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- Linda Ekerljung
Linda Ekerljung
Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition-
Measurement of diamine oxidase (DAO) during low-histamine or ordinary diet in patients with histamine
Georgios K. Rentzos, Adina Weisheit, Linda Ekerljung, Jenny Van Odijk
European journal of clinical nutrition - 2024 -
Lifetime asthma incidence is related to age at onset and allergies in western
Reshed Abohalaka, Selin Ercan, Lauri Lehtimäki, Linda Ekerljung, Helena Backman, Fatma Zehra Uslu, Saliha Selin Özuygur Ermis, Madeleine Rådinger, Bright I Nwaru, Hannu Kankaanranta
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2024 -
Level of education, but not occupation, is differentially associated with asthma phenotypes in
Muwada Bashir Awad Bashir, Rani Basna, Göran Wennergren, Madeleine Rådinger, Helena Backman, Emma Goksör, Jan Lötvall, Linda Ekerljung, Hannu Kankaanranta, Bright I Nwaru
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2024 -
Socioeconomic status and different forms of rhinitis in Swedish
Muwada Bashir Awad Bashir, Teet Pullerits, Linda Ekerljung, Helena Backman, Göran Wennergren, Hannu Kankaanranta, Bright I Nwaru
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2024 -
Level of Education Modifies Asthma Mortality in Norway and Sweden. The Nordic EpiLung
Helena Backman, Laxmi Bhatta, Linnea Hedman, Ben Brumpton, Iida Vahatalo, Paul G. Lassmann-Klee, Bright I Nwaru, Linda Ekerljung, Steinar Krokstad, Sigrid Anna Aalberg Vikjord, Anne Lindberg, Hannu Kankaanranta, Eva Ronmark, Arnulf Langhammer
Electronic cigarette use in relation to changes in smoking status and respiratory
Linnea Hedman, Gustaf Lyytinen, Helena Backman, Magnus Lundback, Caroline Stridsman, Anne Lindberg, Hannu Kankaanranta, Lina Rönnebjerg, Eva Ronmark, Linda Ekerljung
Sensitization to molecular dog allergens in an adult population: Results from the West Sweden Asthma
Özuygur Ermis, Magnus P Borres, Rani Basna, Linda Ekerljung, Carina Malmhäll, Emma Goksör, Göran Wennergren, Madeleine Rådinger, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck, Hannu Kankaanranta, Bright I Nwaru
Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2023 -
The Use of DAO as a Marker for Histamine Intolerance: Measurements and Determinants in a Large Random Population-Based
Jenny Van Odijk, A. Weisheit, M. Arvidsson, N. Miron, B. Nwaru, Linda Ekerljung
Nutrients - 2023 -
Health-related quality of life, anxiety, depression, beliefs of medication, and self-efficacy in individuals with severe asthma–a population-based
Lina Rönnebjerg, Malin Axelsson, Hannu Kankaanranta, Linda Ekerljung
Journal of Asthma - 2023 -
Exogenous female sex steroid hormones and new-onset asthma in women: a matched case-control
Guo-Qiang Zhang, Rani Basna, Maya B Mathur, Cecilia Lässer, Roxana Mincheva, Linda Ekerljung, Göran Wennergren, Madeleine Rådinger, Bo Lundbäck, Hannu Kankaanranta, Bright I Nwaru
BMC medicine - 2023 -
Sensitization patterns to cat molecular allergens in subjects with allergic sensitization to cat
Özuygur Ermis, Aram Norouzi, Magnus P Borres, Rani Basna, Linda Ekerljung, Carina Malmhäll, Emma Goksör, Göran Wennergren, Madeleine Rådinger, Jan Lötvall, Hannu Kankaanranta, Bright I Nwaru
Clinical and translational allergy - 2023 -
Interaction of smoking and social status on the risk of respiratory outcomes in a Swedish adult population: A Nordic Epilung
Muwada Bashir Awad Bashir, Rani Basna, Linnea Hedman, Helena Backman, Linda Ekerljung, Heidi Andersén, Göran Wennergren, Laxmi Bhatta, Anne Lindberg, Bo Lundbäck, Hannu Kankaanranta, Eva Rönmark, Bright I Nwaru
Respiratory medicine - 2023 -
Comparison of clinician diagnosis of COVID-19 with real time polymerase chain reaction in an adult-representative population in
Eman Quraishi, Chiamaka Jibuaku, Daniil Lisik, Göran Wennergren, Jan Lötvall, Fredrik Nyberg, Linda Ekerljung, Madeleine Rådinger, Hannu Kankaanranta, Bright I Nwaru
Respiratory research - 2023 -
Underdiagnosis and misclassification of COPD in Sweden - A Nordic Epilung
