
Elmir Omerovic

Professor/ Specialized Physician

Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine
Visiting address
Wallenberglab, Bruna stråket 16, SU/S
41345 Göteborg
Postal address
Wallenberglab, Bruna stråket 16, SU/S
41345 Göteborg

About Elmir Omerovic

Professor, Principal Investigator

Group members

  • Jessica Alkhoury, PhD Student
  • Anwar Ali, MD, PhD Student

Key Publications

Lyon AR, Bossone E, Schneider B, Sechtem U, Citro R, Underwood SR, Sheppard MN, Figtree GA, Parodi G, Akashi YJ, Ruschitzka F, Filippatos G, Mebazaa A, Omerovic E. Current state of knowledge on Takotsubo syndrome: a Position Statement from the Taskforce on Takotsubo Syndrome of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Heart Fail. 2016 Jan;18(1):8-27. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.424. Review.