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- Daniel Ljungberg
Daniel Ljungberg
Senior Lecturer
Unit for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipAbout Daniel Ljungberg
Daniel Ljungberg is Associate professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. His research predominantly addresses the role and activities of universities and academics in the knowledge economy, specifically focusing on their relation with industry and their role in industrial innovation processes. His main research interests include academic patenting and entrepreneurship, university-industry interaction, and the economics of universities.
Daniel Ljungberg holds a M.Sc. in Engineering in "Management and Economics of Innovation" and a Ph.D. in "Technology Management and Economics", from Chalmers University of Technology.
On other web sites
Research areas
- Economics of innovation; Innovation studies; Academic patenting; University-industry interaction; Economics of universities
Teaching areas
- Innovation and entrepreneurship; Innovation management; Research methods
Latest publication
Gifford, E., Ljungberg, D., McKelvey, M. (2022). Industrial and Corporate Change, 31, 1259-1284. https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtac026
Forskningssamverkan och kommersialisering
McKelvey et al. (2021). Makadam förlag. Available here.
Variety in founder experience and the performance of knowledge-intensive innovative firms.
Gifford, E., Buenstorf, G., Ljungberg, D., McKelvey, M., Zaring, O. (2021). Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 31, 677–713. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-020-00692-6
On the quest for sustainable fashion and textiles - exploring the development of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems through strategic policy
Erik Gustafsson, Daniel Ljungberg, Ethan Gifford
Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) 2024, Innsbruck - 2024 -
Developing knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems for sustainable transition - exploring the role of strategic policy initiatives in fashion and
Erik Gustafsson, Daniel Ljungberg, Ethan Gifford
International Schumpeter Society (ISS) Conference 2024, Gothenburg - 2024 -
Openness and Environmental Innovations: The role of ecosystem pressures and firm appropriability
HANI ELZOUMOR, Daniel Ljungberg, Ethan Gifford
R&D management conference 2024 proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden - 2024 -
Openness, appropriability strategies, and innovation ecosystem pressures: evidence from a large-scale survey study of young innovative
HANI ELZOUMOR, Daniel Ljungberg, Ethan Gifford
DRUID24 conference proceedings - Nice, France - 2024 -
Traversing the endogenous-exogenous nexus: Paradox theory and Swedish
Ethan Gifford, Daniel Ljungberg, Magnus Holmén
22nd Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) - 2024 -
Recombinant novelty, technological complexity and
Daniel Ljungberg
ISS2024 The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society conference - 2024 -
Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship, Education and Varieties of Knowledge in
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2023, Dublin, Ireland - 2023 -
Innovating in knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms: exploring the effects of a variety of internal and external knowledge sources on goods and service
Ethan Gifford, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Industrial and Corporate Change - 2022 -
Variety in founder experience and the performance of knowledge-intensive innovative
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Journal of evolutionary economics - 2021 -
Forskningssamverkan och
Maureen McKelvey, Karin Berg, Evangelos Bourelos, Linus Brunnström, Ethan Gifford, Daniel hemberg, Ida Hermansson, Sven Lindmark, Daniel Ljungberg, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Viktor Ström, Olof Zaring
2021 -
Co-evolution of technology transfer and absorptive capacity: Illustrations from rural
Deycy Sanchez, Magnus Holmén, Daniel Ljungberg
18th International Schumpeter Society (ISS) conference - 2021 -
Artistic education as a source of innovation and knowledge-intensive
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) 2021 - Virtual Community Conversation vol.II - 2021 -
Artistic Education as a Potential Source of Knowledge-Intensive Innovative
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
22nd CINet Conference - Organising innovation for a sustainable future, 13-15 September 2021 - 2021 -
Promoting Future Sustainable Transition by Overcoming the Openness Paradox in KIE
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Sustainability - 2020 -
Moving between creativity and business: fashion design alumni and potential pathways for (not) becoming knowledge-intensive
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
18th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) - 2020 -
Academic engagement seen through university-industry co-authorship:
Who are these industry
Karin Berg, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Viktor Ström
WOMI 2019, Pisa, Italy - 2019 -
Lone Inventors and Technological
Daniel Ljungberg
The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management - 2019 -
The relationship between openness, appropriability mechanisms and innovation performance in KIE
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
20th International CINet Conference - 2019 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing and Creative Industries: Same, Same, but
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Creativity and Innovation Management - 2018 -
Evolution of systems of technology transfer in rural developing
Magnus Holmén, Daniel Ljungberg, Deycy Sanchez
International Schumpeter Society Conference - 2018 -
Digital disruptors: On the potentials and characteristics of digital knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
ISPIM Stockholm 2018 conference - 2018 -
Evolution of university-industry collaboration at Chalmers University of
Sven Lindmark, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
University-Industry Interaction Conference - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Baldy Conference on Universities and Development. 7-8 April 2018. University at Buffalo. - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
17th International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference: "Innovation, Catch-up, and Sustainable Development - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
The 30th Annual European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy conference 2018: Evolutionary foundations at a crossroad; Assessments, outcomes and implications for policy makers - 2018 -
How public policy can stimulate the capabilities of firms to innovate in a traditional industry through academic engagement: The case of the Swedish food
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
R &D Management - 2017 -
Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries as compared to High-tech and Low-tech
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Workshop on "Co-evolution of Entrepreneurship and Artistic Innovation", 30 March 2017, Gothenburg - 2017 -
Entrepreneurship in creative industries as compared to high-tech and low-tech
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Vienna, Austria, 18-21 June 2017 - 2017 -
Lone inventors and technological
Daniel Ljungberg
DRUID Society Conference, June 12-14 2017 New York - 2017 -
