
Magnus Alm Rosenblad


Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B
41390 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 462
40530 Göteborg

About Magnus Alm Rosenblad

Bioinformatician, funded by CeMEB (Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology) and NBIS ( which is a part of SciLifeLab.

Currently working on genome assemblies and annotation of several marine organisms, as well as identifying non-coding RNA (ncRNA).

Old WWW:


BIO403 Advanced Bioinformatics, 15 hp, and BIO442 Evolutionary Genomics (within the MSc Genomics and Systems Biology program)

BIO210 Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, 15.0 hp

BIO003 Popular course on DNA (in Swedish)