M. Axelsson, H. Backman, Bright I Nwaru, C. Stridsman, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, L. Hedman, P. Piirila, J. Jalasto, A. Langhammer, Hannu Kankaanranta, Madeleine Rådinger, Linda Ekerljung, E. Ronmark, A. Lindberg
Respiratory Medicine - 2023 -
The Serum/Glucocorticoid-Regulated Kinase 1 Is Targeted by miR-19a in CD4+T
Julie Weidner, Carina Malmhäll, Vahid Arabkari, Aidan Barrett, Emma Boberg, Linda Ekerljung, Madeleine Rådinger
Cells - 2023 -
Risk Factors for the Absence of Diagnosis of Asthma Despite Disease Symptoms: Results from the Swedish GA2LEN
M. A. Kisiel, M. Jacobsson, S. Jarhult, Linda Ekerljung, K. Alving, R. Middelveld, K. Franklin, C. Janson
Journal of Asthma and Allergy - 2022 -
Computational phenotyping of obstructive airway diseases: protocol for a systematic
Muwada Bashir Awad Bashir, Rani Basna, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Helena Backman, Anne Lindberg, Linda Ekerljung, Malin Axelsson, Linnea Hedman, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, Bo Lundbäck, Eva Rönmark, Bright I Nwaru
Systematic reviews - 2022 -
Severe Asthma in a General Population Study: Prevalence and Clinical
Lina Rönnebjerg, M. Axelsson, Hannu Kankaanranta, H. Backman, Madeleine Rådinger, Bo Lundbäck, Linda Ekerljung
Journal of Asthma and Allergy - 2021 -
The triad of current asthma, rhinitis and eczema is uncommon among adults: Prevalence, sensitization profiles, and risk
Teet Pullerits, Erik P Rönmark, Linda Ekerljung, Mona Palmqvist, Monica Arvidsson, Roxana Mincheva, Helena Backman, Hannu Kankaanranta, Pinja Ilmarinen, Madeleine Rådinger, Bo Lundbäck, Bright I Nwaru
Respiratory Medicine - 2021 -
Differences in diagnostic patterns of obstructive airway disease between areas and sex in Sweden and Finland - the Nordic EpiLung
Malin Axelsson, Pinja Ilmarinen, Helena Backman, Linda Ekerljung, Linnea Hedman, Arnulf Langhammer, Anne Lindberg, Ari Lindqvist, Bright I Nwaru, Paula Pallasaho, Anssi Sovijärvi, Iida Vähätalo, Hannu Kankaanranta, Hanna Hisinger-Mölkänen, Päivi Piirilä, Eva Rönmark
The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma - 2021 -
Asthma increased in young adults from 2008-2016 despite stable allergic rhinitis and reduced
Styliana Vasileiadou, Linda Ekerljung, A. Bjerg, Emma Goksör
PLoS ONE - 2021 -
Decreased COPD prevalence in Sweden after decades of decrease in
Helena Backman, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, Anne Lindberg, Linda Ekerljung, Caroline Stridsman, Malin Axelsson, Ulf Nilsson, Bright I Nwaru, Sami Sawalha, Berne Eriksson, Linnea Hedman, Madeleine Rådinger, Sven-Arne Jansson, Anders Ullman, Hannu Kankaanranta, Jan Lötvall, Eva Rönmark, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory research - 2020 -
Circulating microRNAs correlate to clinical parameters in individuals with allergic and non-allergic
Julie Weidner, Linda Ekerljung, Carina Malmhäll, N. Miron, Madeleine Rådinger
Respiratory Research - 2020 -
Cohort profile: the West Sweden Asthma Study (WSAS): a multidisciplinary population-based longitudinal study of asthma, allergy and respiratory conditions in
Bright I Nwaru, Linda Ekerljung, Madeleine Rådinger, Anders Bjerg, Roxana Mincheva, Carina Malmhäll, Malin Axelsson, Göran Wennergren, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
BMJ open - 2019 -
Characterization of sensitization to furry animal allergen components in an adult
Shintaro Suzuki, Bright I Nwaru, Linda Ekerljung, Sigrid Sjölander, Roxana Mincheva, Erik P Rönmark, Eva Rönmark, Bo Lundbäck, Magnus P. Borres, Jan Lötvall
Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2019 -
Furry animal allergen component sensitization and clinical outcomes in adult asthma and
Bright I Nwaru, Shintaro Suzuki, Linda Ekerljung, Sigrid Sjölander, Roxana Mincheva, Erik P Rönmark, Madeleine Rådinger, Eva Rönmark, Magnus P. Borres, Bo Lundbäck, Jan Lötvall
The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice - 2019 -
Prevalence of food hypersensitivity in relation to IgE sensitisation to common food allergens among the general adult population in West
Georgios K. Rentzos, Lars Johanson, Emma Goksör, Esbjörn Telemo, Bo Lundbäck, Linda Ekerljung
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2019 -
Changes in the prevalence of asthma and respiratory symptoms in western Sweden between 2008 and
Eivind Borna, Bright I Nwaru, Anders Bjerg, Roxana Mincheva, Madeleine Rådinger, Bo Lundbäck, Linda Ekerljung
Allergy - 2019 -
Pattern of Cardiovascular Comorbidity in COPD in a Country with Low-smoking Prevalence: Results from Two-population-based Cohorts from
Berne Eriksson, H. Backman, Linda Ekerljung, M. Axelsson, A. Lindberg, E. Ronmark, Bo Lundbäck
Copd-Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2018 -
Asthma and COPD overlap (ACO) is related to a high burden of sleep disturbance and respiratory symptoms: Results from the RHINE and Swedish GA(2)LEN
S. Mindus, A. Malinovschi, Linda Ekerljung, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, R. Jogi, K. A. Franklin, Mathias Holm, A. Johannessen, R. Middelveld, V. Schlunssen, C. Svanes, K. Toren, E. Lindberg, C. Janson
Plos One - 2018 -
High prevalence of severe asthma in a large random population
Roxana Mincheva, Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Bo Lundbäck, Jan Lötvall
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology - 2018 -
Excessive daytime sleepiness in asthma: What are the risk
S. A. Kallin, E. Lindberg, J. N. Sommar, Apostolos Bossios, Linda Ekerljung, A. Malinovschi, R. Middelveld, C. Janson
Journal of Asthma - 2018 -
Prevalence, clinical characteristics and morbidity of the Asthma-COPD overlap in a general population
Linda Ekerljung, Roxana Mincheva, Stig Hagstad, Anders Bjerg, G. Telg, G. Stratelis, Jan Lötvall
Journal of Asthma - 2018 -
Smoking Is Associated With Low Levels of Soluble PD-L1 in Rheumatoid
Caroline Wasén, Malin Erlandsson, Apostolos Bossios, Linda Ekerljung, Carina Malmhäll, Sofia Töyrä Silfverswärd, Rille Pullerits, Bo Lundbäck, Maria Bokarewa
Frontiers in Immunology - 2018 -
Krefting Research Centre: Astma och allergi från epidemiologi till
Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck, Göran Wennergren, Bright I Nwaru, Linda Ekerljung, Cecilia Lässer, Madeleine Rådinger
Lung & Allergiforum - 2018 -
Association of Electronic Cigarette Use With Smoking Habits, Demographic Factors, and Respiratory
L. Hedman, H. Backman, C. Stridsman, J. A. Bosson, M. Lundback, A. Lindberg, E. Ronmark, Linda Ekerljung
Jama Network Open - 2018 -
Respiratory symptoms among Swedish soldiers after military service abroad: association with time spent in a desert
J. Saers, Linda Ekerljung, B. Forsberg, C. Janson
European Clinical Respiratory Journal - 2017 -
Altered miR-155 Expression in Allergic Asthmatic
Carina Malmhäll, Kristina Johansson, C. Winkler, Sahar Alawieh, Linda Ekerljung, Madeleine Rådinger
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology - 2017 -
Survivin controls biogenesis of microRNA in smokers: A link to pathogenesis of rheumatoid
Karin Andersson, Minna Turkkila, Malin Erlandsson, Apostolos Bossios, Sofia Silfverswärd Lindblad, Dan Hu, Linda Ekerljung, Carina Malmhäll, Howard L. Weiner, Bo Lundbäck, Maria Bokarewa
Biochimica et biophysica acta - 2017 -
An investigation on the use of snus and its association with respiratory and sleep-related symptoms: a cross-sectional population
A. Y. Gudnadottir, I. S. Olafsdottir, R. Middelveld, Linda Ekerljung, B. Forsberg, K. Franklin, E. Lindberg, C. Janson
BMJ Open - 2017 -
Smoking activates cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells and causes survivin release in rheumatoid
Caroline Wasén, Minna Turkkila, Apostolos Bossios, Malin Erlandsson, Karin Andersson, Linda Ekerljung, Carina Malmhäll, Mikael Brisslert, Sofia Silfverswärd Lindblad, Bo Lundbäck, Maria Bokarewa
Journal of Autoimmunity - 2017 -
Different risk factor patterns for adult asthma, rhinitis and eczema: results from West Sweden Asthma
Erik P Rönmark, Linda Ekerljung, Roxana Mincheva, Sigrid Sjölander, Stig Hagstad, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and translational allergy - 2016 -
Personality and unachieved treatment goals related to poor adherence to asthma medication in a newly developed adherence questionnaire - a population-based
Malin Axelsson, Linda Ekerljung, Bo Lundbäck, Jan Lötvall
Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine - 2016 -
Increase in pollen sensitization in Swedish adults and protective effect of keeping animals in
Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, Jonas Eriksson, Jonas Näslund, Sigrid Sjölander, Eva Rönmark, Åslög Dahl, Kenneth Holmberg, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Magnus P Borres, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2016 -
Important non-disease-related determinants of exhaled nitric oxide levels in mild asthma – results from the Swedish GA2LEN
N. Al-shamkhi, K. Alving, S. E. Dahlen, G. Hedlin, R. Middelveld, Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, A. C. Olin, J. Sommar, B. Forsberg, C. Janson, A. Malinovschi
Clinical and Experimental Allergy - 2016 -
Chronic bronchitis in West Sweden - a matter of smoking and social
Malin Axelsson, Linda Ekerljung, Jonas Eriksson, Stig Hagstad, Eva Rönmark, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
European Clinical Respiratory Journal - 2016 -
Self-reported adverse reactions and IgE sensitization to common foods in adults with
Georgios K. Rentzos, Lars Johanson, S. Sjölander, Esbjörn Telemo, Linda Ekerljung
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2015 -
Prevalence and risk factors of COPD among never-smokers in two areas of Sweden - Occupational exposure to gas, dust or fumes is an important risk
Stig Hagstad, Helena Backman, Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, Xiong Ye, Linnea Hedman, Anne Lindberg, Kjell Torén, Jan Lötvall, Eva Rönmark, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2015 -
Reference values for spirometry - report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden
Helena Backman, Anne Lindberg, Anders Odén, Linda Ekerljung, Linnéa Hedman, Annette Kainu, Anssi Sovijärvi, Bo Lundbäck, Eva Rönmark
European clinical respiratory journal - 2015 -
The significance of asthma follow-up consultations for adherence to asthma medication, asthma medication beliefs and asthma
Malin Axelsson, Linda Ekerljung, Bo Lundbäck
Nursing Research and Practice - 2015 -
Pulmonary function in middle-aged patients with idiopathic scoliosis with onset before the age of 10
Aina Danielsson, Linda Ekerljung, Kerstin Löfdahl
Spine Deformity - 2015 -
Gas, dust, and fumes exposure is associated with mite sensitization and with asthma in mite-sensitized
Anders Bjerg, Erik P Rönmark, Stig Hagstad, Jonas Eriksson, M Andersson, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Linda Ekerljung
Allergy. European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2015 -
High risk of adult asthma following severe wheezing in early
Emma Goksör, Mainor Åmark, Bernt Alm, Linda Ekerljung, Bo Lundbäck, Göran Wennergren
Pediatric pulmonology - 2015 -
Aspirin-intolerant asthma in the population: prevalence and important
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Anders Bjerg, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2015 -
Sensitization to airborne allergens among adults and its impact on allergic symptoms: a population survey in northern
Hoàng T Lâm, Linda Ekerljung, Anders Bjerg, Nguyễn Văn Tường, Bo Lundbäck, Eva Rönmark
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2014 -
Prevalence of COPD by Disease Severity in Men and Women in Northern
H. T. Lam, Linda Ekerljung, N. Van Tuong, Eva Rönmark, K. Larsson, Bo Lundbäck
Copd-Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2014 -
Impaired peripheral airway function in adults following repair of esophageal
Vladimir Gatzinsky, Göran Wennergren, Linus Jönsson, Linda Ekerljung, Birgitta Houltz, Staffan Redfors, Ulla Sillén, Per M. Gustafsson
Journal of pediatric surgery - 2014 -
Frequent cough in unsatisfactory controlled asthma - results from the population-based West Sweden Asthma
Roxana Mincheva, Linda Ekerljung, Anders Bjerg, Malin Axelsson, T. A. Popov, Bo Lundbäck, Jan Lötvall
Respiratory Research - 2014 -
Passive Smoking Exposure Is Associated With Increased Risk of COPD in Never
Stig Hagstad, Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, H. Backman, A. Lindberg, E. Ronmark, Bo Lundbäck
Chest - 2014 -
Five-fold increase in use of inhaled corticosteroids over 18 years in the general adult population in West
Linda Ekerljung, Anders Bjerg, Apostolos Bossios, Malin Axelsson, Kjell Torén, Göran Wennergren, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2014 -
Questionnaire layout and wording influence prevalence and risk estimates of respiratory symptoms in a population
Linda Ekerljung, Eva Rönmark, Jan Lötvall, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
The clinical respiratory journal - 2013 -
Asthma and physical activity - A population based study results from the Swedish GA(2)LEN
C. Jerning, E. Martinander, Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, K. A. Franklin, B. Jarvholm, K. Larsson, A. Malinovschi, R. Middelveld, M. Emtner, C. Janson
Respiratory Medicine - 2013 -
Chronic rhinosinusitis in asthma is a negative predictor of quality of life: results from the Swedish GA(2)LEN
A. Ek, R. J. M. Middelveld, H. Bertilsson, Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, A. Malinovschi, P. Stjarne, K. Larsson, S. E. Dahlen, C. Janson
Allergy - 2013 -
Alarmingly high prevalence of smoking and symptoms of bronchitis in young women in Sweden: a population-based questionnaire
Göran Wennergren, Linda Ekerljung, Bernt Alm, Anders Bjerg, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Primary care respiratory journal : journal of the General Practice Airways Group - 2013 -
Multi-symptom asthma as an indication of disease severity in
Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Jan Lötvall, Anna-Carin Olin, Eva Rönmark, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2013 -
Asthma control, emergency visits, lung function and FENO in asthma and non-asthma in the West Sweden Asthma Study
Jan Lötvall, Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2013 -
Cigarette smoking is associated with high prevalence of chronic rhinitis and low prevalence of allergic rhinitis in
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, B. M. Sundblad, Jan Lötvall, Kjell Torén, Eva Rönmark, K. Larsson, Bo Lundbäck
Allergy - 2013 -
Respiratory Symptoms and Respiratory-Related Absence from Work among Health Care Workers in
Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Susanna Lohman, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck, Eva Andersson
Journal of Asthma - 2013 -
Higher Risk of Wheeze in Female than Male Smokers. Results from the Swedish GA(2)LEN
Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, Jonas Eriksson, Inga S. Olafsdottir, R. Middelveld, K. A. Franklin, B. Forsberg, K. Larsson, Jan Lötvall, Kjell Torén, S. E. Dahlen, Bo Lundbäck, C. Janson
Plos One - 2013 -
COPD among non-smokers - Report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN)
Stig Hagstad, Linda Ekerljung, A. Lindberg, H. Backman, E. Ronmark, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory Medicine - 2012 -
High risk of adult asthma following severe wheeze in early
Emma Goksör, Bernt Alm, Mainor Åmark, Linda Ekerljung, Bo Lundbäck, Göran Wennergren
EAACI International Severe Asthma Forum (ISAF 2012), 11-13 October 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden. Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2012 -
Update of prevalence of self-reported allergic rhinitis and chronic nasal symptoms among adults in
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, Eva Rönmark, B Dahlén, Staffan Ahlstedt, SE Dahlén, Bo Lundbäck
The Clinical Respiratory Journal - 2012 -
Eczema among adults: prevalence, risk factors and relation to airway diseases. Results from a large-scale population survey in
Erik P Rönmark, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
British Journal of Dermatology - 2012 -
Asthma in West Sweden - a translational study from epidemiology to
Linda Ekerljung
2012 -
Allergic rhinitis in northern Vietnam: increased risk of urban living according to a large population
Hoàng Thị Lâm, Nguyễn Văn Tường, Linda Ekerljung, Eva Rönmark, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2011 -
Network analysis of quantitative proteomics on asthmatic bronchi: effects of inhaled glucocorticoid
Serena O'Neil, Brigita Sitkauskiene, A Babusyte, A Krisiukeniene, K Stravinskaite-Bieksinene, R Sakalauskas, Carina Sihlbom, Linda Ekerljung, Elisabet Carlsohn, Jan Lötvall
Respiratory Research - 2011 -
