
Erik Lundberg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Business Administration
Visiting address
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 610
40530 Göteborg

About Erik Lundberg

Erik Lundberg (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), PhD is a researcher and lecturer at the Centre for tourism and marketing section at the School of Economics, Business and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He received his PhD in 2014 where he describes and analyses tourism and event impacts from a sustainable development perspective. His current research is focussed on consumer behaviour and consumer experiences linked to tourism, events and coastal development. He has published in journals such as Tourism Management, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management and International Journal of Event and Festival Management.

On other web sites

Research areas

  • Consumer behaviour, Tourism & Event Marketing, Tourism & Event Management, Sustainable Development,

Teaching areas

  • Tourism Management, Event Management, CSR & Sustainable Development, Marketing, Quantitative methods

Selected publications

Commensurability and sustainability: Triple impact assessments of a tourism event
Andersson, Tommy, Lundberg, Erik
Tourism Management, 37, s. 99-109, 2013

Tourism Impacts and Sustainable Development
Lundberg, Erik

When a music festival goes veggie: Communication and environmental impacts of an innovative food strategy
Andersson, Tommy, Lundberg, Erik, Jutbring, Henrik
International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 4:3, s. 224-235, 2013

The Level of Tourism Development and Resident Attitudes: A Comparative Case Study of Coastal Destinations
Lundberg, Erik
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15:3, s. 266-294, 2015

Estimating Use and Non-use Values of a Music Festival
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 12:3, s. 215-231, 2012

Evenemangseffekter och hållbar utveckling
Lundberg, Erik
Från Bob Dylan till Way Out West : en vänbok till Tommy D. Andersson, Göteborg : BAS, 2014

Linking event quality to economic impact: A study of quality, satisfaction, use value and expenditure at a music festival
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik
Journalof Vacation Marketing, 2015

Impact of mega events on the economy
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik
Asian Business & Management, Vol 7:2, s. 163-179, 2008

Från Bob Dylan till Way Out West
Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik, Mossberg, Lena

Att undersöka hållbarheten av idrottsevenemang - slutrapport för projektet EVINN
Lundberg, Erik, Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John

Turistens klimatpåverkan – modell och beräkning för Västsverige [Elektronisk resurs]
Brunklaus, Birgit, Hermansson, Frida, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik

Objectives, Objects and Objectivity: On Practitioner-Academic Collaboration in Tourism and Leisure Research
Lundberg, Erik, Adolfsson, Petra, Jutbring, Henrik
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 2016

The importance of tourism impacts for different local resident groups: A case study of a Swedish seaside destination
Lundberg, Erik
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2016

Tillväxt genom turistnäringen - Rapport om svensk och internationell forskning avseende evenemangsturism m.m. SOU 2007:32
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik