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- Mona Lilja
Mona Lilja
School of Global StudiesAbout Mona Lilja
Mona Lilja currently serves as a Professor of Peace and Development Research at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Lilja’s areas of interest are the linkages between resistance and social change, as well as the particularities – the character and emergence – of various forms of resistance. She is the author of the recently published book Constructive Resistance: Repetitions, Emotions, and Time (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021).
Passivity as Resistance: Counter-Conduct in Japan and
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Malin Wallgren
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Malin Wallgren
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society - 2024 -
The ABC of resistance: towards a new analytical
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2023 -
Pertti Alasuutari, Selina Gallo-Cruz, Mona Lilja, Suvi Salmenniemi, Heba Sigurdardottir
Journal of Political Power - 2023 -
De/Politicization as resistance: the ‘missing women’ in
Mona Lilja, Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz
Journal of Political Power - 2023 -
Power, Resistance and Social
Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Mikael Baaz, Sofia Barakate, Maria Clara Medina, Eric Boyd, Marie Widengård, Kristin Wiksell, Tintin Wulia, Philip Wade, Sofie Hellberg
Journal of Political Power - 2023 -
The definition of
Mona Lilja
Journal of Political Power - 2022 -
New forms of power in a neoliberal era
Artepolitics or the ‘governing through
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Journal of Political Power - 2022 -
“Reverse Discourse” Revisited: Cracks, Formations, and a Complex Understanding of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Global Society - 2022 -
I Felt a Little Homosexual Today, So I Called in Sick: The Formation of “Reverse Discourse” by Swedish Gay Activists in the
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Global Society - 2022 -
Pushing resistance theory in IR beyond ‘opposition’: The constructive resistance of the #MeToo movement in
Mona Lilja
Review of International Studies - 2022 -
Theorising Resistance Formations: Reverse Discourses, Spatial Resistance and Networked
Mona Lilja
Global Society - 2022 -
Beyond “Individual” or “Collective” Resistance: A Critical Assessment towards an Agenda for Future Research on
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen, Kristin Wiksell
Journal of Resistance Studies - 2022 -
(Re)sketching the theorizing around “missing women”: imageries of the future, resistance, and materializing aspects of
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Filip Strandberg Hassellind
International feminist journal of politics - 2021 -
Motstånd: En
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Motstånd - en introduktion - 2021 -
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Motstånd - en introduktion - 2021 -
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Motstånd - en introduktion - 2021 -
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Motstånd - en introduktion - 2021 -
Reducing Atrocity to Law: Yazidi Genocide and Emotional Complexities of International Criminal
Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
International Studies Association (ISA), Virtual Platform, April 6th–9th, 2021 - 2021 -
The unfortunate omission of entangled resistance in the ‘local turn’ in peace-building: the case of ‘forced marriage’ in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Conflict, Security and Development - 2021 -
Constructive Resistance: Repetitions, emotions, and
Mona Lilja
2021 -
The Role of Civil Resistance for Peace and
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies - 2021 -
Theoretical suggestions for future research on constructive resistance: strategies of representation of the Japanese civil
Mona Lilja
Journal of Political Power - 2020 -
Challenges to knowledge-making: the intricate interrelation of knowledge and
Mikael Baaz, Anders Burman, Stina Hansson, Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Sofie Hellberg, Dhammika Herath, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Ezechiel Sentama, Savina Sirik, Kristin Wiksell
Journal of Political Power - 2020 -
Heritage Temples, Replicas, and Repetitions: Theorizing the Significance of Repeats as
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society - 2019 -
