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- Pia Nykänen
Pia Nykänen
Philosophy and Logic unitAbout Pia Nykänen
I was born in 1970 and have lived in Mölndal since 2008. My academic education is mainly in practical philosophy, comparative literature, art history, and two years of literary composition at Valand Academy.
Research I have a doctoral degree in practical philosophy with the dissertation Fundamental values, democracy and tolerance. On public school education in a multicultural society. My chief research interest and most of my scholarly works proceed from a stance of moral and political philosophy, with a focus on issues of upbringing and education.
From September 2016 to September 2018 I was a Flexit researcher at Råd & Stöd in Linköping municipality as part of a three-year project. My project was entitled Evidence-based Practice, Shared Decision-Making and Performance in Social Services and was funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. My current research interest specifically concerns ethical issues within social work and social services.
In 2001–2022 I taught at the following departments at Gothenburg University: Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, the Department of Education, Communication and Learning, the former Department of History of Ideas and Theory of Science, and the Unit for Pedagogical Development and Interactive Learning. I have taught several different courses in teacher training, Liberal Arts, in philosophy with courses on history of philosophy, normative ethics, political philosophy and aesthetics, and courses to qualify as university teachers.
I have supervised students in discipline-specific courses in philosophy, Liberal Arts and pedagogy, and I have been responsible for leading and coordinating various courses, large (500 students) and small, at different levels.
Cooperation External assignments include various lectures on ethics and fundamental values for Krus (Competence Council for Development in the State), DISI (Diversity in the Swedish Industry), Blekinge County Administration, Gothenburg City Office, etc. Together with a colleague I have also led a training programme in analytical thinking for one of Gothenburg’s neighbourhood committees.
As part of my Flexit position 2016–2019 I also gave lectures to employees in social services, on issues of ethics and values and on evidence-based practice, user participation, and shared decision-making. In this field I have also undertaken assignments for the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services. Since 2021, I am one of the members of the National Board of Health and Welfare's Ethics Council.
Miscellaneous/leadership assignments From 2015 to 2016 I was deputy head of department with special responsibility for post-graduate study at the Department of Education, Communication and Learning and subsequently assistant head of department with the same responsibility until September 2016.
Vulnerable children's participation in social change. Interdisciplinary
Pia Nykänen, Marianne Larsson Lindahl, Linda Mossberg, Ulene Schiller, Antoinette Lombard, Marianne Strydom, Cobus Rademeyer
South Africa - Sweden University Forum (SASUF). Research and Innovation Week. Workshop, Malmö, May 17 2024 - 2024 -
Child Rights and Social
Pia Nykänen, Marianne Larsson Lindahl, Linda Mossberg, Ulene Schiller, Antoinette Lombard, Marianne Strydom, Cobus Rademeyer
South Africa - Sweden University Forum (SASUF). Satellite event (world café), Lund university, May 14, 2024 - 2024 -
Shared decision making in social services – some remaining
Pia Nykänen, Ulla-Karin Schön, Alexander Björk
Nordic Social Work Research - 2023 -
Mer kunskap om barn och elever med funktionsnedsättning i skolväsendet - Etiska
Pia Nykänen
SOU 2023:95. Uppföljning för utveckling - ett hållbart system för samlad kunskap om villkoren för barn och elever med funktionsnedsättning i förskola och skola - 2023 -
Creating enabling environments in Sweden and South Africa for children in care. A report from a joint workshop on children's participation in October
Marianne Larsson Lindahl, Linda Mossberg, Pia Nykänen
The 14th SANORD International Conference, 5-7 December 2022. Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa. - 2022 -
Systematic review and meta-analysis of noninstitutional psychosocial interventions to prevent juvenile criminal
Tina M. Olsson, Niklas Långström, Therése Skoog, Cecilia Andrée Löfholm, Lina Leander, Agneta Brolund, Anna Ringborg, Pia Nykänen, Anneth Syversson, Knut Sundell
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology - 2021 -
Analysis of policy frameworks for ‘children in care’ in
Marianne Larsson Lindahl, Pia Nykänen, Linda Mossberg
SANORD (Southern-African Nordic Centre), Digital Conference 2021, Bergen, 7- 10 September 2021. - 2021 -
Katarina Frostenson (Polaris,
Pia Nykänen
Ord & Bild - 2020 -
Insatser i öppenvård för att förebygga ungdomars återfall i brott: en systematisk översikt och utvärdering av ekonomiska, sociala och etiska
Cecilia Andrée Löfholm, Agneta Brolund, Lina Leander, Niklas Långström, Kerstin Mothander, Pia Nykänen, Tina M. Olsson, Anna Ringborg, Therése Skoog, Knut Sundell, Anneth Syversson
2020 -
Shared decision making in the social services? Reasons to consider when choosing methods for service user
Pia Nykänen
Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice - 2020 -
Risk- och behovsbedömning av ungdomar avseende återfall i våld och annan
Johan Glad, Martin Lardén, Pia Nykänen, Susanne Strand, Helene Ybrandt, Therese Åström, Gunilla Fahlström, Anna Attergren Granath, Agneta Brolund, Kickan Håkansson, Johanna Wiss, Anna Ringborg
2019 -
Systematic review of risk and need's assessment instruments assessing (re)offending in
S. Strand, M. Lardén, J. Glad, H. Ybrandt, Pia Nykänen, A. Attergren-Granath, J. Wiss, A. Brolund, A. Ringborg, G. Fahlström, T. Åström
Working with violence in adults and youth. Effective clinical, welfare and legal strategies Conference, 30 sept-2 October 2019, Prato, Italy. - 2019 -
Evidence-based practice and shared decision-making in the social
Pia Nykänen
Decisions, Assessment, Risk and Evidence in Social Work. 5th Biennial International Symposium. Templeton Hotel, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, July 3, 2018. - 2018 -
Implementation of evidence-based practice in the Swedish social services: the top-down
Pia Nykänen
Decisions, Assessment, Risk and Evidence in Social Work. 5th Biennial International Symposium. Templeton Hotel, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, July 2, 2018. - 2018 -
Evidence-based practice and shared decision-making in the social
Pia Nykänen
Research and Innovation Week 2018, South Africa - Sweden University Forum (SASUF). University of Pretoria, South Africa, May 16, 2018. - 2018 -
"Critical appraisal", riktlinjer och praktikerns
Pia Nykänen
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2017 -
Implementation of evidence-based practice in the Swedish social services - tensions and
Pia Nykänen
Global Evidence Summit 2017, Cape Town International Convention Center, South Africa, September 15, 2017. - 2017 -
Critical appraisal, riktlinjer och praktikerns
Pia Nykänen
National Conference on Social Work Research. June 12-13, 2017. Umeå University, Sweden - 2017 -
Person centredness and shared decision-making in forensic care, social services and public
Christian Munthe, Lars Sandman, Pia Nykänen, Leila El Alti
30th European Conference of the Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare, Zagreb, August 17-20, 2016 - 2016 -
Person centredness and shared decision-making in forensic care, social services and public
Christian Munthe, Lars Sandman, Leila El Alti, Pia Nykänen
13th World Congress of Bioethics, Edinburgh, June 14-17, 2016 - 2016 -
Delat beslutsfattande och evidensbaserad praktik inom socialtjänsten: mål, begrepp och etik för utformning och
Christian Munthe, Pia Nykänen, Lars Sandman
2015 -
Vad är det att "sätta studenten i
Lena Dafgård, Pia Nykänen
NU2014, October 8-10, Umeå, Sweden. - 2014 -
Fast för att inte förflyktigas? Om skolans
Pia Nykänen
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2011 -
Vad är det att undervisa "etiskt"? Om etik för
Pia Nykänen
NU2010. Dialog för lärande. 13-16 oktober 2010, Stockholms universitet. - 2010 -
Värdegrund, demokrati och tolerans. Om skolans fostran i ett mångkulturellt
Pia Nykänen
2009 -
Att rensa i röran - om vikten av städning och argumentation i
Pia Nykänen
Religionspedagogisk tidskrift - 2009 -
Värdegrund, demokrati och tolerans. Om skolans fostran i ett mångkulturellt
Pia Nykänen
2008 -
Pia Nykänen
Liedman S-E, Tännsjö T, Westerståhl D (red.). Den svårfångade relativismen. En uppslagsbok - 2008 -
Pia Nykänen
Liedman S-E, Tännsjö T, Westerståhl D (red.). Den svårfångade relativismen. En uppslagsbok - 2008 -
Ett tillstånd av makt - och vanmakt. Recension av Giorgio Agamben,
Pia Nykänen
GöteborgsPosten - 2005 -
Some remarks on tolerance and
Pia Nykänen
Dag Westerståhl (ed., with T. Tännsjö), Lectures on Relativism, Philosophical Communications, red series no. 40, - 2005 -
Dygder och laster, översättning av Philippa Foot, Virtues and
Pia Nykänen
Henrik Ahlenius (red.). Vad är moraliskt rätt? Texter i normativ etik i urval av Henrik Ahlenius - 2004