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- Henrik Bogdan
Henrik Bogdan
Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and ReligionAbout Henrik Bogdan
Henrik Bogdan (b. 1972) is Professor in Religious Studies. His main areas of research are alternative forms of religion, such as Western esotericism, New Religious Movemenets, and Secret/Initiatory Societies.
Bogdan is a member of the Department Council (IR) at LIR, as well as a postgraduate education coordinator (FUK) for Religious Studies at LIR.
He is the author of Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation (2007), published in a French translation, Ésoterism Occidental et Rituels d'Initiation (Arché, 2010). Bogdan has edited several publications, including Brother Curwen: Brother Crowley: A Correspondence (Teitan Press, 2010), Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism (Oxford University Press, 2012); Occultism in a Global Perspective (Acumen / Routledge 2013); Sexuality and New Religious Movements (Palgrave, 2014); Handbook of Freemasonry (Brill, 2014), and Western Esotericism in Scandinavia (Brill, 2016).
Bogdan is editor of the book series 'Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism' (Oxford University Press), as well as co-editor of the book series 'Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities' (Palgrave Macmillan).
Bogdan is the Secretary of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE) since 2016.
Introduction Aleister Crowley, the Thelemic Tradition, and the Creative
Manon Hedenborg White, Henrik Bogdan
Religion and the Arts - 2024 -
Introducing the Study of Religion in
Henrik Bogdan, Göran Larsson
The Study of Religion in Sweden: Past, Present and Future / edited by Henrik Bogdan and Göran Larsson. - 2024 -
Henrik Bogdan
The Study of Religion in Sweden: Past, Present and Future / edited by Henrik Bogdan and Göran Larsson. - 2024 -
The Study of Religion in Sweden: Past, Present and
Branding the Beast: Aleister Crowley as an Advertiser of the
Henrik Bogdan
Religion and the Arts - 2024 -
Western Esotericism and the Dutch Museum of
Henrik Bogdan
"A Heritage Collection, Unequalled in the World": An Introduction to the Dutch Museum of Freemasonry in the Hague, The Hague, 25 May 2023 / edited by Andréa A. Kroon and Jan Snoek - 2023 -
Evocación de la serpiente de fuego: Kenneth Grant y el
Henrik Bogdan
Sirvientes de la serpiente y la estrella. Ensayos en honor de Kenneth y Steffi Grant. Red. Henrik Bogdan - 2023 -
El arte nuclear de Steffi
Henrik Bogdan
Sirvientes de la serpiente y la estrella. Ensayos en honor de Kenneth y Steffi Grant. Red. Henrik Bogdan - 2023 -
El Advaita Vedanta en la obra de Kenneth
Henrik Bogdan
Sirvientes de la serpiente y la estrella. Ensayos en honor de Kenneth y Steffi Grant. Red. Henrik Bogdan - 2023 -
Henrik Bogdan
Sirvientes de la serpiente y la estrella. Ensayos en honor de Kenneth y Steffi Grant. Red. Henrik Bogdan - 2023 -
Sirvientes de la serpiente y la estrella. Ensayos en honor de Kenneth y Steffi
Henrik Bogdan
2023 -
Inledning. Den svenska esoterismens
Henrik Bogdan
Det esoteriska Sverige. Från Swedenborg till Strindberg. Red. Kurt Almqvist och Carl Philip Passmark - 2023 -
Bakom sanktuariets lyckta dörrar. Karl XIII och det svenska
Henrik Bogdan
Det esoteriska Sverige. Från Swedenborg till Strindberg. Red. Kurt Almqvist och Carl Philip Passmark - 2023 -
Ars Congressus Cum Daemone: Aleister Crowley and the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian
Henrik Bogdan
Entangled Religions: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Religious Contact and Transfer - 2023 -
Secrecy and
Henrik Bogdan
The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Secrecy. Edited by Hugh B. Urban and Paul Christopher Johnson - 2022 -
