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- Håkan Pleijel
Håkan Pleijel
Department of Biological & Environmental SciencesAbout Håkan Pleijel
Research My research is focused on the interaction between vegetation and the atmosphere. A large fraction of my work has been related to ground level-ozone – deposition, effects on vegetation and its distribution in the landscape near the Earth surface. This work has been used in the Air Pollution Convention LRTAP (Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution), where I have been active in the Task Force ICP Vegetation since 1987. I also conducted several investigations of the effect of elevated carbon dioxide on agricultural crops regarding growth and nutrient concentration.
In addition, I work with traffic related air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, PAH pollutants and particles, as well as the effects of climate and climate change on air pollution. This part of my research also includes the importance of urban greenery for the city environment, partly by removing air pollutants, but also more generally by contributing to an improved local climate and a more attractive Environment.
I lead the Formas funded project ”Clean the air with plants – can PAH exposure be reduced with urban vegetation?” where we investigate how different tree species can contribute to improved air quality by absorbing PAH pollutants in the urban environment. We also investigate the distribution of air pollutants over the urban landscape.
I am also project leader of the Formas project CityAirSim - ”Visualising and modelling urban air quality - influence of vegetation, building morphology and traffic emissions”. Here, the University of Gothenburg collaborates with Chalmers, the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and other partners on how the urban air quality is affected by the design of the urban landscape, including the occurrence of greenery. We also address the question of how the knowledge can be transferred to school children and city planners. You can read more about this project on the web site of Mistra Urban Futures.
In the period 2010-2021, I was the co-ordinator for those parts of the strategic research area BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate), led by Lund University, that are allocated to the University of Gothenburg. In am still active in BECC. Here we work with a broad spectrum of research related to climate effects and environmental change in the terrestrial environment.
Teaching My teaching covers plant ecophysiology, air pollution, international environmental agreements as well as basic environmental science and ecology.
Other activities I have been the author and/or editor of several books, mainly for teaching purposes. In addition, I have been working with design of environmental monitoring and evaluation of environmental objectives.
A complete list of scientific publications can be obtained through my Researcher ID C-9724-2010.
Leaf Age Affects Mercury Accumulation in Evergreen
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Henrik Sjoman, Göran Wallin
Well-planned greenery improves air urban quality - Modelling the effect of altered airflow and pollutant
Malin S. M. Gustafsson, Jenny Linden, Emelie M. M. Johansson, Agot K. Watne, Johan Uddling, Daniel Sjolie, Håkan Pleijel
New ozone–nitrogen model shows early senescence onset is the primary cause of ozone-induced reduction in grain quality of
Jo Cook, Clare Brewster, Felicity Hayes, Nathan Booth, Sam Bland, Pritha Pande, Samarthia Thankappan, Håkan Pleijel, Lisa Emberson
Biogeosciences - 2024 -
Exceedance of critical levels for ozone impacts on Swedish forests
Evaluation of methodology for POD1SPEC
Per Erik Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Håkan Pleijel, Camilla Andersson
2024 -
Air pollution removal with urban greenery – Introducing the Vegetation Impact Dynamic Assessment model
Malin S.M. Gustafsson, Jenny Lindén, Emelie M.M. Johansson, Ågot K. Watne, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2024 -
Ozone stress response of leaf BVOC emission and photosynthesis in mountain birch (Betula pubescens spp. czerepanovii) depends on leaf
Erica Jaakkola, Heidi Hellén, Stefan Olin, Håkan Pleijel, Toni Tykkä, Thomas Holst
Plant-Environment Interactions - 2024 -
Ozone dose-response relationships for wheat can be derived using photosynthetic-based stomatal conductance
P. Pande, F. Hayes, S. Bland, N. Booth, Håkan Pleijel, L. D. Emberson
Kilometre-scale simulations over Fennoscandia reveal a large loss of tundra due to climate
Fredrik Lagergren, Robert G. Björk, Camilla Andersson, Danijel Belušić, Mats P. Björkman, Erik Kjellström, Petter Lind, David Lindstedt, Tinja Olenius, Håkan Pleijel, Gunhild Rosqvist, Paul A. Miller
Biogeosciences - 2024 -
Effects of ozone, drought and heat stress on wheat yield and grain
Malin Broberg, Felicity Hayes, Harry Harmens, Johan Uddling, Gina Mills, Håkan Pleijel
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment - 2023 -
Accumulation of antimony and lead in leaves and needles of trees: The role of traffic
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Bo Strandberg, Henrik Sjöman, Göran Wallin
Heliyon - 2023 -
