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- Hanna Gyllensten
Hanna Gyllensten
Senior Lecturer
Learning and Leadership for Health Care ProfessionalsAbout Hanna Gyllensten
About Hanna Gyllensten
Hanna Gyllensten is a registered pharmacist with a background in community pharmacy and as a ward pharmacist. She is PhD (Medicine) since 2014 and her thesis was exploring the economic impact of drug-related morbidity, including e.g., adverse drug reactions and sub-therapeutic effects of drug therapy. Hanna is now a senior lecturer at University of Gothenburg, and Associated professor in health care sciences.
Hannas research focuses on health economic aspects of, in particular, chronic diseases. At University of Gothenburg she conducts economic evaluations of person-centred interventions in healthcare, based on data collected within clinical trials and complemented by data from national and regional registers.
Her other research projects include mainly (register-based) observational research. The studies uses national registers, sometimes complemented by data from population survey or collected from medical records, to study e.g., societal costs resulting from disease.
Research groups
GPCC - University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care.
Health Care Transition Research Group.
Key words
Health economics, person-centred care, drug-related morbidity, drug safety, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, public health.
Factors associated with self-reported work ability among people with multiple sclerosis in
Fitsum Sebsibe Teni, Alejandra Machado, Jessica Dervish, Katharina Fink, Hanna Gyllensten, Emilie Friberg
Costs and associated health outcomes of person-centered interventions: a systematic
Salma Pardhan, Hadeel Elhassan, Rasika Hewage, Benjamin P Harvey, Hanna Gyllensten
Towards state of the science in person-centred care. Wolf, A., Forsgren, E., Björkman, I., Edvardsson, D., & Öhlén, J. (Eds.). - 2024 -
Palliative care consultation in the last week of life and associated factors: a cross-sectional general population
Susanna Böling, Hanna Gyllensten, My Engström, Emma Lundberg, Johan Berlin, Joakim Öhlén
Palliative care and social practice - 2024 -
Health-related quality of life among older adults following acute hospitalization: longitudinal analysis of a randomized controlled
Eirin Guldsten Robinson, Hanna Gyllensten, Anne Gerd Granas, Kjell H. Halvorsen, Beate Hennie Garcia
Quality of Life Research - 2024 -
Physical activity with person-centered guidance supported by a digital platform or with telephone follow-up for persons with chronic widespread pain: Health economic considerations along a randomized controlled
Hanna Gyllensten, Anette Larsson, Anna Bergenheim, Emmelie Barenfeld, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Scandinavian Journal of Pain - 2024 -
Influence of an enhanced recovery programme on clinical outcomes and health-related quality of life after pancreaticoduodenectomy ad modum Whipple - an explorative and comparative single-centre
Thomas K. Andersson, My Engström, Johanna Wennerblom, Hanna Gyllensten, Kristofer Bjerså
BMC SURGERY - 2024 -
Är utvärderingar (o)nyttiga? En studie av fem svenska
Ylva Norén Bretzer, Johan Rosquist, Hanna Gyllensten
Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen NORKOM - 2024 -
Trends in the place of death in Sweden from 2013 to 2019-disclosing prerequisites for palliative
Cecilia Larsdotter, Stina Nyblom, Hanna Gyllensten, Carl-Johan Furst, Anneli Ozanne, Ragnhild Hedman, Stefan Nilsson, Joakim Öhlén
Circulating VEGF-A Levels in Relation to Retinopathy of Prematurity and Treatment Effects: A Systematic Review and
Ulrika Sjöbom, Tove Hellqvist, Jhangir Humayun, Anders K. Nilsson, Hanna Gyllensten, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
Recent trends in disease-modifying therapy use and associated sickness absence and disability pension among people with multiple sclerosis in
Fitsum Sebsibe Teni, Alejandra Machado, Katharina Fink, Hanna Gyllensten, Jan Hillert, Emilie Friberg
Multiple Sclerosis Journal - 2024 -
Self-efficacy and healthcare costs in patients with chronic heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary
Elin Blanck, Laura Pirhonen Nørmark, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Lilas Ali, Karl Swedberg, Hanna Gyllensten
ESC heart failure - 2024 -
Effekten av att föda barn i ett speciellt utformat födslorum: En randomiserad kontrollerad
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Göran Lindahl, Anna-Karin Ringqvist, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
Konferensbidrag Reproduktiv Hälsa, Karlstad - 2023 -
A Trial-Based Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Optimization Intervention Versus Standard Care in Older
Eirin Guldsten Robinson, Hanna Gyllensten, Jeanette Schultz Johansen, Kjerstin Havnes, Anne Gerd Granas, Trine Strand Bergmo, Lars Småbrekke, Beate Hennie Garcia, Kjell H Halvorsen
Drugs & aging - 2023 -
Analysis on personnel costs and working time for implementing a more person-centred care approach: a case study with embedded units in a Swedish
Hanna Gyllensten, Malin Tistad, Helena Fridberg, Lars Wallin
BMJ open - 2023 -
Implementing a new birthing room design: a qualitative study with a care provider
Lisa Goldkuhl, Malin Tistad, Hanna Gyllensten, Marie Berg
BMC health services research - 2023 -
Self-reported restrictions in different life domains and associated factors among people with multiple sclerosis in
Fitsum Sebsibe Teni, Alejandra Machado, Chantelle Murley, Katharina Fink, Hanna Gyllensten, Jessica Dervish, Jan Hillert, Emilie Friberg
European Journal of Neurology - 2023 -
Integrating Health Promotion with and for Older People - eHealth (IHOPe) – Evaluating remote integrated person-centred care - Protocol of a randomised controlled trial with effectiveness, health economic, and process
Zahra Ebrahimi, Emmelie Barenfeld, Hanna Gyllensten, Patricia Olaya-Contreras, Andreas Fors, Eva Fredholm, Joanne M. Fuller, Mahboubeh Goudarzi, Birgitta Krantz, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
BMC Geriatrics - 2023 -
Trajectories of disease-modifying therapies and associated sickness absence and disability pension among 1923 people with multiple sclerosis in
F. S. Teni, A. Machado, C. Murley, A. He, K. Fink, Hanna Gyllensten, A. Glaser, K. Alexanderson, J. Hillert, E. Friberg
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders - 2023 -
Impact of Birthing Room Design on Maternal Childbirth Experience: Results From the Room4Birth Randomized
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Cecily Begley, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Göran Lindahl, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
HERD - 2023 -
Corrigendum to “Room4Birth – The effect of giving birth in a hospital birthing room designed with person-centred considerations: A Swedish randomised controlled trial” [Sex. Reprod. Healthc. 32 (2022)
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Cecily Begley, Helle Wijk, Christina Nilsson, Göran Lindahl, Anna Karin Ringqvist, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare - 2023 -
Cost-effectiveness of implant movement analysis in aseptic loosening after hip replacement: a health-economic
Davide Lovera, Olof Sandberg, Maziar Mohaddes, Hanna Gyllensten
Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E - 2023 -
Disease-modifying therapies and cost-of-illness progression among people newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis: a national register-based cohort study covering treatment initiation with interferons, glatiramer acetate or
K. Karampampa, Hanna Gyllensten, E. Friberg, C. Murley, A. Kavaliunas, J. Hillert, T. Olsson, K. Alexanderson
Bmj Open - 2023 -
Impact of the built environment on labour and birth outcomes: the Swedish Room4Birth randomised
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Marie Berg
33rd ICM Triennal Congress, Bali, Indonesia, 11-14 June 2023 - 2023 -
Faktorer av betydelse för palliative consult sista veckan i
Susanna Böling, Hanna Gyllensten, My Engström, Johan Berlin, Joakim Öhlén
7:e Nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, 5-7 september 2022, Göteborg - 2022 -
