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- Axel Wolf
Axel Wolf
Professor/ Nurse
Care in Long-term ConditionsAbout Axel Wolf
Centre director Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC)
Professor, Senior consultant Anesthesia (CRNA) & Affiliated researcher at the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC).
I have a combined position as a Professor at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences and as a senior consultant at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Department of intensive care and anesthesiology. I am also a full professor at the University in Olso (OsloMet). I lead the research group Gothenburg Pain Lab, www.gothenburgpainlab.com.
I teach primarily at the advanced level at the university. My focus areas are person-centred care, shared economy/platform economy, value-based healthcare and eHealth.
Clinical background:
My experience is found in anaesthesia and intensive care with a special focus on bariatric surgery and opioid-free anaesthesia. I have a position at the department of intensive care and anesthesiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
My research taps on different aspects of person-centred care, such as exploring the organizational aspects of implementing PCC, innovations of PCC products/services as well as evaluation of complex interventions. A recent research area is sharing economies, value-based healthcare and strategic change management. My clinical research in Anesthesia is found within pain management and opioid-free anaesthesia. I am A affiliated researcher at the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC). I lead the Gothenburg Care Lab (www.gothenburgpainlab.com) together with Associate professor/MD Paulin Andrell.
I am the primary investigator for a recent innovation project funded by the Swedish agency for innovation (Vinnova), investigating the prerequisites for a shared economy in healthcare. I am the chair of the European committee in charge of developing a standard of patient involvement in healthcare.
I have been the operative project leader for several national projects for the development of several strategic platforms for implementation and research regarding PCC within the healthcare sector.
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in perioperative care: A Swedish web-based
Salwan Diwan, Alexander Olausson, Paulin Andréll, Axel Wolf, Pether Jildenstål
Reliability of nociceptive monitors vs. standard practice during general anesthesia: a prospective observational
Daniel Widarsson Norbeck, Sophie Lindgren, Axel Wolf, Pether Jildenstål
Patients<acute accent> experiences of TENS as a postoperative pain relief method in the post-anesthesia care unit after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a qualitative
Eva Angelini, Charlotta Josefsson, Cecilia Ögren, Paulin Andréll, Axel Wolf, Mona Ringdal
Towards State of the Science in Person-Centred
Axel Wolf, Ida Björkman, David Edvardsson, Joakim Öhlén
2024 -
Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study
GBD 2021 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators, Leo Stockfelt, Axel Wolf
Lancet (London, England) - 2024 -
Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study
GBD 2021 Causes of Death Collaborators, Leo Stockfelt, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Axel Wolf
Lancet (London, England) - 2024 -
Patients' perioperative experiences of an opioid-free versus opioid-based care pathway for laparoscopic bariatric surgery: A qualitative
Alexander Olausson, Eva Angelini, Birgit Heckemann, Paulin Andréll, Pether Jildenstål, Sven-Egron Tho, Axel Wolf
Patient and public involvement in healthcare: a systematic mapping review of systematic reviews - identification of current research and possible directions for future
Jana Bergholtz, Axel Wolf, Vanessa Crine, Helena Cleeve, Maria-Jose Santana, Ida Björkman
BMJ OPEN - 2024 -
Wound cleansing solutions versus normal saline in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers – A systematic
Anneli Ringblom, John Ivory, Ingegerd Adlerberth, Agnes E Wold, Caroline McIntosh, Axel Wolf
Journal of Tissue Viability - 2024 -
Towards State of the Science in Person-Centred
Nudging strategies to influence prescribers' behavior toward reducing opioid prescriptions: a systematic scoping