“Gendercide” as a Means for Resistance: An Exploration of Concepts, Violence and Discourses of
Filip Strandberg Hassellind, Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
TAELS Fifth International Conference on the Dynamics of Resistance and Discontent, 22–23 November 2019 in Sousse, Tunisia - 2019 -
Borders in the mind and on the ground - (Re)categorization as “peace-building resistance”in the Preah Vihear Temple
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Heritage and borders. Editor: Anna Källén. - 2019 -
(Re)thinking the Precarity of Swedish Migrants: Governing through Decelerations and
Mona Lilja, Andreas Henriksson, Mikael Baaz
Journal of Refugee Studies - 2019 -
The politics of time and temporality in Foucault’s theorisation of resistance: Ruptures, time-lags and
Mona Lilja
Journal of Political Power - 2018 -
Judith Butler: Notes toward a performative Theory of
Lena Martinsson, Mona Lilja, Anna Johansson
Journal of resistance studies - 2018 -
Feminism as Power and Resistance: An Inquiry into Different Forms of Swedish Feminist Resistance and Anti-Genderist
Mona Lilja, Evelina Johansson
Social Inclusion - 2018 -
Travelling Artefacts:
The Role of Recognition, (Dis)Belongings, and Acts of
Mona Lilja, Lena Martinsson
Journal of Resistance Studies - 2018 -
Anna Johansson, Mona Lilja, Lena Martinsson
Journal of Resistance Studies - 2018 -
Classic book review. Judith Butler: Notes toward a performative theory of
Lena Martinsson, Mona Lilja, Anna Johansson
Journal of resistance studies - 2018 -
Emotions and resistance: An
Mikael Baaz, Satu Heikkinen, Mona Lilja
Resistance and Emotions: interrogating Crossroads and Social change - 2018 -
Some concluding
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Satu Heikkinen
Resistance and Emotions: Interrogating Crossroads and social change - 2018 -
Linguistic Resistance: Establishing, Maintaining and Resisting
Eva Lilja, Mona Lilja
Journal of Resistance Studies - 2018 -
Women Politicians in Cambodia - Resisting and Negociating Power in a Newly "Implemented"
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
In Najafizadeh, M. & Lindsey, L. (2018). Women of Asia - Globalization, Development, and Gender Equity - 2018 -
Dispersed resistance: unpacking the spectrum and properties of glaring and everyday
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2018 -
Resistance and Emotions - Interrrogating Crossroads and Social
Mikael Baaz, Satu Heikkinen, Mona Lilja
2018 -
Dangerous bodies, matter and emotions: public assemblies and embodied
Mona Lilja
Journal of Political Power - 2017 -
How resistance encourages resistance: theorizing the nexus between power, 'Organised Resistance' and 'Everyday
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2017 -
(Re)categorization as Resistance: Civil Society Mobilizations Around the Preah Vihear
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society - 2017 -
Resistance and
Mikael Baaz, Satu Heikkinen, Mona Lilja
Journal of Political Power - 2017 -
Legal Pluralism, Gendered Discourses and Hybridity in Land-Titling Practices in
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Allison Östlund
Journal of law and society - 2017 -
Layer-cake figurations and hide-and-show resistance in
Mona Lilja
Feminist review - 2017 -
Resistance against material artefacts: university spaces, administrative online systems and
Anna Lena Haraldsson, Mona Lilja
Journal of Political Power - 2017 -
Dangerous bodies, matter and emotions: public assemblies and embodied
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) . (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarietis, Subjectivities. Athens: 29 august - 01 september - 2017 -
(Re)thinking the Precarity of Swedish Migrants: Governing through Decelerations and
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
EISA 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations. Barcelona, Spain: 13-16 september - 2017 -
Dangerous bodies: representations, public assemblies and embodied
Mona Lilja
EISA 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations. Barcelona, Spain: 13-16 september - 2017 -
Resistance Studies as an Academic
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Resistance Studies - 2017 -
Gendered Politics of Power in Contemporary
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Brickell, K. and Simon Springer, S. (Eds.) The handbook of contemporary Cambodia - 2017 -
Researching Resistance and Social Change: A Critical Approach to Theory and