Air pollution removal through deposition on urban vegetation: The importance of vegetation
Jenny Lindén, Malin Gustafsson, Johan Uddling, Ågot Watne, Håkan Pleijel
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening - 2023 -
Visualizing Invisible Environmental Data in VR: Development and Implementation of Design Concepts for Communicating Urban Air Quality in a Virtual City
Clara Larsson, Beata Stahre Wästberg, Daniel Sjölie, Thommy Eriksson, Håkan Pleijel
Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 1819 CCIS, Pages 253 - 267 - 2023 -
Stem growth of Norway spruce in south Sweden in relation to soil moisture, nitrogen deposition, ozone exposure and meteorological
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, Philip Fowler, Emad Farahat, Hans W. Linderholm, Magnuz Engardt, Camilla Andersson
Forest Ecology and Management - 2023 -
Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige
Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2023 -
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Malin Gustafsson, Henrik Sjöman, Clara Larsson
Movium Fakta - 2023 -
Variation in Polycyclic Aromatic Compound (PAC) Concentrations in a Norway Spruce Stand Close to a Major Traffic Route-Influence of Distance and
J. Klingberg, B. Strandberg, Maria Grundström, H. Sjoman, Göran Wallin, Håkan Pleijel
Water Air and Soil Pollution - 2023 -
Differences in accumulation of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) among eleven broadleaved and conifer tree
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, B. Strandberg, H. Sjöman, Lasse Tarvainen, Göran Wallin
Ecological Indicators - 2022 -
Characterization, sources, and atmospheric transformation of a few key short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) at a rural super-site in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) of
Jai Prakash, Harsh Raj Mishra, Kalyan Mitra, Bhilok Chandra, Mattias Hallquist, Gazala Habib, Geetam Tiwari, Jan B. C. Pettersson, Johan Boman, Håkan Pleijel, Ravi K. Pathak
Environmental Science: Atmospheres - 2022 -
Benefits of the Phytotoxic Ozone Dose (POD) index in dose-response functions for wheat yield
Håkan Pleijel, Helena Danielsson, Malin Broberg
Atmospheric Environment - 2022 -
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) accumulation in Quercus palustris and Pinus nigra in the urban landscape of Gothenburg,
J. Klingberg, B. Strandberg, H. Sjoman, Malin Taube, Göran Wallin, Håkan Pleijel
Science of the Total Environment - 2022 -
Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige. Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2022 -
Letter to the editor regarding Pleijel et al. 2019: Ozone sensitivity of wheat in different continents – An
Håkan Pleijel, Malin Broberg, Johan Uddling, K Kobayashi
Science of the Total Environment - 2021 -
Mercury accumulation in leaves of different plant types – the significance of tissue age and specific leaf
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Michelle Nerentorp, Malin Broberg, Brigitte Nyirambangutse, John Munthe, Göran Wallin
Biogeosciences - 2021 -
Harvest index and remobilization of 13 elements during wheat grain filling: Experiences from ozone experiments in China and
Malin Broberg, Yansen Xu, Zhaozhong Feng, Håkan Pleijel
Field Crops Research - 2021 -
Yield Response of an Ensemble of Potato Crop Models to Elevated CO2 in Continental
Fleisher D H, Condori B, Barreda C, Berguis H, Bindi M, Boote K, Craigon J, van Evert F, Fangmeier A, Ferrise R, Gayler S, Hoogenboom G, Merrante P, Nendel C, Ninanya J, Håkan Pleijel, Raes D, Ramirez D A, Raimundo R, Reidsma P, Vasco Silva J, Stöckle C O, Supit I, Stella T, Vandermeiren K, van Oort P, Vanuytrecht E, Vorne V, Wolf J
European Journal of Agronomy - 2021 -
Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige - Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige
G Pihl Karlsson, H Danielsson, P E Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2021 -
The vulnerability of northern European vegetation to ozone damage in a changing climate
An assessment based on current
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, Robert Bergström, Magnuz Engardt, Aud Eriksen, Stefanie Falk, Jenny Klingberg, Joakim Langner, Sikku Manninen, Frode Stordal, Hans Tømmervik, Ane Vollsnes
2021 -
Narrowing uncertainties in the effects of elevated CO2 on
A Toreti, D Deryng, F N Tubiello, C Müller, B A Kimball, G Moser, K Boote, S Asseng, T A M Pugh, E Vanuytrecht, Håkan Pleijel, H Webber, J-L Durand, F Dentener, A Ceglar, X Wang, F Badeck, R Lecerf, G W Wall, M van den Berg, P Hoegy, R Lopez-Lozano, M Zampieri, S Galmarini, G J O´Leary, R Manderscheid, E Mencos Contreras, C Rosenzweig
Nature Food - 2020 -
Swedish Clean Air and Climate Research Programme – SCAC Final report second
A Ekman, J Langner, HC Hansson, O Gruzieva, B Forsberg, C Andersson, PE Karlsson, F Moldan, Håkan Pleijel, S Åström, J Munthe
2020 -
Från dynsvacka till fjällhed - fjällmurklingen greppar
Kill Persson, Håkan Pleijel
Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift - 2020 -
Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige, Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2020 -
The European heat wave of 2018 and its promotion of the ozone climate penalty in southwest
Julia M. Johansson, A. K. Watne, P. E. Karlsson, G. P. Karlsson, H. Danielsson, C. Andersson, Håkan Pleijel
Boreal Environment Research - 2020 -
Ozone induced loss of seed protein accumulation is larger in soybean than in wheat and
Malin Broberg, Sara Daun, Håkan Pleijel
Agronomy - 2020 -
Grenig gräslilja - ytterligare en sällsynt adventivväxt på Kvibergsfältet i nordöstra
Håkan Pleijel, Erik Ljungstrand
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift - 2020 -
Observed annual surface ozone maxima and minima in northern and central Europe from 1990–2015 — latitude dependence and temporal
Jenny Klingberg, P E Karlsson, C Andersson, M Engardt, G Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Boreal environment research - 2019 -
Nitrogen application is required to realize wheat yield stimulation by elevated CO2 but will not remove the CO2 -induced reduction in grain protein
Håkan Pleijel, Malin Broberg, Petra Högy, Johan Uddling
Global Change Biology - 2019 -
Ozone impact on wheat in Europe, Asia and North America – A
Håkan Pleijel, Malin Broberg, Johan Uddling
Science of the Total Environment - 2019 -
Policy design for the
Thomas Sterner, Edward B. Barbier, Ian Bateman, Inge van den Bijgaart, Anne Sophie Crépin, Ottmar Edenhofer, Carolyn Fischer, Wolfgang Habla, John Hassler, Olof Johansson-Stenman, Andreas Lange, Stephen Polasky, Johan Rockström, Henrik G. Smith, Will Steffen, Gernot Wagner, James E. Wilen, Francisco Alpízar, Christian Azar, Donna Carless, Carlos Chávez, Jessica Coria, Gustav Engström, Sverker C. Jagers, Gunnar Köhlin, Åsa Löfgren, Håkan Pleijel, Amanda Robinson
Nature Sustainability - 2019 -
Den gula zinkviolen – tundraväxten som blev
Håkan Pleijel
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift - 2019 -
En ekonomisk utvärdering av inverkan av marknära ozon på skog och jordbruksgrödor i Sverige baserat på
Per Erik Karlsson, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Joakim Langner, Håkan Pleijel
2019 -
Ozone exposure- and flux-yield response relationships for
Jinlong Peng, Bo Shang, Yansen Xu, Zhaozhong Feng, Håkan Pleijel, Vicent Calatayud
Environmental Pollution - 2019 -
Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige,
Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2019 -
Effects of elevated CO2 on wheat yield: Non-linear response and relation to site
Malin Broberg, Petra Högy, Zhaozhong Feng, Håkan Pleijel
Agronomy - 2019 -
Ozone effects on crops and consideration in crop
Lisa D. Emberson, Håkan Pleijel, Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Maurits van den Berg, Wei Ren, Stephanie Osborne, Gina Mills, Divya Pandey, Frank Dentener, Patrick Büker, Frank Ewert, Renate Koeble, Rita Van Dingenen
European Journal of Agronomy - 2018 -
Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Present-day tropospheric ozone distribution and trends relevant to
Gina Mills, Håkan Pleijel, C. S. Malley, B. Sinha, O. R. Cooper, M. G. Schultz, H. S. Neufeld, D. Simpson, K. Sharps, Z. Z. Feng, G. Gerosa, H. Harmens, K. Kobayashi, P. Saxena, E. Paoletti, V. Sinha, X. B. Xu
Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene - 2018 -
Ozone pollution will compromise efforts to increase global wheat
Gina Mills, K. Sharps, David Simpson, Håkan Pleijel, Malin Broberg, Johan Uddling, F. Jaramillo, W. J. Davies, F. Dentener, M. Van den Berg, M. Agrawal, S. B. Agrawal, E. A. Ainsworth, P. Buker, L. Emberson, Z. Z. Feng, H. Harmens, F. Hayes, K. Kobayashi, E. Paoletti, R. Van Dingenen
Global Change Biology - 2018 -
Wheat yield responses to stomatal uptake of ozone: Peak vs rising background ozone
H. Harmens, F. Hayes, Gina Mills, K. Sharps, S. Osborne, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2018 -
Current surface ozone concentrations significantly decrease wheat growth, yield and
Håkan Pleijel, Malin Broberg, Johan Uddling, Gina Mills
Science of the Total Environment - 2018 -
Crop quality under rising atmospheric
Johan Uddling, Malin Broberg, Zhaozhong Feng, Håkan Pleijel
Current Opinion in Plant Biology - 2018 -
Kuriska näset – växter och natur på Östersjöns längsta
Håkan Pleijel
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift - 2018 -
Försommarjohannesört, nyckelveronika och andra sällsynta ruderatväxter på Kvibergsfältet i nordöstra
Håkan Pleijel, Erik Ljungstrand
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift - 2018 -
Åkerfibbla och andra ogräs i en sydhalländsk
Håkan Pleijel
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift - 2018 -
En förbättrad metodik för att beräkna ozonkänsliga perioder för växtligheten under
Per Erik Karlsson, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2018 -
Marknära ozon I bakgrundsmiljö I södra Sverige. Ozonmätnätet I södra Sverige
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2018 -
Closing the global ozone yield gap: Quantification and cobenefits for multistress
Gina Mills, Katrina Sharps, David Simpson, Håkan Pleijel, Michael Frei, Kent Burkey, Lisa Emberson, Johan Uddling, Malin Broberg, Zhaozhong Feng, Kazuhiko Kobayashi, Madhoolika Agrawal
Global Change Biology - 2018 -
Effects of ground surface permeability on the growth of urban linden
Emilia Sand, Janina Konarska, Allesandro W Howe, Yvonne Andersson-Sköld, Filip Moldan, Håkan Pleijel, Johan Uddling