Salwan Diwan, Andreas Vilhelmsson, Axel Wolf, Pether Jildenstål
Patient-Centerdness in the Perioperative Period—A Rapid Review of Current
Ann Chatrin L. Leonardsen, Axel Wolf, Ulrica Nilsson
Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing - 2024 -
Patient and involvement in health research and development- the role of patient
Kiana Kiani, Ida Björkman, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Elin Siira, Axel Wolf
ISBN: 978-91-531-0670-8 - 2024 -
Factors Influencing Patient Participation in Inpatient Forensic Psychiatric Care - A Mixed-Method Systematic
Valentina Vidaurrazaga Aras, Eirini Alexiou, Thomas Nilsson, Axel Wolf, Sepideh Olausson
High-frequency, high-intensity TENS compared to standard treatment with opioids for postoperative pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A multicentre randomized controlled
Cecilia Ögren, Emma Varkey, Axel Wolf, C. Larsson, Mona Ringdal, Paulin Andréll
Untangling the perception of value in value-based healthcare –an interview
Axel Wolf, Annette Erichsen Andersson, Ewa Wikström, Fredrik Bååthe
Leadership in Health Services - 2024 -
Evaluating a targeted person-centred pain management intervention programme in lumbar spine surgery - a controlled segment-specific before-and-after interventional
Eva Angelini, Axel Wolf, Helle Wijk, Helena Brisby, Adad Baranto
Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022-2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study
Axel Wolf
The Lancet - 2024 -
High-frequency, high-intensity transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation compared with opioids for pain relief after gynecological surgery: A systematic review and
Adam Piasecki, Cecilia Ögren, Sven Egron Thörn, Alexander Olausson, Carl Johan Svensson, Birgitta Platon, Axel Wolf, Paulin Andréll
Scandinavian Journal of Pain - 2024 -
Interventions on the social dimension of people with chronic heart failure: a systematic review of randomized controlled
M. Olano-Lizarraga, Sara Wallström, J. Martin-Martin, Axel Wolf
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2023 -
Attitudes towards death and dying among intensive care professionals: A cross-sectional design evaluating culture-related differential item functioning of the frommelt attitudes toward care of the dying
Hanan Hamdan Alshehri , Axel Wolf, Joakim Öhlén, Richard Sawatzky, Sepideh Olausson
Heliyon - 2023 -
Family member perspectives on intensive care unit in-person visiting restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative
Linda Jungestrand, Emma Holm, Louise Rose, Axel Wolf, Mona Ringdal
Intensive & critical care nursing - 2023 -
Opioid consumption in patients undergoing Roux-en-Y bariatric surgery compared with population controls with and without
Carl Johan Svensson, Christina Lundberg, Tatiana Zverkova Sandström, Paulin Andréll, Sven Egron Thörn, Annika Rosengren, Axel Wolf
Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery - 2022 -
Healthcare Professionals’ Perspective on Palliative Care in Intensive Care Settings: An Interpretive Descriptive
Hanan Hamdan Alshehri , Axel Wolf, Joakim Öhlén, Sepideh Olausson
Global Qualitative Nursing Research - 2022 -
Nurses' general attitudes and caregiving-specific perceptions toward the oldest-old: A Nationwide
Christopher Holmberg, Axel Wolf, Maja M. Olsson, Birgit Heckemann
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2022 -
Exploring documentation in Person-centred care: A content analysis of care
Doris Lydahl, Nicky Britten , Axel Wolf, Öncel Naldemirci, Helen Lloyd, Birgit Heckemann
International Journal of Older People Nursing - 2022 -
Older adults’ provision of informal care and support to their peers – A cornerstone of swedish society: Demographic characteristics and experiences of social
Elin Siira, Patricia Olaya-Contreras, S. Yndigegn, Helle Wijk, Bertil Rolandsson, Axel Wolf
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2022 -
Causes, experiences and consequences of the impact of chronic heart failure on the person´s social dimension: A scoping
Maddi Olano-Lizarraga, Sara Wallström, Jesús Martín-Martín, Axel Wolf
Health & social care in the community - 2022 -
Total opioid-free general anaesthesia can improve postoperative outcomes after surgery, without evidence of adverse effects on patient safety and pain management: A systematic review and
