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- Ola Bergström
Ola Bergström
Department of Business AdministrationAbout Ola Bergström
Ola Bergström is Professor in Management and Organisation at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Göteborg, Sweden. He obtained his doctorate at the University of Gothenburg in 1998. His research interests evolve around the interface between organizations and labour markets and in particular the field of restructuring in a European context. He has published articles and books on a wide range of topics such recruitment, organizational change, temporary agency work, restructuring and labour market policy. He has taken part in several European projects on Restructuring in Europe. Since 1 July 2020 he serves as Vice-Dean with responsibility for education at the School of Business, Economics and Law. He is also member of the board for the centre for Global Human Resource Management and is currently one of four members of the Economic Council for Swedish Manufacturing Industry.
On other web sites
Research areas
- Strategy
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Change Management
- International Human Resource Management
- European Labour markets
Teaching areas
- Strategy, Human Resource Management, Change Management, Organization studies, Research Methods
Selected publications
Increasing commitment after downsizing: the role of involvement and voluntary redundancies Bergström, Ola, Arman, RebeckaJournal of Change Management, 17:4, 2016
Klimatomställning på lika villkor? Vägval för Sverige och svensk
Ola Bergström, Göran Hjelm, Kristina Nyström, Lena Sellgren
2023 -
Inför avtalsrörelsen 2023: Svensk industri i en ny
Ola Bergström, Lena Sellgren
2022 -
It takes change to remain the same: The transformation of Swedish government policy making in economic crises and the involvement of social
Ola Bergström, Alexander Styhre
Economic and Industrial Democracy - 2021 -
Vägar till hållbar tillväxt: En förstudie om framtidens upplevelseindustri i
Ola Bergström
2021 -
Svensk industri och EU:s nya industripolitik: teknikskiften, kompetensförsörjning och grön
Ola Bergström, Erika Färnstrand-Damsgaard, Karin Olofsdotter
2021 -
Statens förändrade roll vid omställning efter större nedläggningar
– En analys utifrån ett historiskt och internationellt
Ola Bergström
2020 -
Industrin och
Ola Bergström, Mauro Gozzo, Juhana Vartiainen
2020 -
The benefit of market-based governance devices: Reflections on the issue of growing economic inequality as a corporate
Alexander Styhre, Ola Bergström
European Management Journal - 2019 -
Långsiktiga trender: klimatet, teknologin, demografin och
Ola Bergström, Mauro Gozzo, Anna Breman, Juhana Vartiainen
2019 -
The role of the employer in foreign-born worker
Ola Bergström, Vedran Omanović
EURAM-conferance. (Portugal, June 2019). - 2019 -
Changing restructuring regimes in eleven European Countries during and after the financial
Ola Bergström
European journal of industrial relations - 2019 -
Workforce reduction across borders: The role of legal
Ola Bergström
Journal of Industrial Relations - 2018 -
Industriunder omvandlingstryck: Regional närvaro, klimatutmaningar och
Ola Bergström, Anna Breman, Mauro Gozzo, Juhana Vartiainen
2018 -
Increasing commitment after downsizing: the role of involvement and voluntary
Ola Bergström, Rebecka Arman
Journal of Change Management - 2017 -
Integrationsstrategier för utlandsfödda i
Den svenska industrin, industriavtalet och framtida
Ola Bergström, Cecilia Hermansson, Mauro Gozzo, Juhana Virtiainen
2017 -
Industrins förutsättningar –i tider av lågräntemiljö, globalisering och
Cecilia Hermansson, Mauro Gozzo, Juhana Vartiainen, Ola Bergström
2016 -
Omställning i
Vulnerable groups and restructuring in
Regional reconfiguration of the multinational companies in the knowledge
Ola Bergström, Patrik Ström
The European Association for Research on Services, Annual conference 2015, proceedings. Septermber 10-12 2015, Köpenhamn. Organiserat av Roskilde Universitet. - 2015 -
Legitimizing inequality in the workplace: A case study of Bosnian and Herzegovina´s
Vedran Omanović, Ola Bergström
EGOS, Athena Greece, July 2st to 4th 2015 - 2015 -
Vulnerable workers and restructuring in
Ola Bergström, Vedran Omanović
the 5th Swedish HRM workshop, Gothenburg 4-5th March 2015 - 2015 -
Omställningskompetens i detaljhandeln - Företagens erfarenheter av
Effects of restructuring at regional level and approaches to dealing with the consequences: Saab Automobile,
Paradoxifying Organizational Change: Cynicism and Resistance in the Swedish Armed
Ola Bergström, Alexander Styhre, Per Thilander
Journal of Change Management - 2014 -
Time to close: unintended consequences of early announcement of factory
Rebecka Arman, Ola Bergström
7th Nordic Working Life Conference, Gothenburg Sweden, June 11-13. Track 7: “Corporate restructuring, downsizing and plant closures: A Nordic perspective” - 2014 -
Dismantling SAAB: The role of transition agencies in
Fredrik Lavén, Ola Bergström
Proceedings of the 30th EGOS Colloquium, July 3-5 2014, Amsterdam. - 2014 -
Time to
Rebecka Arman, Ola Bergström
EGOS Colloquium in Rotterdam, Sub-theme 58: Reshaping Firms: Downsizing, Reorganizing, Intervening. - 2014 -
Restructuring and lay-off practices in the retail sector in
Rebecka Arman, Ola Bergström
22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Reykjavik, August 21-23 2013. - 2013 -
High-Involvement Workforce Reduction: Productivity and commitment in
Ola Bergström, Rebecka Arman
22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference in Reykjavik, 21st - 23rd August 2013. - 2013 -
Human Resource Management, Identifying the key
Ola Bergström, Johan Berglund
the 4th Swedish HRM Workshop, August 22-23, 2012 - 2012 -
When corporations become too socially responsible, Investigating self-reinforcing mechanisms in socially responsible workforce
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the 28th EGOS colloquium, July 5-7, 2012, Helsinki - 2012 -
Exercising social responsibility in downsizing: enrolling and mobilizing actors at a Swedish high-tech
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
Organization Studies - 2011 -
Regler vid driftsinskränkningar i viktiga
Ola Bergström
2011 -
Irish Butchers Rather than Irish Meat: Trade Union Responses to Agency Work in
Ola Bergström, Alexander Styhre
Journal of Industrial Relations - 2010 -
Att förutse, förbereda och leda omställning i
Ola Bergström
2010 -
Beredskap för omställning? De kvarvarande verksamheternas omställningsförmåga efter försvarsmaktens
Ola Bergström
2010 -
The EU Synthesis Report for the ARENAS project on Anticipating and Managing Restructuring in
Ola Bergström, Andrea Triomphe, Claude Emmanuel Triomphe
2010 -
Institutional tensions as conditions for institutional experimentation and innovation – comparing the Netherlands and
Lars Walter, Ola Bergström, Bas Kone, Hugo Driel
Paper presented on the 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Sapin - 2009 -
Institutional tensions as conditions for institutional experimentation and innovation – comparing the Netherlands and
Lars Walter, Ola Bergström, Bas Kone, Hugo Driel
Paper presented on the 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain - 2009 -
Anticipating and Managing Restructuring in
Ola Bergström
2009 -
Organizing disciplinary power in a knowledge
Ola Bergström, Hans Hasselbladh, Dan Kärreman
Scandinavian Journal och Management - 2009 -
Den nya personalpolitiken – förändringar på arbetsmarknaden och arbetsgivarens kopernikanska
Ola Bergström
Nationell workshop i Human Resource Management, Linköping, 26-27 augusti, 2008 - 2008 -
Från invasionsförsvar till insatsförsvar: Omstruktureringsåtgärder inom
Ola Bergström
2008 -
Responsible Restructuring Practices in Europe – The role of
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the European Academy of Management Conference in Ljubljana, 15-17th May 2008 - 2008 -
Innovative Restructuring - Learning from
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
Restructuring work and employment in Europe - 2008 -
The Swedish model of
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
Restructuring work and employment in Europe - 2008 -
Towards a European practice of responsible restructuring – Innovation and learning from
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the HRM-network conference, Tilburg, 9th-10th November - 2007 -
Translating socially responsible workforce reduction - a longitudinal study of workforce reduction in a Swedish
Ola Bergström
Scandinavian Journal of Management - 2007 -
Den nya arbetsmarknaden - Bemanningsbranschens etablering i
Ola Bergström, Kristina Håkansson, Tommy Isidorsson, Lars Walter
2007 -
Regional Collaboration and Restructuring in Knowledge Intensive
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the European Academy of Management Conference in Paris, 16-19 May 2007 - 2007 -
Institutional entrepreneurship: comparing Dutch and Swedish temporary work
B Koene, H van Driel, Ola Bergström, Lars Walter
the EHBA conference in Geneva, 13-15 September 2007 - 2007 -
Det nya arbetets tid och
Ola Bergström, Christina Garsten
Organisation - teorier om ordning och oordning - 2007 -
Organizational discourse and subjective: Subjectification during processes of
Ola Bergström, David Knights
Human Relations - 2006 -
Organizing Corporate Social
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the 22nd EGOS Colloquium on The Organizing Society, Bergen, July - 2006 -
Constructing Corporate Social Responsibility: A study of workforce reduction in a Swedish high-tech
Innovative restructuring in Sweden: An overview of existing
Ola Bergström
2006 -
Outplacement and workforce adjustment: the Swedish experience of the
Ola Bergström
Social convoy in enterprise restructuring : concepts, instruments and views of social actors in Europe / Kieselbach, Thomas (ed.) - 2006 -
The Role of Limited Duration Contracts in labour Market
Ola Bergström
Unemployment and Health - International and Interdisciplinay Perspectives - 2006 -