Urban Ecosystems - 2018 -
A unifying explanation for variation in ozone sensitivity among woody
Zhaozhong Feng, Patrick Büker, Håkan Pleijel, Lisa Emberson, Per Erik Karlsson, Johan Uddling
Global Change Biology - 2018 -
A framework for assessing urban greenery's effects and valuing its ecosystem
Yvonne Andersson-Sköld, Jenny Klingberg, Bengt Gunnarsson, Kevin Cullinane, Ingela Gustafsson, Marcus Hedblom, Igor Knez, Fredrik Lindberg, Åsa Ode Sang, Håkan Pleijel, Sofia Thorsson, Pontus Thorsson
Journal of Environmental Management - 2018 -
Influence of urban vegetation on air pollution and noise exposure – A case study in Gothenburg,
Jenny Klingberg, Malin Broberg, Bo Strandberg, Pontus Thorsson, Håkan Pleijel
Science of the Total Environment - 2017 -
Past, present and future concentrations of ground-level ozone and potential impacts on ecosystems and human health in northern
Per Erik Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg, Magnuz Engardt, Camilla Andersson, Joakim Langner, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Science of the Total Environment - 2017 -
Marknära ozon och partiklar, på landet och i
Per Erik Karlsson, Karin Sjöberg, Tobias Helbig, Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg
Luft & Miljö 2017. Barns hälsa - 2017 -
Grönskande tätorter minskar barns exponering för
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg
Luft & Miljö 2017. Barns hälsa - 2017 -
Fertilizer efficiency in wheat is reduced by ozone
Malin Broberg, Johan Uddling, Gina Mills, Håkan Pleijel
Science of the Total Environment - 2017 -
The relationship between birch pollen, air pollution and weather types and their effect on antihistamine purchase in two Swedish
Maria Grundström, Åslög Dahl, Tinghai Ou, Deliang Chen, Håkan Pleijel
Aerobiologia - 2017 -
CO2-induced changes in wheat grain composition: Meta-analysis and response
Malin Broberg, Petra Högy, Håkan Pleijel
Agronomy - 2017 -
Epidemiological analysis of ozone and nitrogen impacts on vegetation - Critical evaluation and
Sabine Braun, Beat Achermann, Alessandra De Marco, Håkan Pleijel, Beat Rihm, Christian Schindler, Elena Paoletti
Science of the Total Environment - 2017 -
Carbon stocks and dynamics at different successional stages in an Afromontane tropical
Brigitte Nyirambangutse, Etienne Zibera, Félicien K. Uwizeye, Donat Nsabimana, Elias Bizuru, Håkan Pleijel, Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin
Biogeosciences - 2017 -
Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige. Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige – med beaktande av variationen i
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2017 -
Photochemical smog in China: scientific challenges and implications for air-quality
Mattias Hallquist, John Munthe, Min Hu, Tao Wang, Chak K. Chan, Jian Gao, Johan Boman, Song Guo, Åsa M. Hallquist, Johan Mellquist, Jana Moldanava, Ravi K. Pathak, Jan B. C. Pettersson, Håkan Pleijel, David Simpson, Marie Thynell
National Science Review - 2016 -
Differential effects of ozone on photosynthesis of winter wheat among cultivars depend on antioxidative enzymes rather than stomatal
Z. Feng, L. Wang, Håkan Pleijel, J. Zhu, K. Kobayashi
Science of the Total Environment - 2016 -
Transpiration of urban trees and its cooling effect in a high latitude
Janina Konarska, Johan Uddling, Björn Holmer, Martina Lutz, Fredrik Lindberg, Håkan Pleijel, Sofia Thorsson
International journal of biometeorology - 2016 -
A method to assess the inter-annual weather-dependent variability in air pollution concentration and deposition based on weather
Håkan Pleijel, Maria Grundström, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Deliang Chen
Atmospheric Environment - 2016 -
Den olyckliga
Håkan Pleijel
Forskning & Framsteg - 2016 -
Carbon stocks and dynamics at different successional stages in an
Afromontane tropical
Brigitte Nyirambangutse, Etienne Zibera, Felicien K Uwizeye, Donat Nsabimana, Elias Bizuru, Håkan Pleijel, Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin
Biogeosciences Discussions - 2016 -
Hedblomster på Laholmsbuktens dyner – utveckling under två
Håkan Pleijel, Kill Persson
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift - 2016 -
Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige. Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige – med beaktande av variationen i
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2016 -
Ozone effects on wheat grain quality - A
Malin Broberg, Zhaozhong Feng, Yue Xin, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2015 -
Transpiration of urban trees and its impact on nocturnal cooling in Gothenburg,
Janina Konarska, Johan Uddling, Björn Holmer, Martina Lutz, Fredrik Lindberg, Håkan Pleijel, Sofia Thorsson
ICUC9 – 9 th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment. 20-24 July 2015, Toulouse, France - 2015 -
Marknära ozon - ett växande problem i
Per Erik Karlsson, Joakim Langner, Håkan Pleijel
Luft & Miljö Arktis 2015 - 2015 -
Variation and co-variation of PM10, particle number concentration, NOx and NO2 in the urban air - Relationships with wind speed, vertical temperature gradient and weather
