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- Mattias Bengtsson
Mattias Bengtsson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sociology and Work ScienceAbout Mattias Bengtsson
Since August 2024, I have held a part-time position as Professor of Sociology with a focus on the development of working life and welfare, Department of Working Life and Social Welfare, University of Borås. However, my main location is the University of Gothenburg, where I have been an associate professor of sociology since 2013. I am an Associate Professor in sociology since 2013, and I received my PhD in sociology from the University of Gothenburg in 2008 on the thesis Individen stämplar in. Arbetet, union och lönen i sociologisk belysning. The book studies individualization processes in Swedish working life, especially from a class perspective.
Research areas
My main research areas are in labour market and welfare research. I have studied issues related to opportunities and obstacles for transnational trade union cooperation within the EU, the working poor in a European perspective, the Swedish work line and how it is expressed in changes in active labour market policies and in unemployment and sickness insurance systems, and reforms in the Swedish Public Employment Service and their consequences for case workers and clients. My research has often taken departure from issues of social inequality, particularly from a class perspective. For example, I have studied social class in relation to issues such as the individualisation of working life, social comparisons, social mobility, class identification, attitudes towards trade unions and political attitudes. Over the past decade, in a collaboration with Marita Flisbäck, I have developed a sociology of existence perspective in relation to studies of individuals' meaning-making in the retirement process, orientations to work as a calling, and older workers' competencies and existential driving forces for prolonged working lives; see, e.g., "A sociology of existence for a late modern world. Basic assumptions and conceptual tools" (https://doi.org/10.1111/jtsb.12416). In 2021-2025, I am working on a research study comparing policy changes and labour market effects of the pandemic in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. I also study labour market/welfare challenges of green transition in a six-year FORTE programme. Iin addition, I have a strong commitment to leading, developing and reviewing new research - I am regularly hired as a reviewer of dissertation texts and I am the main supervisor of five PhD students in sociology and work science at the University of Gothenburg.
My page on Research Gate: Mattias Bengtsson (researchgate.net)
Teaching and supervision
I am responsible for a sociology course, where different aspects of social inequality and living conditions are studied. During the last decade I have taught in the Work Science programme, in areas such as labour market policy, European industrial relations and have been the course leader for the "Degree project in labour studies" (bachelor level). I have also previously taught on various sociology and social psychology courses, as well as on programmes such as the Human Resources Programme, the Teacher Programme, the European Programme and the Nursing Programme.
I am the main supervisor for Sophie Banasiak, PhD student in work science, Kristin Opaas Haugli, PhD student in work science, and Irene Hedfors, licentiate student in sociology.
I have collaboratively published several textbooks. For example, together with Tomas Berglund, I am the editor and author of the third and revised edition of the book Arbetslivet (Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2017).
Collaboration and academic assignments
I am a member on the board of the Centre for Research on Work and Employment/WE at the University of Gothenburg and on the editorial board of the Swedish working life journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv. In addition, I am the organizer, together with Karin Allard, of the Working Life and Welfare Seminar at the Department, and research group leader of the Research Group Working Life and Welfare in Transition at the University of Borås.