Regions, Restructuring and Knowledge Intensive Industries: The Case of the VINNVINN Project in Göteborg,
Developing Restructuring Practice - Workforce Reduction at a Large Swedish Telecommunications
The Job Security Councils in
Lars Walter, Ola Bergström
the 18th Scandinavian Academy of Management Meeting: Aarhus, 18th–20th August - 2005 -
Transforming buyer-supplier relationships. B2B system as a boundary
Kajsa Lindberg, Ola Bergström
Presented at "Shaping exchange/Building markets" at the 18th Scandinavian Academy of Management (NFF), Aarhus, Denmark, August 17-20, 2005 - 2005 -
Temporary Work Agencies and Labour Market
Ola Bergström
Employment policy from different angles - 2005 -
Contingent employment and the organisation of
Ola Bergström
Paper presented at the SAM/IFSAM Vllth World Congress, Göteborg, Sweden, July 2004. - 2004 -
The voice of temporary doctors, contingent employment as an act of
Ola Bergström, Lars Strannegård, Dana Aronescu, P. Larsson
Paper presented at the Egos Colloquium 2004, Ljubljana. - 2004 -
Temporary work agencies and labour market
Ola Bergström
Paper presented at the conference Employment policy from different angle', Centre for Labour market research at Aalborg University, CARMA, Denmark, October 28th and 29th, 2004 - 2004 -
Organizational Discourse and Subjectivity, Subjectification during processes of
Ola Bergström, David Knights
Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Organizational Discourses: Artefacts, Archetypes and Architexts, Amsterdam 28th - 30th July 2004. - 2004 -
Discipline and Reward, Organizing disciplinary power in a knowledge
Ola Bergström, Dan Kärreman, Hans Hasselbladh
Paper presented at the Egos Colloquium 2004, Ljubljana. - 2004 -
Temporary Stars - The rise and fall of a talent
Ola Bergström, Lars Strannegård
Elgaard Jensen, T. & Westenholz, A. (eds.) Identity in the Age of the New Economy- Life in Temporary and Scattered Work Practices. - 2004 -
Temporary Work Agencies as Market
Lars Walter, Ola Bergström
EGOS colloquium 2003, Copenhagen - 2003 -
Restructuring in Sweden since the recession of the early
Ola Bergström, Donald W Storrie
the conference on ”Responsible Restructuring in Europe. Dublin, Ireland 19-20 June - 2003 -
Organizing outplacement - a comparative study of workforce reduction practices in
Ola Bergström
International commission on occupational health, Scientific Committee Unemployment and Health, the 27th International Congress on Occupational Health, Iguassu, Brazil, 23-28 February - 2003 -
New Understanding of European Work Organization – Final
Ola Bergström
2003 -
Contingent Employment in Europe and the United
Ola Bergström, Donald W Storrie
2003 -
Ola Bergström
Contingent Employment in Europe and the United States - 2003 -
Ola Bergström
Contingent Employment in Europe and the United States - 2003 -
Min röst men med andra
Ola Bergström
Avhandlingen - 2003 -
Staden som varumärke: fallet
Ola Bergström
Svensk turismforskning: en tvärvetenskaplig antologi om turister, turistdestinationer och turistorganisationer - 2003 -
Why does the use of contingent employment differ between industries? Investigating institutional processes in the European Food
Ola Bergström
the EGOS colloquium 2002, Barcelona - 2002 -
Temporary Work Agencies in Sweden – Legitimacy Through
Lars Walter, Ola Bergström, Torbjörn Stjernberg
the Academy of Management Meeting in Denver, August 2002 - 2002 -
The regulation of contingent
Ola Bergström
the Global HRM Conference Barcelona, 20-22 June - 2001 -
Does regulation matter? Contingent employment in Europe and the
Ola Bergström
the 6th European Congress of International Industrial Relations Association, Oslo 25-29 June - 2001 -
Contingent employment in Europe and the
Ola Bergström
the 17th EGOS Colloquium July 5-7, Lyon, France - 2001 -
From Employment Security to Employment
Ola Bergström
the 10th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology Prague 16-19 May - 2001 -
Does Contingent Employment Affect the Organization of Work? Approaches to the study of contingent
Ola Bergström
2001 -
Lokala Investeringsprogram – Trollhättans kommun
Ola Bergström, Peter Dobers
2001 -
Organizing Sustainable Development. From Diffusion to
Ola Bergström, Peter Dobers
Sustainable Development - 2001 -
Externalization of Employees, Thinking about going somewhere
Ola Bergström
International Journal of Human Resource Management - 2001 -
Från arbetstagare till
Ola Bergström
Handla med människor, Perspektiv på Human Resource Management - 2000 -
Svågerpolitik eller sagoberättande – rekrytering i
Ola Bergström
Ledmotiv - 2000 -
Handla med
Organizing Sustainable Development. From Diffusion to
Ola Bergström, Peter Dobers
Paper presented at the EGOS conference Organizational Praxis, Subtheme 9: Management towards Sustainability, at Helsinki School of Economics, Finland, 2nd-4th of July 2000 - 2000 -
Constructing Calculating
Ola Bergström
the 15th EGOS Colloquium 4-6 July Warwick, UK - 1999 -
Kompetensväxling - från kampanj till
Ola Bergström
1999 -
Att passa in – Rekryteringsarbete i ett kunskapsintensivt
Ola Bergström