
Jan Pettersson


Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology
Visiting address
Kemigården 4
412 96 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 462
405 30 Göteborg

About Jan Pettersson


Airborne particles affect human health and play an important role in weather and climate change processes. We need a better understanding of the action of aerosol particles and clouds in the Earth system to improve our predictions of future climate.

We also need to reduce the environmental impact of air pollution on urban and regional scales. The research interests of Jan Pettersson include heterogeneous processes on aerosol particles, cloud droplet processes, and the chemical analysis of single aerosol particles. The methods used range from detailed laboratory experiments and computer simulations to field studies of aerosol and cloud processes.

The fundamental laboratory-based and theoretical studies aim at an improved conceptual understanding of key aerosol processes, including formation of particles, formation of cloud droplets and ice particles, and heterogeneous chemistry taking place on these particles. New types of aerosol mass spectrometers are being developed and applied in field studies.

The aim is to improve our understanding of major aerosol components in the atmosphere, including particles from biomass burning and other combustions processes and primary aerosol particles in the marine environment. JP has also been involved in several biomass combustion and gasification projects concerning emissions, combustion chemistry, conversion technology, and the development of novel instrumentation for industrial high temperature applications.


Teacher in chemistry, environmental science and atmospheric sciences at all levels from first year undergraduate to graduate level.