Costs associated with retinopathy of prematurity: a systematic review and
Hanna Gyllensten, Jhangir Humayun, Ulrika Sjöbom, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
BMJ open - 2022 -
Room4Birth - The effect of giving birth in a hospital birthing room designed with person-centred considerations: A Swedish randomised controlled
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Cecily Begley, Helle Wijk, Christina Nilsson, Göran Lindahl, Anna-Karin Ringqvist, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2022 -
A Lifestyle Intervention During Pregnancy and Its Effects on Child Weight 2.5 Years
Karin Haby, Hanna Gyllensten, Marie Berg, Ragnar Hanås, Åsa Premberg
Maternal and Child Health Journal - 2022 -
Implementation fidelity of a transition program for adolescents with congenital heart disease: the STEPSTONES
Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Philip Moons, Hanna Gyllensten, Ewa-Lena Bratt
BMC Health Services Research - 2022 -
Commentary: how person-centred is pharmaceutical
Hanna Gyllensten, Joanne M. Fuller, Malin Johansson Östbring
International journal of clinical pharmacy - 2022 -
Healthcare costs of adverse drug reactions and potentially inappropriate prescribing in older adults: a population-based
E. G. Robinson, Khedidja Hedna, K. M. Hakkarainen, Hanna Gyllensten
Bmj Open - 2022 -
A systematic review and meta-analysis of preanalytical factors and methodological differences influencing the measurement of circulating vascular endothelial growth
Ulrika Sjöbom, Anders K. Nilsson, Hanna Gyllensten, Ann Hellström, Chatarina Löfqvist
Plos One - 2022 -
Effects of a Person-Centered eHealth Intervention for Patients on Sick Leave Due to Common Mental Disorders (PROMISE Study): Open Randomized Controlled
Matilda Cederberg, Sara Alsén, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, K. Glise, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Andreas Fors
Jmir Mental Health - 2022 -
Faktorer av betydelse för palliativ konsult sista veckan i
Susanna Böling, Hanna Gyllensten, My Engström, Johan Berlin, Joakim Öhlén
7:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, Göteborg 6-7 september 2022 - 2022 -
Cost-effectiveness of a transition program for adolescents with congenital heart disease: The Stepstones
Markus Saarijärvi, Ewa-Lena Bratt, Philip Moons, Hanna Gyllensten
55th annual meeting for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology AEPC. Geneva. May 25-28th - 2022 -
Early vs. late treatment initiation in multiple sclerosis and its impact on cost of illness: A register-based prospective cohort study in
K. Karampampa, Hanna Gyllensten, C. Murley, K. Alexanderson, A. Kavaliunas, T. Olsson, A. Manouchehrinia, J. Hillert, E. Friberg
Multiple Sclerosis Journal-Experimental Translational and Clinical - 2022 -
Effects of person-centred care using digital platform and structured telephone support for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure: Randomized controlled
Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Andreas Fors, Emmelie Barenfeld, Eva Fredholm, Michael Fu, Mahboubeh Goudarzi, Hanna Gyllensten, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Karl Swedberg, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, Inger Ekman
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2021 -
Cost effectiveness of a controlled lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with
Hanna Gyllensten, Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Åsa Premberg
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - 2021 -
Systematic review of the healthcare cost of bronchopulmonary
Jhangir Humayun, Chatarina Löfqvist, David Ley, Ann Hellström, Hanna Gyllensten
BMJ open - 2021 -
Mechanisms of Impact and Experiences of a Person-Centred Transition Programme for Adolescents With Chd: The Stepstones
Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Philip Moons, Hanna Gyllensten, Ewa-Lena Bratt
BMC Health Services Research - 2021 -
Participants and non-participants – factors affecting representativeness and reach in randomized controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of complex
Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Philip Moons, Hanna Gyllensten, Ewa-Lena Bratt
Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Copenhagen 4-6th October 2021 - 2021 -
Person-centred care by a combined digital platform and structured telephone support for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or chronic heart failure: study protocol for the PROTECT randomised controlled
Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Emmelie Barenfeld, Andreas Fors, E. Fredholm, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
BMJ Open - 2020 -
Healthcare, Sickness Absence, and Disability Pension Cost Trajectories in the First 5 Years After Diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis: A Prospective Register-Based Cohort Study in
Korinna Karampampa, Hanna Gyllensten, Fei Yang, Chantelle Murley, Emilie Friberg, Jan Hillert, Kristina Alexanderson
PharmacoEconomics - open - 2020 -
Importance of early treatment decisions on future income of multiple sclerosis
Andrius Kavaliunas, Ali Manouchehrinia, Hanna Gyllensten, Kristina Alexanderson, Jan Hillert
Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical - 2020 -
Person-centred eHealth intervention for patients on sick leave due to common mental disorders: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial and process evaluation
Matilda Cederberg, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, K. Glise, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Andreas Fors
BMJ Open - 2020 -
Modelling the cost-effectiveness of person-centred care for patients with acute coronary
Laura Pirhonen, Hanna Gyllensten, Andreas Fors, Kristian Bolin
European Journal of Health Economics - 2020 -
A national research centre for the evaluation and implementation of person-centred care: Content from the first interventional
Hanna Gyllensten, Ida Björkman, Eva Jakobsson Ung, Inger Ekman, Sofie Jakobsson
Health Expectations - 2020 -
Factors affecting adolescents’ participation in randomized controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of healthcare interventions: the case of the STEPSTONES
Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Philip Moons, Hanna Gyllensten, Ewa-Lena Bratt
BMC Medical Research Methodology - 2020 -
The cost-effectiveness of person-centred care provided to patients with chronic heart failure and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary
Laura Pirhonen, Hanna Gyllensten, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson, Andreas Fors, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, Kristian Bolin
Health Policy OPEN - 2020 -
Processutvärdering av ett personcentrerat övergångsprogram för ungdomar med medfödda hjärtfel i övergång till vuxenlivet –
Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Hanna Gyllensten, Philip Moons, Ewa-Lena Bratt
Centrum för personcentrerad vård (GPCC) 10-årsjubileumskonferens 6-7 feb 2020, Konferenscentrum Wallenberg vid Sahlgrenska akademin i Göteborg - 2020 -
Transition program for adolescents with congenital heart disease in transition to adulthood: protocol for a mixed-method process evaluation study (the STEPSTONES
Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Philip Moons, Hanna Gyllensten, Ewa-Lena Bratt
BMJ open - 2019 -
Cohort study of healthcare use, costs and diagnoses from onset to 6 months after discharge for takotsubo syndrome in
Sara Wallström, Inger Ekman, Elmir Omerovic, Kerstin Ulin, Hanna Gyllensten
BMJ open - 2019 -
Costs of illness progression for different multiple sclerosis phenotypes: a population-based study in
Hanna Gyllensten, Andrius Kavaliunas, Chantelle Murley, Kristina Alexanderson, Jan Hillert, Petter Tinghög, Emilie Friberg
Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical - 2019 -
Room4Birth - the effect of an adaptable birthing room on labour and birth outcomes for nulliparous women at term with spontaneous labour start: study protocol for a randomised controlled superiority trial in
Marie Berg, Lisa Goldkuhl, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Hanna Gyllensten, Göran Lindahl, Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg, Cecily Begley
Trials - 2019 -
Clinical relevance of alerts from a decision support system, PHARAO, for drug safety assessment in the older
Khedidja Hedna, M. L. Andersson, Hanna Gyllensten, S. Hagg, Y. Bottiger
BMC Geriatrics - 2019 -
Economic evaluation of a person-centred care intervention in head and neck oncology: results from a randomized controlled
Hanna Gyllensten, Ingalill Koinberg, Eric Carlström, Lars-Erik Olsson, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer - 2019 -
Person-Centred Care in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Alongside a Randomised Controlled
Laura Pirhonen, Kristian Bolin, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Hanna Gyllensten
PharmacoEconomics - open - 2019 -
Transition program for adolescents with congenital heart disease in transition to adulthood: protocol and rationale for a mixed-methods process evaluation study (the STEPSTONES
Markus Saarijärvi, Lars Wallin, Philip Moons, Hanna Gyllensten, Ewa-Lena Bratt
Knowledge Utilization (KU) Colloquium 2019, 25-28 juni, Montebello, Quebec, Canada - 2019 -
Transition program to empower adolescents with chronic conditions in their transition to adulthood: methods and rationale for the STEPSTONES
Markus Saarijärvi, Mariela Acuña Mora, Carina Sparud Lundin, Lars Wallin, Hanna Gyllensten, Ewa-Lena Bratt, Philip Moons
Forte Talks, 26-27 mars 2019, Stockholm - 2019 -
Cognitive function is a major determinant of income among multiple sclerosis patients in Sweden acting independently from physical
Andrius Kavaliunas, Virginija Danylaite Karrenbauer, Hanna Gyllensten, Ali Manouchehrinia, Anna Glaser, Tomas Olsson, Kristina Alexanderson, Jan Hillert
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) - 2019 -
Costs and quality of life by disability among people with multiple sclerosis: a register-based study in
Hanna Gyllensten, Andrius Kavaliunas, Kristina Alexanderson, Jan Hillert, Petter Tinghög, Emilie Friberg
Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical - 2018 -
Increasing return-to-work among people on sick leave due to common mental disorders: design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a problem-solving intervention versus care-as-usual conducted in the Swedish primary health care system
Elisabeth Björk Brämberg, Kristina Holmgren, U. Bultmann, Hanna Gyllensten, J. Hagberg, L. Sandman, G. Bergstrom
BMC Public Health - 2018 -
Costs of illness of multiple sclerosis in Sweden: a population-based register study of people of working
Hanna Gyllensten, Michael Wiberg, Kristina Alexanderson, Anders Norlund, Emilie Friberg, Jan Hillert, Olivia Ernstsson, Petter Tinghög
The European journal of health economics : HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care - 2018 -
Mighty Mums - a Lifestyle intervention at primary care level reduces gestational weiht gain in women with
Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Hanna Gyllensten, Ragnar Hanås, Åsa Premberg
BMC Obesity - 2018 -
Disposable income trajectories of working-aged individuals with diagnosed multiple
Chantelle Murley, Fei Yang, Hanna Gyllensten, Kristina Alexanderson, Emilie Friberg
Acta neurologica Scandinavica - 2018 -
Lifestyle intervention in pregnant women with BMI
Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Hanna Gyllensten, Ragnar Hanås, Åsa Premberg
NEON, The Network in Epidemiology and Nutrition. From evidence to practice. April 18-19 2018 - 2018 -
Comparing costs of illness of multiple sclerosis in three different years: A population-based
Hanna Gyllensten, Michael Wiberg, Kristina Alexanderson, Emilie Friberg, Jan Hillert, Petter Tinghög
Multiple sclerosis - 2018 -
Comparing Methods for Estimating Direct Costs of Adverse Drug
Hanna Gyllensten, A. K. Jonsson, K. M. Hakkarainen, Staffan Svensson, S. Hagg, C. Rehnberg
Value in Health - 2017 -
Healthcare utilization and costs after takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Hanna Gyllensten, Kerstin Ulin, Inger Ekman
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare - 2017 -