Path Reinforcer or Policy Accelerator? COVID-19 and Scandinavian Social Protection Reform
Mattias Bengtsson, Laust Høgedahl, Jørgen Svalund
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2024 -
A sociology of existence for a late modern world. Basic assumptions and conceptual
Marita Flisback, Mattias Bengtsson
A journey into the new employment service landscape of responsibilisation: Towards de-personalisation of the caseworker-jobseeker
Mattias Bengtsson, Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
International Journal of Social Welfare - 2024 -
Inledning till Temanummer om Aktiveringspolitik och
Mattias Bengtsson, Kerstin Jacobsson
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2022 -
Reformeringen av Arbetsförmedlingen. Det nya arbetsmarknadspolitiska experimentet i marknadstänkandets
Tora Nord, Mattias Bengtsson
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2022 -
System and Life-Course Perspectives on Capability to Work and Capability Through
Lotta Dellve, Robin Jonsson, Marita Flisbäck, Mattias Bengtsson
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing - 2022 -
Existential Driving Forces to Work after Retirement: The Example of Physicians’
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2021 -
Illuminating Existential Meaning: A New Approach in the Study of
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Qualitative Sociology Review - 2021 -
Coronakrisen synliggör behovet av att analysera arbete som ett
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2020 -
Jayeon Lindellee: Beyond Retrenchment: Multi-Pillarization of Unemployment Benefit Provision in
Mattias Bengtsson
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2020 -
Work as a Calling: Existential Dimensions of Individuals’ Work
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Work Orientations: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Findings - 2020 -
Möjligheter till meningsfullt arbete i ett förlängt yrkesliv: En studie av äldre läkares grupphandledning av utlandsutbildade
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Arbetsliv i omvandling - 2019 -
The institutionalization of a new social cleavage Ideological influences, main reforms and social inequality outcomes of "the new work
Mattias Bengtsson, Kerstin Jacobsson
Sociologisk Forskning - 2018 -
After the Great Recession: Unions’ Views on Transnational Interests and
Mattias Bengtsson, Patrik Vulkan
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2018 -
On leaving work as a calling: retirement as an existential
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
International Journal of Ageing and Later Life - 2017 -
Europeiska arbetsmarknader - institutioner, aktörer,
Mattias Bengtsson, Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
Bengtsson M. & Berglund T. (red.). Arbetslivet - 2017 -
Introduktion till
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Bengtsson M. & Berglund T. (red.). Arbetslivet - 2017 -
Mattias Bengtsson
Bengtsson M. & Berglund T. (red.). Arbetslivet - 2017 -
Labour Market Policy under Conditions of Permanent Austerity: Any Sign of Social
Mattias Bengtsson, Caroline de la Porte, Kerstin Jacobsson
Social Policy & Administration - 2017 -
Första stegen. Att lära sig bli ett självcentrerat
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Bengtsson M., Flisbäck M., Lund A. Farväl till arbetet: sociologiska perspektiv på meningen med att gå i pension - 2017 -
När ett kall ska
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Bengtsson M., Flisbäck M., Lund A. Farväl till arbetet: sociologiska perspektiv på meningen med att gå i pension - 2017 -
Pensioneringens synliggörande av arbetet som ett
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Bengtsson M., Flisbäck M., Lund A. Farväl till arbetet: sociologiska perspektiv på meningen med att gå i pension - 2017 -
Tid för ny mening. Pensionering som ett existentiellt
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Bengtsson M., Flisbäck M., Lund A. Farväl till arbetet: sociologiska perspektiv på meningen med att gå i pension - 2017 -
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck, A Lund
Bengtsson M., Flisbäck M., Lund A. Farväl till arbetet: sociologiska perspektiv på meningen med att gå i pension - 2017 -
When the calling is brought to a head: Retirement from an existential sociology
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Sociologisk forskning - 2016 -
Nordic Perspectives on Transnational Trade Union Cooperation in
Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén, Mattias Bengtsson
ILERA 2016 European Regional Congress, Milano 8-10 sept - 2016 -
Nordiska perspektiv på transnationellt fackligt samarbete i Europa – former, hinder, utmaningar och
