
Eva Hjörne

Professor Emerita

Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Eva Hjörne

Eva Hjörne is a professor in Education at the University of Gothenburg. She is the Research Director of PRIS - Platform for Reserch on Inclusion and School Development.

Research interests

My research concerns pupil health, school difficulties and inclusive education. What categories and explanations to childrens' difficulties in school are introduced and used by the institution and the professionals as a resource for making decisions and solving problems? What are the pedagogical consequences and what are the implications for the child's identity formation and future career in life? In what way do the pupil health contribute to a school environment effective for childrens' learning, development and health? What are the trends international when it comes to inclusion and one school for all?

Educational interests I am teaching and supervising students at all levels, from undergraduate degree to postgraduate degree within education, teacher education and special needs teacher education, but also within commissioned education given to professionals within pupil health and teachers. My educational interest is mainly focussing pupil health, inclusion, processes of categorization and marginalization.

Knowledge of exchange interests

I have an extensive collaboration with researchers at other universities, both within Sweden and outside, through research projects, network, publications, arranging conferences, symposia etc. Besides, I am collaborating with actors in the society outside the academia through commissioned research, organising external courses and lecturing.

Keywords Pupil health, categorization, ADHD, identity work, micro-ethnography, interaction, institutional communication, socialization, inclusion