Recension av Tim Berndtsson, "The Order and the Archive. Freemasonic Archival Culture in Eighteenth-Century Europe". Skrifter utgivna av Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Uppsala universitet 50, Uppsala
Henrik Bogdan
Samlaren : tidskrift för svensk litteraturvetenskaplig forskning - 2022 -
Een inleiding tot de Hoge Graden der
Henrik Bogdan
Quinta Essentia. Tijdschrift voor de leden van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren - 2022 -
Ezoterismul scolii ezoterice a Lojei Quatuor
Henrik Bogdan
Trivium. Revista de gandire simbolica - 2022 -
In memoriam Antoine Faivre
Henrik Bogdan
ESSWE Newsletter - 2022 -
Le Rite Suédois et l'héritage templier. Un héritage symbolique et
Henrik Bogdan, Thierry Zarconne
Cahiers Villard de Honnecourt - 2021 -
Det gifves intet högre än Sanningen: den ockulte frimuraren Tönnes Algren
Henrik Bogdan
Acta Masonica Scandinavica 24 (2021) - 2021 -
At the Crossroads of Art and Occultism: the Carfax Monographs
Henrik Bogdan
The Carfax Monographs: Essays and Images exploring the Hidden Lore of the West, by Steffi and Kenneth Grant - 2021 -
Rent och orent. Inside the
Elisabeth Punzi, Henrik Bogdan, Jenny Högström Berntson
Podcastserien Inside the box. Ett samarbete mellan Världskulturmuseet och Göteborgs universitet, CCHS. - 2021 -
Introduction: Western Esotericism and
Henrik Bogdan
LIR.journal - 2020 -
Special issue: Western Esotericism and
Henrik Bogdan, Dag Hedman
LIR.journal - 2020 -
Deus est Homo: The Concept of God in the Magical Writings of the Great Beast 666 (Aleister
Henrik Bogdan
Aries : Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism - 2020 -
The Esotericism of the Esoteric School of Quatuor Coronati
Henrik Bogdan
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum. The Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 - 2020 -
Foreword to "Early Poetic Works" by Aleister
Henrik Bogdan
"Early Poetic Works" by Aleister Crowley (Aceldama: A Place to Bury Strangers In; Jezebel and Other Tragic Poems; Songs of the Spirit; The Tale of Archais: A Romance in Verse). Edited, Annotated and Introduced by Christian Giudice - 2019 -
Is it true that secret societies are trying to control the
Henrik Bogdan
Hermes Explains: Thirty Questions about Western Esotericism. Edited by Wouter J. Hanegraaff, Peter J. Forshaw and Marco Pasi - 2019 -
The Nuclear Art of Steffi
Henrik Bogdan
Servants of the Star and the Snake: Essays in Honour of Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Edited by Henrik Bogdan - 2018 -
Servants of the Star and the Snake: Essays in Honour of Kenneth and Steffi
Henrik Bogdan
2018 -
Advaita Vedanta in the Works of Kenneth
Henrik Bogdan
Servants of the Star & the Snake: Essays in Honour of Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Edited by Henrik Bogdan - 2018 -
Henrik Bogdan
"Das 18. Jahrhundert. Lexikon zur Antikerezeption in Aufklärung und Klassizismus", herausgegeben von Joachim Jacob und Johannes Süssmann. Der Neue Pauly, Supplemente Band 13 - 2018 -
Henrik Bogdan
Servants of the Star & the Snake: Essays in Honour of Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Edited by Henrik Bogdan - 2018 -
Evocation of the Fire Snake: Kenneth Grant and
Henrik Bogdan
Servants of the Star & the Snake: Essays in Honour of Kenneth and Steffi Grant. Edited by Henrik Bogdan - 2018 -
The Study of Comparative Religion as an Esoteric Practice [in
Henrik Bogdan
Mystic and Esoteric Movements in Theory and Practice. Edited by Sergey Pakhomov - 2017 -
Encyclopedia of
Henrik Bogdan
Insikt och handling. 25, Lexikon över lexikon / redaktör Bo Hanson - 2017 -
Western Esotericism in
Henrik Bogdan, Olav Hammer
2016 -
The Babalon Working 1946: L. Ron Hubbard, John Whiteside Parsons, and the Practice of Enochian