Bengt Larsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén, Mattias Bengtsson
2016 -
När kallet ställs på sin spets: Pensionering ur ett existenssociologiskt
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck
Sociologisk forskning - 2016 -
Sammanfattande reflektioner: Hållbart arbetsliv för yngre och
Marita Flisbäck, Mattias Bengtsson
Hållbart arbetsliv för yngre och äldre - 2016 -
Wolfgang Streeck: Buying time: The delayed crisis of democratic
Mattias Bengtsson
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2015 -
På väg mot en annan vardag – existentiellt meningsskapande och social ojämlikhet vid pensionens
Mattias Bengtsson, Marita Flisbäck, Anna Lund
Livsberättelser, Kultur & Hälsa - 2015 -
Vägar mot arbete. En utvärdering av 42 projekt som finansierats av Arvsfonden inom området unga, arbete och sysselsättning
In-work poverty and labour market trajectories: Poverty risks among the working population in 22 European
Björn Halleröd, Hans Ekbrand, Mattias Bengtsson
Journal of European Social Policy - 2015 -
The Shift towards De-universalisation and De-collectivism: Origins and Outcomes of New Work Line Reforms in the Swedish Unemployment
Mattias Bengtsson
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2015, Converging or diverging industrial relations in Europe?, Göteborg, 10-11 september 2015 - 2015 -
The Production of a New Social Cleavage: Origins and Outcomes of the New Work Line in
Mattias Bengtsson
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25-28 August, Prague, Czech Republic - 2015 -
Leaving passionate work: Retirement as an existential
Marita Flisbäck, Mattias Bengtsson
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25-28 August, Prague, Czech Republic - 2015 -
Towards standby-ability: Swedish and Danish activation policies in
Mattias Bengtsson
International Journal of Social Welfare - 2014 -
Exploring blind spots of retirement: Individuals’ meaning-making from an existential sociology
Marita Flisbäck, Mattias Bengtsson, Anna Lund
The 27th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association, Exploring Blind Spots, Lund, Sweden, August 14–16 2014 - 2014 -
Third sector activation arrangements for the marginalized youth – a meta-evaluation of 42 labour market projects in
Gunnar Gillberg, Mattias Bengtsson
The 7th Nordic Working Life Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, June 11-13 2014 - 2014 -
Europas låga arbetskraftsinvesteringar - ett högt pris att
Mattias Bengtsson, Kerstin Jacobsson
Ett konkurrenskraftigt EU till rätt pris/ Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Lars Oxelheim och Thomas Persson (red.) - 2013 -
On the road to transnational cooperation? Results from a survey of European trade
Bengt Furåker, Mattias Bengtsson
European journal of industrial relations - 2013 -
Class and ideological orientations revisited: an exploration of class-based
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund, Maria Oskarson
British Journal of Sociology - 2013 -
Collective and individual benefits of trade unions: a multi-level analysis of 21 European
Bengt Furåker, Mattias Bengtsson
Industrial relations journal - 2013 -
Trade Union Cooperation in the EU: Views Among Swedish Trade Unions and Their
Bengt Furåker, Mattias Bengtsson
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2013 -
Transnational Trade Union Cooperation in the Nordic
Bengt Larsson, Mattias Bengtsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
Management Revue - 2012 -
Utanförskapet och underklassen. Mot en selektiv
Mattias Bengtsson
Fronesis - 2012 -
Klassamhället i den officiella
Mattias Bengtsson, Mikael Börjesson, Martin Gustavsson, Magnus Hörnqvist
Fronesis - 2012 -
Att tänka klass på nytt med hjälp av
Mattias Bengtsson, Martin Gustavsson, Magnus Hörnqvist
Fronesis - 2012 -
Nordic unions’ experiences of and attitudes towards union cooperation within
Bengt Larsson, Mattias Bengtsson
The 6th Nordic Working Life Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, April 25th-27th 2012 - 2012 -
Collective and Individual Benefits of Trade Unions: A Cross-national
Bengt Furåker, Mattias Bengtsson
Conference on Cross-National Evidence from European Social Survey: Exploring Public Attitudes, Informing Public Policy in Europe, November 23-25, Nicosia, Cyprus - 2012 -
Den stora omvandlingen - Svensk arbetsmarknadspolitik under tre
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2012 -
Trade union cooperation in the EU. Views among Swedish Trade Unions and Their
Bengt Furåker, Mattias Bengtsson
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference Challenges for Public and Private Sector Industrial Relations and Unions in times of Crisis and Austerity, 5-7 September 2012, Lissabon, Portugal - 2012 -