Hospitalization, costs and diagnosis in patients with takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Inger Ekman, Kerstin Ulin, Hanna Gyllensten
European Heart Journal, vol. 38, suppl_1, ehx501. P615 - 2017 -
Direct and indirect costs for adverse drug events identified in medical records across care levels, and their distribution among
Jennie Natanaelsson, Katja M Hakkarainen, Staffan Hägg, Karolina Andersson Sundell, Max Petzold, Clas Rehnberg, Anna K Jönsson, Hanna Gyllensten
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP - 2017 -
Income in Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Different Disease
Andrius Kavaliunas, Ali Manouchehrinia, Virginija Danylaite Karrenbauer, Hanna Gyllensten, Anna Glaser, Kristina Alexanderson, Jan Hillert
PloS one - 2017 -
Effectiveness of person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome in relation to educational level: Subgroup analysis of a two-armed randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
International journal of cardiology - 2016 -
How does work disability of patients with MS develop before and after diagnosis? A nationwide cohort study with a reference
Hanna Gyllensten, Michael Wiberg, Kristina Alexanderson, Jan Hillert, Petter Tinghög
BMJ Open - 2016 -
Cost-effectiveness of the behavioral antenatal care intervention programme Mighty
Hanna Gyllensten, Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Åsa Premberg, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson
European Obesity Summit (EOS) - Joint Congress of EASO and IFSO-EC, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 1-4, 2016. Obesity Facts. - 2016 -
Cost of illness of Multiple Sclerosis - A systematic
Olivia Ernstsson, Hanna Gyllensten, Kristina Alexanderson, Petter Tinghög, Emilie Friberg, Anders Norlund
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome is effective in persons with lower socioeconomic
Andreas Fors, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 12-15 April 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2016 -
Potentially inappropriate prescribing and adverse drug reactions in the elderly: a population-based
K. Hedna, Katja M Hakkarainen, Hanna Gyllensten, A. K. Jonsson, Max Petzold, S. Hagg
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology - 2015 -
Adherence to Antihypertensive Therapy and Elevated Blood Pressure: Should We Consider the Use of Multiple
K. Hedna, K. M. Hakkarainen, Hanna Gyllensten, A. K. Jonsson, Karolina Andersson Sundell, Max Petzold, S. Hagg
Plos One - 2015 -
Pharmacoepidemiology at Nordic School of Public Health NHV: Examples from 1999 to
C. S. Lundborg, Hanna Gyllensten, K. Hedna, K. M. Hakkarainen, E. Lesen, Karolina Andersson Sundell
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2015 -
Prevalence, nature and potential preventability of adverse drug events - A population-based medical record study of 4970
Katja M Hakkarainen, Hanna Gyllensten, A K Jönsson, Karolina Andersson Sundell, Max Petzold, S Hägg
British journal of clinical pharmacology - 2014 -
Economic Impact of Adverse Drug Events – A Retrospective Population-Based Cohort Study of 4970
Hanna Gyllensten, Katja M Hakkarainen, Staffan Hägg, Anders Carlsten, Max Petzold, Clas Rehnberg, Anna K Jönsson
PLoS ONE - 2014 -
Cost of illness of patient-reported adverse drug events: a population-based cross-sectional
Hanna Gyllensten, Clas Rehnberg, Anna K Jönsson, Max Petzold, Anders Carlsten, Karolina Andersson Sundell
BMJ open - 2013 -
How are the costs of drug-related morbidity measured?: a systematic literature
Hanna Gyllensten, Anna K Jönsson, Clas Rehnberg, Anders Carlsten
Drug safety - 2012 -
Modelling drug-related morbidity in Sweden using an expert panel of
Katja M Hakkarainen, Daniel Alström, Staffan Hägg, Anders Carlsten, Hanna Gyllensten
European journal of clinical pharmacology - 2012 -
Modelling drug-related morbidity in Sweden using an expert panel of
Hanna Gyllensten, Katja M Hakkarainen, Anna K Jönsson, Karolina Andersson Sundell, Staffan Hägg, Clas Rehnberg, Anders Carlsten
International journal of clinical pharmacy - 2012