
Malin Hasselskog

Senior Lecturer

School of Global Studies
+46 31-786 49 10
Visiting address
Konstepidemins väg 2
41314 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 700
40530 Göteborg

About Malin Hasselskog

Associate Professor in Peace and Development Research

I started my undergraduate studies in International Relations and Global Development Studies in 1991 and received a doctoral degree in Peace and Development Research in 2009. I also hold a degree in Journalism from the University of Gothenburg and a degree in Education from Linköping University and have in addition studied History and Political Science.

Between 1997 and 2000, I worked for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Cambodia, and I have done occasional assignments as a short-term election observer for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).


Most of my research focuses on international development cooperation, particularly the aid relationship and the relations and dynamics that emerge among local, national, and international actors as different kinds of development interventions are designed and implemented.

Areas of interest: International and national development policy and politics, Aid relations, National ownership, Local participation, Cambodia, Rwanda

Current and earlier research projects

What does national ownership do to local participation? Cambodia and Rwanda in the midst of development trends and buzzwords

Together with Joakim Öjendal. Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2017-)

What room for whom in the transnational policy making arena in aid recipient states? A comparative study of Ethiopia, Rwanda and Zambia

Together with Isabell Schierenbeck. Funded by the Swedish Research Council (2013-2018)

Donor Supported Governance Reform in Rwanda. Impact on Local Service Provision

Funded by Sida Sarec (2011-2014)

A Global Discourse Meets Local Dynamics. A Governance Intervention in Three Cambodian Villages

Funded by Sida Sarec (2002-2009)

Teaching and supervision

I teach and supervise at BA and MA levels, mainly in Global development studies and Global studies. I also coordinate a PhD course in Peace and Development Research and currently supervise three PhD candidates: Savina Sirik, Claudine Umulisa and Flavia Fusco.