Nordic activation policies in flux: A study of Swedish and Danish labour market
Mattias Bengtsson
Conference on Integrated Employment and Activation Policies in a Multilevel Welfare System, August 30-31, Milan, Italy. - 2012 -
Transformation of Labour Market Policies in the Nordic Countries: Towards a regime shift in Sweden and
Mattias Bengtsson
ILERA World Congress 2012, Beyond Borders: Governance of Work in a Global Economy, 2-5 July 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 2012 -
Labour Market Policies in Transition: From Social Engineering to
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State / edited by Bengt Larsson, Martin Letell and Håkan Thörn - 2012 -
On the Road to Transnational Cooperation? Results from a Survey among European Trade
Bengt Furåker, Mattias Bengtsson
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference – IREC 2011, 1-2 September, Barcelona, Spanien - 2011 -
Labour market policies in transition: From social engineering to
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Power and Participation: The 25th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Conference 2011, University of Oslo, Norway, 4-7 August 2011 - 2011 -
Arbetsmarknadsrelationer i
Mattias Bengtsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén, Bengt Larsson
EU och välfärdens Europa - 2011 -
Negotiating alone or through the union? Swedish employees' attitudes in 1997 and
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Economic and Industrial Democracy - 2011 -
Spelar klass någon
Maria Oskarson, Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Oskarson, Maria, Bengtsson, Mattias och Berglund Tomas (red) En fråga om klass - levnadsförhållanden, livsstil, politik - 2010 -
Social rörlighet och
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
En fråga om klass - levnadsförhållanden, livsstil, politik - 2010 -
En fråga om klass - levnadsförhållanden, livsstil,
En fråga om
Maria Oskarson, Tomas Berglund, Mattias Bengtsson
En fråga om klass - levnadsförhållanden, livsstil, politik - 2010 -
Om ett svenskt systemskifte och dess
Mattias Bengtsson
Nya värderingar, nytt samhälle? Om socialdemokratin, samhällsutvecklingen och medborgarnas värderingar i ljuset av valförlusten 2010. Forskarbidrag insänt till Arbetarrörelsens forskarnätverks konferens den 7 december 2010 i Stockholm - 2010 -
Union cooperation in a time of crisis? Transnational union cooperation in the Nordic
Bengt Larsson, Mattias Bengtsson, Kristina Lovén Seldén
Industrial Relations in Europe Conference - IREC 2010, 8–10 September 2010 at Fafo, Oslo, Norway - 2010 -
Olika sidor av
Mattias Bengtsson
En fråga om klass - levnadsförhållanden, livsstil, politik - 2010 -
Den svenska
Mattias Bengtsson
En fråga om klass - levnadsförhållanden, livsstil, politik - 2010 -
Mattias Bengtsson, Adel Daoud, Daniel Seldén
En realistisk sociologi i praktiken. Nio texter om samhället - 2009 -
En realistisk sociologi i praktiken. Nio texter om
Mattias Bengtsson, Adel Daoud, Daniel Seldén
2009 -
Do Swedes Still Need the Union? Attitudes to Collective and Individual Negotiations with the Employer in 1997 and
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
IIRA World Congress 2009. Conference CD-ROM Proceedings. 24-27 augusti 2009, Sydney, Australien. - 2009 -
Påverkar arbetet människors politiska
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Svensk Höst. Trettiofyra kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle. SOM-rapport nr 46. Holmberg, Sören & Weibull, Lennart (red) - 2009 -
Individen stämplar in. Arbetet, facket och lönen i sociologisk
Mattias Bengtsson
2008 -
Making social comparisons in individualized work
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Svenska Sociologförbundets årskongress Socialpsykologi och konflikt: mikro-och makroaspekter i Skövde, Sverige, 10-11 februari 2005. - 2005 -
Upplevelser av stress - att jämföra lön och karriärmöjligheter med nära
Tomas Berglund, Mattias Bengtsson
Sociologisk forskning - 2005 -
Self-directed work situations in a Swedish context: A study of employees’ influence over some aspects of
Mattias Bengtsson
Europeiska Sociologförbundets 7:e konferens Rethinking Inequalities i Torun, Polen, 9-12 september 2005. - 2005 -
Individualisation or not? A study of employees’ working conditions at the Swedish labour
Mattias Bengtsson
Brittiska Sociologförbundets konferens Work, Employment and Society i Manchester, England, 1-3 september 2004. - 2004 -
Swedish Employees’ Referent Selection in Individualised Work
Mattias Bengtsson, Tomas Berglund
Europeiska Sociologförbundets 6:e konferens Ageing Societies, New Sociology i Murcia, Spanien, 23-26 september 2003 - 2003