Henrik Bogdan
Numen - 2016 -
Initiations and
Henrik Bogdan
Michael Stausberg and Steven Engler, The Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion - 2016 -
Western Esotericism and New Religious
Henrik Bogdan
The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements (Vol. II). Edited by James R. Lewis and Inga B. Tøllefsen - 2016 -
Review: 'The New Age of Russia: Occult and Esoteric Dimension'. Edited by Birgit Menzel, Michael Hagemeister, and Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal. (München, Berlin: Kubon & Sagner,
Henrik Bogdan
Journal of Religion in Europe - 2016 -
Esotericism Practiced: Ritual and
Henrik Bogdan
April D. DeConick, ed. "Religion: Secret Religion". Part of the Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Religion series. 2016. - 2016 -
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the George E.H. Slater
Henrik Bogdan
Octagon: The Quest for Wholeness. Volume 2. Edited by Hans Thomas Hakl - 2016 -
Satanism in
Henrik Bogdan
"Western Esotericism in Scandinavia", Henrik Bogdan and Olav Hammer (eds.) - 2016 -
Introduction [to Westen Esotericism in
Henrik Bogdan, Olav Hammer
Western Esotericism in Scandinavia / (eds.) Henrik Bogdan and Olav Hammer - 2016 -
Magic in the Early Modern Period in
Henrik Bogdan, Kjell Lekeby
Western Esotericism in Scandinavia / (eds.) Henrik Bogdan and Olav Hammer - 2016 -
Freemasonry in
Henrik Bogdan
"Western Esotericism in Scandinavia", Henrik Bogdan and Olav Hammer (eds.) - 2016 -
Kenneth Grant and the Typhonian
Henrik Bogdan
The Occult World. Edited by Christopher Partridge - 2015 -
Fin-de-siècle, ockultism och
Henrik Bogdan
Anywhere out of the World: Olof Sager-Nelson och hans samtida. Red. Johan Sjöström. - 2015 -
Fin-de-siècle, occultism and gnosis [Translated by Kevin
Henrik Bogdan
Anywhere out of the World: Olof Sager-Nelson and his contemporaries. Ed. Johan Sjöström - 2015 -
Kenneth Grant: A
Henrik Bogdan
2015 -
“Cutting of the Throat”: On Secrecy, Oaths and Penalties in Masonic Initiatory
Henrik Bogdan
XXI IAHR World Congress 2015 in Erfurt, 23-29 augusti - 2015 -
The Art of Steffi Grant and the Typhonian
Henrik Bogdan
WEAVE Inaugural Symposium: "Occultism, Art, Gender Identities". University of Gothenburg, June 15, 2015 - 2015 -
New Age och nya religiösa rörelser: ökad mångfald och alternativa svar [3:e
Henrik Bogdan
Det mångreligiösa Sverige - ett landskap i förändring. Red. Daniel Andesson & Åke Sander - 2015 -
Масонство и западный эзотеризм [Masonstvo i zapadnyj
Henrik Bogdan
Россия и Гнозис. Судьба религиозно-философских исканий Николая Новикова и его круга. Труды Международной научной конференции, Москва ВГБИЛ им. М.И. Рудомино, 15-17 октября 2012г.. Том 2 [Rossiia i Gnozis. Sud’ba religiozno-filosofskich iskanii Nikolaia Novikova i ego kruga. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, Moskva VGBIL im. M.I. Rudomino, 15-17 Okt. 2012. Vol. 2] - 2015 -
Henrik Bogdan
The Occult World. Edited by Christopher Partridge - 2015 -
"It’s not about religion, but about manipulation": Polemical discourse against sects and cults in
Henrik Bogdan
Culture, Health, and Religion at the Millennium / Marie Demker; Yvonne Leffler; Ola Sigurdson (eds.) - 2014 -
Aleister Crowley: A Prophet for the Modern
Henrik Bogdan
The Occult World. Edited by Christopher Partridge - 2014 -
Sex and Gender in the Words and Communes of Osho (née Bhagwan Shree
Henrik Bogdan
Sexuality and New Religious Movements. Edited by Henrik Bogdan and James R. Lewis - 2014 -
Sexuality and New Religious
Henrik Bogdan, James R. Lewis
2014 -
Purification, Illumination, and Death: The Murder-Suicides of the Order of the Solar
Henrik Bogdan
Sacred Suicides. James R. Lewis; Carole M. Cusack (eds.) - 2014 -
Introduction: Sexuality and New Religious
