
Jenny Högström Berntson

Project Coordinator

Department of Historical Studies
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
405 30 Göteborg

About Jenny Högström Berntson


Jenny Högström Berntson work as project coordinator for the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies (CCHS) since 2014. Contact Jenny at CCHS:

She is the coordinator for the Heritage Academy, a platform for collaboration between the University of Gothenburg and heritage institutions and museums in the Western Region, Sweden.

Jenny is in charge of the research platform #culinaryheritage (#matarv).

She is also producer of CCHS/Heritage Academy podcasts:

Jenny is a PhD student in history of religions. During her PhD studies she has taught courser in history of religions and held several assignements as representative for the PhD students at the university. She has been chairman of the doctoral committee at the University of Gothenburg (GUDK), represented GUDK in the Swedish doctoral committee (SDok), been chairman of the doctoral committee at the Faculty of Arts (HDR), been a representative for the students in the faculty board at the Faculty of Arts (HFN) and more.

The thesis focus on votive gifts in the form of keys and dance groups found at Heraion alla Foce del Sele, Paestum, Italy. The purpose is to study the life histories of these categories of finds and discuss how they reflect ritual activity and gender roles in antiquity. But also examine how the objects are presented today in museum exhibitions. Based on materiality and gender theories, the function of the votives are discussed as well as how they convey gender roles and in the long run how different interpretations can affect understandings of the past.

Research interests

  • Greek and Roman religion
  • Votive gifts and votive giving
  • Gender aspects on ancient culture, religion and society
  • Childhood studies
  • Critical heritage studies
  • Foodways

For latest publications se Swedish page.