
Kerstin Jacobsson


Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Kerstin Jacobsson

Background Kerstin Jacobsson obtained her PhD in Sociology in 1997 at Uppsala University and became Associate Professor there in 2002. Since 2013, she is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at University of Gothenburg. Before that, Kerstin was employed at Södertörn University as senior lecturer and between 2010-2013 as Professor of Sociology.

Specialist Fields Jacobsson works in the field of political sociology and organizational sociology. One research orientation concerns labour market and social policy, discourses on employability and activation, and frontline work in welfare bureaucracies. Another research orientation concerns social movements and civil society. Jacobsson has here led several international research projects on social mobilization and social movements in Central and Eastern Europe and is currently researching urban gardening in three countries. Other research interests concern social theory, sociology of morality, sociology of emotions, and organization, governance and governmentality.

Current and recent research projects

1) "In the storm's eye: The working conditions of the youth care staff at the Swedish National Board of Institutional care", funded by Forte (2024-27). Kerstin is the Principal Investigator and the other project members are Katarina Hollertz and Kajsa Nolbeck.

2) Urban Gardens as Meeting Places in Göteborg, Budapest and Bucharest: Building Collaborative Capacity for Sustainability in Different Socio-economic Contexts, funded by Formas, 2020- 2024 (PI)

3) ”Housing, Social Mobilisations and Urban Governance in Central and Eastern Europe”, funded by Formas (2017-22) (PI)

4) ”Audit Culture and the Case Worker: A Study of the Public Employment Service and the Social Insurance Agency”. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2015-21. (PI)

5) Kerstin has also participated in a research programme on "Civil Society Elites: Comparing Elite Composition, Reproduction, Integration and Contestation in European Civil Societies", funded by Riksbankens jubileumsfond (2018-2023) Principal Investigator: Håkan Johansson, Lund University.

Teaching and tutoring Jacobsson's fields of teaching include civil society and social movements, political sociology, organizational sociology, sociological theory, and sociology of emotions. Jacobsson also supervises student essays and doctoral theses.

Cooperation Jacobsson is regularly invited by educational associations or government authorities to give public lectures.


Check out Kerstin's publications at: