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- Olof Zaring
Olof Zaring
Unit for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipHead of Department
Department of Economy and Society-
Exploring How the University Ecosystem Can Mobilise Resources for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurial Firms in
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship - 2023 -
Exploring how the University can Promote Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship - technology transfer for knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms in
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Forskningskonferens om social innovation i välfärd, hälsa och arbetsliv, Malmö, Sweden - 2023 -
Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs, Maureen McKelvey
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business - 2021 -
Variety in founder experience and the performance of knowledge-intensive innovative
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Journal of evolutionary economics - 2021 -
Organising an early phase of academic engagement: a case study of interactions between engineering and equestrian
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Innovation: Organization & Management - 2021 -
Forskningssamverkan och
Maureen McKelvey, Karin Berg, Evangelos Bourelos, Linus Brunnström, Ethan Gifford, Daniel hemberg, Ida Hermansson, Sven Lindmark, Daniel Ljungberg, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Viktor Ström, Olof Zaring
2021 -
Strategic choices in the design of entrepreneurship education: an explorative study of Swedish higher education
Olof Zaring, Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Studies in Higher Education - 2021 -
Conceptualizing evolutionary governance routines: governance at the interface of science and technology with knowledge-intensive innovative
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 2020 -
Creating, Maintaining and Dismantling a Hybrid Space for Sustainability Research: Exploring the practices of academic engagement in a university-industry
Rani Dang, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
DRUID 2019 Conference Proceedings - 2019 -
Strategic choices in the design of entrepreneurship education: an explorative study of Swedish higher education
Olof Zaring, Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings - 2019 -
A Recent Crisis in Regenerative Medicine: Analyzing Governance in Order to Identify Public Policy
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Science and Public Policy - 2018 -
Co-delivery of social innovations: exploring the university’s role in academic engagement with
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Industry and Innovation - 2018 -
The evolution and embeddedness of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms in creative industries: contrasting experienced and non-experienced entrepreneurs in the Swedish fashion
I. Hermanson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
European Planning Studies - 2018 -
In governance we trust. Experimentation at the interface between medical research and clinical
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
TRIPLE HELX 2018, Manchester, September 5-8 - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Baldy Conference on Universities and Development. 7-8 April 2018. University at Buffalo. - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
17th International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference: "Innovation, Catch-up, and Sustainable Development - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
The 30th Annual European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy conference 2018: Evolutionary foundations at a crossroad; Assessments, outcomes and implications for policy makers - 2018 -
Bringing together engineering and equestrian sports: Exploring how a university initiates academic engagement with
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
The DRUID 2018 Conference, Copenhagen, June 11-13 2018 - 2018 -
Collaborative engineering projects and sustainability: Analysing open innovation practices for societal impact in the context of advanced engineering in university industry
Rani J. Dang, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
20th Uddevalla Symposium 2017, Trollhättan, Sweden, 15-17 June 2017 - 2017 -
Exploring what roles the university can play in organizing interactions between researchers-users-business in order to use engineering knowledge to improve
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Third Nordic STS (Science, Technology, Society) Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 31 May - 2 June 2017 - 2017 -
In governance we trust. Governance processes as selection mechanisms in medical research and
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Workshop on Medical Innovation, Reykjavik, December 13-15 - 2017 -
Governance of medical research and innovation - Lessons from a recent crisis in regenerative
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Third Nordic STS (Science, Technology, Society) Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 31 May - 2 June 2017 - 2017 -
Exploring what roles the university can play in organizing interactions between researchers-users-business in order to use engineering knowledge to improve
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Presentation at conference "Knowledge and Universities: Impact on science, industry and policy", IIE, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-13 September 2017 - 2017 -
Universities and their Involvement in Industrial Innovation as seen through Academic
Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
The 15th Globelics Conference, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October, 2017 - 2017 -
Akademiska patent: om svenska forskares
Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Hur ett Schumpeterianskt perspektiv kan leda till bättre
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Social innovation och socialt entreprenörskap: en fallstudie i hur universitet och studenter kan göra skillnad för
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Tillståndet för utbildningar i entreprenörskap vid Sveriges lärosäten: en
Olof Zaring, Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Governance of medical research and innovation - Lessons from a recent crisis in regenerative
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Presented at the 16th ISS Conference. July 6-8th 2016, Montreal, Canada - 2016 -
Forskningen om innovation och entreprenörskap ur ett kunskapsperspektiv: inspirerat av Schumpeter och evolutionär
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem: företag, akademi,
Recent Crisis of Regenerative Medicine in Sweden. Personal tragedy, governance failure, or business as
