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- Monica Bertilsson
Monica Bertilsson
Senior Lecturer
School of Public Health and Community MedicineAbout Monica Bertilsson
I am an associate professor and senior lecturer in Public Health Science and a registered occupational therapist with extensive experience from psychiatric rehabilitation back to work after sickness absence. My main research area is common mental disorders (CMD), work capacity, work place and managerial involvement and return to work after sickness absence. My PhD thesis was about Work capacity and mental health – the phenomena and their importance in return to work (2013).
I am a member of the researchgroup InMed https://www.gu.se/forskning/inmed focusing on sickness insurance reserach ranging from the workplace to primary health and occupational health care. I am also part of the network New Ways – mental health at work, www.gu.se/forskning/new-ways aiming for new knowledge that will strengthen capacity in work life to support persons with CMD to keep their capacity to work and to contribute to a better competence in the health care to identify and treat patients with CMD and risk of sickness absence.
● Research projects (on-going)
- Preventive managers: prevention of mental ill-health among employees in the private sector. Project leader, running 2024-2027
- Managers in action: Prevention of sick leave in employees with mental ill-health in the public sector -The importance of organizational and workplace context. Project leader, running 2023-2026.
- Managers individual and organisational conditions for alcohol prevention in the work-place. Co-applicant, running 2022-2025
- Managers in action: The importance of organizational- and workplace context in the private sector for managers’ measures for employees with common mental disorders. Project leader, running 2020-2024
- ADAPT – two projects about work participation and mental healht at work. Co-applicant, running 2020-2023
- PCC@Work – about person-centered care and work health among health care staff. Co-applicant, on-going project until 2026
● Finished research projects (main applicant/projectleader)
- Managers’ knowledge about work capacity in subordinates with common mental disorders (2022-2023)
-Managers’ perspective – the missing piece. Attitudes, knowledge and needs among Swedish managers expected to support employees with depression and anxiety (2016-2021)
● Teaching (selection)
Distinguished University teacher, since 2024
- Coordination of the rehabilitation process (advanced level)
- Qualitative methods (advanced level)
- The individual, health, and the community – theory and methods in research within public health and community medicine (third cycle level)
● Commissions/committees
- Member of the Institute council at the Institute of Medicine
- Vice chairman in the Education committee at the Institute of Medicine
- Member of the Education committee at the Institute of Medicine, 2016-2021
- Program Director for the Public Health Science program (Bachelor), 2016-2021
Using Rasch analysis to assess the latent construct of the Capacity to Work Index in a Swedish working population
Agneta Blomberg, Gunnel Hensing, Monica Bertilsson, Emina Hadzibajramovic
European journal of public health - 2025 -
Validity of the Capacity to Work Index: Development of an Instrument to Measure Work Capacity in Relation to Depression and Anxiety in the General Working
Gunnel Hensing, Cornelia van Diepen, Maria Boström, Monica Bertilsson
Journal of occupational rehabilitation - 2024 -
Work accommodations for employees with common mental disorders and associated manager-related determinants: a cross-sectional study among Swedish
Monica Bertilsson, R. Niederberger, A. de Rijk
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2024 -
Vad behöver unga för att må bra? – En intervjustudie med unga personer (16–25 år) om deras resurser och strategier för att främja psykisk
H Gunnarsdóttir, S Lundström, E Tengelin, Monica Bertilsson
2024 -
Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace and its Association with Possible Actions of Managers to Prevent Sickness Absence of Employees with Mental Health Problems in the Swedish Private Sector: a Video Vignette
Sofie Schuller, Angelique de Rijk, Linda Corin, Monica Bertilsson
Person-centred care and the work-related health and job satisfaction of health and social care professionals: protocol for a prospective longitudinal cohort study combined with qualitative studies (the PCC@Work
Cornelia van Diepen, Qarin Lood, Kristoffer Gustavsson, Malin Axelsson, Monica Bertilsson, Gunnel Hensing, Andreas Fors
Differences in how women and men in a Swedish population-based sample think about sick leave: A cross-sectional vignette
Gunnel Hensing, Sara Blom, Ida Björkman, Monica Bertilsson, Johan Martinsson, Lena Wängnerud, Jesper Löve
Managers’ attitudes to depression and the association with their rating of how work capacity is affected in employees with common mental
Jenny Hultqvist, Gunnel Hensing, Lisa Björk, Monica Bertilsson
BMC Research Notes - 2024 -
The significance of managers' knowledge of common mental disorders on managerial stigma towards employee depression: a cross-sectional study in
Carin Staland Nyman, Kazi Mohammad Nurul Basar, Jenny Hultqvist, Monica Bertilsson
Ungas röster om psykisk hälsa. Unga personer 16 – 25 år beskriver sina upplevelser av psykiska besvär
och psykiskt välbefinnande – en intervjustudie och en kvalitativ analys av
H Gunnarsdóttir, S Lundström, E Tengelin, Monica Bertilsson
2023 -
Managers' sick leave recommendations for employees with common mental disorders: a cross-sectional video vignette
Jenny Hultqvist, Gunnel Hensing, S. Stansfeld, Monica Bertilsson
BMC Psychology - 2023 -
Healthcare professionals' experiences of job satisfaction when providing person-centred care: a systematic review of qualitative
Kristoffer Gustavsson, Cornelia van Diepen, Andreas Fors, M. Axelsson, Monica Bertilsson, Gunnel Hensing
Bmj Open - 2023 -
How the current non-significant effects of person-centred care on nurses' outcomes could be abated by the WE-CARE roadmap enablers: A discursive
Cornelia van Diepen, Andreas Fors, Monica Bertilsson, M. Axelsson, Inger Ekman, Gunnel Hensing
Nursing Open - 2023 -
Managers' Influence on the Prevention of Common Mental Disorders in the Workplace: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Swedish
Jenny Hultqvist, Peiran Zhang, Carin Staland-Nyman, Monica Bertilsson
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine - 2023 -
Does employer involvement in primary health care enhance return to work for patients with stress-related mental disorders? a cluster randomized controlled
Anja Beno, Monica Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren, K. Glise, Anders Pousette, Karin Segerfelt, Lisa Björk
BMC Primary Care - 2023 -
Association of stigmatizing attitudes with people's opinion of depression as a valid reason for sickness absence: A Swedish vignette
Monica Bertilsson, Jesper Löve, Johan Martinsson, Lena Wängnerud, Gunnel Hensing
Swedish managers' experience-based understanding of the Capacity to work in employees with Common Mental Disorders: a Focus Group
E. Tengelin, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, C. Stahl, Monica Bertilsson
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation - 2022 -
Associations between person-centred care and job strain, stress of conscience, and intent to leave among hospital
Cornelia van Diepen, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Monica Bertilsson, Gunnel Hensing
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2022 -
How Managers Find Out About Common Mental Disorders Among Their
Monica Bertilsson, S. Klinkhammer, Carin Staland Nyman, A. de Rijk
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2021 -
Implementing Employer Involvement for Patients with Stress-Related Disorders
in Swedish Primary Care – A Process
Lisa Björk, Kristina Glise, Anders Pousette, Kristina Holmgren, Monica Bertilsson
Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health - 2021 -
Gender differences in managers' attitudes towards employees with depression: a cross-sectional study in
Ilaria Mangerini, Monica Bertilsson, Angelique de Rijk, Gunnel Hensing
BMC public health - 2020 -
Chefens perspektiv: en saknad pusselbit.
En webbaserad enkät om svenska chefers kunskap, erfarenheter och strategier för medarbetare med nedsatt arbetsförmåga på grund av depression och
Determinants of Managerial Preventive Actions in Relation to Common Mental Disorders at Work: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Swedish
Iris van de Voort, Angelique de Rijk, Gunnel Hensing, Monica Bertilsson
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine - 2019 -
Political Ideology and Stigmatizing Attitudes Toward Depression: The Swedish
Jesper Löve, Monica Bertilsson, Johan Martinsson, Lena Wängnerud, Gunnel Hensing
International Journal of Health Policy and Management - 2019 -
”Det är den här rädslan att man ska få en stämpel på sig” - om stigmatisering i sjukskrivnings- och rehabiliteringsprocessen med fokus på vanliga psykiska
Monica Bertilsson, Gunnel Hensing, Lena Wängnerud
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2019 -
Involving the employer to enhance return to work among patients with stress-related mental disorders - study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial in Swedish primary health
Lisa Björk, K. Glise, Anders Pousette, Monica Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren
Bmc Public Health - 2018 -
The capacity to work puzzle: a qualitative study of physicians' assessments for patients with common mental
Monica Bertilsson, S. Maeland, Jesper Löve, Gunnar Ahlborg, E. L. Werner, Gunnel Hensing
Bmc Family Practice - 2018 -
Läkares bedömning av arbetsförmåga hos patienter med depressions- och
Monica Bertilsson, Silje Maeland, Jesper Löve, Gunnar Ahlborg, Erik Werner, Gunnel Hensing
Nationell Primärvårdskonferens, Stockholm, Sverige, 27-28 September 2017 - 2017 -
Working in dissonance: experiences of work instability in workers with common mental
Louise Danielsson, Monica Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
Bmc Public Health - 2017 -
Preventiva insatser för att förebygga och minska sjukskrivning på grund av psykisk ohälsa – en litteraturöversikt av svensk forskning och förändringar i svensk
Monica Bertilsson, Ulrika Bejerholm, Christian Ståhl
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2017 -
Health care professionals´ experience-based understanding of individuals´ capacity to work while depressed and
Monica Bertilsson, Jesper Löve, Gunnar Ahlborg, Gunnel Hensing
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy - 2015 -
A Prospective Study on Self-Assessed Mental Well-Being and Work Capacity as Determinants of All-Cause Sickness
Monica Bertilsson, Marjan Vaez, Margda Waern, Gunnar Ahlborg, Gunnel Hensing
Journal of occupational rehabilitation - 2015 -
Work capacity and mental health - the phenomena and their importance in return to
Monica Bertilsson
2013 -
Capacity to work while depressed and anxious - a phenomenological
Monica Bertilsson, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Gunnel Östlund, Margda Waern, Gunnel Hensing
Disability and rehabilitation - 2013 -
Self-assessed mental health problems and work capacity as determinants of return to work: a prospective general population-based study of individuals with all-cause sickness
Gunnel Hensing, Monica Bertilsson, Gunnar Ahlborg, Margda Waern, Marjan Vaez
Bmc Psychiatry - 2013