Henrik Bogdan
Sexuality and New Religious Movements. Edited by Henrik Bogdan and James R. Lewis - 2014 -
"It's Not about Religion, but about Manipulation": Polemical Discourse against Sects and Cults in
Henrik Bogdan
Culture, Health, and Religion at the Millennium: Sweden Unparadised / Marie Demker (red.) - 2014 -
The Order of the Solar
Henrik Bogdan
Controversial New Religions. Second Edition. Edited by James R. Lewis and Jesper Aa. Petersen - 2014 -
Aleister Crowley und die westliche
Henrik Bogdan, Martin P. Starr
2014 -
Die Geburt eines neuen Äons. Dispensationalismus und Millenarismus in der thelemischen
Henrik Bogdan
Aleister Crowley und die westliche Esoterik. Red. Henrik Bogdan & Martin P. Starr - 2014 -
Einleitung [Inledning till "Aleister Crowley und die westliche
Henrik Bogdan
Aleister Crowley und die westliche Esoterik. Red. Henrik Bogdan & Martin P. Starr - 2014 -
Handbook of
Henrik Bogdan, Jan A.M. Snoek
2014 -
Introduction: Handbook of
Henrik Bogdan
Handbook of Freemasonry. Edited by Henrik Bogdan & Jan. A.M. Snoek - 2014 -
Freemasonry and Western
Henrik Bogdan
Handbook of Freemasonry. Edited by Henrik Bogdan & Jan. A.M. Snoek - 2014 -
The History of Freemasonry: An
Henrik Bogdan
Handbook of Freemasonry. Edited by Henrik Bogdan & Jan. A.M. Snoek - 2014 -
Introduction: Paganism, Initiation, and
Henrik Bogdan, Christian Giudice
The Pomegranate: Journal of Pagan Studies - 2014 -
Secrecy as an Esoteric
Henrik Bogdan
CLAVIS: Journal of Occult Arts, Letters and Experience - 2013 -
Reuterholm, Gustave-Adolphe
Henrik Bogdan
Le Monde maçonnique des Lumières (Europe-Amériques & Colonies). Dictionnaire prosopographique. Vol. III. Publié sous la direction de Charles Porset et Cécile Révauger - 2013 -
Charles XIII, duc de Sudermanie, roi de Suède à partir de 1809, et de Norvège, sous le nom de Charles II, de 1814 à sa mort
Henrik Bogdan
Le Monde maçonnique des Lumières (Europe-Amériques & Colonies). Dictionnaire prosopographique. Vol. I. Publié sous la direction de Charles Porset et Cécile Révauger - 2013 -
Introduction: Paganism, Initiation, and
Henrik Bogdan, Christian Giudice
The Pomegranate - 2013 -
Reception of Occultism in India: the Case of the Holy Order of
Henrik Bogdan
Occultism in a Global Perspective. Edited by Henrik Bogdan & Gordan Djurdjevic - 2013 -
Introduction: Occultism in a global
Henrik Bogdan
Occultism in a Global Perspective. Edited by Henrik Bogdan & Gordan Djurdjevic - 2013 -
The Pomegranate 14:1, Special issue on Paganism, Initiation, and Ritual: guest edited by Henrik Bogdan and Christian
Henrik Bogdan, Christian Giudice
The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies - 2013 -
Occultism in a Global
Henrik Bogdan, Gordan Djurdjevic
2013 -
Review: 'Hidden Intercourse: Eros and Sexuality in the History of Western Esotericism'. Edited by Wouter J. Hanegraaff and Jeffrey Kripal. Aries Book Series, Texts and Studies in Western Esotericism, no. 7. Brill Academic Publishers, 2008. 544
Henrik Bogdan
Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions - 2013 -
L’influence cabalistique sur l’élaboration du grade de Maitre en
Henrik Bogdan
Franc-maconnerie. Ésotérisme et théatralité Cahiers du GREMME - 2012 -
Henrik Bogdan, Martin P. Starr
Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism, edited by Henrik Bogdan and Martin P. Starr - 2012 -
Aleister Crowley and Western
Henrik Bogdan, Martin P. Starr
2012 -
Envisioning the Birth of a New Aeon: Dispensationalism and Millenarianism in the Thelemic
Henrik Bogdan
Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism, edited by Henrik Bogdan and Martin P. Starr - 2012 -
Review: 'Hermes in the Academy: Ten Year's Study of Western Esotericism at the University of Amsterdam'. Eds. Wouter J. Hanegraaff and Joyce Pijnenburg (Amsterdam University Press,
