
Shruti Taneja Johansson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Room number
A2 167
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Shruti Taneja Johansson

Shruti Taneja Johansson is associate professor in education at the Dept. of Education and Special Education. She holds a PhD in education and has degrees in psychology and the inter-disciplinary field of child and childhood studies. Prior to starting at the university, she has worked extensively with children and young people with developmental disabilities and has experience from special schools, regular schools, residential schools, respite care and residential homes in England, Sweden and India.

Shruti is the scientific leader and chair of the Special educator and Special teacher programme advisory board. She is also on the advisory board for the new Masters in Education and the coordinator for the Platform for Research in Inclusive Education and School Development (PRIS).

Research interests Shruti’s core areas of research interest are disability, education and inclusion, ranging from the Swedish context to a wider international perspective. In her research she addresses issues of educational inequity among people with disabilities across a range of educational settings and country contexts. Understanding how mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion play out in different settings, the intersection of disability with other forms of disadvantage and how these shape educational and life trajectories, perspectives and practices related to inclusive education, and the interaction between culture and autism/ADHD, are some of her areas of interest.

Current research projects:

Collaboration for education in compulsory school for pupils with intellectual disabilities.

Disabled university students in Sweden and Norway: co-creating pathways to inclusive everyday experiences in education.

Educational experiences of immigrant families with disabled children.

Teaching interests Shruti teaches mainly courses within the field of special and inclusive education, both within the special educator and special teacher programs and also independent courses. Qualitative research methods is another area of expertise. She is teaching and supervising students at all levels, from undergraduate degree, postgraduate to doctoral degree. Shruti has developed a variety of university courses for teachers on cognitive developmental disabilities and intellectual disabilities, with focus on learning, participation and development, as well as on health promotion in schools.

I am currently course director for the following courses offered in Swedish:

  • Learning and Development Concerning Pupils with Intellectual Disability (Special teacher programme)
  • Developmental cognitive disabilities - participation and learning, part I
  • Developmental cognitive disabilities - participation and learning, part II

Qualifications/educational background: PhD in Education from University of Gothenburg MSc in Child studies from Linköping University BA in Psychology from the University of Delhi

Membership Associate research leader, Platform for Research in Inclusive Education and School Development (PRIS), University of Gothenburg (PRIS). Core Member, Cambridge Network for Disability and Education Research (CaNDER)

Funktionshinderforskning i Väst/ Disability Research in Western Sweden


autism, adhd, inclusive education, special education, disability, India, South, culture, health promoting school, intellectual disability, diversity