Search and Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Firms: Exploring the relationship between external knowledge sources and goods and services
Ethan Gifford, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Presentation at conference "Knowledge and Universities: Impact on science, industry and policy", IIE, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-13 September 2017 - 2017 -
Förnyelsens källor: Akademikers roller och innovativt
Magnus Holmén, Daniel Ljungberg
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring. - 2016 -
Opportunities and Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship:A meta-analysis of 86 case
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Dynamics of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic. - 2016 -
Structuring the Process of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence and Descriptive Insights from 86 AEGIS Case
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Dynamics of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic. - 2016 -
Towards a behavioral explanation of university
Magnus Holmén, Daniel Ljungberg, Robert Dalitz
International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference, July 2016, Montreal - 2016 -
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: A new research
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Book of abstracts of the 6th CIM Community Workshop - 2016 -
Collaboration between universities in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Mergers and Alliances in Higher Education: International Practice and Emerging Opportunities - 2015 -
Creating innovative opportunities through research collaboration: An evolutionary framework and empirical illustration in
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Daniel Ljungberg
Technovation - 2015 -
New combinations and academic engagement: Do academic inventors affect firms' technological
Daniel Ljungberg
Druid Society conference 2015, Rome, June 15-17 - 2015 -
The teaching and societal services nexus: Academics’ experiences in three
Magnus Holmén, Daniel Ljungberg
Teaching in Higher Education - 2015 -
To what extent do external sources of knowledge affect the innovative performance of knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms? The effects of depth and breadth of openness on manufacturing and service
Ethan Gifford, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Society conference 2015, Rome, June 15-17 - 2015 -
Environmental Orientation and Economic Performance: A quasi-experimental study of small Swedish
Marcus Linder, Joakim Björkdahl, Daniel Ljungberg
Business Strategy and the Environment - 2014 -
Can public policy regenerate a traditional industry through collaborative research? The case of the Swedish food
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
DRUID Society conference 2014, CBS, Copenhagen, June 16-18 - 2014 -
How public policy can stimulate the capabilities of firms to innovate in traditional industry through academic engagement: The case of the Swedish food
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Research Seminar series at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research - 2014 -
Collaborative Strategies: How and Why Academic Spin-offs Interact with Engineering University
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Olof Zaring, Jens Laage-Hellman, Stefan Szücs
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.) - 2013 -
Collaborative research in Innovative Food: An example of renewing a traditional low-tech
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Jens Laage-Hellman
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.) - 2013 -
Academic Inventors, Technological Profiles and Patent Value: An Analysis of Academic Patents owned by Swedish-based
Daniel Ljungberg, Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
Industry and Innovation - 2013 -
Collaboration Strategies in University-Industry Relationships for Entrepreneurial
What characterizes firms' academic patents? Academic involvement in industrial invention in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Industry and Innovation - 2012 -
Environmental Orientation and Economic Performance: How Profitable Are Small Green
Marcus Linder, Joakim Björkdahl, Daniel Ljungberg
2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 3-7, Boston, Massachusetts. - 2012 -
Revisiting Technology Centrality in University-Industry Interaction: A Study of Firms’ Academic Patents in
Maureen McKelvey, Evangelos Bourelos, Daniel Ljungberg
International Schumpeter Society Conference, July 2-5 2012, Brisbane. - 2012 -
University mergers and strategic positioning: The Swedish
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Workshop on Collaboration and Concentration: Alliances and Mergers in Higher Education. Current Practices and Future Opportunities. November 15-16, Bucharest - 2012 -
Collaboration strategies in university-industry
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
AEGIS Final conference: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Knowledge Based Economy, September 5-7, Milan - 2012 -
Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
ZEW International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE), October 4-5, Mannheim - 2012 -
Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
The 10th GLOBELICS International Conference, November 9-11, Hangzhou, China - 2012 -
Översikt av Innovations och Entreprenörskaps-inriktade verksamheter på Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och Göteborgs
Daniel Ljungberg, Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
2012 -
Revisiting Firm Size and Technology Centrality in University-Industry Interaction: A Study of Firms' Academic Patents in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Evangelos Bourelos
ESF-APE-INV workshop: “Scientists & Inventors” – KU Leuven, 10-11 May 2012 - 2012 -
Academic inventors and firm inventiveness: A quasi-experimental analysis of firms’
Daniel Ljungberg
DIME final conference, Maastricht, April 2011 - 2011 -
Exploring the black box of academia: University positioning, firm inventiveness and academic
Daniel Ljungberg
2011 -
Academic involvement in firm patenting: A study of firms’ academic patents in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Druid Summer Conference London - 2010 -
Polarization of the Swedish University Sector: Structural Characteristics and
Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2009 -
Var ligger problemet ? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i
Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Martin Wallin, Daniel Ljungberg
in Forska lagom och vara världsbäst: Sverige inför forskningens globala strukturomvandling, in Benner, M., & Sörlin, S. (Eds.) SNS-förlaget. - 2008 -
Analysis of Effects on Research and Industry in Life
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Jens Laage-Hellman
2008 -
Structural differences in competitive research funding and industry interaction: The case of the Swedish university
Daniel Ljungberg
2008 -
Var ligger problemet? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i
Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Martin Wallin, Daniel Ljungberg
2007 -
Does structure matter for science? The Matthew effect in the Swedish university
Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
2007 -
Does Structure Matter for Science?: The Matthew Effect in the Swedish University
Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Summer Conference 2007, Köpenhamn 18-21 Juni - 2007