Henrik Bogdan
Numen: International Review for the History of Religions - 2012 -
'Locations of Knowledge in Medieval and early Modern Europe: Esoteric Discourse and Western Identities' by Kocku von
Henrik Bogdan
Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism - 2012 -
Aries 12:1, Special Issue on Modern Western Magic: guest edited by Henrik
Henrik Bogdan
Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism - 2012 -
Introduction: Modern Western
Henrik Bogdan
Aries : Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism - 2012 -
Review: 'The Great Oom: The Improbable Birth of Yoga in America'. Robert Love (Viking:
Henrik Bogdan
Aura: Tidskrift för akademiska studier av nyreligiositet - 2011 -
Masonería y esoterismo occidental. Aproximaciones al esoterismo
Henrik Bogdan
Paleles de Masonería. Centro Ibérico de Estudios Masónicos (CIEM), Madrid 2011. - 2011 -
Är Anders Breivik en kristen fundamentalistisk
Henrik Bogdan
Religion i hetluften, (8 augusti 2011) - 2011 -
Review: 'The Lure of the Dark Side: Satan and Western Demonology in Popular Culture'. Eds. Christopher Partridge and Eric Christianson (London: Equinox Publishing Ltd.,
Henrik Bogdan
Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review - 2011 -
Review: 'The Lure of the Dark Side: Satan and Western Demonology in Popular Culture'. Eds. Christopher Partridge and Eric
Henrik Bogdan
Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review - 2011 -
Explaining the Murder-Suicides of the Order of the Solar Temple: A Survey of
Henrik Bogdan
Violence and New Religious Movements. Edited by James R. Lewis - 2011 -
Nation of Islam inspireras av
Henrik Bogdan
Religion i hetluften - 2011 -
The Sociology of the Construct of Tradition and Import of Legitimacy in
Henrik Bogdan
Constructing Tradition: Means and Myths of Transmission in Western Esotericism. Edited by Andreas Kilcher - 2010 -
Editor's Introduction to 'Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley: A
Henrik Bogdan
Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley: A Correspondence. Edited by Henrik Bogdan - 2010 -
Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley: A
Henrik Bogdan
2010 -
New Perspectives on Western
Henrik Bogdan
Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. University of California Press - 2010 -
Ésotérisme Occidental et Rituels
Henrik Bogdan
2010 -
Nordic Satanism and Satanism Scares: The Dark Side of the Secular Welfare
Henrik Bogdan, Titus Hjelm, Asbjörn Dyrendal, Jesper Aagaard Petersen
Social Compass. Revue Internationale de Sociologie de la Religion/ International Review of Sociology of Religion - 2009 -
The Occult Underground: Strategies of Power and
Henrik Bogdan
Ten Years of Triumph of the Moon: A Collection of Essays. Edited by Dave Evans and Dave Green. - 2009 -
Rec. av Peter Åkerbäck: De obeständiga religionerna. Om kollektiva självmord och frälsning i Peoples Temple, Ordre du Temple Solaire och Heaven's
Henrik Bogdan
Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review - 2009 -
New Age och nya religiösa rörelser: ökad mångfald och alternativa
Henrik Bogdan
Det mångreligiösa Sverige: ett landskap i förändring. Red. Daniel Andersson och Åke Sander - 2009 -
The Church of Scientology in
Henrik Bogdan
Scientology. Edited by James R. Lewis - 2009 -
The Influence of Aleister Crowley on Gerald Gardner and the Early Witchcraft
Henrik Bogdan
Handbook of Contemporary Paganism. Edited by James R. Lewis and Murphy Pizza - 2009 -
Women and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: Nineteenth Century Occultist Initiation from a Gender
Henrik Bogdan
Women's Agency and Rituals in Mixed and Female Masonic Orders. Edited by Alexandra Heidle & Jan A.M. Snoek - 2009 -
