
Mattias Hallquist


Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B
413 90 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 462
405 30 Göteborg

About Mattias Hallquist


Climate and air pollution relevant research. Atmospheric chemistry with focus in understanding atmospheric particles and their properties specifically from a molecular perspective. Mainly using experimental approaches e.g. studies of aerosol formation from oxidation of organic compounds, i.e. SOA using smog chambers or flow reactor. Regarding field measurement the focus is on the urban aerosol where e.g. traffic emission of particles is an important part with a recent focus on ship emissions. MH is coordinating the photosmog project on air pollution in China.

To support a molecular understanding of important processes a primary tool is to apply high resolution mass spectrometers e.g. HR-ToF-CIMS with the FIGAERO inlet. The main experimental research are done in connection to the G-FROST facility in Göteborg but also via experiments at large scale facilities such as the smog chambers at the research centre Julich in Germany. Air quality studies are currently focused on China, India and Kenya.

Findings from experiments and field observations provide important input to chemical modelling that are essential as a scientific base for policy making regarding climate and air pollution.

Welcome to discuss thesis work related to ongoing projects!


  • Atmospheric Chemistry 15 hp
  • Atmospheric Science 7.5 hp
  • Aerosols 15 hp
  • Environmental Chemistry 15 hp
  • Environmental methods 15 hp


  • Coordinator for GU part in strategic research area, MERGE on climate research
  • Coordinator for VR framework programme photosmog in China
  • Examinator and supervisor for thesis works.