Maria Grundström, Claudia S. Hak, Deliang Chen, Mattias Hallquist, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2015 -
Constraints to nitrogen acquisition of terrestrial plants under elevated
Zhaozhong Feng, Tobias Rütting, Håkan Pleijel, Göran Wallin, Peter B Reich, Claudia I Kammann, Paul C D Newton, Kazuhiko Kobayashi, Yunjian Luo, Johan Uddling
Global Change Biology - 2015 -
Air pollution dynamics and the need for temporally differentiated road
Jessica Coria, Jorge Bonilla, Maria Grundström, Håkan Pleijel
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - 2015 -
Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige. Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljö i södra Sverige med beaktande av variationen i landskapet
Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2015 -
Influence of atmospheric circulation patterns on urban air quality during the
Maria Grundström, Lin Tang, Mattias Hallquist, Hung Ngyen, Deliang Chen, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Pollution Research - 2015 -
CO2 dose-response functions for wheat grain, protein and mineral yield based on FACE and open-top chamber
Håkan Pleijel, Petra Högy
Environmental Pollution - 2015 -
Limited effect of urban tree vegetation on NO2 and O3 concentrations near a traffic
Maria Grundström, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2014 -
En ekonomisk utvärdering av inverkan av marknära ozon på växtligheten i
Per Erik Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Håkan Pleijel, Magnuz Engardt, Camilla Andersson, Mikael Andersson
2014 -
Utvecklingen vad gäller preciseringar för marknära ozon inför den fördjupade utvärderingen av miljömålet Frisk
Per Erik Karlsson, Magnuz Engardt, Håkan Pleijel, Joakim Langner
2014 -
Declining ozone exposure of European vegetation under climate change and reduced precursor
Jenny Klingberg, Magnuz Engardt, Per Erik Karlsson, Joakim Langner, Håkan Pleijel
Biogeosciences - 2014 -
Have ozone effects on carbon sequestration been overestimated? A new biomass response function for
Håkan Pleijel, H. Danielsson, David Simpson, G. Mills
Biogeosciences - 2014 -
Variation in leaf litter production and resorption of nutrients in abundant tree species in Nyungwe Afromontane tropical rainforest in
Brigitte Nyirambangutse, Eric Mirindi D., Donat Nsabimana, Elias Bizuru, Håkan Pleijel, Johan Uddling, Göran Wallin
EGU General Assembly 2014, held 27 April - 2 May, 2014 in Vienna, Austria, id.14278 - 2014 -
Parameterization of Thermal Properties of Aging Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced by Photo-Oxidation of Selected Terpene
Eva U. Emanuelsson, T. F. Mentel, Ågot Watne, C. Spindler, B. Bohn, T. Brauers, H. P. Dorn, Åsa M. Hallquist, R. Haseler, A. Kiendler-Scharr, K. P. Muller, Håkan Pleijel, F. Rohrer, F. Rubach, E. Schlosser, R. Tillmann, Mattias Hallquist
Environmental Science and Technology - 2014 -
Pollen Luftföroreningar
Åslög Dahl, Maria Grundström, Håkan Pleijel
2014 -
Pollen, luftföroreningar och
Åslög Dahl, Maria Grundström, Sara Janhäll, Håkan Pleijel
2014 -
Ekologi en
Håkan Pleijel
2013 -
Air Pollution Dynamics and the Need for Temporally Differentiated Road
Jessica Coria, Jorge Bonilla, Maria Grundström, Håkan Pleijel
2013 -
Surface Ozone in the Marine Environment—Horizontal Ozone Concentration Gradients in Coastal
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Magnuz Engardt, Per Erik Karlsson
Water, Air and Soil Pollution - 2013 -
An ozone response relationship for four Phleum pratense genotypes based on modelling of the phytotoxic ozone dose
Helena Danielsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental and Experimental Botany - 2013 -
Variation in ozone exposure in the landscape of southern Sweden with consideration of topography and coastal
Jenny Klingberg, Per Erik Karlsson, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Yumei Hu, Deliang Chen, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2012 -
Yield vs. Quality trade-offs for wheat in response to carbon dioxide and
Håkan Pleijel, Johan Uddling
Global Change Biology - 2012 -
Effects of ozone on zinc and cadmium accumulation in wheat – dose–response functions and relationship with protein, grain yield, and harvest
Håkan Pleijel
Ecology and Evolution - 2012 -
Spatial Variation of Above Ground Biomass and Diversity of Trees in Nyungwe Montane Rain Forest in
Brigitte Nyirambangutse, Håkan Pleijel, Johan Uddling, Elias Bizuru, Donat Nsabimana, Göran Wallin
http://www.eci.ox.ac.uk/africa/downloads/poster-abstracts.pdf - 2012 -
A stomatal ozone flux–response relationship to assess ozone-induced yield loss of winter wheat in subtropical
Zhaozhong Feng, Haoye Tang, Johan Uddling, Håkan Pleijel, Kazuhiko Kobayashi, Jianguo Zhu, Hiroki Oue, Wenshan Guo
Environmental Pollution - 2012 -
Miljö- och
Karin Pleijel, Håkan Pleijel
2012 -
Updated stomatal flux and flux-effect models for wheat for quantifying effects of ozone on grain yield, grain mass and protein
Ludger Grünhage, Håkan Pleijel, G. Mills, Jürgen Bender, Helena Danielsson, Yvonne Lehmann, Jean-Francois Castell, O. Bethenod
Environmental Pollution - 2012 -
Ozone risk for vegetation in the future climate of Europe based on stomatal ozone uptake
Jenny Klingberg, M Engardt, Johan Uddling, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Tellus A - 2011 -