Alexander Olausson, Carl Johan Svensson, Paulin Andréll, Pether Jildenstål, Sven Egron Thörn, Axel Wolf
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica - 2022 -
Attitudes towards oldest-old adults (age ≥80 years): A survey and international comparison between Swedish and Austrian nursing
Birgit Heckemann, Gerhilde Schüttengruber, Axel Wolf, Franziska Großschädl, Christopher Holmberg
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2022 -
Using nudges to promote clinical decision making of healthcare professionals: A scoping
Axel Wolf, A. Sant'Anna, A. Vilhelmsson
Preventive Medicine - 2022 -
Are digital citizen panels an innovative, deliberative approach to cardiovascular
Elin Siira, Axel Wolf
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2022 -
Older adults' provision of informal care and support to their peers - A cornerstone of swedish society: Demographic characteristics and experiences of social
Elin Siira, Patricia Olaya-Contreras, Signe Yndigegn, Helle Wijk, Bertil Rolandsson, Axel Wolf
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2022 -
Testing cost containment of future healthcare with maintained or improved quality—The COSTCARES
Karl Swedberg, Desmond Cawley, Inger Ekman, Heather L. Rogers, Darijana Antonic, Daiga Behmane, Ida Björkman, Nicky Britten, Sandra C. Buttigieg, Vivienne Byers, Mats Börjesson, Kirsten Corazzini, Andreas Fors, Bradi Granger, Boban Joksimoski, Roman Lewandowski, Virgilijus Sakalauskas, Einav Srulovici, Jan Törnell, Sara Wallström, Axel Wolf, Helen M. Lloyd
Health Science Reports - 2021 -
Nudging healthcare professionals to improve treatment of COVID-19: a narrative
Andreas Vilhelmsson, A. Sant'Anna, Axel Wolf
Bmj Open Quality - 2021 -
Managerial and organisational prerequisites for the integration of palliative care in the intensive care setting: A qualitative
Hanan Hamdan Alshehri , Axel Wolf, Joakim Öhlén, Sepideh Olausson
Journal of Nursing Management - 2021 -
Registered nurses' experiences of working in the intensive care unit during the COVID-19
L. Bergman, A. C. Falk, Axel Wolf, I. M. Larsson
Nursing in Critical Care - 2021 -
Classic Tool, New Opportunities: A Psychometric Analysis of a Swedish Online Version of the Aging Semantic Differential
Christopher Holmberg, Axel Wolf, Camilla Eide, Franziska Großschädl, Gerhilde Schüttengruber, Harshida Patel, Birgit Heckemann
Research on Aging - 2021 -
Nudging healthcare professionals in clinical settings: a scoping review of the
A. Sant'Anna, Andreas Vilhelmsson, Axel Wolf
Bmc Health Services Research - 2021 -
The impact of implementing a person-centred pain management intervention on resistance to change and organizational
Eva Angelini, Axel Wolf, Helle Wijk, Helena Brisby, Adad Baranto
BMC Health Services Research - 2021 -
Patients' experiences of everyday living before and after transcatheter aortic valve
E. Lysell, Axel Wolf
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2021 -
"Care is not care if it isn't person-centred": A content analysis of how Person-Centred Care is expressed on
Cornelia van Diepen, Axel Wolf
Health Expectations - 2021 -
Epistemic injustices in clinical communication: the example of narrative elicitation in person-centred
O. Naldemirci, Nicky Britten, H. Lloyd, Axel Wolf
Sociology of Health & Illness - 2021 -
Beyond the definition of formal care: Informal care arrangements among older swedes who are not
Elin Siira, Bertil Rolandsson, Helle Wijk, Axel Wolf
Health & Social Care in the Community - 2020 -
Co-production of Peer-to-Peer Care Practices: The Case of a Social Innovation in Elderly
Elin Siira, Signe Yndigegn, Bertil Rolandsson, Helle Wijk, Axel Wolf
Tecnoscienza, Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies - 2020 -
Learning from Gothenburg model of person centred
Nicky Britten, Inger Ekman, Öncel Naldemirci, Mikaela Javinger, Håkan Hedman, Axel Wolf
BMJ - 2020 -
Documenting patient goals: first findings from a quantitative
Birgit Heckemann, Doris Lydahl, Axel Wolf, Öncel Naldemirci, Helen Lloyd, Nicky Britten
Centrum för personcentrerad vård - GPCC 10-årsjubileumskonferens: Tillsammans för en bättre vård. Gothenburg, Sweden, 6-7 February. - 2020 -
Implementering av
personcentrerad vård – kunskapsunderlag, medarbetarskap och organisation.