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Presented at the 2016 Eu-SPRI Conference, Lund, Sweden, June 7-10 2016 - 2016 -
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
Academy of Management proceedings, Vancouver, Canada - 2015 -
The Internationalization of Innovation: Off-shoring Home base Innovative processes in Software to a Host Nation Innovation
Olof Zaring
Innovation spaces in Asia : entrepreneurs, multinational enterprises and policy / edited by Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen. - 2015 -
Creating innovative opportunities through research collaboration: An evolutionary framework and empirical illustration in
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Daniel Ljungberg
Technovation - 2015 -
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
DRUID15, Rome, June 15-17, 2015 - 2015 -
How regions and networks affect knowledge intensive
Ida Hermansson, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Academy 2015, January 21-23, Rebild, Aalborg, Denmark - 2015 -
Innovation Governance Nexuses: Mapping Local Governments' University–Industry Relations and Specialization in High Technology in
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring
European Planning Studies - 2014 -
Collaborative Strategies: How and Why Academic Spin-offs Interact with Engineering University
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Olof Zaring, Jens Laage-Hellman, Stefan Szücs
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.) - 2013 -
Interaction as a strategy in knowledge intensive entrepreneurship: Case of an ERP software
Olof Zaring
How entrepreneurs do what they do : case studies in knowledge intensive entrepreneurship /[edited by] Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen. - 2013 -
The practice of forming a corporate strategy: Outsourcing innovative practices to Sri
Olof Zaring
Conference Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia - 2013 -
Regional innovation governance : a model for complex systems of innovation and economic
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
14th International Schumpeter Society Conference - 2012 -
Effects of Policy and Public-Private Interaction on New Firm
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring
DRUID 2011 on 'INNOVATION, STRATEGY and STRUCTURE - Organizations, Institutions, Systems and Regions, June 15-17, Copenhagen Business School - 2011 -
Local Political Capital for Innovation in the Global Knowledge
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
Book of Abstracts, XVII World Congress of Sociology, 11-17 July 2010, Gothenburg - 2010 -
The dynamics of rapid industrial growth: evidence from Sweden’s information technology industry,
Olof Zaring, Magnus Eriksson
Industrial and Corporate Change - 2009 -
Triple Helix as a basis for capacity building through innovation
Stefan Szücs, Susan Marton, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
Paper presented at the 7th Biennial International Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkages, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 17-19 June, 2009 - 2009 -
Local Innovation Governance and Clusters: A Framework and Some Evidence on the Influence of Local Government -Industry-University Relations on Technology Clusters in
Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs, Susan Marton
The XVth NOPSA Conference, Tromsø 6–9 August 2008 - 2008 -
Företagen som aktörer i den regionala
Patrik Ström, Olof Zaring, Rolf Wolff, Niklas Egels-Zandén, Magnus Eriksson
2005 -
Corporate social performance: a processual
Niklas Egels, Olof Zaring
Proceedings of 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for Business and Society - 2005 -
Corporate Social Performance: A Processual
Niklas Egels-Zandén, Olof Zaring
In IABS 2005 Proceedings, San Francisco, CA. - 2005 -
Företagen som aktörer i den regionala tillväxtstrategin - ur ett
P. Ström, Olof Zaring, Rolf Wolff
2005 -
Markets, Business and Sustainable
Rolf Wolff, Olof Zaring
Individual and Structural Determinants of Environmental Practice, edited by Anders Biel, Bengt Hansson and Mona Mårtensson - 2003 -
Eco-efficient Producer Services: What are they, how do they benefit customers and the environment and how likely are they to develop and be extensively
M Bartolomeo, D dal Maso, P de Jong, P Eder, P Groenewegen, P Hopkinson, P James, L Nijhuis, Marie Örninge, G Scholl, A Slob, Olof Zaring
Journal of Cleaner Production - 2003 -
Perspectives on Sustainable
Olof Zaring, Eva Terrvik, Hans Hellsmark
EGOS - 2002 -
Climate Change Mitigation and the Role of
Rolf Wolff, Olof Zaring, Hans Hellsmark
2002 -
Learnways: an e-learning service
Olof Zaring
Creating Eco-efficient Producer Services - 2001 -
Olof Zaring
Creating eco-efficient producer services - 2001 -
Creating eco-effiecient producer
Olof Zaring
2001 -
Ethical Investments - Towards a Sound Theory and Screening
Marcus Carlsson Reich, Rolf Wolff, Olof Zaring, Lars Zetterberg, Markus Åhman
2001 -
Indicators for Sustainable
Rolf Wolff, Olof Zaring, E. Furuholt, H. O'Leary, A.P. Gaasbeek, T. Thoem
Society of Petroleum Engineers - 2000 -
Indicators for Sustainable
Olof Zaring, Rolf Wolff, E Furuholt, H O'Leary, A P Gaasbeek, T Thoem
Society of Petroleum Engineers - 2000 -
Allt svårare att hitta i
Olof Zaring
Miljörapporten: Miljöguiden 2000 - 2000 -
Investment decisions and the environment- A study of strategies for project
Olof Zaring
1999 -
The applied use of economic analysis: The issue of capital investment and sustainable
Olof Zaring
The 6th International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network, Developing Sustainability: New Dialogue, New Approaches, November 16-19, 1997, Santa Barbara, California, USA - 1997 -
Capital budgeting for the
Olof Zaring
Scandinavian Journal of Management. Exeter: Pergamon Press. - 1996 -
Miljöhänsyn och investeringsplanering. Ett exempel från
Olof Zaring
Miljöstrategier- Ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv. P. Dobers and R. Wolff - 1995 -
Utvärdering av batteriavgift och batterifond, Rapport till Batteriutredningen (M 1995:03),
Peter Dobers, Birgitta Schwartz, Lars Strannegård, Olof Zaring, Rolf Wolff
1995 -
Oil and sustainability: a case study of policies and rules used in capital
Olof Zaring
Environmental management - where do we stand? : selected papers from the second Nordic Network Conference, December 1994, Norwegian School of Management(BI), Oslo / Ed. by: Ytterhus, B. E. - 1995 -
Organisational Learning: The creation of ecological minds in
Rolf Wolff, Olof Zaring
The 1994 International System Dynamics Conference, University of Stirling, Scotland. - 1994 -
Business strategy and ecological adaptation: A research and learning
Olof Zaring, Rolf Wolff
The second Nordic Network Conference, December 1994, Norwegian School of Management (BI), Oslo. - 1994 -
The Greening of Capital Investment Decisions: An Oil Industry Case
Olof Zaring