New stomatal flux-based critical levels for ozone effects on
Gina Mills, Håkan Pleijel, Sabine Braun, Patrick Büker, Victoria Bermejo, Esperanza Calvo, Helena Danielsson, Lisa Emberson, Ignacio Gonzalez Fernandez, Ludger Grunhage, Harry Harmens, Felicity Hayes, Per Erik Karlsson, David Simpson
Atmospheric Environment - 2011 -
Urban NO2 and NO pollution in relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation
Maria Grundström, Hans W. Linderholm, Jenny Klingberg, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2011 -
Lokalklimatologisk inverkan på förekomsten av marknära ozon i Västra
Per Erik Karlsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Maria Grundström, Håkan Pleijel
2011 -
Co-Producing Policy-Relevant Science and Science-Based Policy: The Case of Regulating Ground-Level
Håkan Pleijel, Rolf Lidskog
Lidskog R & Sundqvist G (Eds) Governing the Air. The Dynamics of Science, Policy, and Citizen Interaction - 2011 -
Reduced ozone by air filtration consistently improved grain yield in
Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2011 -
Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljön i södra Sverige med hänsyn till ozonets variation i landskapet. Resultat
G. Pihl Karlsson, Helena Danielsson, Håkan Pleijel, Maria Grundström, Per Erik Karlsson
2010 -
Ozone risk for vegetation in Europe under different climate change scenarios based on ozone uptake
Jenny Klingberg, M Engardt, Johan Uddling, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
TFMM-TFHTAP Joint Workshop: On Regional-Global and Air Quality-Climate linkages, 17-19 June 2009, Paris, France - 2010 -
Assessing Ground-Level Ozone (O3) Impacts to Crops in Parts of Asia and southern Africa. The Regional Air Pollution in Developing Countries (RAPIDC) Crops
L Emberson, P Büker, M Engardt, A M van Tienhoven, M Agrawal, M Zunkel, K Hicks, Håkan Pleijel, N T K Oanh, L P Amgain, T Islam, A R A Shamsi, G A D Perera, G H J Kruger, P R Smit
Gurjar, B.R., Molina, L.T. & Ohja, C.S.P. (Eds.) Air Pollution. Health and Environmental Impacts. - 2010 -
Ozone and Methane - Climate and Environment
Håkan Pleijel, P.E. Karlsson, David Simpson
Air Pollution & Climate Change. Two Sides of the Same Coin? (ed. H. Pleijel) - 2009 -
Ozone Exposure and Impacts on Vegetation in the Nordic and Baltic
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, David Simpson
Ambio - 2009 -
Evidence for Impacts of Near-ambient Ozone Concentrations on Vegetation in Southern
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, Helena Danielsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Kristin Piikki, Johan Uddling
Ambio - 2009 -
Marknära ozon och meteorologi vid Östads Säteri
Per Erik Karlsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg
2009 -
Spatial variation of modelled and measured NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in the polluted urban landscape - relation to meteorology during the Göte-2005
Jenny Klingberg, Lin Tang, Deliang Chen, G. Pihl Karlsson, E. Bäck, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions - 2009 -
Observations of Ground-level Ozone and NO2 in Northernmost Sweden, Including the Scandian Mountain
Jenny Klingberg, Mats P. Björkman, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Ambio - 2009 -
Marknära ozon i södra Sverige. Utveckling av en manual för bedömning av överskridanden av
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg
2009 -
Characteristics of NO2 Pollution in the City of Gothenburg, South-West Sweden—Relation to NO x and O3 Levels, Photochemistry and Monitoring
Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Klingberg, Erik Bäck
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus - 2009 -
Yield dilution of grain Zn in wheat grown in open-top chamber experiments with elevated CO2 and O3
Håkan Pleijel, H. Danielsson
Journal of Cereal Science - 2009 -
Air pollution & climate change, Two sides of the same
Håkan Pleijel
2009 -
Estimates of AOT ozone indices from time-integrated ozone data and hourly air temperature measurements in southwest
Kristin Piikki, Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2009 -
Observations of temperature and air humidity during the total solar eclipse 29 March 2006 at Side,
Håkan Pleijel
Meteorologische Zeitschrift - 2009 -
Source-sink balance of wheat determines responsiveness of grain production to increased [CO2] and water
Johan Uddling, J. Gelang-Alfredsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Gun Selldén, Håkan Pleijel
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment - 2008 -
Local temperature climate is important for ozone concentration variation - a better predictor than
Jenny Klingberg, Kristin Piikki, Per Erik Karlsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium den 29 June – 5 July 2008, Tromsö, Norway - 2008 -
Förslag till: Mätprogram för marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljön i södra Sverige med hänsyn till ozonets variation i
Kristin Piikki, Per Erik Karlsson, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg, Håkan Pleijel
2008 -
Mätningar av marknära ozon och meteorologi vid kustnära och urbana miljöer i Halland, Skåne och Västra Götalands