RNA-containing exosomes in human nasal
Cecilia Lässer, Serena O'Neil, Linda Ekerljung, Karin Ekström, Margareta Sjöstrand, Jan Lötvall
American journal of rhinology & allergy - 2011 -
Increased prevalence of symptoms of rhinitis but not of asthma between 1990 and 2008 in Swedish adults: comparisons of the ECRHS and GA²LEN
A Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, R Middelveld, SE Dahlén, B Forsberg, K Franklin, K Larsson, Jan Lötvall, Inga S. Olafsdottir, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck, C Janson
PLoS One - 2011 -
Long-term respiratory symptoms following esophageal
Vladimir Gatzinsky, Linus Jönsson, Linda Ekerljung, Lars-Göran Friberg, Göran Wennergren
Acta Paediatrica - 2011 -
Adult-onset asthma in west Sweden - Incidence, sex differences and impact of occupational
Kjell Torén, Linda Ekerljung, Jeong-Lim Kim, Jenny Hillström, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2011 -
Increase in asthma and a high prevalence of bronchitis: Results from a population study among adults in urban and rural
Hoàng Thị Lâm, Eva Rönmark, Nguyễn Văn T Tng, Linda Ekerljung, Nguyễn Thị Kim Chúc, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2011 -
Multi-symptom asthma as an indication of disease severity in
Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Jan Lötvall, Anna-Carin Olin, Eva Rönmark, Göran Wennergren, K Torén, Bo Lundbäck
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2011 -
Growing up on a farm leads to lifelong protection against allergic
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Teet Pullerits, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Allergy - 2010 -
Prevalence of Chronic Nasal Symptoms in West Sweden: Risk Factors and Relation to Self-Reported Allergic Rhinitis and Lower Respiratory
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, Teet Pullerits, Kenneth Holmberg, Eva Rönmark, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology - 2010 -
Asthma in late adolescence - farm childhood is protective and the prevalence increase has levelled
Göran Wennergren, Linda Ekerljung, Bernt Alm, Jonas Eriksson, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology - 2010 -
Has the increase in the prevalence of asthma and respiratory symptoms reached a plateau in Stockholm,
Linda Ekerljung, Å Andersson, Britt-Marie Sundblad, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Larsson, Staffan Ahlstedt, Sven-Eric Dahlén, Bo Lundbäck
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2010 -
Incidence and prevalence of adult asthma is associated with low socio-economic
Linda Ekerljung, Britt-Marie Sundblad, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Larsson, Bo Lundbäck
The Clinical Respiratory Journal - 2010 -
Multi-symptom asthma is closely related to nasal blockage, rhinorrhea and symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis - evidence from the West Sweden Asthma
Jan Lötvall, Linda Ekerljung, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory research - 2010 -
West Sweden Asthma Study: Prevalence trends over the last 18 years argue no recent increase in
Jan Lötvall, Linda Ekerljung, Erik P Rönmark, Göran Wennergren, Anders Lindén, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory research - 2009 -
A 20-year follow-up of a population study-based COPD cohort-report from the obstructive lung disease in Northern Sweden
Bo Lundbäck, Berne Eriksson, Anne Lindberg, Linda Ekerljung, Hana Muellerova, Lars-Gunnar Larsson, Eva Rönmark
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2009 -
Large scale questionnaire survey on respiratory health in Sweden: effects of late- and
Erik P Rönmark, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Kjell Torén, Eva Rönmark, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2009 -
No further increase of incidence of asthma: Incidence, remission and relapse of adult asthma in
Linda Ekerljung, Eva Ronmark, Kjell Larsson, Britt-Marie Sundblad, Anders Bjerg, Staffan Ahlstedt, Sven-Erik Dahlen, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory Medicine - 2008 -
FinEsS-Stockholm and the Stockholm adult asthma
Linda Ekerljung, Bo Lundbäck
The clinical respiratory journal - 2008