Ekman, I. (Red.) Personcentrering i hälso- och sjukvård – från filosofi till praktik
Axel Wolf, Lars Wallin, Eric Carlström
Personcentrering i hälso- och sjukvård – från filosofi till praktik - 2020 -
SAGE Research Methods Cases:
Working via distance: Using Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) MAXQDA, email and teleconferencing in Qualitative Content Analysis - Experiences, Pitfalls and Practical Tips. SAGE Research Methods
Birgit Heckemann, Friederike JS Thilo, Axel Wolf
2020 -
Care Practices Among Older People: Collective Constitutions On The Boundaries Between Formal/Informal
Elin Siira, Signe Yndigegn, Bertil Rolandsson, Helle Wijk, Axel Wolf
EASST 4S 2020 Virtual Meeting - 2020 -
Feminist clinical nursing research on irritable bowel
Ida Björkman, Axel Wolf
SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health - 2020 -
Factors influencing the integration of a palliative approach in intensive care units: a systematic mixed-methods
Hanan Hamdan Alshehri , Sepideh Olausson, Joakim Öhlén, Axel Wolf
BMC Palliative Care - 2020 -
Person-centered care and peer-to-peer care practices among older
Elin Siira, Axel Wolf, Helle Wijk, Bertil Rolandsson
Centrum för personcentrerad vård - GPCC 10-årsjubileumskonferens - 2020 -
The potential and pitfalls of narrative elicitation in person-centred
O. Naldemirci, N. Britten, H. Lloyd, Axel Wolf
Health Expectations - 2020 -
Adaptation of a Palliative Care Approach in the Context of Intensive Care: A Systematic Literature
Hanan Hamdan Alshehri , Sepideh Olausson, Axel Wolf, Joakim Öhlén
16th Word Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). Berlin, May 23-25, Abstract P02-385 - 2019 -
The impact of person-centred care on patients' care experiences in relation to educational level after acute coronary syndrome: secondary outcome analysis of a randomised controlled
Axel Wolf, Rebecca Vella, Andreas Fors
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2019 -
CPAP and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults With Coronary Artery Disease and Nonsleepy Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the RICCADSA
Sara Wallström, B. Balcan, Erik Thunström, Axel Wolf, Yüksel Peker
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine - 2019 -
Adaptation of a Palliative Care Approach in the Context of Intensive Care: A Systematic Literature
Hanan Hamdan Alshehri , Sepideh Olausson, Axel Wolf, Joakim Öhlén
16th Word Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). Berlin, May 23-25, Abstract P02-385. Palliative Medicine, vol. 33, issue 1 - 2019 -
Factors Influencing Integratation of Palliative Care Processes in Intensive Care Units: a Mixed Methods Systematic
Hanan Hamdan Alshehri , Sepideh Olausson, Joakim Öhlén, Axel Wolf
World Congress of Intensive Care - 2019 -
Mutual care among older
Elin Siira, Axel Wolf, Helle Wijk, Bertil Rolandsson
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, May 23-25, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2019 -
Tenacious assumptions of person-centred care? Exploring tensions and variations in
Öncel Naldemirci, Doris Lydahl, Nicky Britten, Mark Elam, Lucy Moore, Axel Wolf
Health (London, England : 1997) - 2018 -
The impact of a person-centred cardiac care rehabilitation intervention on patient-reported care experience: A randomized control
Axel Wolf, Rebecca Vella, Andreas Fors
European Heart Journal, Volume 39, Issue suppl_1. 2403 - 2018 -
Peer-to-peer support between older people: Care as an everyday
Elin Siira, Axel Wolf, Helle Wijk, Bertil Rolandsson
Aging & Society: Eighth Interdisciplinary Conference, September 17-19, 2018, Tokyo, Japan - 2018 -
The realities of partnership in person-centred care: A qualitative interview study with patients and
Axel Wolf, Lucy Moore, Doris Lydahl, Öncel Naldemirci, Mark Elam, Nicky Britten
BMJ Open - 2017 -
Unmet expectations of medications and care providers among patients with heart failure assessed to be poorly adherent: results from the Chronic Heart Failure Intervention to Improve MEdication Adherence (CHIME)
Inger Ekman, Axel Wolf, Victoria Vaughan Dickson, Hayden B Bosworth, Bradi B Granger
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2017 -
Deliberate and emergent strategies for implementing person-centred care: a qualitative interview study with researchers, professionals and
Öncel Naldemirci, Axel Wolf, Mark Elam, Doris Lydahl, Lucy Moore, Nicky Britten
BMC Health Services Research - 2017 -
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of person‐centred care in different healthcare
Lucy Moore, Nicky Britten, Doris Lydahl, Öncel Naldemirci, Mark Elam, Axel Wolf
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2017 -
Person-centred care is effective after an event of acute coronary syndrome; particularly in patients with low educational level – two-year follow-up of a randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Kerstin Ulin, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg
European Heart Journal, Volume 38, Issue suppl_1, 1 August 2017, ehx501.P625 - 2017 -
Elaboration of the Gothenburg model of person-centred
Nicky Britten, Lucy Moore, Doris Lydahl, Öncel Naldemirci, Mark Elam, Axel Wolf
Health Expectations - 2017 -
Effects of person-centred care after an event of acute coronary syndrome: Two-year follow-up of a randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Karl Swedberg, Kerstin Ulin, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
International Journal of Cardiology - 2017 -
When evidence based medicine cannot keep up with everyday life: The meaning and expectations of medication treatment in patients with poor treatment
Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman, Victoria Vaughan Dickson, Hayden Bosworth, Bradi Granger
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) CONGRESS 2017 - 2017 -