Kristin Piikki, Per Erik Karlsson, Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
2008 -
Comparison of modelled and measured ozone concentrations and meteorology for a site in south-west Sweden: Implications for ozone uptake
Jenny Klingberg, Helena Danielsson, David Simpson, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2008 -
Har miljökvalitetsnormer förbättrat
I sanden på stranden - svampar längs Laholmsbuktens
Kill Persson, Håkan Pleijel
Svensk mykologisk tidskrift - 2008 -
Miljöeffekter - en
Håkan Pleijel
Miljö i ett företagsperspektiv - 2008 -
Miljön i korsvägen mellan fakta och värdering - ekologiksa perspektiv på hållbar
Håkan Pleijel
Global hållbar utveckling - 2008 -
Concentration gradients of ozone and other trace gases in and above cereal
Håkan Pleijel
Meteorologische Zeitschrift - 2008 -
The grain quality of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in relation to elevated ozone uptake and carbon dioxide
Kristin Piikki, L. De Temmerman, K. Ojanpera, H. Danielsson, Håkan Pleijel
European Journal of Agronomy - 2008 -
The open-top chamber impact on vapour pressure deficit and its consequences for stomatal ozone
Kristin Piikki, L. De Temmerman, P Högy, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2008 -
Evaluating the relationship between leaf chlorophyll concentration and SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter
Johan Uddling, J. Geland-Alfredsson, Kristin Piikki, Håkan Pleijel
Photosynthesis Research - 2007 -
Increasing risk for negative ozone impacts on vegetation in northern
Per Erik Karlsson, Lin Tang, Jenny Sundberg, Deliang Chen, A. Lindskog, Håkan Pleijel
Environmental Pollution - 2007 -
Mätningar av ozon nära marken i landsbygdsmiljön i Västra
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Sundberg
2007 -
Assessment of ozone effects on wheat and potato in
Helena Danielsson, Håkan Pleijel, Jenny Sundberg, D Simpson, S. Hellsten
2007 -
NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in the polluted urban landscape in comparison with a rooftop urban monitoring site and a rural site – influence of
Jenny Klingberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Erik Bäck, Håkan Pleijel
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), 24-28 June 2007, Skiathos, Greece - 2007 -
Transboundary Air Pollution - Scientific Understanding and Environmental Policy in
Håkan Pleijel
2007 -
Ozone risk assessment for agricultural crops in Europe: Further development of stomatal flux and flux-response relationships for European wheat and
Håkan Pleijel, H. Danielsson, L. Emberson, M. R. Ashmore, G. Mills
Atmospheric Environment - 2007 -
A synthesis of AOT40-based response functions and critical levels of ozone for agricultural and horticultural
G. Mills, A. Buse, B. Gimeno, V. Bermejo, M. Holland, L. Emberson, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2007 -
Impact of elevated O3 and CO2 exposure on potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) tuber macronutrients (N, P, K, Mg,
Kristin Piikki, V. Vorne, K. Ojanperä, Håkan Pleijel
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment - 2007 -
Variation in ozone concentration in relation to local climate in south-west
Jenny Sundberg, Per Erik Karlsson, Linda Schenk, Håkan Pleijel
Water Air and Soil Pollution - 2006 -
Ozone concentration gradients and wind conditions in Norway spruce (Picea abies) forests in
Per Erik Karlsson, M. Hansson, H. O. Hoglund, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2006 -
Mätningar av ozon och meteorologi vid olika lokaler i Västra
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, G. Pihl Karlsson, Jenny Sundberg
2006 -
Air Pollution, Environment &
Hans Hultberg, Svante Hultengren, Håkan Pleijel
2006 -
Evaluation of the EMEP photo-oxidant model using ozone and meteorological data from Östad, south-west Sweden, for three growing
Jenny Sundberg, H. Danielsson, D Simpson, Håkan Pleijel
Conference: Atmospheric Chemistry at the Interfaces, Joint IGAC/CACGP/WMO Symposium, Cape Town, 18-22 September 2006 - 2006 -
NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in the polluted urban landscape in comparison with a rooftop monitoring site and a rural site - influence of
Jenny Sundberg, G. Pihl Karlsson, Erik Bäck, Håkan Pleijel
Sixth International conference on urban climate, 12-16 June 2006, Göteborg, Sweden - 2006 -
Differential ozone sensitivity in an old and a modem Swedish wheat cultivar - grain yield and quality, leaf chlorophyll and stomatal
Håkan Pleijel, A. B. Eriksen, H. Danielsson, N Bondesson, Gun Selldén
Environmental and Experimental Botany - 2006 -
Changes in stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis during phenological development in spring wheat: implications for gas exchange
Johan Uddling, Håkan Pleijel
International Journal of Biometeorology - 2006 -
Economic assessment of the negative impacts of ozone on crop yields and forest production. A case study of the estate Ostads Sateri in southwestern
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, Mohammed Belhaj, H. Danielsson, B. Dahlin, M. Andersson, M. Hansson, J. Munthe, P. Grennfelt
Ambio - 2005 -
New Directions: Discussion of "A new generation of ozone critical levels for the protection of vegetation in Europe" by Ashmore et al.
