
Frida Boräng

Senior Lecturer

Department of Political Science
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

About Frida Boräng

Frida Boräng received her Ph.D. in Political science from the University of Gothenburg in 2013 and is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Research Fellow at the Quality of Government Institute (QoG).

Research interests include immigration policy from a comparative and historical perspective, migrant integration, interest groups and advocacy, and state capacity and public goods provision.

Boräng is currently PI for the project Stalled integration? How experience with anti-immigrant expressions and ethnic neighbourhoods affect immigrants’ political integration (funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR) and involved in the project The Power of Ideas: New Perspectives on State Capacity and Public Goods Provision in Emerging Democracies. Recent previous projects include Islands of success. How to make development projects work in challenging contexts and Migration policy and the welfare state in comparative and historical perspective (both VR).

Boräng is author of the book National Institutions – International Migration: Labour Markets, Welfare States and Immigration Policy (ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield International); articles in journals such as British Journal of Political Science, Governance, Journal of European Public Policy, and European Journal of Political Research, among others; and chapters published with Oxford University Press and Edward Elgar Publishing, among others.