(Re)figurations and Situated Bodies: Gendered Shades, Resistance, and Politics in
Mona Lilja
Signs - 2016 -
Theorising ‘Peace-building’ resistance: constructions of time and different temporalities at play in the Preah Vihear Temple
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology - 2016 -
The Performative Force of Cultural Products: Subject Positions and Desires Emerging From Engagement with the Manga Boys’ Love and
Mona Lilja, Cathrin Wasshede
Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research - 2016 -
Resistance, rupture and repetition: Civil society strategies against intimate partner violence in
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice - 2016 -
Defining and Analyzing “Resistance”: Possible Entrances to the Study of Subversive
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja, Michael Schulz, Stellan Vinthagen
Alternatives: Global, Local, Political - 2016 -
Child Security in Asia: The Impact of Armed Conflict in Cambodia and
Mona Lilja
International Feminist Journal of Politics - 2016 -
The Governing and Resistance of the Precarious Other: Migrant understandings of “now” as well as their future in a Swedish
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
1st International Conference Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders. Athens, Greece. - 2016 -
Using International Criminal Law to Resist Transitional Justice: Legal Rupture in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Conflict and Society - 2016 -
Fighting with and Against the Time: The Japanese Environmental Movement's Queering of Time as
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Civil Society - 2015 -
Entanglements of Everyday Resistance, Organised Resistance and
Mona Lilja
Pan-European Conferences on International Relations (EISA), Giardini Naxos 21-23 September 2015. - 2015 -
Fighting with and against the Time: The Environmental Movement’s Queering of Time as
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Stellan Vinthagen
Identity: Representation & Practices - Lisbon, 11-12 September, 2014 Faculty of Humanities – University of Lisbon, Portugal - 2014 -
Sovereign Power, Disciplinary Power and Biopower: Resisting What Power With What
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2014 -
Understanding Hybrid Democracy in Cambodia: The Nexus Between Liberal Democracy, the State, Civil Society, and a “Politics of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
Asian Politics & Policy - 2014 -
Resisting Gendered Norms Civil Society, the Juridical and Political Space in
Mona Lilja
2013 -
Exploring ‘irrational
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz, Stellan Vinthagen
Journal of Political Power - 2013 -
The construction of a trauma: Gender-based violence issues in the Extraordinary Court of the Chambers of
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
In Mona Lilja, Resisting Gendered Norms: Civil Society, the Juridical and Political Space in Cambodia - 2013 -
Bearing witness: Biopower and resistance in the ECCC: Gendering political legitimacy through the reproduction of memories and violent discourses in
Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilja
In Mona Lilja, Resisting Gendered Norms: Civil Society, the Juridical and Political Space in Cambodia - 2013 -
Understanding Power and Performing Resistance: Swedish Feminists, Civil Society Voices, Biopolitics and “Angry”
Mona Lilja, Evelina Johansson
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research - 2013 -
The Gaps of the “Linguistic Turn” Some preliminary Remarks on the Nexus of Representations, the Surplus and the
Mona Lilja
Resistance Studies Magazine - 2013 -
Theorizing Resistance: Contested Representations of Gender in
Mona Lilja
International Studies Association's (ISA) paper archive - 2013 -
Establishing the Particular through the Universal: Creating Memories in the Extraordinary Court of the Chambers of Cambodia
Mona Lilja
The International Studies Association paper archive - 2013 -
Gender, resistance and biopower in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Mona Lilja
Isa Paper Archives - 2012 -
traversing the 'particular' through the 'universal': the politics of negotiating violent masculinities in
Mona Lilja
Feminist Review - 2012 -
‘Hybrid democracy and the Politics of Precence in
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal, 16–20 mars 2011. - 2011 -