M. Ashmore, L. Emberson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2005 -
Variation in ozone concentration and exposure in relation to local climate in south-west
Jenny Sundberg, Per Erik Karlsson, Linda Schenk, Håkan Pleijel
Hunova I (Ed) Acid Rian 2005, 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Conference Abstracts. - 2005 -
Comparison of different stomatal conductance algorithms for ozone flux
P Buker, L. Emberson, G Gerosa, C Jacobs, K. Novak, E. Oksanen, Håkan Pleijel, M. Schaub, D de la Torre, JP Tuovinen, Johan Uddling, M. Ashmore
UNECE – Workshop “Critical Levels of Ozone: Further applying and developing the flux-based concept”, Obergurgl, 15-19 November 2005 - 2005 -
Kusthedar, sältor och ängar, natur och människor i en
Svante Hultengren, Håkan Pleijel
2005 -
Effects of wetland liming on vegetation in south-west
Magdalena Andersson, Håkan Pleijel
Hunova I (Ed) Acid Rain 2005, 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Conference Abstracts - 2005 -
Impact of rising tropospheric ozone on potato: effects on photosynthesis, growth, productivity and yield
K. Vandermeiren, C. Black, Håkan Pleijel, L. De Temmerman
Plant Cell and Environment - 2005 -
Test of the short-term critical levels for acute ozone injury on plants - improvements by ozone uptake modelling and the use of an effect
G. P. Karlsson, Per Erik Karlsson, G. Soja, K. Vandermeiren, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2004 -
Relationships between ozone exposure and yield loss in European wheat and potato - a comparison of concentration- and flux-based exposure
Håkan Pleijel, H. Danielsson, K. Ojanpera, L. De Temmerman, P. Hogy, M. Badiani, Per Erik Karlsson
Atmospheric Environment - 2004 -
Biomass reduction of juvenile birch is more strongly related to stomatal uptake of ozone than to indices based on external
Johan Uddling, M. S. Günthardt-Goerg, R. Matyssek, E. Oksanen, Håkan Pleijel, Gun Selldén, Per Erik Karlsson
Atmospheric Environment - 2004 -
New directions: A new generation of ozone critical levels for the protection of vegetation in
M. Ashmore, L. Emberson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2004 -
Introduction for ozone deposition special
M. Ashmore, L. Emberson, Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2004 -
A cumulative ozone uptake-response relationship for the growth of Norway spruce
Per Erik Karlsson, E. L. Medin, Susanne Ottosson, Gun Selldén, Göran Wallin, Håkan Pleijel, Lena Skärby
Environmental Pollution - 2004 -
Growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in relation to different ozone exposure indices: a
L. Skarby, Susanne Ottosson, Per Erik Karlsson, Göran Wallin, Gun Selldén, E. L. Medin, Håkan Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment - 2004 -
Lokal variation av ozonexponering i jordbruks- och skogslandskap i
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, Marie Haeger-Eugensson, Deliang Chen, Lin Tang
2004 -
Marknära ozon, SO2, NO2 och sot vid Östads Säteri
Per Erik Karlsson, Håkan Pleijel, H. Danielsson
2004 -
The impact of tropospheric O3 on leaf number duration and tuber yield of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Bintje and
Kristin Piikki, Gun Selldén, Håkan Pleijel
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment - 2004 -
Measuring and modelling leaf diffusive conductance in juvenile silver birch, Betula
Johan Uddling, Håkan Pleijel, Per Erik Karlsson
Trees-Structure and Function - 2004 -
Recovery of the epiphytic lichen flora following air quality improvement in south-west
S. Hultengren, H. Gralen, Håkan Pleijel
Water Air and Soil Pollution - 2004 -
On the logarithmic relationship between NO2 concentration and the distance from a
Håkan Pleijel, G. P. Karlsson, E. B. Gerdin
Science of the Total Environment - 2004 -
Impact of four years exposure to different levels of ozone, phosphorus and drought on chlorophyll, mineral nutrients, and stem volume of Norway spruce, Picea
Göran Wallin, Per Erik Karlsson, Gun Selldén, Susanne Ottosson, Eva Lena Medin, Håkan Pleijel, Lena Skärby
Physiologia Plantarum - 2002 -
Impact of ozone and reduced water supply on the biomass accumulation of Norway spruce
P. E. Karlsson, E. L. Medin, Göran Wallin, Susanne Ottosson, Håkan Pleijel, L. Skärby
Environmental Pollution - 2002