Person-centred care for patients with chronic heart failure - a cost-utility
Elisabeth K Hansson, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Axel Wolf, Kerstin Dudas, Lars Ehlers, Lars-Eric Olsson
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2016 -
Person-centred care- An approach that improves the discharge
Kerstin Ulin, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2016 -
Discovering untapped relationship potential with patients in telehealth: a qualitative interview
Birgit Heckemann, Axel Wolf, Lilas Ali, Stefan Sonntag, Inger Ekman
BMJ Open - 2016 -
An eHealth Diary and Symptom-Tracking Tool Combined With Person-Centered Care for Improving Self-Efficacy After a Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Substudy of a Randomized Controlled
Axel Wolf, Andreas Fors, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Thorn, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2016 -
Effects of an eHealth intervention combined with person-centered care throughout the continuum of care for patients diagnosed with acute coronary
Axel Wolf, Andreas Fors, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Thorn, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2016 -
The nature of telehealth relationships from a nursing perspective. Insights from a qualitative focus group
Birgit Heckemann, Lilas Ali, Axel Wolf, Steffen Sonntag, Inger Ekman
19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 24–26 August. - 2015 -
Creating supportive care relationships over distance: an exploration from a tele-care nurse
Birgit Heckemann, Lilas Ali, Axel Wolf, Steffen Sonntag, Inger Ekman
The 20th international Forum on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, London, UK, 21–24 April. - 2015 -
The nature of telehealth relationships from a nursing perspective. Insights from a qualitative focus group
Birgit Heckemann, Lilas Ali, Axel Wolf, Stefan Sonntag, Inger Ekman
19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 24th -26th August 2015.Oral presentation. - 2015 -
Tenacious assumptions of person-centred
Öncel Naldemirci, Doris Lydahl, Mark Elam, Axel Wolf, Lucy Moore, Nicky Britten
ESA 12th Conference Abstract Book, ESA Conference, August 26, Prag - 2015 -
Person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome, from hospital to primary care - A randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Charles Taft, Cecilia Björkelund, K. Frid, Maria E H Larsson, Jörgen Thorn, Kerstin Ulin, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2015 -
Person-centred care and
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2014 -
Förutsättning för omställning till person-centrerad vård:ledarskap, medarbetarskap och
Axel Wolf, Eric Carlström
Patients Everyday Life Experience of Person-Centred MHealth after Hospital
Axel Wolf, Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
Medicine 2.0, 13-14 november, Maui, Hawaii, USA - 2014 -
Förutsättningar för omställning till personcentrerad vård - ledarskap, medarbetarskap och
Axel Wolf, Eric Carlström
Inger Ekman (red.). Personcentrering inom hälso- och sjukvård : från filosofi till praktik - 2014 -
Uncertainty in illness among patients with chronic heart failure is less in person-centred care than in usual
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2013 -
Person-centred e-health in patients with coronary heart
Andreas Fors, Axel Wolf, Kerstin Dudas, Jörgen Thorn, Inger Ekman
Sixth Geneva conference on person-centered medicine. April 29 – May 1, 2013 - 2013 -
Person-centred care inluences the belief in medication in patients with chronic heart
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Heart Failure. - 2013 -
PCC- Impact at admission and discharge process, among patients with chronic heart
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2013 -
Person-centered care reduces self-reported uncertainty in illness, among patiens with chronic heart
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Maria Schaufelberger, Charles Taft, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
Fifth Geneva conference on person-centered medicine - 2012 -
Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF
Inger Ekman, Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Charles Taft, Kerstin Dudas, Maria Schaufelberger, Karl Swedberg
European Heart Journal - 2012 -
Self-efficacy and personal resources among patients with worsening
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements ( 2012 ) 11 ( S1 ), - 2012 -
Use of Smartphones in person-centred eHealth diaries in patients above 75
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements - 2012 -
Rituals of Medicalisation – Everyday Practice at a Medical Ward. A 16-Month Ethnographic Field
Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg
The American Academy of Nursing 2012 Annual Meeting & Conference. 2012. Washington, DC - 2012 -
Person-centred care: Possibilities, barriers and effects in hospitalised
Axel Wolf
2012 -
Impacts of patient characteristics on hospital care experience in 34,000 Swedish
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Charles Taft, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
BMC Nursing - 2012 -
Everyday practices at the medical ward: a 16-month ethnographic field
Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg
BMC Health Serv Res - 2012 -
Dependency, subjective health and care experience among patients hospitalised in internal
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2011 -
Telemonitoring in patients with heart
Karl Swedberg, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
New England Journal of Medicine - 2011 -
What patients tell us and what we choose to
Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
The European Society of Cardiology congress 2009 in Nice - 2009