Research on Esotericism in
Henrik Bogdan, Olav Hammer
Western Esotericism. Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis - 2008 -
Henrik Bogdan
Religion i Sverige - 2008 -
Henrik Bogdan
Religion i Sverige - 2008 -
The Occult Underground: Strategies of Power and
Henrik Bogdan
Projekt Underjorden - 2007 -
Western Esotericism and Rituals of
Henrik Bogdan
2007 -
Secret Societies and Western
Henrik Bogdan
Seeking the Light: Freemasonry and Initiatic Traditions. The Canonbury Papers Volume 4 - 2007 -
Den ockulta
Henrik Bogdan
Glänta - 2007 -
Henrik Bogdan
Adulruna und die gotische Kabbala. Av Thomas Karlsson - 2007 -
Den ockulta
Henrik Bogdan
Glänta - 2007 -
An Introduction to the High Degrees of
Henrik Bogdan
Heredom: The Transactions of the Scottish Rite Research Society - 2006 -
Förord till Mörkrets apostlar – Satanism i äldre
Henrik Bogdan
Mörkrets apostlar – Satanism i äldre tid, av Per Faxneld - 2006 -
Kennet Granholm: Embracing the Dark: The Magic Order of Dragon Rouge – Its Practice in Dark Magic and Meaning
Henrik Bogdan
Aries Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism - 2006 -
Mellan passaren och vinkelhaken: Om den frimureriska
Henrik Bogdan
Frimureriska Forskargruppen i Göteborg - 2006 -
Kabbalistic Influence on the Early Development of the Master Mason Degree of
Henrik Bogdan
Freemasonry and Religion: Many Faiths - One Brotherhood. The Canonbury Papers Volume 3 - 2006 -
En introduktion till studiet av frimureriets
Henrik Bogdan
Mystiskt brödraskap – mäktigt nätverk: Studier i det svenska 1700-talsfrimureriet - 2006 -
Challenging the Morals of Western Society: The Use of Ritualised Sex in Contemporary
Henrik Bogdan
The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies - 2006 -
Death as Initiation: Order of the Solar Temple and Rituals of
Henrik Bogdan
The Order of the Solar Temple: The Temple of Death - 2006 -
New Religious Movements and Western Esotericism: Paradoxes of Authority and
Henrik Bogdan
FINYAR (Föreningen Forskning och Information om Nya Religiösa Rörelser) Årsskrift 2005 - 2005 -
Förord till Adulrunan och den götiska kabbalan - Esoteriska tankar i göticismen och Johannes Bureus
Henrik Bogdan
Adulrunan och den götiska kabbalan - Esoteriska tankar i göticismen och Johannes Bureus runforskning. Av Thomas Karlsson. - 2005 -
Martin P. Starr: The Unknown God: W. T. Smith and the
Henrik Bogdan
Aries Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism - 2005 -
Esoteric Manuscripts in the Swedish Collection of Gustav Adolph Reuterholm
Henrik Bogdan
Masonic and Esoteric Heritage: New Perspectives for Art and Heritage Policies. Proceedings of the First International Conference of the OVN, Foundation for the Advancement of Academic Research into the History of Freemasonry in the Netherlands - 2005 -
Esoteriska nya religiösa rörelser och bruket av ritualiserat
Henrik Bogdan
FINYAR (Föreningen Forskning och Information om Nya Religiösa Rörelser) Årsskrift 2004 - 2004 -
Gilhus & Mikaelson, Nya Perspektiv på
Henrik Bogdan
FINYAR (Föreningen Forskning och Information om Nya Religiösa Rörelser) Årsskrift 2004 - 2004 -
From Darkness to Light. Western Esoteric Rituals of
Henrik Bogdan
2003 -
Alströmersymposiet 2003:
Henrik Bogdan
2003 -
Att forska om det hemliga – problem eller
Henrik Bogdan
Alströmersymposiet 2003: Föredragsdokumentation. - 2003 -
Västerländsk esoterism i svensk
Henrik Bogdan
Talande Tro: Ungdomar, Religion och Identitet - 2003 -
Kenneth Grant: A Bibliography – from
Henrik Bogdan
2003 -
Våld bland nya religiösa
Henrik Bogdan
Humaniora – en akademisk fråga?. Humanistdag-boken - 2002 -
Religionsvetenskap i Göteborg – 25
Västerländsk esoterism som nytt akademiskt
Henrik Bogdan
Religionsvetenskap i Göteborg – 25 År - 2002 -
Religionsvetenskap i Göteborg 25