
Orla Vigsö


Journalism Media and Communication JMG
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1B
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg

About Orla Vigsö & cand.mag. in Political Science and Scandinavian Languages from Aarhus University, Denmark, 1990. Fil. lic. (2002) and Ph.D. (2004) in Scandinavian Languages from Uppsala University, with studies of political communication and election posters. Has worked as assistant and associate professor in Uppsala, Roskilde, Göteborg, Örebro, and Södertörn. Promoted to Professor of Rhetoric at Södertörn University 2011, and Professor in Media Studies 2015. Working for JMG since March 2013. I also work as a translator from French and English, and to and from Danish and Swedish.

Research Areas

My two main areas of research are political communication and crisis communication, and I consider both to be within the broader field of strategic communication, thus combining political studies, langauage, and rhetoric with areas such as public relations and organizational communication.

Current Research Project

My latest project is a study of Swedish political cartoons from 1890 till today, their frequency, content, and form.

I also partake in the collection of election campaign materials in relation to the European election 2014, as part of a group of European researchers and in order to make the posters, videos, etc. available for comparative studies.

Apart from this, I am interrested in crisis communication, including political crises in relation to scandals.

Completed Research Project

My Ph.D. project, completed 2004, was an analysis of all national election posters in Sweden for the 2002 general election. Since the, I have participated in two projects headed by Professor Brigitte Mral, Örebro University, and financed by the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency on Rhetoric and Crisis Communication.


At JMG, I am currently responsible for the course Perspectives on media and communication. I have 25 years of experience teaching language, rhetoric, communication, theory and method, etc. in Denmark and Sweden.


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