersson, L. Smith, Chatarina Löfqvist
Pediatrics - 2009 -
Fresh-frozen plasma as a source of exogenous insulin-like growth factor-I in the extremely preterm
I. Hansen-Pupp, Eva Engström, Aimon Niklasson, A. C. Berg, V. Fellman, Chatarina Löfqvist, Ann Hellström, D. Ley
J Clin Endocrinol Metab - 2009 -
White matter damage after chronic subclinical inflammation in newborn
Xiaoyang Wang, Gunnel Hellgren, Chatarina Löfqvist, Wenli Li, Ann Hellström, Henrik Hagberg, Carina Mallard
Journal of child neurology - 2009 -
Increased dietary intake of omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces pathological retinal
K. M. Connor, J. P. Sangiovanni, Chatarina Löfqvist, C. M. Aderman, J. Chen, A. Higuchi, S. Hong, E. A. Pravda, S. Majchrzak, D. Carper, Ann Hellström, J. X. Kang, E. Y. Chew, N., Jr. Salem, C. N. Serhan, L. E. Smith
Nat Med - 2007 -
IGFBP3 suppresses retinopathy through suppression of oxygen-induced vessel loss and promotion of vascular
Chatarina Löfqvist, J. Chen, K. M. Connor, A. C. Smith, C. M. Aderman, N. Liu, J. E. Pintar, T. Ludwig, Ann Hellström, L. E. Smith
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A - 2007 -
Postnatal head growth deficit among premature infants parallels retinopathy of prematurity and insulin-like growth factor-1
Chatarina Löfqvist, Eva Engström, Jon Sigurdsson, Anna-Lena Hård, Aimon Niklasson, Uwe Ewald, Gerd Holmström, L. E. Smith, Ann Hellström
Pediatrics - 2006 -
Longitudinal Postnatal Weight and Insulin-like Growth Factor I Measurements in the Prediction of Retinopathy of
Chatarina Löfqvist, Eva M. Andersson, Jon Sigurdsson, Eva Engström, Anna-Lena Hård, Aimon Niklasson, Lois E. H. Smith, Ann Hellström
Arch Ophthalmol - 2006 -
Reference Values for Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and the Ratio of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I to IGFBP-3 throughout Childhood and
Chatarina Löfqvist, Eva M. Andersson, Lars Gelander, Sten Rosberg, Lena Hulthén, W. F. Blum, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland
J Clin Endocrinol Metab - 2005 -
Construction of a soluble human GH-receptor/EGF-receptor hybrid and its activation by
Gunnel Hellgren, Chatarina Löfqvist, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Björn Carlsson, Lena M S Carlsson
Cytokine - 2004 -
Reference values for IGF-I throughout childhood and adolescence: A model that accounts simultaneously for the effect of gender, age and
Chatarina Löfqvist, Eva M. Andersson, Lars Gelander, Sten Rosberg, W F Blum, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland
The journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism - 2001 -
GH Secretion in children. Methodological aspects of determining immunoreactive and bioactive
Chatarina Löfqvist