
Inger Johansson


Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
Visiting address
Bruna Stråket 16 Wallenberglaboratoriet, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
41345 Göteborg
Postal address
Bruna Stråket 16 Wallenberglaboratoriet, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
41345 Göteborg

About Inger Johansson

I am a teacher at the Programme for Biomedical Science since 2008.

My background • Biomedical Scientist at the University of Gothenburg, 1981 • BSc in Biomedical Laboratory Science at the University of Gothenburg, 1992 • PhD in Medicine (Endocrinology) at the University of Gothenburg, 2008

Formal pedagogical education Teaching and Learning in higher Education: Basic Course, 5 HEC, 2008 and Subject Field Pedagogy, 5 HEC, 2012 Course responsibilities (50 students per course and year) • Methods in Clinical Chemistry, Haematology and Blood Group Serology (7.5 HEC) • Scientific methods and Management (7.5 HEC) Teaching subjects • Methods in Clinical Chemistry, Haematology and Blood Group Serology • Biochemistry and Biochemical methods • Scientific Methodology incl examination of Bachelor thesis projects in Biomedical Laboratory Science

Research My PhD studies (supervisor Prof. Jörgen Isgaard) included studies of the proliferative and protective effects of growth hormone (GH) and GH relasing substances (GHS), like ghrelin and hexarelin, in neural progenitor and cardiac cells. My findings suggest that these substances could be of importance for the treatment of ischemic injuries like stroke and cardiac infarction and that they also could be considered to be used in neurodegenerative disorders. 2008-2011 I worked half time in Prof. Göran Larson´s glycobiology group at the Dept of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicine on a project regarding the N-terminal part of alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG-N) and its role in the nervous system.

Miscellaneous info UN-service in Lebanon, 1988 Airbase Hospital in Saudi Arabia, 1993 European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, 1995-1996