The (re)construction of memories in the aftermath of trauma: Women struggling for representation in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
First International Conference on International Relations, Human Rights and Development, Bankok, Thailand 19-20 May 2011. - 2011 -
Understanding hybrid democracy in Cambodia: The nexus between liberal democracy and a ‘politics of
Mona Lilja, Mikael Baaz
WISC, Third Global International Studies Conference - 2011 -
Narkissos: upprepning och
Mona Lilja, Eva Lilja
Tidskrift för genusvetenskap - 2011 -
Theorizing practice: Understanding resistance against gender-based violence in
Mona Lilja
NORMA–Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies - 2011 -
Resistance: Strengthening Power, Resisting Power Women Politicians in Cambodia Negotiating
Mona Lilja
All Academic Archive for ISA 2010 - 2010 -
Discourses of Hybrid Democracy: The Case of
Mona Lilja
Asian Journal of Political Science, Routledge - 2010 -
Beyond democracy in Cambodia: Political reconstruction in a post-conflict
Globalization, women's political participation and the politics of legitimacy and reconstruction in
Mona Lilja
Beyond democracy in Cambodia: Political reconstruction in a post-conflict society, eds. Joakim Öjendal and Mona Lilja - 2009 -
‘Theorizing Resistance: Mapping, Concretism and Universalism. The New Feminist Concepts of our
Mona Lilja
l Academic Archive for ISA 2009 - 2009 -
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Motstånd - 2009 -
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Motstånd - 2009 -
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Motstånd - 2009 -
Mona Lilja
Motstånd - 2009 -
Reviewing At the Edge of the Forest: Essays on Cambodia, History, and Narrative in Honor of David
Mona Lilja
Pacific Affairs, UBC - 2009 -
Theorizing Resistance: Mapping, Concretism and Universalism. The New Feminist Concepts of our
Mona Lilja
Resistance Studies Magazine - 2009 -
Conclusion - The Never-Ending Hunt for Political Legitimacy in a Post-Conflict
Mona Lilja, Joakim Öjendal
Beyond democracy in Cambodia: Political reconstruction in a post-conflict society - 2009 -
Power, resistance and women politicians in
Mona Lilja
2008 -
Gendering legitimacy through the reproduction of memories and violent discourses in
Mona Lilja
Asian Perspective - 2008 -
Mona Lilja, Stellan Vinthagen
Encyclopaedia of activism and social justice - 2007 -
"Speakings" of resistance. Women politicians negotiating discursive power in
Mona Lilja
2007 -
Performances of
Mona Lilja
New voices, new perspectives paper series - 2006 -
Everyday speakings of power and
Mona Lilja
Paper presented at the 'Facets of power in international relations' millennium annual conference in London. 30-31 October 2004 - 2004 -
Hybrid liberal democracy in a Cambodian
Mona Lilja
Paper presented at the 'Women and politics in Asia' international conference on women and politics in Asia, Halmstad, Sweden 6-7 June 2003 - 2003 -
Female politicians in
Mona Lilja, Prom Tevy
People and the 1998 national elections in Cambodia: Their voices, roles and impact on democracy - 2002 -
Oh, I am scared of a woman like
Mona Lilja
Paper presented at the SSAAPS Asia-Pacific annual conference, Göteborg 26-28 September 2002 - 2002 -
Malin Hasselskog, Mona Lilja, Sith Samath, Pia Wallgren, Joakim Öjendal
2001 -
Diskursens makt: Om kvinnliga identiteter och beslutsfattande i
Mona Lilja
Hettne, B. och Eriksson, L. (red.), Makt och internationella relationer - 2001 -
Demokrati och
Mona Lilja
2001 -
Makt och emancipation - Några teoretiska
Erik Andersson, Mona Lilja
Hettne, B. och Eriksson, L. (red.), Makt och internationella relationer - 2001 -
Democracy and
Mona Lilja
2000 -
Swedish support to the development of policy research in
Jan Eklöf, Mona Lilja, Charles Myers
2000 -
Genderized power discourses in Cambodian
Mona Lilja, Henrik Norberg
Schulz, M. (ed.), Peace and development - their interrelationship in the global system: an inventory of peace and development research at PADRIGU: a Festschrift in honour of professor Björn Hettne - 1999 -
I avsaknad av en föreställning: Om kvinnliga politiker i
Mona Lilja
Feministiskt perspektiv (dept. for Women's Studies, Göteborg University) - 1998 -
Women and democracy in
Mona Lilja
Speaker, EUROSEAS 98, University of Hamburg, 2-6 September 1998 - 1998 -
Cambodia and the election
Mona Lilja
Speaker at the conference 'Discourses and practices of democracy in Southeast Asia', the Nordic Institute for Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen 4-7 October 1997 - 1997